Thesun 2009-04-01 Page07 Keen Battle For Association Posts

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theSun | WEDNESDAY APRIL 1 2009 7

news without borders

Keen battle for

association posts
WITH nominations for the But despite the din it is
Selangor and Kuala Lumpur making, a group said to be
Dong Lian Hui (United Chi- Press Digest bent on toppling Yap is yet
nese School Committees by Kong See Hoh to congeal into a force.
Association) election just It is without a leader to
slightly over a week away, say the least, according to
lobbying has intensified by both, incumbent Oriental Daily News.
president Dr Yap Sin Tian’s group and its rivals. Among the names being mentioned as the
At stake is not only Yap’s post in the Dong likely candidate to take on Yap are the head of
Lian Hui but also his position as head of Dong Confucius Private High School’s board of direc-
Zong, the umbrella body for the Dong Lian Hui tors, Sim Teck Ho, Kuala Lumpur and Selangor
from all 13 states. Chinese Assembly Hall president Datuk Bong
To be eligible to defend his Dong Zong post Hon Liong, and the president of the Malaysian
in June, Yap must get the endorsement of the Association of Graduates from Universities and
Selangor and Kuala Lumpur Dong Lian Hui. Colleges of China, Ting Chee Seng.
All indications are that the Dong Lian Hui, However, according to Nanyang Siang Pau,
which is not known to see keen jostling for posts, Bong has denied he is involved in the campaign
will see intense fights in its April 19 election, for to topple Yap.
which the nominations will be held on April 9. Sim has yet to make up his mind on offers for
Also, never before has the Chinese com- him to lead the rival group.
munity paid so much attention to the education Nevertheless, the incumbents are not taking
movement’s election of office-bearers. things lightly although they are confident that Yap
According to reports, about 500 of the total will retain his post.
624 delegates from 104 Chinese primary and “We are treading carefully. We are fighting for
secondary schools in Selangor and Kuala Lumpur every vote,” Yap’s deputy in Dong Zong, Zhou Sau
are expected to turn up for the balloting this year, Han, told Sin Chew Daily.
double the number for the previous election. Zhou said it is normal to have contests in the
This is a good indication that delegates want Dong Lian Hui election but it should be done in a
to exercise their voting rights following a series of fair and democratic manner.
incidents affecting Chinese education, notably the He did not agree that the fights will be
New Era College issue and the teaching of science between the so-called Yap faction and a rival
and mathematics in English, and an “awareness faction out to topple Yap.
campaign” by Chinese educationists to jolt school It is more of a fight between the incumbents
committees out of their complacency. and challengers, he said.

Gerakan hopes for cabinet post

GERAKAN vice-president Datuk Mah Siew Keong For that to happen, Koh, who is not an MP, will
has expressed the hope that Datuk Seri Najib have to be appointed a senator.
Abdul Razak would allocate a ministerial post At present, the party has yet to fill the sena-
to the party when he reshuffles the cabinet on tor’s post left vacant following the death of vice-
assuming the premiership, China Press reported president Datuk Dr S. Vijayaratnam late last year.
yesterday. “Gerakan is confident that if Koh is appointed
He said if the party is given a portfolio, the best a minister, he would work closely with Najib to
person to take it up would be party president Tan face the challenges presented by the current
Sri Dr Koh Tsu Koon. economic slowdown,” said Mah.

Consult us first: NUBE

KUALA LUMPUR: The National Union of Bank there was no danger of them facing any problem
Employees (NUBE) advised CIMB Bank employees during the economic downturn.
yesterday to consult the union first, before accept- He praised Bank Negara for ensuring that the
ing the no-pay leave offered by their employer. banking sector was well regulated and that the
NUBE secretary-general, J. Solomon, said this workers were in no danger of losing their jobs.
was to ensure they would not lose out on the other “After the 1997 financial crisis and the con-
perks while on leave. solidation of banks in Malaysia, the banking sector
He said the offer was not a surprise to the has become more resilient and is now in a strong
union as the bank had informed the union about position to ride out the economic downturn,” he
it earlier. said.
“The offer should not be interpreted as an On the union’s proposal for a new collective
exercise to lay off workers, because it is purely agreement, he said it had already been prepared
voluntary and the workers have the right to refuse and submitted to the Association of Commercial
it,” he told Bernama. Banks. Under the proposal, the union, which rep-
CIMB Group chief executive Datuk Seri Nazir resents 30,000 bank employees, is seeking a 30%
Razak had said on Monday, the company was of- across-the-board increase in salary.
fering its 36,000 staff extended unpaid leave under Solomon was confident the banks would accept
the “Staff Rejuvenation Programme” from next the proposal, as it was based on the performance
month as a cost-cutting measure because of the of the banks in the last three years, and not on
economic situation. projected profits in the future.
He said the programme was not to lay off work- The director-general of the Manpower Depart-
ers, but to give them an option to take extended ment, Datuk Ismail Abdul Rahim, said his depart-
unpaid leave of between one and six months. ment would seek clarification from the bank on
Solomon believed that not only CIMB Bank but the offer. “My department has not yet received any
all banks in Malaysia were well capitalised and communication from the bank,” he said.

Suara Keamanan to replace Suara Keadilan

PETALING JAYA: A newsletter titled Suara Kea- the ministry.
manan will be published this week to replace It is also stated that the readers can obtain the
Suara Keadilan, which was suspended for three newsletter from the same distributors and sellers
months from March 23 by the Home Ministry for who sold Suara Keadilan.
violating permit conditions. Home Minister Datuk Seri Syed Hamid Albar
In a press statement yesterday, the editorial had earlier said the order to suspend Suara
department of Suara Keamanan said Parti Keadi- Keadilan and the PAS organ Harakah was taken
lan Rakyat has decided not to publish the news- because they often published articles which
letter during the suspension period, although questioned the royalty and sensationalised news
there was an earlier report that the party would that were defamatory and aimed at causing con-
defy the suspension order. fusion and disharmony in society.
It said the Suara Keamanan is a non-series He said Suara Keadilan was sold to the public
publication that does not need a permit from though it was meant for party members.

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