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A Contract for Providing Consulting Services

Serial No: 1951251AAS


For the Project of Reporting Violations in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia1

On the day of / / 1434H (Hegira) Corresponding to / /2013, this contract has been agreed upon by the following parties: First: Ministry of Labour which shall be referred as Owner (First Party). . Second: Public Concern at Work hereafter, as the Second Party) company which shall be referred to,


the Owner requires consulting services for the project of Reporting Violations in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, the (Second Party) has submitted their offer to undertake and execute these services and works, And whereas the Owner has accepted the offer submitted by the Second Party, The above mentioned parties have agreed on executing works according to the following conditions of contract: Article (1) Purpose of Contract The purpose of this contract is to provide consulting services for the Project Reporting Violations in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Article (2) Contract Documents 1) This contract shall consist of the following documents:

For more information, kindly refer to!ut/p/b1/04_Sj9CPykssy0xPLMnMz0vMAfGjzOId3Z2dgj1Nj Az8zUMMDTxNzZ2NHU0NDd29DfWDU_P0_Tzyc1P1C7IdFQFV9YhO/dl4/d5/L2dBISEvZ0FBIS9nQSEh/

Main contract document. Letter of Award. Appendix of General Terms and Conditions of contract. Appendix of statement of service required to be executed by the Second Party. Tables of Project Stages, outputs and Payment Plan. Appendix of Special Terms and Conditions of contract.

Article (3) Contract Period 1) The Second Party shall execute and complete the works and services identified in the contract and its appendixes during a period of 120 day {One hundred and twenty days} starting from the date of letter of award. Article (4) Liability and Guarantee of Accomplished Works and Services The Second Party shall guarantee works and services of contract as for best. The Second Party shall be responsible of any damage or defect that may happen in execution due to their mistakes or to defects in execution in accordance with article (9) and article (10) of contract general terms. Article (5) Contract Value 1) The total value of the contract is (341511 SR) (only Three hundred and forty one thousands and five hundred and twenty one Saudi Riyal) for of execution of works according to this contract. 2) With consideration of article (13) of the general conditions of contract, this value is subject to increase or decrease according to the actual works executed by Second Party as per contract and subject to additional and

complementary works and alterations accomplished according to the Owner request within the scope of terms and conditions mentioned in contract. Article (6) Payment Method The Owner shall adhere to pay the value of the contract according to method and times specified on article (12) of the general terms and conditions of contract provided that the Second Party adhere to the execution and completion of the agreed upon works. Article (7): Governance system & Laws This contract is subject to the laws of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and shall be interpreted and carried out in accordance with these laws in the event of any arising lawsuit. Article (8) Settling Disputes In the event of any dispute regarding the execution of this contract and failing to settle the dispute between the two parties, the Grievances Court (Diwan AlMazalem) shall have the jurisdiction and its adjudication is final. First Party Second Party Ministry of Labour Public Concern at Work General Director of Administrative and Legal Director Financial Affairs and Support Services Abed Al Ziz Bin Rajeh El Rajeh Sounaly Rotary

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