Thesun 2009-04-01 Page03 JC Recuses Himself Again From Hearing Suit

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theSun | WEDNESDAY APRIL 1 2009 3

news without borders

JC recuses himself again

by Humayun Kabir However, Sivakumar applied against the rulings by Ridwan in the
Court of Appeals in Kuala Lumpur,
IPOH: Judicial Commissioner which overturned Ridwan’s deci-
Ridwan Ibrahim yesterday recused sions on March 13.
himself from hearing the suit brought The court had ruled that there
by three assemblymen against Perak is no provision in any law that the

from hearing suit

State Assembly Speaker V. Sivakumar speaker must be represented by
for declaring their seats vacant. the state legal adviser and also that
It was the second time that Sivakumar is not a state officer or an
Ridwan had declined to hear Siva- officer of a government of the state
kumar’s case. under section 24(3) of the Govern-
The first was on March 24 when ment Proceedings Act 1956.
he recused himself from hearing the In High Court (2), judge Balia
suit brought by Mentri Besar Datuk Ridwan recused himself following The only way the matter can be The three assemblymen then Yusof Wahi will rule whether he will
Zambry Abdul Kadir and his six state a Federal Court ruling on March 23 brought to the Federal Court was referred their suit to the High Court allow the six intervention applica-
executive councillors against their that the suit by the three assembly- by way of an appeal to the Court of here for a ruling that they had not tion by three former Pakatan Rakyat
suspension order by Sivakumar for men would be referred to the High Appeals first. vacated their seats as declared by state executive councillors and three
contempt of the House. Court in Ipoh for trial. The three assemblymen who filed Sivakumar. registered voters.
Ridwan transferred that case to Ridwan had referred the suit to the suit against Sivakumar are Mohd Ridwan had, on three occasions The three former exco member
High Court (1), which will be heard the Federal Court for determination Osman Mohd Jaitu (Changat Jering), (March 3, 5 and 11), ruled that Siva- – A. Sivanesan (Sungkai), Tai Sing
tomorrow of constitutional issues involving the Jamaluddin Mohd Radzi (Behrang) kumar, being a state public servant Ng (Kuala Sepatang) and Chen Fook
Yesterday, the lawyers for Siva- state constitution as to whether the and Hee Yit Foong (Jelapang), whose drawing his salary from the state, Chye (Keranji) – claimed that the res-
kumar and reporters were surprised Election Commission or Sivakumar seats were declared vacant by the must only engage the services of the ignation of Osman, Jamaluddin and
to read a notice on the door of High has the power to declare state as- speaker based on their pre-dated state legal adviser and cannot be Hee, which resulted in the takeover
Court (4) that the second case has sembly seats vacant. resignation letters. represented by private lawyers. of the state government by Barisan
been transferred to High Court (6). The Federal Court ruled that it Sivakumar had informed the EC On March 11, he had ruled that Nasional, had cost them their posts
No explanation was given to the cannot entertain applications to in- to call for fresh elections for these Sivakumar cannot even represent and their income.
lawyers about the transfer of the case terpret state constitutions if referred three seats but EC declined and said himself against the suit by the three The judge reserved his decision
to another court but it is believed directly from the High Court. the seats were not vacant. assemblymen. for this afternoon.

Watch your words,

warn police
KUALA LUMPUR: Police will not
hesitate to take stern action against
anyone from any political party for
inciting, provoking or uttering words
deemed to be seditious, Inspec-
tor-General of Police Tan Sri Musa
Hassan said yesterday.
He said the candidates and
speakers in the three by-elections
must not utter or raise words that
are seditious in nature that can
cause uneasiness or tension among
those present.
They must adhere strictly to the
rules set by the Election Commis-
Say cheese ... Gerakan president Tan Sri Dr Koh Tsu Koon takes a photograph Getting ready ... Election Commission officer Ignatius Ayal inspects the sion.
of BN candidate for the Bukit Selambau state by-election Datuk S. Ganesan ballot boxes and other election paraphernalia that will be used in the Musa said they must avoid mak-
during a meet-the-people session at a food court in Taman Ria Jaya. Batang Ai state by-election, at the Lubok Antu District Office. ing unfounded and baseless allega-
tions on their opponents or the party
they represented.
“Police will be monitoring all the

PKR candidate hits back at detractors political ceramah and will record
them. We urge everyone, including
supporters, not to provoke or taunt
by Himanshu Bhatt the candidate who the occasion of the by-election to an- anyone during their campaigns,” he


N.25 BUKIT SELAMBAU by-election was.”
who had been
nounce his resignation and criticise
the party leadership.
“We had no problems with him
added in a statement. – Bernama

Samy Vellu: I’m a

candidate in the Bukit Selam- in Sungai Lalang here. seemingly reserved in before. But if he uses the occasion
bau state by-election, S. Maniku- Manikumar said the PKR lead- giving comments before this, grew of this by-election to come out of Dale Carnegian
mar, has hit back at his detractors ership may have opted for him be- visibly impassioned yesterday as the the party and express dissatisfaction SUNGAI PETANI: Calling himself a
for criticising his selection, accusing cause of his education, international tide of campaigning intensified just with the candidate, then he must in- “Dale Carnegian”, MIC president
them of harbouring a personal business exposure and the fact that two days after nominations. deed have an agenda,” Jayakumar Datuk Seri S Samy Vellu has been
agenda against him. he was close to the local Malays, In- He said his vision was to help said. in an upbeat mood as campaign-
The 35-year old entrepreneur, dians, Chinese and even Siamese. the people cast aside their ethnic He said other PKR members ing for the Bukit Selambau by-
who speaks fluent Kedah-style An MBA holder from Universiti differences. “If we Malaysians were were not disappointed with the election moves into high gear.
Malay and has been a member of Utara Malaysia (UUM), the Spanish- to take away our racial differences, party’s choice of Manikumar and “I can go into any crowd of
the party’s Merbok division for the speaking entrepreneur has served no one can compete against us,” he would give him their full support. Indians and convince them to
last two years, said he was merely as a consultant to a Thai multi- said. Jeyakumar said that contrary to support the Barisan Nasional
answering the call to serve the national concern and has been an He said there were also numer- Kalainavar’s reported assertion that (BN),” Samy Vellu said while on
reformation movement under PKR active member of the Kedah Indian ous infrastucture issues that needed some 500 party members from the the campaign trail yesterday.
to the best of his abilities. Chamber of Commerce. to be addressed in Bukit Selambau. Jerai division and state had resigned, “I am a Dale Carnegian,” he
“I cannot please everyone. They “There were 18 candidates who PKR supreme council member he found only 20 had done so. said, referring to the late Ameri-
(his critics) have their own styles. were shortlisted (by PKR). They Dr Xavier Jayakumar questioned “We won’t be short of supporters can self-improvement guru. “I
We have our own principles and selected me,” he said. “If I had not the party’s former Jerai division in Bukit Selambau. Our spirits are studied human psychology and
dignity,” he said at the PKR centre been chosen, I would be supporting head, B. Kalainavar, for choosing high,” he said. how to influence people.”
Asked how he dealt with
people who criticised or abused
him while on the campaign trail,

PR given chance but failed, says Murugiah he said: “When you hear them,
you smile at them and say ‘Okay,
I come and see you another day’.”
by Giam Say Khoon work not being done the Perak mentri besar when PR – Himanshu Bhatt

TAIPING: The voters

P.59 BUKIT GANTANG by-election as the problems had
been there for a long
time, Murugiah said
formed the state government after
the last general election.
“DAP had 18, PKR had seven
Assurance for
in the Bukit Gantang par- “(The previous) Bukit Gantang he was not blaming and PAS only had six assemblymen. Batang Ai Chinese
liamentary constituency had MP (Roslan Shaharum of PAS) PR but it was the people who had How could (an assemblyman from) LUBOK ANTU: The minority Chi-
given the Pakatan Rakyat (PR) a had only shown his face on his complained about them. a party with only six assemblymen nese in Batang Ai have never been
chance to serve them but the party motorbike and many requests from “The feedback we got from the become the mentri besar?” he neglected in development but are
failed, Deputy Minister in the Prime the people were not entertained,” people is that they now prefer a BN asked. given attention by the government
Minister Department T. Murugiah he said at a press conference after representative than an opposition “If DAP had a Malay assembly- just like the other communities, the
said yesterday. meeting with officers from govern- one,” he said. man, Datuk Seri Mohammad Nizar Barisan Nasional candidate for the
Because of this, the voters will ment agencies and the local council At a separate function, Entrepre- Jamaluddin would not have made seat, Malcolm Mussen Lamoh, said
now support Barisan Nasional here. neurship and Cooperative Devel- the mentri besar. PAS has become yesterday.
(BN), he said. “I believe the voters are realising opment Minister Datuk Noh Omar a puppet. “I will fight for the rights of the
Murugiah said the agencies in the how important it is to have a BN described the PAS candidate, Datuk “I have also learned that DAP is people in Batang Ai irrespective
Prime Minister’s Department had representative in their constituency Seri Mohammad Nizar Jamaluddin, now recruiting Malay leaders and of whether they are the minority,
received more than 300 complaints because we will go down and help as a “puppet of DAP”. ustaz as their members, so if the like the Chinese,” he said during
from the voters in Bukit Gantang, them solve their problems.” He said PAS was being used by party has Malay representatives, the campaigning at the Lubok Antu
including flooding problems not Asked if he thought it was appro- DAP because DAP had no Malay mentri besar’s post will certainly market.
being attended to. priate to blame the Opposition for assemblyman to be appointed belong to DAP.”

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