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theSun | WEDNESDAY APRIL 1 2009 9

news without borders

Pakistani Taliban
claims responsibility
for Lahore raid
Duch accepts blame
PESHAWAR (Pakistan): Pakistani
Taliban chief Baitullah Mehsud,
who has a US$5 million (RM18.5
million) price on his head, yester-
day claimed responsibility for an
Mehsud said he had set up
a council of mujahedeen (holy
warriors) bringing together dif-
ferent militant groups “to step up
attacks on US and Nato forces in
for Khmer Rouge deaths
assault on a police academy in Afghanistan.” He dismissed the
Lahore and promised to unleash US reward for his arrest. PHNOM PENH: The prison chief of around 15,000 people between “In those times, I regarded the
further attacks. “The maximum they can do of Cambodia’s brutal Khmer 1975 and 1979 at the feared Tuol life of my family as more impor-
“We claim responsibility for is martyr me,” he said. “We will Rouge begged victims for forgive- Sleng jail, also known as S-21. tant than those detained at S21.
the attack. This was in retaliation exact our revenge on them from ness yesterday after dramatically “I would like to emphasise that I Although I knew my orders were
for the ongoing drone attacks inside America.” admitting responsibility for crimes am responsible for the crimes com- criminal, I never dared to chal-
in the tribal areas. There will be Mehsud also claimed re- under the regime that killed two mitted at S21, especially the torture lenge top authorities,” he said.
more such attacks,” said Meh- sponsibility for a suicide attack million people. and execution of people there,” said Duch, who faces a possible life
sud in a telephone conversation outside a special branch police Duch told a UN-backed court Duch, who is also known as Kaing sentence, is the first and arguably
from an unknown location. office in Islamabad, which killed that he was a scapegoat for senior Guek Eav. the most junior of five Khmer
Attackers armed with guns, one person on March 23, and a members of the ultra-communist “May I be permitted to apologise Rouge leaders who are in the
grenades and suicide vests recent assault on a police post in A man
movement and insisted that he fol- to the survivors of the regime and custody of the court. The other
Monday stormed the training Bannu in northwest Pakistan. watches the
lowed orders at the notorious jail also the loved ones of those who four are due to go on trial later this
centre near Pakistan’s cultural His group is influential in both live TV feed
he ran to protect his own family. died brutally during the regime,” year.
capital Lahore, unleashing eight North and South Waziristan as of the trial
The 66-year-old faces trial on he said, adding that he felt “regret Prosecutors earlier described
hours of gun battles until they well as the Bajaur tribal district of Duch in
charges of crimes against humanity and heartfelt sorrow”. him as playing a central role in the
were overpowered by security to the north, which Pakistani Phnom Penh
and war crimes over the extermi- Duch, who became regime’s enforcement of its iron-
forces. security forces said had been yesterday.
nation REUTERSPIX a born-again Chris- fisted rule as it tried to force Cam-
Seven police cadets, a civilian effectively cleared last month tian before his arrest bodia back to an agrarian “Year
and four attackers died. following a major offensive. in 1999, added: “My Zero” with disastrous results.
Mehsud is Pakistan’s most- More than 30 US drone strikes current plea is that “S21 formed an integral and
wanted militant and heads the have killed over 330 people since I would like you to indeed vital role in a widespread
much-feared Tehreek-e-Taliban August 2008 in Pakistan, which please leave me an attack on the population of Cam-
Pakistan (TTP). The former gov- the United States has put at the open window to bodia. The accused’s crimes were
ernment in Islamabad accused heart of its war against Al Qaeda seek forgiveness.” part of this attack,” co-prosecutor
him of masterminding the 2007 in a bid to turn around the flag- But the former Chea Leang told the court, as Duch
assassination of ex-premier ging war in Afghanistan. maths teacher de- jotted notes in the dock.
Benazir Bhutto. The US military as a rule scribed himself as Inmates had toenails and
The US State Department does not confirm drone attacks a “scapegoat”, say- fingernails pulled out, had plastic
has branded him a “key Al but the armed forces and the ing had not held a bags tied over their heads, were
Qaeda facilitator” in the semi- Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) senior role in the stripped naked and had electric
autonomous South Waziristan operating in Afghanistan are the brutal 1975-1979 shocks administered to their geni-
tribal area on the border with only forces that deploy pilot-less regime led by Pol tals, international co-prosecutor
Afghanistan. aircraft in the region. – AFP Pot. Robert Petit said. – AFP

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