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maxillary branch

mandibular branch

ophthalmic branch

3 branches

2 touch, pain, & temperature receptors of the face





Motor constriction of pupil Eye muscle


accomodation for near vision (changing shape of lens during reading)

Levator palpebrae raises eyelid

Connects to retina supplying vision Extends from olfactory mucosa of nasal cavity to olfactory bulb(which contains the nerve cells) Optic nerve

Oculomotor Nerve

Sense of Smell Olfactory nerve

Superior oblique eye muscle

2 1

Trochlear Lateral rectus eye muscle Facial muscles 4

Abducens salivary & nasal and oral mucous glands & tears Sensory

Taste buds of the anterior 2/3 of the toungh Motor


Cranial nerves

ataxia(lack of coordination


vertigo(feeling of rotation)

12 receptors in cochlea

Nervous system
Hypoglossal Vestibular branch Begins in pons sense of balance Cochlear branch begins in medulla if damaged deafness or tinnitus (ringing) is produced Mixed nerve But primarily motor hearing receptors in vestibular apparatus Injury deviates tongue to injured side when protruded Cervical Phrenic nerve (C3-C5) keeps diaphragm alive Controls muscles of tongue during speech and swallowing


Head, neck, shoulder

Anterior to the sacrum L1-L5+S1-S4


Shoulder, upper limb Brachial Sacral

Supplies buttocks, perineum & part of lower limb Stylopharyngeus m. (lifts throat during swallowing) L4-S3 (5n) supplies post thigh & all below knee Sciatic nerve



Axillary n. = deltoid & teres muscles. Musculocutaneous n. = elbow flexors Radial n. = shoulder & elbow extensors Median & ulnar nn. = flexors of wrist & hand

Anterior and misdial to hip joint Secretions of parotid gland Glossopharyngeal 9 Peroneal nerve Injuries obturator n. Loss Femoral n. loss

abdominal wall, external genitals & anterior/medial thigh

Anterior and misdial to hip joint

Somatic sensation and Taste of the dorsal 1/3 of the tongue foot drop or numbness (no sensation) Tibial nerve paralysis of thigh adductors Loss of sensory Of thigh calcaneovalgus (loss of function on anterior leg & dorsum of foot) 10 No leg extend

Control Digestive secretions Receive visceral sensations Control visceral and heart muscles



Controls secretion of digestive fluids

Receives sensations from viscera

Controls cardiac muscle and smooth muscle of the viscera


Spinal Accessory arises medulla arises cervical spinal cord Cranial

Spinal sternocleidomastoid and trapezius mm.

skeletal mm of throat & soft palate

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