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Volume 11 Number 11, June 2008


ISSN 0854-9931

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The Current Status of Iron Minerals in Indonesia Siti Rochani, Pramusanto, Sariman and Rezky Iriansyah Anugrah Test of Removal of Iron Minerals from Kaolin Using HGMS Lili Tahli Magnetic Susceptibilities Distribution and Its Possibly Geological Significance of Submerged Belitung Granite Dida Kusnida, P. Astjario and B. Nirwana The Availability of Indonesian Oil Product that is Used in the Upgraded Brown Coal Iwan Rijwan, Bukin Daulay and Gandhi Kurnia Hudaya Petrographic Analyses of Coal Deposits from Cigudeg and Bojongmanik Areas with Regard to Their Utilisation Binarko Santoso and Nining Sudini Ningrum

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Volume 11 Number 11, June 2008 No. Akreditasi : 35/Akred-LIPI/P2MBI/9/2006

ISSN 0854-9931

The Current Status of Iron Minerals in Indonesia Siti Rochani, Pramusanto, Sariman and Rezky Iriansyah Anugrah Test of Removal of Iron Minerals from Kaolin Using HGMS Lili Tahli Magnetic Susceptibilities Distribution and Its Possibly Geological Significance of Submerged Belitung Granite D. Kusnida, P. Astjario and. B. Nirwana The Availability of Indonesian Oil Product that is Used in the Upgraded Brown Coal Process Iwan Rijwan, Bukin Daulay and Gandhi Kurnia Hudaya Petrographic Analyses of Coal Deposits from Cigudeg and Bojongmanik Areas with Regard to Their Utilisation Binarko Santoso and Nining Sudini Ningrum Note for Contributor

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Jalan Jenderal Sudirman 623 Bandung 40211, Indonesia Ph. (022) 6030483 Ext. 285, Fax. (022) 6003373


Editorial Staff



Business and Administrative Staff UMAR ANTANA, NINING TRISNAMURNI, MINING EMILIASTUTI, RUSMANTO, BACHTIAR EFFENDI and ARIE ARYANSYAH IMJ is published three times a year by R & D Centre for Mineral and Coal Technology ISSN 0854-9931, STT No : 2205/SK/Ditjen PPG/1996 Editor address: Jalan Jenderal Sudirman 623 Bandung 40211, Indonesia Ph. (022) 6030483 Ext. 285, Fax. (022) 6003373, e-mail : Disclaimer : Opinions and statements expressed in IMJ are the author's responsibility Annual Subscription: Rp 60.000,- excluding postage and handling cost Send subscription and address change to IMJ, Jalan Jenderal Sudirman 623 Bandung 40211, Indonesia e-mail :,

Table of Contents

From the Editor

Spectacularly infrastructural development in the world, particularly in China and India, makes prices of mineral and coal commodities sharply increase, and this causes high demand of those commodities. It is predicted that it will happen a trend of struggling those resources in the future. However, this case can positively be supposed as the emerging of huge market opportunity. The conflict, even war, takes place in the 20 th century and probably will continue in the 21st century in Africa, South America and Asia. This conflict is mostly triggered by the fighting of the mineral and coal resources that are limited in the reserves. For these reasons, Indonesia should play the role of utilising its mineral and coal resources, particularly for the prosperity of the people. The progress on coal and mineral technology in Indonesia indicates promising results that have been carried out by a lot of researchers from R&D institutions in collaboration with user industries. When the results are developed, it is expected that those commodities can respond and fulfil the needs either domestically or internationally. Indonesia has great iron mineral resources in the forms of primary iron ore, iron sand and lateritic iron ore. There is an opportunity to process it by applying an appropriate technology to obtain the improvement of the result. This is a promising solution to beneficiate the resources for a lot of industries in the country. An effort to reduce iron content in kaolin can be made by applying beneficiation test. The kaolin may become whiter and can reach the standard quality for paper industry. The result of the experiment shows that the optimum condition with a certain flow rate gives the quality of kaolin concentrate with a little iron content. An appraisal of the marine magnetic anomalies over the Belitung waters provides information on the distribution of magnetic susceptibility values. The susceptibility distribution analyses reveal a strong correlation between magnetic susceptibility and type of granites. The nature of submerged Belitung intrusive is suggested as granitic pluton that is associated with cassiterite minerals. This strongly indicates that exploration of tin minerals can be carried out in offshore of Belitung island in order to add its reserve. Indonesian coal has a potential to be a major future energy source due to its huge resource, low cost of exploitation, good quality and supported by appropriate infrastructure. Unfortunately, more than 65% of the resources are categorised as low rank coal. This type needs to be upgraded prior to utilising and transporting for a long distance. One of the upgrading processes is UBC (upgraded brown coal). Therefore, the coal can be used optimally. Geological setting of the West Java region has a main role to characterise the coal deposits, especially due to the depositional environment and stratigraphic aspect. According to the petrographic characteristics, the coals are suitable for fuel of direct combustion for the small-scale industries that are present in the surrounding areas. The coals are expected to be able economically to cope with the demand of those industries. The progress and development of the improving technology conducted by the researchers is expected to improve the collaboration between R&D and industries, particularly in self fulfilling the commodities in which some of them are imported from overseas, especially from China. Thus, this can reduce dependence of the commodities. The Editor

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Siti Rochani, Pramusanto, Sariman and Rezky Iriansyah Anugrah R&D Centre for Mineral and Coal Technology Jalan Jenderal Sudirman 623, ph. 022-6030483, fax. 022-6003373, Bandung 40211 email :,,
Received : 24 October 2007, first revision : 06 February 2008, second revision : 26 May 2008, accepted : June 2008

ABSTRACT Indonesia has great iron mineral resources, comprising primary iron ore (17 %), iron sand (8 %) and lateritic iron ore (75 %). Nowadays, Indonesias primary iron (hematite, magnetite) has not been empowered yet, due to the scattered area of the resources location. Meanwhile, national iron sand is commonly used for cement industries and its potency has not supported national steel industries yet because of low iron content (45-48 %). However there is an opportunity to be processed by using Ausmelt process technology. At present, lateritic iron ore is being used as coal liquefaction catalyst in the form of limonite, but hydrometallurgy would be a promising solution to beneficiate lateritic iron ore for steel industries. Keywords: primary iron ore, iron sand, lateritic iron ore. potency, resources, reserves. zine; private and government-owned company web site; and scientific handbook or literature. Based on the data collected, the next step is arranging and analyzing the data to convey the mindset of Indonesia current iron minerals potency and suggest the future scientific action to process iron minerals more useful. In constructing the analyzes, we use linear correlation, chart and graphic to make all variables more close.



Indonesia has great iron mineral resources, comprising primary iron ore (17 %), iron sand (8 %) and lateritic iron ore (75 %). The recent published report or writing is not adequate to inform the latest iron minerals empowerment (reserves, location, processing) and anticipated actions of iron minerals beneficiation. Therefore, this report is proposed to give further information regarding current and future condition of iron minerals beneficiation. Based on secondary data collected, the analyze states that Indonesia should optimize the primary iron ore potency although it is scattered at amount of regions because dependences on imported iron ore must be eliminated. Having 362,564,042 tons of primary iron ore deposits, it can be predicted that exploitation will operate in 52 years.



3.1. Iron Minerals Iron ore is an iron mineral substance when heated at high temperature in the presence of a reductant, it yields metallic iron (Fe). The most important iron minerals are magnetite (Fe3O4), hematite (Fe2O3), and limonite (FeOOH). Meanwhile, other iron minerals such as siderite (FeCO3) and pyrite (FeS2) are not common to process as metallic iron source. Figure 1 visualized various iron minerals.



Report was taken from the amount of secondary data, such as government institutions report, maga-

The Current Status of Iron Minerals in Indonesia, Siti Rochani, et. al.

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Hematite (Fe2 O3)

Magnetite (Fe3O 4)

Limonite (FeO OH)

Siderite (FeCO3 )

Pyrite (FeSO2)

than the two main components, and makes it the first product to be melted when carbon and iron are heated together. Its mechanical properties are vary greatly, depend upon the form if carbon takes in the alloy. White cast irons contain carbon in the form of cementite, or iron carbide. This hard-brittle compound dominates the mechanical properties of white cast irons, rendering them hard, but unresisting to shock. The broken surface of a white cast iron is full of fine facets of the broken carbide, a very pale, silvery, shiny material. In grey iron, the carbon is free as fine flakes of graphite, and also, renders the material brittle due to the stress-raising nature of the sharp edged flakes of graphite. A newer variant of grey iron, referred to as ductile iron is specially treated with trace amounts of magnesium to alter the shape of graphite to sheroids, or nodules, vastly increasing the toughness and strength of the material. Carbon steel contains 0.4 - 1.5% of carbon, with small amounts of manganese, sulfur, phosphorus, and silicon. Wrought iron contains less than 0.2% carbon. It is a tough, malleable product, not as fusible as pig iron. It has a very small amount of carbon, a few tenths of a percent. If honed to an edge, it loses quickly. Wrought iron is characterized, especially in old samples, by the presence of fine stringers or filaments of slag entrapped in the metal. Wrought iron does not rust quickly when used outdoors. It has largely been replaced by mild steel for wrought iron gates and blacksmithing. Mild steel does not have the same corrosion resistance but is cheaper and more widely available. Alloy steels contain varying amounts of carbon as well as other metals, such as chromium, vanadium, molybdenum, nickel, tungsten. They are used for structural purposes. Recent developments in ferrous metallurgy have produced a growing range of micro alloy steels, also termed HSLA or high-strength, low alloy steels, containing tiny additions such as titanium to produce high strengths and often spectacular toughness at minimal cost. Iron (III) oxides are used in the production of magnetic storage media in computers. They

Figure 1. Various kinds of iron minerals 3.2. Iron Application Iron is the most used of all the metals, which comprising 95% of all the metal tonnage produced worldwide. Its combination of low cost and high strength make it indispensable, especially in applications like automobiles, the hulls of large ships, and structural components for buildings. Steel is the best known alloy of iron. Some forms of iron metals include (Pramusanto, 2006): Pig iron has 4.0 5.0% carbon and contains various amounts of contaminants such as sulfur, silicon and phosphorus. It is only significance as an intermediate steps on the production way from iron ore to cast iron and steel. Cast iron contains 2.0 4.0% carbon, 1.0 6.0% silicon, and small amounts of manganese. Contaminants present in pig iron that negatively affect the material properties, such as sulfur and phosphorus, have been reduced to an acceptable level. It has a melting point in the range of 1147 1197 C, which is lower -

INDONESIAN MINING JOURNAL Vol. 11 No. 11, June 2008 : 1 - 17

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are often mixed with other compounds, and retain their magnetic properties in solution. 3.3. Indonesia Iron Minerals, Potency, Resources and Characteristic The amount of Indonesia iron ore resources reaches up to 76 million tons, which is relatively low compared to world iron resources and potency which are recorded as 800 billion tons and 150 billion tons, respectively. In addition, China has iron resources as much as 240 million tons. About 90 % of world iron resources comes from iron deposit, called cherty banded iron formation. The sediment physically appears as a thin to moderate layer containing iron oxides, carbonates and silicates material with chert or jasper. The deposit genesis is related to sedimentation process with under sea volcanism at the era of Pre-Cambrian. The deposit formed is found in the area of geological physiographic craton. The economical value of deposit in Banded Iron Formation is in the range of 25 35% Fe. Geological survey shows that Indonesia is in magmatic arc leading to the absence of Banded Iron Formation type. The Indonesian iron

potency is shown in Figure 2. Iron ore resources and deposits in Indonesia, can be grouped as iron sand, lateritic iron ore and primary iron ore (Ministry of Industry of the Republic of Indonesia, 2007). The data can be seen on Tables 1, 2, and 3. Figure 3 shows the total amount of each type of iron minerals summarized from Tables 1, 2, and 3. However, there are also differences in number comparing to version of iron mineral resources and reserves (Setiawan,, 2004;Tambang Megazine, 2007), that can be seen in Table 4 and Table 5. Primary iron ore is found spread out in the area of South Kalimantan, West Kalimantan, Belitung, Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam, Lampung, and Papua. Lateritic iron ore is mostly found at South Kalimantan, South-East Sulawesi, and North Maluku. Iron sand is found, spread out at South Java seashore, scattered from Sukabumi to Cianjur, Tasikmalaya, Cilacap, Purworejo and ended at Lumajang.

Figure 2. Map of iron minerals potential in Indonesia (Directorate of Mineral Resources Inventory, 2004)

The Current Status of Iron Minerals in Indonesia, Siti Rochani, et. al.

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Table 1. The main iron sand deposits in Indonesia Rank 1 2 3 4 Province East Nusa Tenggara D.I. Yogyakarta North Sulawesi West Java Location Ende (Nangapanda) Kulonprogo, Bantul Bolaang Mongondow Sukabumi (Ciemas, Jampang Kulon) Cianjur, (Sindangbarang, Cidaun) South Bengkulu Ore (ton) 57,134,358 36,193,173 31,400,000 16,463,154 Metal 8,570,153.70 20,895,397.07 18,208,860 8,102,028.18 Fe Content (%) 15 50.7 - 59 57.99 57 Remarks Titanium is gangue mineral 9.85 % TiO2 -

West Java




12.73 TiO2





Nanggroe Banda Aceh Aceh Darussalam




8 9

South Sulawesi West Java



Takalar (South Galesong) Tasikmalaya (Cipatujah, Karangnunggal) North Bengkulu (South MukoMuko) TOTAL

2,865,000 2,357,390

1,146,000 1,323,203.01

40 57

coastal sediment that contain titanium sand sediment in the form of magnetite & ilmenite coastal sediment -







Table 2. The main lateritic iron deposits in Indonesia Rank 1 2 3 4 Province South Kalimantan South Sulawesi West Irian Jaya North Maluku Location Kota Baru (Batulicin) Luwu (Nuha) Raja Ampat (West Waigeo) Central Halmahera (Mada, Patani Gebe, South Obi) Ore (ton) 485,219,700 371,500,000 287,198,000 203,380,000 Metal 229,088,807 182,035,000 94,408,206.02 62,125,050 Fe Content (%) 39 - 55 49 Remarks

30 43.95 saprolite & limonite

INDONESIAN MINING JOURNAL Vol. 11 No. 11, June 2008 : 1 - 17

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Table 2. Continues ... Rank 5 6 7 Province Southeast Sulawesi Papua Papua Location Kendari (Lasolo) Jayapura (West Waigeo) Jayapura (Senggi) Ore (ton) 167,030,930 19,310,000 17,920,000 Metal 46,285,565.95 8,457,780 Fe Content (%) 30- 43.95 Remarks saprolite & limonite -

8 9 10

Jayapura (East Sentani) Lampung East Lampung Southeast Konawe Sulawesi (Asera) TOTAL


3,503,000 2,415,437 1,500,000 1,558,977,067

5,786,000 17.9 45.1 saprolite & limonite which the content of Ni, Co are 1.06 1.65 %, 0.05 0.13 respectively 1,124,463 32.1 421,460.88 735,000 630,467,333.4 43 max 40 -

Table 3. The main primary iron ore deposits in Indonesia Rank 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Province West Kalimantan West Sumatera East Kalimantan North Sulawesi Lampung South Kalimantan Lampung South Kalimantan Location Ketapang, Kendawangan Pasaman Kutai North Minahasa South Lampung (Sukarame) Balangan (Awayan) South Lampung (Tanjung Bintang) Tanah Laut (Palaihari) Ore (ton) 280,000,000 25,590,594 18,000,000 17,500,000 5,625,000 5,126,400 5,060,500 2,478,200 Metal 159,600,000 9,900,000 5,250,000 Fe Content (%) 40- 75 Unknown 56 30 Remarks iron oxide hematite iron oxide; Cr & Ni recorded at some places iron oxide magnetite, hematite in association with Cu

3,220,312,50 55.05 59.47 3,140,386.56 3,035,641 1,444,970.28 54 62.66 43 - 66 40 - 70

9 10

South Sumatera West Sumatera

Musi Rawas Solok

1,600,000 1,583,348

1,131,840 938,450.36

70.74 59.27




The Current Status of Iron Minerals in Indonesia, Siti Rochani, et. al.

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iron sand; 160,910,404 tons (8%)

primary iron ore; 362,564,042 tons (17%)

Iron Sand Characteristic

lateritic iron ore; 1,558,977,067 tons (75%)

Figure 3. Iron minerals availability in Indonesia (modified from the Ministry of Industry of the Republic of Indonesia, 2007)

Generally, Indonesian iron sand contains high titanium oxide (TiO2), which is undesirable to the existing iron making process. Titanium as a gangue mineral has an effect on weakening the steel strength, and corrosion problem to the furnace wall. However, titanium can be separated during smelting as titanium slag to produce steel. Nowadays, titanium minerals are identified as rutile, leukoksine, and ilmenite. Since magnetite and titanomagnetite are available in iron sand, it can be eliminated apart from silica and alumina, using their ferromagnetism characteristics.

Table 4. Iron ore potency and resources in Indonesia Iron ore type Primary iron ore (high Fe content, suitable for lump ore) Location South Kalimantan West Kalimantan Belitung Lampung West Sumatera Sub Total South Kalimantan Central Sulawesi Papua (Irian) Sub Total West Java Central Java Yogyakarta East Java Sub Total Total Deposits (thousand ton) 11,675,000 1,000,000 7,400,000 5,243,000 1,600,000 25,478,000 565,233,000 375,200,000 123,410,000 1,058,600,000 3.097.000 86.267.000 30.668.000 15.979.000 163.311.000 1.247.389.000 Fe(%) 43.30 66.04 55.00 62.25 42.50 63.50 38.00 59.00 38,00 58,32 59,00 59,00 51,29 51,51

Lateritic iron ore (containing Ni and Cr) Iron sand (utilized as cement raw material, containing titanium

Source: Directorate of Mineral Resources, Bandung, 2004

Table 5. Iron ore potency in Indonesia Iron ore type Primary iron ore Lateritic iron ore Iron sand Resources (ton) ore metal 76.147.311 35.432.196 1.151.369.714 502.317.988 89.632.359 45.040.808 Reserves (ton) ore metal 215.160.000 8.193.580 28.417.600 15.063.748

Source: NSDM, Directorate of Mineral Resources Inventory, 2003

INDONESIAN MINING JOURNAL Vol. 11 No. 11, June 2008 : 1 - 17

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Generally, the iron content can reach up to 58% Fe, but TiO2 content is approximately 12%. Being processed as a raw material in iron-steel industries as research did, titanomagnetite-contained iron sand became favorable in such of industries. In addition, titanomagnetite contained iron sand would be prospective economically since it produces ferrotitanium and the high-priced titanium white powder as by product. International trading requires iron sand mineral containing ilmenite 34-40 % TiO2 and 98 % TiO2-contained rutile. Ilmenite and rutile are used in pigment industry. Meanwhile, titanium itself is used in military aircraft industry. 3.3.2. Lateritic Iron Ore Characteristic

Nowadays, lateritic iron ore is known as nickel mines iron cap. This type of iron mineral has low iron content; consequently it has not been utilized yet as raw material for steel industries. Regarding iron scarce resulted from China high demand of resources, PT Krakatau Steel has to search local raw material, which is droved to collaborate with PT. Antam and PT. Sebuku Alam cooperating in lateritic iron mining. This collaboration proposes to process iron as nickel processings by product. Lateritic nickel resources potency and reserves of PT. Antam Tbk. are approximately 240 million tons and 21.6 million tons respectively as shown in Table 6 (Annual Antam Report, 2003). 3.3.3. Primary Iron Ore Characteristic

Lateritic iron deposit was formed by chemical process through ultra base rock weathering process. Yet, the existing sediment has not contributed to commercial steel industries. The amount of Indonesias lateritic iron ore potency is 1,151,369,714 tons, and resource is 215,160,000 tons (Setiawan,, 2004).

This type of iron ore is well-known as primary iron deposit; a result of metamorphoses contact with intrusion rocks. Indonesias primary iron ore potency is about 76 million tons. However, it has not been utilized yet, leads to import raw material dependence (Setiawan,, 2004).

Table 6. Antam s reserves & resources, December 2001 Location Saprolite : Pomalaa Gebe Halmahera-Buli Gee Obi Bahubulu Total Saprolite Limonite: Pomalaa Gebe Halmahera-Buli Gee Obi Bahubulu Total Limonite Gag Island (JVBHP-B) Weda Bay (JV-Strand) Reserves m wmt Ni % 2.21 3.14 22.72 4.36 32.43 3.54 15.15 2.28 20.97 2.34 2.27 2.47 2.25 2.42 1.47 1.45 1.51 1.46 Resources m wmt Ni % 0.87 2.91 96.68 6.11 19.33 125.27 4.18 122.27 25.25 58.50 210.20 240.0(dmt) 204.00 2.37 2.60 2.40 2.37 2.50 2.40 1.68 1.40 1.51 1.50 1.40 1.36 1.37

Antams Nickel Tenements as per October 2002: Antam (KP) 16 152,116 ha JV(CoW) 2 133,636 ha Total 18 285,752 ha

The Current Status of Iron Minerals in Indonesia, Siti Rochani, et. al.

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3.4. The Prospects of Indonesia Iron Minerals 3.4.1 Primary Iron Ore Since primary iron ore contains metallic iron in significant amount, it is ready to process in steel industries which consume almost 98% of total iron ore produced. Raw material for steel making is still imported due to some reasons: 1. Iron sand is not suitable for existing blast furnace process, but it has an opportunity to be processed by New Zealand (Ausmelt process), or by direct melting process. 2. High potential lateritic iron ore can be divided into two groups: lump ore and fines/clay ore; its utilization is still ongoing research even though its exploitation has already started. 3. Primary iron ore has been beneficiated using blast furnace process (Lampung small blast furnace), however the potential and resource are low. Iron ore is the source of primary iron for the worlds iron and steel industries. It is therefore essential for the production of steel, which in turn is essential to maintain a strong industrial base. Iron ore is mined in about 50 countries. The seven largest of these producing countries account for about threequarters of total world production. Australia and Brazil together dominate the worlds iron ore exports, each having about one-third of world total exports.

In order to increase the beneficiation of iron ore resources, formerly in the first year of its independence, Indonesian government planned to develop iron and steel industries in collaboration with foreign countries such as West Germany, Russia (Soviet Union), UNIDO. Team works had been formed comprising of government institution, research and development institutes, and universities to do research in iron ore utilization. The utilization of iron in Indonesia can be described from the iron consumption per capita which is lower than other developing countries. Indonesias steel consumption is about 26 kg per capita (http:// news_id=16870, 2007). Since the current Indonesia steel industries stated that the ability of steel industrial production is still depend on imported iron ore, the potency of iron minerals has to be developed. This leads to develop local raw material, forbid exported high grade iron ore, set up technology suitable for the local resources, and replace imported raw material for steel making by PT Krakatau Steel. PT. Krakatau Steels long term business plan in supply raw material is shown at Figure 4. According to Setiawan (2004), national crude steel capacity is 6.5 million tons per year which requires 8 million tons per year of raw materials, including steel scrap and sponge iron. The production of sponge iron has capacity of 2.3 million tons per year.

Figure 4. PT. Krakatau Steel long term business plan (material planning)

INDONESIAN MINING JOURNAL Vol. 11 No. 11, June 2008 : 1 - 17

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If it is assumed that steel scrap takes 10 % in steel makings raw material and steelmaking industries are running at full capacity, it can be calculated that sponge iron requirement will be 5.85 million tons per year (90% x 6.5 mill. tons/year). Thus, the sponge iron shortage for crude steel making will be 3.55 million tons per year. To meet national crude steel capacity (6.5 mill. tons/year) and national sponge iron production capacity (2.3 mill. tons/year) that needs 4.5 million tons of primary iron ore (hematite or magnetite) (Setiawan,, 2004), so the amount of primary iron ore that should be supplied to cover the sponge iron shortage will be 6.94 million tons per year. By using the data given by the Ministry of Industry, the exploitation activities can be estimated for 52 years (362,564,042 tons/6,940,000 tons per year). Indonesia lies at rank 37 of major steel producing countries in 2005 and 2006 (http:// pages&id= 23&subId=195,2007). It gives a signal that the iron mineral resources potency has not been empowered yet. The position of each country is shown in Table 7. The condition of worlds steel supply and demand gives Indonesia an opportunity to vivid and improve national steel industries, because the major steel producing countries are also tremendous steel consuming countries, as depicted in Figures 5 and 6. ( storypages &id=23&subId=199, 2007). The national steel production is seemed to be unsatisfactory because Indonesia still lacks of steel products in the market, thus affecting the supply and demand condition. This condition is shown in Figure 7 ( indikator.asp?aid=7211 &cid=25,2007). To forecast the future prospect of steel industries business, all preceding data and economic indicators should be considered such as inflation, average economic growth, etc. With the inflation assumption of 6.0 - 7.5 in 2006, the economic growth 5.8 %, steel production growth 5 % and steel consumption rate 6 %, a hypothetical prediction of future national steel industries business can be presented in Table 8 and Figure 8.

Table 7. Major steel-producing countries, 2005 and 2006 Country China Japan United States Russia South Korea Germany India Ukraine Italy Brazil Turkey Taiwan, China France Spain Mexico Canada United Kingdom Belgium Poland Iran South Africa Australia Austria Czech Republic Netherlands Romania Egypt Argentina Sweden Malaysia Thailand Slovakia Finland Venezuela Kazakhstan Saudi Arabia Indonesia Luxembourg Greece Byelorussia Bulgaria Hungary Others World 2006 rank 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 mmt 422.7 116.2 98.6 70.8 48.5 47.2 44.0 40.9 31.6 30.9 23.3 20.2 19.9 18.4 16.3 15.4 13.9 11.6 10.0 9.8 9.7 7.9 7.1 6.9 6.4 6.3 6.0 5.5 5.5 5.5 5.4 5.1 5.1 4.9 4.2 4.0 3.8 2.8 2.4 2.3 2.1 2.1 23.3 1,244.2 rank 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 9 11 13 12 14 15 16 17 18 21 20 19 22 23 26 24 25 28 29 27 30 31 34 33 32 35 36 37 39 38 40 41 42 2005 mmt 355.8 112.5 94.9 66.1 47.8 44.5 40.9 38.6 29.3 31.6 21.0 18.9 19.5 17.8 16.2 15.3 13.2 10.4 8.3 9.4 9.5 7.8 7.0 6.2 6.9 6.3 5.6 5.4 5.7 5.3 5.2 4.5 4.7 4.9 4.5 4.2 3.7 2.2 2.3 2.0 2.0 2.0 21.9 1,141.9

Source: International Iron and Steel Institute

The Current Status of Iron Minerals in Indonesia, Siti Rochani, et. al.

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Others; 7.2% Japan; 9.3% CIS; 9.6% Other Asia; 10.5%

Other Europe; 2.9%

China; 34.0%

In addition, based on Indonesia crude steel capacity ( 6.5 million tons per year), the future used capacity can be predicted, taken from the steel production per year divided by national crude steel capacity. As shown in Figure 9. Figure 9. shows that in 2020, the used capacity of national crude steel production would approximately reach the utilized capacity of national crude steel production. The assumption is based on the constant capacity of national crude steel production, and no vigorous investment or expansions on national steel industries in the next 18 years. Developing steel industries, new factory or adding capacity in the future depends on many aspects including resources, availability of the energy, facilities, man power, and policy. Resources would relate to technology which is suitable to ore types. The waste will be an important concern since it would be constructed close to public domain. The supporting facilities play an important role, such as transportation, energy, waste, etc. In addition, iron ore business is still attractive since the risk of the business is quite low and earning before interests and taxes (EBIT) is quite high relative to the others as shown in Figure 10. However, the national primary iron ore reserves have not been processed intensively, because the resources are available in scattered area among the land of Indonesia (Tambang Magazine, 2007). 3.4.2 Iron Sand Recently, iron sand in Indonesia is used for cement industries. In 1999, it reached 544,000 tons and finally decreased to 245,409 tons in 2003 (Table 9). The decreasing volume is likely as an impact of copper slag substitution, i.e. Gresik copper smelters by product which acquired their concentrates from PT. Freeport and PT. Newmont Nusa Tenggara. Cilacap iron sand had been mined since 1971 and exported to Japan until 1978. This leads to its lower resources. The plan to explore iron sand in Yogyakarta was begun in 1971 by PT Aneka Tambang in collaboration with Directorate of Geology. The study had been accomplished by Davy McKee to produce iron and steel, similar to technology to process iron sand in New Zealand. In 1981, a team work had been formed to study in preparing pellet from

NAFTA; 10.5%

European Union; 15.9%

Figure 5. The composition of steel produced by major steel producer countries, 2006

CIS; 4.7% Japan; 6.7%

Other Europe; 3.0% China; 30.9%

Others; 9.0% Other Asia; 14.0% NAFTA; 14.5%

European Union; 17.1%

Figure 6. The composition of steel consumed by countries, 2006

Figure 7. Indonesia steel production and consumption (modified from


INDONESIAN MINING JOURNAL Vol. 11 No. 11, June 2008 : 1 - 17

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Table 8. Future prediction of Indonesia steel (ton) Year 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 Production 2,160,000 2,270,000 2,040,000 2,410,000 3,120,000 3,276,000 3,439,800 3,611,790 3,792,380 3,981,998 4,181,098 4,390,153 4,609,661 4,840,144 5,082,151 5,336,259 5,603,072 5,883,225 6,177,387 6,486,256 6,810,569 7,151,097 7,508,652 7,884,085 8,278,289 Consumption 3,250,000 3,560,000 3,180,000 4,200,000 4,300,000 4,558,00 4,831,480 5,121,369 5,428,651 5,754,370 6,099,632 6,465,610 6,853,547 7,264,760 7,700,645 8,162,684 8,652,445 9,171,592 9,721,887 10,305,200 10,923,512 11,578,923 12,273,658 13,010,078 13,790,683 Steel Shortage 1,090,000 1,290,000 1,140,000 1,790,000 1,180,000 1,282,000 1,391,680 1,509,579 1,636,271 1,772,372 1,918,534 2,075,457 2,243,886 2,424,615 2,618,494 2,826,425 3,049,373 3,288,366 3,544,500 3,818,944 4,112,944 4,427,826 4,765,006 5,125,993 5,512,394 Sponge Iron Requirement 2,392,615 2,514,462 2,259,692 2,669,538 3,456,000 3,628,800 3,810,240 4,000,752 4,200,790 4,410,829 4,631,371 4,862,939 5,106,086 5,361,390 5,629,460 5,910,933 6,206,479 6,516,803 6,842,644 7,184,776 7,544,015 7,921,215 8,317,276 8,733,140 9,169,797 Steel Scrap Requirement 265,846 279,385 251,077 296,615 384,000 403,200 423,360 444,528 466,754 490,092 514,597 540,327 567,343 595,710 625,496 656,770 689,609 724,089 760,294 798,308 838,224 880,135 924,142 970,349 1,018,866 Primary Iron Ore Requirement 4,681,204.01 4,919,598.66 4,421,137.12 5,223,010.03 6,761,739.13 7,099,826.09 7,454,817.39 7,827,558.26 8,218,936.17 8,629,882.98 9,061,377.13 9,514,445.99 9,990,168.29 10,489,676.70 11,014,160.54 11,564,868.56 12,143,111.99 12,750,267.59 13,387,780.97 14,057,170.02 14,760,028.52 15,498,029.95 16,272,931.44 17,086,578.02 17,940,906.92

20,000,000 18,000,000 16,000,000 14,000,000


12,000,000 10,000,000 8,000,000 6,000,000 4,000,000 2,000,000 0
























year production sponge iron requirement consumption steel scrap requirement steel shortage primary iron ore requirement

Figure 8. Prediction of future Indonesian steel industries future prediction

The Current Status of Iron Minerals in Indonesia, Siti Rochani, et. al.




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used capacity
140.00 120.00 100.00
127.36 121.29 115.52 110.02 104.78 99.79 95.04 90.51 86.20 82.10 78.19 74.46 70.92 67.54 64.32 61.26 58.34 55.57 52.92 48.0050.40 34.92 37.08 33.23 31.38


80.00 60.00 40.00 20.00 0.00

2002 2003 2004


















Figure 9. Prediction of national steel industries used capacity

Figure 10. EBIT margin (%) vs risk (annual price votality) for some energy and mineral industries

Table 9. Sale and production of iron sand (ton) 1999 Production Sales 584,428 496,202 2000 489,126 403,099 2001 469,377 439,326 2002 378,587 340,459 2003 245,409 108,555

iron concentrate to use as raw material for PT Krakatau Steel. In 1991, a feasibility study of Kutoarjo iron sand had been accomplished, collaboration with Aus-

tralia using Ausmelt Technology. For small scale industries, it is expected that iron minerals could be processed to yield up to 300,000 tons of pig iron per year from 600,0000 tons of iron sand concentrate.


INDONESIAN MINING JOURNAL Vol. 11 No. 11, June 2008 : 1 - 17







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By assuming the annual growth of cement production is 8 % (optimistic vision), and iron sand consumption is 3 %, by ignoring the effect of copper slag substitution then the projection of iron sand consumption for cement industries is shown Table 10, Figure 11 and 12. Based on the prediction, it seemed that the iron sand utilization in cement industries is very low, so it is more profitable to be used by iron sandFigure 12. Projection of national iron sand consumption for cement industries in Indonesia

Table 10. Estimation of Cement Production and Iron Sand Consumption Cement Production 37,000,000 39,960,000 43,156,800 46,609,344 50,338,092 54,365,139 58,714,350 63,411,498 68,484,418 73,963,171 79,880,225 86,270,643 93,172,294 100,626,078 108,676,164 117,370,257 126,759,878 136,900,668 147,852,721 Iron Sand Consumption 1,110,000 1,198,800 1,294,704 1,398,280 1,510,143 1,630,954 1,761,430 1,902,345 2,054,533 2,218,895 2,396,407 2,588,119 2,795,169 3,018,782 3,260,285 3,521,108 3,802,796 4,107,020 4,435,582

Year 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025

steel making industries. However, the iron content in iron sand is low (45 - 48 %) and needs upgrading (63 % minimum) to meet the requirement for iron-steel making industries (Setiawan,, 2004). This problem can be solved by the application of direct reduction smelter process of NZ-Steel. 3.4.3. Lateritic Iron Ore

Lateritic iron ore (as limonite) is known as nickel mines over layer or overburden. This type of iron mineral has low iron content; consequently it has not been utilized yet as raw material for steel industries. However, in the future development plan, due to the escalating nickel price in the global market, both of PT. INCO and PT. Antam Tbk will implement hydrometallurgy process for the limonite ore which is lower cost in energy as well as capable to treat lower content of nickel in the ore. In addition, limonite is seemed to be high in potency since it can be used for coal liquefaction catalyst. The limonite is mined about 10 million tons per annum as an overburden of the nickel ore. It contains 40 50 wt% of moisture but the content does not change even in the dry season or the rainy season (Agency for the Assessment and Application of Technology, 2002). Soroako limonite is classified at PT. INCO as follows: 1. Medium grade limonite (MGL): nickel up to 1.6 % and iron over 30 %. 2. High grade limonite (HGL): nickel up to 1.6 % and iron over 45 %. 3. Overburden (OB): nickel up to 1.6 % and iron up to 30 %

Figure 11. Projection of national cement production in Indonesia

The Current Status of Iron Minerals in Indonesia, Siti Rochani, et. al.


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These limonite have 1 wt% of nickel, and it was found that Soroako limonite have superior catalytic activity than other limonite found in Australia. Figure 13 gives a sketch of limonite layers on nickel deposit in Soroako, South Sulawesi, the other hand Table 11 shows the characteristics of the Soroako limonite catalyst. Catalytic activity of iron compounds, such as pyrite, limonite, laterite, red mud, and iron sand, have been studied for a long time (Pratt, et al., 1982) and all of them have been used in many coal liquefaction process. Recent studies showed that limonite from Soroako Indonesia exhibits superior in catalytic activity and are likely candidate as a suitable catalyst (Kaneko,, 2002). However, limonite is also as a potential source of nickel and steel industries. As a consequence other iron based compounds should be taken into account, for example iron sand and red mud. It is known that, iron sand is used in cement industry. Only red mud has not been utilized properly. Unfortunately, in terms of catalytic activity red mud is the lowest compared to other iron compounds, leading to lower oil yield. Therefore it is important to develop a new method in order to improve catalytic activity of red mud. PT Antam is constructing bauxite processing plant with capacity of 300,000 tons, and about 300,000 ton red mud would be yielded as by product.

According to coal liquefaction commercialization road map, initiated by Research and Development Centre for Mineral and Coal Technology (tekMIRA), the limonite resources requirement can be seen at Figure 14. The potencies of Indonesia lateritic iron ore are not merely rely on limonite availability but also on other types of lateritic iron ore such as saprolite, pyrite, and peridotite. Research and Development Centre for Mineral and Coal Technology (tekMIRA) has finished their research on the possibility of improving the iron content and eliminating the impurities of Pomalaa lateritic iron ore. The final result was restricted to the impurities content (SiO2, Al2O3) which were still high (above 3 %) (Aziz,, 2006). Lateritic iron ore has been processed by PT. Antam Tbk in the form of saprolite and limonite as shown in Figure 15 (PT. Antam Annual Report in 2004). It is predicted that up to 2025, the limonite requirement for coal liquefaction can not be comparable to the need of iron mineral as raw material for steel industry (Figure 16). In addition, the competitive of limonite uses in the future is suggested by the nickel production since limonite presents with saprolite.

Figure 13. Limonite layers on nickel deposit in Soroako, South Sulawesi


INDONESIAN MINING JOURNAL Vol. 11 No. 11, June 2008 : 1 - 17

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Tabel 11. Metal Composition of Soroako Limonite Catalyst Metal composition (wt% dry) Total Fe Si Al Ni 45.4 45.5 41.4 55.6 0.60 0.78 1.68 2.32 7.08 5.95 6.06 1.41 0.88 1.33 1.65 <0.01 Activity (wt% daf)* Co Cr Oil yield 0.02 0.09 0.08 <0.01 1.38 1.16 1.45 42.8 47.2 49.7 43.9 4.8

Limonite Sprpako HGL MGL OB Yandi Yellow

H2 4.7 4.9 4.3

* Liquefaction of Banko coal: 12MPa H2, 450C, 2h, cart, 1 wt% daf, S/Fe=2.0


Limonite ( thousand of tons)

300000 250000 200000 150000 100000 50000 0

20 17 20 15 20 19 20 21 20 23 20 09 20 11 20 13 20 25

Demo plant Additional demo plant Commercial plant 1 Commercial plant 26 Total

Figure 14. The projection of Indonesia limonite consumption for coal liquefaction

Figure 15. Sales and production of ferronickel and saprolite nickel ore, PT. Antam Tbk, 2004

The Current Status of Iron Minerals in Indonesia, Siti Rochani, et. al.


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20000 thousandoftons 15000 ironoreforsteelindustry 10000 5000 0 2010 2015 2020 2025 ironsandforcementindustry limoniteforcoalliquefaction

Figure 16. Prediction of iron minerals consumption





1. Indonesia has great iron mineral resources, comprising primary iron ore, 17 %, iron sand, 8 %, and lateritic iron ore, 75 % 2. Current condition of iron minerals beneficiations are directed to: a. cement industries, using iron sand as raw material. b. coal liquefaction project, using lateritic iron ore, especially limonite as catalyst. In the future, the limonite will not be used as raw material for steel industries. Nickel industries would have possibly improved limonite as nickel source which in turn, produce iron oxide as their by product (so far, iron oxide has not been researched as coal liquefaction catalyst intensively). Meanwhile, primary iron ore (hematite, magnetite) have not been empowered yet, due to the scattered area of the resources locations. In addition, there is a constraint in empowering national iron low iron content (45 48 %), whereas the iron content requirement for ironsteel making industries prerequisite is 63 % minimum. 3. To improve national iron mineral resources, subsequent research on adding value to national lateritic iron ore reserves is still needed to support national iron-steel industries more profitable and promising as well as coal liquefaction industry.

Indonesia should optimize the primary iron ore potency although it is scattered at amount of regions because dependences on imported iron ore must be eliminated. Having 362,564,042 tons of primary iron ore deposits, it can be predicted that exploitation will operate in 52 years. Research on coal liquefaction catalyst should be done immediately related to the use of red mud (bauxite processings by product at Tayan, West Kalimantan), and iron oxide (residue of limonite based-nickel extraction) through hydrometallurgical process. Since iron oxide residues are associated with waste, it will be disposed to the sea by nickel industries.

REFERENCES Agency for The Assessment and Application of Technology, New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization, 2002. Feasibility Study on Direct Liquefaction of Banko Coal in Indonesia. Anonymous, 2007. Konsumsi Baja Nasional Bakal Naik Tahun Depan, ptkrakatausteel/news.html?news_id=16870, accessed on September 18, 2007. Anonymous, Major Steel-Producing Countries storypages&id=23&subId=195, accessed on September 17, 2007.


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Anonymous, Steel Production and Consumption: Geographic Distribution, 2006 . http:// storypages&id =23&subId=199, accessed on September 17, 2007. Anonymous, Industri Baja: Defisit Mengancam, indikator.asp?aid=7211&cid=25, 2007. accessed on September 18, 2007. Azis, M., Pramusanto, Nuryadi, S., Yuhelda, D., Dessy, A., Soma, S., 2006. Pengolahan Mineral Besi Laterit, Pomalaa, Bandung: Research and Development Centre for Mineral and Coal Technology. Kaneko T., 2002. Highly Active Limonite Catalysts for Direct Coal Liquefaction, Fuel 81, 1541-1549. Ministry of Industry of the Republic of Indonesia Directorate of Metal Industri Directorate General of Metal, Machine, Textile, and Common,

2007. Focus Group Discussion: Pengembangan Industri Baja Hulu Berbasis Sumber Daya Mineral. Pramusanto, 2006. Mewujudkan Industri Besi dan Baja dengan Mengutamakan Bahan Baku Lokal, Orasi Pengukuhan Profesor Riset, Bandung: Puslitbang Teknologi Mineral dan Batubara, ISBN: 979-8641-59-2. Pratt, K.,C. and Christoverson, V., 1982. Hydrogenation of a model hydrogen-donor system using activated red mud catalyst, Fuel 61, 460. Setiawan, B., Bambang Pardianto, Dwi Nugroho Sunuhadi, 2004. Mineral dan Batubara: Peluang Pemanfaatan Bijih Besi di Indonesia, Mining & Energy Vol. 2. Tambang Magazine, 2007. April Edition, Merah Putih Mengerek Pasar.

The Current Status of Iron Minerals in Indonesia, Siti Rochani, et. al.


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Lili Tahli R&D Centre for Mineral and Coal Technology Jalan Jenderal Sudirman 623, ph. 022-6030483, fax. 022-6003373, Bandung 40211
Received : 29 August 2007, first revision : 07 May 2008, second revision : 24 June 2008, accepted : June 2008

ABSTRACT Kaolin from Nagreg contains iron mineral particles approximately 0.58 % Fe that cause a grey color of the material . An effort to reduce iron content can be made by applying beneficiation test, using HGMS (High Gradient Magnetic Separator), so the kaolin may become white color and can reach the standard quality for paper industries. A HGMS beneficiation test was conducted at magnetic field strength of 5,000 Gauss. The experiments were carried out using variable flow rates of 1, 1.5, 2, 2.5, 3 and 3.5 liter per minute and slurry density of 2.5, 5, 7.5, 10, 12.5 and 15 % solid. The results of experiments show that the optimum condition with flow rate of 2.5 liters/minute gave the quality of kaolin concentrate with iron content of 0.29 %Fe. Keywords: kaolin, iron, HGMS, beneficiation, magnetic separation



Kaolin is an industrial earth material used as filler and whitener in paper industries, and also is used as based material for cosmetic industries. In ceramic industries, kaolin is used for refinement the surface of ceramic, and in electronics industries kaolin is used as an insulator material. In Indonesia, kaolin deposit spreads in Sumatera, Java, Borneo, Celebes and West side of Nusa Tenggara. In West Java, Kaolin presents among other in Sukabumi, Tasikmalaya and Nagreg (Figure 1). Kaolin Nagreg contains iron of 0.58% Fe, caused a grey color to the kaolin. In order to improve the quality of kaolin for paper industries, the iron content should be removed. The specification of iron content in kaolin for paper industries must be near zero (Kogel 2006). Kaolin deposit in earth performs as clay minerals. Its genesis was due to transportation and sediment processes in long times to perform the fine

structure deposit of clay mineral, with specific mineral compositions.Kaolin minerals have chemical composition of Al2Si2O5(OH)4 that consists of several elements to perform its structure (Wikipedia, 2007) . Kaolin has many kind of quality, depend on the size of fine fraction performs and the chemical elements content. The type of kaolin considered in ceramic and paper industries should have low iron content.The existence of iron in kaolin causes grey to pink color of kaolin. The paper industries require kaolin with iron content as low as possible to give a white color product. Kaolin has an ultra fine particle size less than 400 mesh. The specific characteristics of fine size and sticky mud of kaolin,make it possible to be used as a filler materials in paper and presents good quality of paper product kaolin is also used as a basic element for ceramic industries and cosmetic, which presents good quality and well performs of skin surface (smooth and soft).


INDONESIAN MINING JOURNAL Vol. 11 No. 11, June 2008 : 18 - 23

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ke Purwakarta





Cisarua Lembang Cipatat Padalarang


Rajamandala Cimahi



Saguling Rongga

Batujajar Cililin

Cinunuk Dayeuhkolot

Cileunyi ke Cirebon Rancaekek Cicalengka Nagreg ke Tasik


Sindangkerta Soreang Banjaran

Ciparay Majalaya Cikancung Cijapati



Pasirjambu Gambung Ibun Pacet Pangalengan S. Cileunca Kertasari

S. Patenggang



Figure 1. The location of Kaolin Deposit in Nagreg, Kabupaten Bandung

In general, kaolin with less white color is due to high content of iron minerals filling its structure. There are some kinds of minerals like pyrite, limonite, chalcopyrite, forming as a very thin film coating at the surface of kaolin (Lawver and Hopstok,1985; Wikipedia 2007). Separation process of iron particle minerals using decantation process or other gravitational processes were not working sufficiently, because the size of iron materials are very fine, caused static electrical force on particles, and tend to stick each others. Another possible beneficiation process to separate the iron particles is by using a HGMS (High Gradient Magnetic Separator) appliance. The principle operation of HGMS is a combination process between decantation and magnetic separation. The aim of this laboratory work is to test the possibility of reducing iron content in kaolin as low as possible by using HGMS appliance.



2.1. Separation Method Kaolin of Nagreg containts 0,5% Fe. In general minerals content of iron particle can be pulled out by magnetic field with a certain magnetic strength to yield very low iron element as pollutant. The beneficiation test of kaolin was conducted using HGMS appliance. Separation process was operated at magnetic field of 5,000 Gauss at different feed rates and slurry densities to get an optimum result of separation. In a preliminary work, kaolin was roughly purified by decantation method to eliminate quartz and other coarse particles from kaolin. The gravitational method based on the different specific gravity with the contaminant that is quartz and other coarse

Test of Removal of Iron Minerals from Kaolin using HGMS ... Lili Tahli

ke Garut


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particles have higher level of specific gravity compared to kaolin. To observe the HGMS separation results, the iron contants in the feed and product were analyzed. Iron mineral in kaolin presents by weathering process of main rocks. There are some kinds of iron minerals of pyrite, limonite and chalcopyrite, that found in an ultra fine particles and difficult to separate because sticky each other in slurry. To separate those particles, it should be made in the form of slurry at certain density by adding more water and using continuous stirrer, so each particle mineral become disperse easily in the form of single free particles in water. The slurry was flew down through the cell of canister by magnetic force. The iron particle can be pulled out from kaolin and trapped on induction lattices canister to allow the clean kaolin flows down as concentrated kaolin. The flowsheet of kaolin beneficiation test is shown in Figure 2:

flow rate. The stream flows down passing through canister having diameter of 3 inch with volume of 866 cm3. The magnetic field intensity at canister was 5,000 Gauss. The HGMS equipment can be seen in Figure 3.

Figure 3. HGMS (High Gradient Magnetic Separator) equipment




3.1. Raw Material Analysis Observation of raw material of kaolin was taken by using sizing and chemical analysis. Sieve analysis was conducted to observe the size composition of raw material whether larger or smaller than 400 mesh. The fraction size smaller than 400 mesh was used as feed in to HGMS. Chemical analysis was conducted to observe the iron content of both fraction size. The results are shown in Table 1. The iron grade of fraction -400 mesh obtained from sieve analysis was used as basic data for recovery calculation. 3.2. Decantation Decantation test was conducted to the kaolin raw material prior to be processed with HGMS. First, kaolin was mixed with water using continuous stirrer. The kaolin slurry was then poured through a sieve of 400 mesh in opening size, to get fraction size of -400 mesh. The weight of fraction size +400 mesh was measured and calculated. For further experiments, the slurry of fraction size of -400 mesh




Figure 2. The flow work of present kaolin beneficiation tests

2.2. Equipment The HGMS equipment used has strength of magnetic field on canister. The equipment has a conical tube at the topside. Kaolin was stirred with water in a certain slurry density, with a certain


INDONESIAN MINING JOURNAL Vol. 11 No. 11, June 2008 : 18 - 23

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Table 1. Size Analysis 400 mesh and Chemical Analysis NO 1 2 TOTAL SIZE (mesh) + 400 - 400 500.00 WEIGHT (gram) (%) 50.10 449.90 100.00 10.02 89.98 0.58 Fe GRADE (%) 0.13 0.63 57.99 Fe DISTRIBUTION 1.30 56.69 Reject use as feed HGMS

was used as raw material for HGMS. To get appropriate slurry density needed for experiments, the quantity of water was calculated and added. The result of decantation is shown in Table 2.

3.3. HGMS Experimentation Beneficiation test using HGMS was conducted with variable flow rates of 1.0, 1.5, 2.0, 2.5, 3.0 and 3.5 liter per minute, and slurry density of 2.5, 5, 7.5, 10, 12.5 and 15 % solid. Feed of kaolin having size of -400 mesh mixed with water in a certain volume. The slurry density was set in fixed value of 10% solid, while feed rate was varied. The results can be seen in Table 3. Table 4 shows the beneficiation test results with variable slurry density. While the flow rate was taken in fixed value of 2.5 L/min.

Table 2. Fraction Size of Decantation tests NO 1 2 FRACTION SIZE (mesh) + 400 - 400 TOTAL WEIGHT (%) 10.05 89.95 (calculated) 100.00

Table 3. Result of Experiments (Flow Rate Variation) Feeding Flow Rate (l/minute) 1.00 1.50 2.00 2.50 3.00 3.50 Feed (gram) 250 250 250 250 250 250 (% Fe) 0.63 0.63 0.63 0.63 0.63 0.63 Kaolin Concentrate (gram) (% Fe) 208.62 208.68 208.75 208.93 210.76 215.84 0.24 0.25 0.28 0.29 0.52 0.67 Magnetic Material (gram) (% Fe) 41.38 41.32 41.25 41.07 39.24 34.16 2.59 2.55 2.40 2.36 1.22 0.38

NO 1 2 3 4 5 6

Table 4. Result of Experiments (Slurry Density Variation) Slurry density (% solid) 2.5 5 7.5 10 12.5 15 Feed (gram) 250 250 250 250 250 250 (% Fe) 0.63 0.63 0.63 0.63 0.63 0.63 Kaolin Concentrate (gram) (% Fe) 207.77 207.83 209.84 210.76 216.04 223.26 0.25 0.26 0.27 0.36 0.48 0.62 Magnetic Material (gram) (% Fe) 42.23 42.17 41.65 39.24 33.96 26.74 2.50 2.46 2.42 2.08 1.58 0.71

NO 1 2 3 4 5 6

Test of Removal of Iron Minerals from Kaolin using HGMS ... Lili Tahli


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4. 4.1

DISCUSION Raw Material

The results of sieve and chemical analysis of kaolin as shown in Tables 1 indicates that only a small part (10.02%) of raw material had fraction size of +400 mesh to be rejected. Another part was fine size of -400 mesh, that was 89.98%. However, this fine material contained higher part of iron grade (0.63%), designating the kaolin becomes grey color, so it should be removed to give white color. 4.2. Decantation To abtain raw material of kaolin smaller than 400 mesh, it should be mixed with water using mechanical stirrer and then applying decantation tests. The kaolin slurry was then screened using sieve of 400 mesh. The fraction size of +400 mesh was weighed. The rest fraction of -400 mesh was calculated, to measure the quantity of water to be added as needed by HGMS experiment. There is no significant different in weight fraction of -400 mesh between size analysis and decantation, that was 10.02% and 10.05% respectively. 4.3. HGMS Experiment with Different Flow Rate The results of experiment using HGMS with magnetic intensity of 5,000 Gauss, flow rates of 1.0, 1.5, 2.0, 2.5, 3.0 and 3.5 L/min, were presented in Table 3, and graphically illustrated in Figure 4. Figure 4 shows that increasing flow rate yielded higher iron content of kaolin concentrate. In the early experiments, with flow rate of 1 to 2.5 L/min, the increasing flow rate gave a small effect to iron in kaolin concentrate, 0.24 to 0.29 % Fe. The graphic

line was nearly flat, and the iron content only increased 0.05%, while the flow rate increased 2.5 times. However, with more increasing flow rate up to 3.5 L/min caused more increasing iron content in kaolin concentrate up to 0.52 and 0.67% Fe. The higher flow rate caused more iron far-off distance of canister, and flows together with kaolin, therefore the iron content in kaolin concentrate increases. From Figure 4, it indicates that the ability of HGMS to resist the iron content is only up to the flow rate of 2.5 L/min. So, the optimum value of flow rate is 2.5 L/min. Similar results are also found by Fontes (1992), using different flowing of suspension, during HGMS process. At the slower flow velocity, almost all the clays are retained in the canister, so, the iron content in kaolin concentrate become lower than on the high velocity. Nevertheless, it is evidence that the lower flow rate , the lower iron content in kaolin. The optimum value of flow rate of 2.5 liters/minute is decided based on the capacity of raw materials processed. 4.4. HGMS Experiment with Different Slurry Density The experiment with variable slurry density (2.5, 5, 7.5, 10, 12.5 and 15 % solid) was operated with magnetic intensity of 5,000 Gauss. The flow rate was taken in fix value of 2.5 L/min. The results can be seen in Table 4, and graphically illustrated in Figure 5:

0.8 0.7 0.6 (% Fe) 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 2.5 5 7.5 10 12.5 15 Kaolin concentrate Trend line

Solid (%)

1 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5

Figure 5. Effect of slurry density to kaolin concentrate

Kaolin concentrate Trend line

% Fe

Flow rate (l/minute)

Figure 4. Effect of flow rate to kaolin concentrate

In Figure 5 it can be seen the influence of slurry density to the iron content of kaolin concentrate. In the beginning of experiments, with slurry density of 2.5, 5.0 and 7.5 % solid, the increasing slurry density only gave a small effect on increasing iron in kaolin concentrate, those were 0.25, 0.26 and 0.27 % Fe. However, increasing slurry


INDONESIAN MINING JOURNAL Vol. 11 No. 11, June 2008 : 18 - 23

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density up to 10 % solid caused increasing iron content in kaolin concentrate up to 0.36 % Fe. The highest density up to 15 % solid, presents the highest iron content in kaolin concentrate up to 0.62 % solid. It indicates that the ability of HGMS to trap iron was optimum at applied density of 7.5 % solid. The higher slurry density caused the more iron unable to catch by canister, and passing through to kaolin concentrate, so kaolin concentrate can not reduce the iron content. Fontes(1992) also found that at low slurry density, the iron particles retained easier on canister, exhibited a good separation and yielding a good quality of kaolin concentrate. It is recommended to use low slurry density during HGMS process.

ACKNOWLEDGMENT Many thanks pointing to all friends in processing, metallurgy and chemical laboratories who had assisted during the test works throughout sample preparations and setting the equipments. Special thanks are also presenting to all research colleagues which have giving many advise and suggestions.

REFERENCES Fontes, M.P.F., 1992. Iron Oxide-Clay Mineral Association in Brazilian Oxisols: A Magnetic Separation Study, Clays and Clay Minerals, Vol.40, No.2, p.175-179. Kogel, J.E. (ed), 2006. Industrial Minerals and Rocks, SME, American Institute of Mining, Metallurgical and Petroleum Engineers Inc, New York, pp.335-394. Lawver, J.E. and Hopstock, D.M., 1985. Electrostatic and Magnetic Separation, sme mineral processing handbook, Norman L. Weiss (Chief Editor). Wikipedia, 2007. Clay minerals, the free encyclopedia, minerals Wikipedia, 2006. High Gradient Magnetic Separators, HGMS-HGMF, Metso Minerals (Sala) AB, SE-733 25 SALA , Sweden. Wikipedia 2007. Kaolinite, the free encyclopedia,


CONCLUSION Result of sieve and chemical analysis for kaolin raw material indicates that kaolin fraction of - 400 mesh counted 89.98 % weight and the iron content of 0.63 % Fe. Result of beneficiation tests with variable of flow rate indicates that the optimum value was 2.5 L/min, in which the iron content of kaolin concentrate reached 0.29 % Fe. Result of testing with variable slurry density gave the optimum value of 7.5 % solid, in which the iron content of kaolin concentrate was reduced to reach 0.27% Fe. The iron mineral content in kaolin concentrate has not met the iron grade required by paper industry.

Test of Removal of Iron Minerals from Kaolin using HGMS ... Lili Tahli


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Dida Kusnida, P. Astjario and B. Nirwana Marine Geological Institute of Indonesia Jalan Dr. Djundjunan 236, Bandung-41074 - Indonesia e-mail:
Received : 29 January 2008, first revision : 02 May 2008, second revision : 20 May 2008, accepted : June 2008

ABSTRACT An appraisal of the marine magnetic anomalies over the Belitung water provides information on the distribution of the magnetic susceptibility values. The 0.001 to 0.003 cgs unit contour values characterize the zone of submerged Belitung granite coincides with the zone of less than 50 nT total magnetic anomaly contour value. Susceptibilities distribution analyses reveal a strong correlation between magnetic susceptibility and type of granites. The nature of submerged Belitung intrusive is suggested to be granitic pluton of biotite-granite that is associated with cassiterite minerals. Keywords: total magnetic anomaly, magnetic susceptibility, granite, Belitung, pluton



Tin source in Indonesia is part of the South East Asia Tin Belt that is the richest tin belt in the world. It extends from South China, Thailand, Myanmar, and Malaysia to Indonesia. Tin is formed as primary deposits within granite and at the contact area within metamorphic rocks that are usually associated with tourmaline and tin quartz vein. According to Pamungkas (2006), two types of classic veins have been mined in Bangka-Belitung Islands. Those are fissure veins and bedding veins in which they are genetically derived from granite intrusion of the Upper Triassic ( 222 M years ago). To delineate petrographic and geochemical variations of granitic plutons, previous authors (Tarling and Hrouda, 1993; Ishihara et al., 2000) have used magnetic susceptibility measurements as the tool. Magnetic susceptibility of rocks is determined by their bulk chemistry and magnetic mineralogy, in which the bulk magnetic susceptibility is possibly carried by ferromagnesian silicates (Gleizes et al.,

1993), or on ferromagnetic granites in which susceptibility is carried mainly by magnetite (Ferr et al., 1999). Magnetic susceptibility measurements have also been widely used as lithologic indicator in granitic rocks or in the broad discrimination between paramagnetic (ilmenite-type granites) and ferromagnetic granitoids (magnetite-type granites), as mentioned by Santovaia and Noronha, (2005). According to Aydin et al. (2007), based on petrographic observations and calculations of rock major element analyses within granite of SaruhanTurkey, it indicates the presence of magnetite grains, where the zoning pattern of magnetic susceptibility across the pluton is concentric and reverses. The aim of the study is to delineate the intrusive rock bodies of submerged Belitung pluton having susceptibility and separated from the regional anomalies of the extensive crystalline and sedimentary rocks on the basis of marine magnetic data. It is hoped that the study provides a better understanding of the study area with a considerable interest for scientific and economic purposes.


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Belitung Island (Figure 1) lies between 10735' 10818' E and between 0230' - 0315' S. To the north, it is limited by the South China Sea, by Java Sea to the south, and by Karimata Strait to the east. The Gaspar Strait separates Belitung and Bangka in the west. It is a residence of the Bangka-Belitung Province of Indonesia which is also includes several smaller islands that lie northeast of South Sumatra Province. Physiographically, Belitung is part of the Sunda Shelf and occurs as a tin belt that extends from Malaysia, Riau Islands, Bangka, and Tujuh Islands. In addition, the morphology of Belitung Island is wavy hills and plains. According to Gafoer et al. (1992), the BangkaBelitung islands consist of several rock formations such as metamorphic rocks (schist and gneiss) of pre-Carboniferous as the oldest rocks. The Cretaceous-Triassic granites and granodiorites intru-

sive occur as sources of tin. The Triassic sedimentary rocks consist of intercalation between metamorphosed sandstones and mudstones with limestone lenses and quartzite. The Quaternary deposits that consist of carbonaceous sediments, reefs, calcarenites, mud and Quaternary alluvium (sands and pebbles) are deposited unconformably on the older rocks. On the basis of marine seismic reflection records and cores in Gaspar Strait, Batchelor and Bowden (1985) indicate four groups of sedimentary rocks that were deposited since Miocene. Those are young alluvium that consists of Holocene sedimentary cover and Upper Pleistocene alluvium complex, transitional units that consist of marine sediments of Upper Pleistocene and transitional unit of Middle Pleistocene, ancient sedimentary cover of Early-Upper Pleistocene and ancient alluvium plain facies interfingering with fan facies (granite boulders) and Sunda Plain regolith that consists

Figure 1. Susceptibilities distribution map of submerged Belitung pluton Profiles A-B and C-d are produced in Figure 4

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of Pliocene colluvial deposits and fan materials and Upper Miocene latosol, laterites and bauxites derived from the weathering of granites and sedimentary rocks. Batchelor and Bowden (1985) stated that the tin deposits in Belitung were initially sampled by vertical pits in areas where cassiterite could be recognized in overburden. In later years, magnetometer surveys, followed by pits, then diamond drilling located the tin lodes were carried out. Minerals present within tin ore in general are cassiterites while pyrites, quartz, zircons, ilmenites, plumbums, bismuths, arsenics, stibnite, chalcopyrite, cuprites, xenotimes and monazites are normally additional minerals.

nal variation can be observed by measuring magnetic field intensity at the fixed observation point at a certain reading interval. Assuming that diurnal variation is a linear time function, then graphically the amount of diurnal variation correction can be determined during the measurement. Technique Total Magnetic Anomaly Map

The total magnetic anomaly values were calculated based on equation: Ftot = Fobs - FIGRF Fvar ........................................... (1) where: (Fobs) : observed total magnetic field (FIGRF) : theoretical earth magnetic field (Fvar) : diurnal magnetic field correction The diurnal and earths field corrections have been applied to observed magnetic data, and then the total magnetic map, which is contoured, was constructed. This total magnetic intensity anomaly map is considered to be free from extraneous magnetic effect and primarily indicate the effects of geological features underneath. Moving Average Filtering



Data Acquisition and Database To obtain geomagnetic data, the Marine Geometric G.813 Proton Magnetometer sensor was hauled some 100 meters behind the vessel. Recording of observed data with the precision of 0.1 nT was performed on the Soltec 3314 B-MF recorder. Diurnal variation was measured and recorded using a stationary ground Geometric G.866 and G.724 Magnetometer that were operated on land during the cruise. Navigation in the study area was carried out by means of the Global Positioning System (GPS). Marking of time and fixed point on recorder was plotted using an Annotator device. Database for this study is the total magnetic anomaly map of Karimata Strait and surroundings (Figure 1). It was compiled and constructed by Kusnida et al. (2003) from marine geomagnetic data acquired by Marine Geological Institute of Indonesia since 1992 until 2003. Data Correction Magnetic field intensity measured at the observation point is a resultant of various variables, while in fact the aim of the geomagnetic survey is mainly to measure magnetic induction of geological body causing anomaly underneath (Peters, 1989). In a geomagnetic survey, the corrections applied are usually diurnal variations. The diurnal correction contributes the highest influence in the results of geomagnetic measurement. The amount of diurThe residual anomaly differentiation by this method is an indirect process namely the output of the moving average of a regional anomaly. The moving average is a simple mathematical technique used primarily to eliminate aberrations and reveals the real trend in a collections data points. In cases where a given waveform is cluttered with noise, or where a mean needs to be extracted from a periodic signal, a moving average filter may be applied to achieve the desired result.

A residual magnetic anomaly studied in this paper is referred to intrusive rock bodies that have susceptibility and are separated from the regional anomalies of the extensive crystalline and sedimentary rocks. Such sedimentary rocks also have magnetic susceptibilities. Calculation to obtain a residual magnetic anomaly is directed to determine the susceptibility of causative sources underneath. Solution was emphasized on the basis of data filtering that indicates progressively effect of shallow anomaly bodies.


INDONESIAN MINING JOURNAL Vol. 11 No. 11, June 2008 : 24 - 31

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According to Weimer (2003), moving average filter allows a great deal of flexibility in waveform filtering applications. It can be used as a low-pass filter to attenuate the noise inherent in many types of waveforms or as a high-pass filter to eliminate drifting baseline from higher frequency signal. General equation for upward continuation is:
Hz(x,y,-h) = H(r)b(r) 3 = H(0)b0 + H(1)b1 + H( 2 )b2 + H( 5 )b + H ( 9 )b4 + ... +

anomaly province also forms a shield that shows a general southwest - northeast trend crossing Java Sea, and swings to the north-northwest crossing Karimata Strait and into Riau Islands and Malaysia Peninsula as well. This total magnetic anomaly province seems to correspond and approximately parallel to the major structural elements in this area, which is the Jurassic-Triassic magmatic arc of Malaysia-Sumatra-SE Kalimantan (Soeria Atmadja et al., 1998). Southern waters of Kalimantan and eastern Java Sea are characterized by relatively high-level with isolated total magnetic anomalies that have short wavelengths, gradual and varied amplitudes of less than 200 nT. These small isolated anomalies possibly relate to small near-surface magnetic bodies. In central Java Sea, they occur on both sides of the Karimun Arch and probably indicate the presence of dike along the faulted flanks of the arch (Ben Avraham, 1973). The gradually and almost no significance change in total magnetic anomalies characteristics in the Java Sea suggest that the arch composes of rock with very low magnetic susceptibility, possibly granite and implies that the igneous rocks are deep as proven by the evident from the seismic profiles (Emery et al., 1972). The Bangka-Belitung plutonic massive seems to be clearly recognized by very broad low-positive magnetic anomalies (less than 50 nT) or no magnetic anomalies. This smooth magnetic province is the result of several different factors. It may be due to the great depth of burial of magnetic basement or to a regional metamorphism that decreased the magnetization of the basement rocks (Ben Avraham, 1973). Around the islands of Bangka and Belitung, smooth magnetic field is the results of low-positive susceptibilities of widespread granitic basement. Susceptibilities distribution map (Figure 1) indicates that contour values between 0.001 cgs unit and 0.003 cgs unit portray a magnetic bearing massive zone of the extension of submerge Belitung granite. In contrast, the surrounding susceptibilities distribution with contour values of <0.001 cgs unit and >0.003 cgs unit portray a magnetic bearing basement of regional magnetic anomalies. On the basis of magnetic susceptibilities distribution map mentioned above, the Belitung magnetic high is delineated by susceptibilities values between 0.001 cgs unit and 0.003 cgs unit (Figure 4).

..................................................................... (2) Hz (x, y, -h) : general formula of upward continuation. h



: height of upward continuation with positive direction downward : mean upward continuation value at circle with radius of r : coefficient factor of circle with radius r

Susceptibility values distribution of the study area was obtained by applying equation:


I ............................................................ (3) H

Where : k = susceptibility value (cgs unit) I = residual magnetic field intensity (nT) H = earth magnetic field (nT) However, for detail concerning this technique, the reader is referred to Kusnida and Astawa (2003).



The total magnetic anomaly map of Karimata Strait (Figure 2) shows that this area consists of several distinct magnetic lineaments that reflect and correspond to rock units underneath and more or less seem to be relate with magnetic province (Figure 3) produced by Ben Avraham (1973). In general, except around Bangka-Belitung waters, it is characterized by a series of couples and shorts wavelengths of highs and lows anomalies. The high anomalies in general are characterized by the amplitudes (200 - 400 nT) while the lows are characterized by the amplitudes (-200 - -500 nT). This

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Figure 2. Total magnetic anomaly map of Karimata Strait and surrounding. The submerged Bangka-Belitung plutonic islands seem to be characterized by < 50 nT contour value indicated by dash line

Figure 3. Magnetic provinces over the Sunda Shelf (Ben Avraham, 1973). A typical magnetic anomaly from each province is shown in the legend


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0.04 cgs

0.02 0.00 -0.02 0 50 100 150

Belitung Pluton




333 Km

0.02 cgs 0.00 -0.02 0 50 100 150 200 250 300

Belitung Pluton

333 Km

Figure 4. Profiles A-B (above) and C-D (below) show the range of susceptibilities values of the Belitung Pluton indicated by 0.001 - 0.003 cgs



Magnetic anomalies are caused by all of larger plutonic bodies and other magnetic anomalies may possibly be caused by granitic intrusive. Although each exposed intrusive bodies in Bangka-Belitung Islands have been known as granites, a distinguishing in the magnetic properties is shown by the variety of magnetic expression. A low-positive of total magnetic anomaly less than 50 nT with the susceptibility values range from 0.001 0.003 cgs unit occurs immediately within the Belitung waters, even tough hundreds of kilometers offshore the island, the magnetic field is depressed. Susceptibility measurements on hard samples confirm that the granites are magnetic and susceptibility values vary from 0.001 to 0.05 cgs unit for granite in the eastern Lachlan fold-Australia (Connelly, 1979). The granites have been grouped by chemical criteria into I-types which are purely igneous origin and S-types which have been derived by partial melting of sedimentary rocks that was remained at depth as a large body and did not move laterally for any great distance. However, other study also indicates that all the granitic plutons are geochemicaly classified as calcalkaline I-type granitoids in volcanic arcs. They have a susceptibility values of 0.001 to 0.03 cgs unit such as Abukuma granites in Japan that correspond to magnetite-series and/or ilmenite se-

ries granites (Atsushi and Tetsuichi, 2003) and 0.03 0.06 cgs unit for Natuna granites (Ben Avraham, 1973). According to Aryanto et al. (2005), based on their study in Kelumpang-Belitung Island, it indicates the granitic rocks type of the area is I-type of biotite-granite and is associated with cassiterite minerals. Therefore, this concludes that the magnetic properties of the Belitung waters can conceive because of the submersion of this granite type. However, a width estimate, determined from the delineating the pluton, indicates that the source of the low-positive magnetic anomaly is deep below the sea. The 0.001 to 0.003 cgs unit susceptibilities value of the submerged Belitung granitic pluton is confirmed with the general I-type granites in the world. The most prominent positive magnetic features are located at the southwest corner and near the northwest boundary of the area of Figure 1. Schwartz and Surjono (1991), stated that the Pemali tin deposit of Bangka is located in a Triassic granite pluton, which is characterized by a decrease of compatible Ca, Mg, Ti, P and Zr in the sequence: medium to coarse-grained biotite granite, megacrystic medium-grained biotite granite, twomica granite/muscovite granites. The tin mineralization is confined to the two-mica granite and consists of disseminated cassiterite as well as

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greisens-bordered veins. The highly evolved muscovite granite is tin-barren and is distinguished from the two-mica granite by its low mica content and low loss-on-ignition values.

using multicationic parameters. Chemical Geology, 48, p. 43-55. Ben Avraham, Z., 1973. Structural Framework of the Sunda Shelf and Vicinity, PhD Theses, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 269 p. Connelly, J.B., 1979. Interpretation of subsurface shape of granites in the eastern Lachlan fold belt using aeromagnetic data, Bulletin of the Australian Society of Exploration Geophysicists, 10(1), p. 92-95. Emery, K. 0., Uchup, J. Sunderland, Uktolseja, H. L. and Young, E. M. 1972. Geological structure and some water characteristics of the Java Sea and adjacent continental shelf. United Nations ECAFE, CCOP Techn. Bull. Vol. 6. Ferr, E.C., Wilson, J. and Gleizes, G., 1999. Magnetic susceptibility and AMS of the Bushveld alkaline granites, South Africa. Tectonophysics, 307, p. 113-133. Gafoer, S., Amin, C and Satiogroho, 1992. Geological Map of Indonesia, Palembang Sheet, Scale 1 : 1.000.000, Geol. Res. Dev. Center of Indonesia. Gleizes, G., Ndlec, A., Bouchez, J.L., A., A. and Rochette, P., 1993. Magnetic susceptibility of the Mont Louis - Andorra ilmenite type granite (Pyrenees): a new tool for the petrographic characterization and regional mapping of zoned granite plutons. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 98(B3), p. 4317-4331. Ishihara, S., Hashimoto, M. and Machida, M., 2000. Magnetite/ilmenite series classification and magnetic susceptibility of the mesozoiccainozoic batholiths in Peru. Resource Geology, 50, p. 123-129. Kusnida, D., T. Azis dan A. Yuningsih, 2003, Total Magnetic Anomaly Map of Selat Karimata and Surroundings, Scale 1:1.000.000. Marine Geological Institute of Indonesia. Kusnida, D. and I.N. Astawa, 2003. Weight Moving Average Filtering Technique on Total Magnetic Anomalies of the South-western offshore of Kalimantan, Bull. of Mar. Geol., Vol. 18, no. 3.



Low-positive anomalies delineating submerged intrusive features occur around Belitung Island. An elliptical low-positive anomaly is superimposed on an elongate, 0.001- 0.003 cgs unit magnetic susceptibilities values. This submerged intrusive possible economic interest, and the nature of this intrusive is suggested to be granitic pluton of biotite-granite that is associated with cassiterite minerals. This low-positive anomaly may represent an intrusive similar to the granite with which the tin deposits are affiliated.

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The authors wish to thanks T.A. Soeprapto from MGI for kindly help during data processing and magnetic map construction using the ER-Mapper and Global-Mapper software. We express our thanks to our respective institution, Marine Geological Institute of Indonesia. Our gratitude is also directed to various scientific teams who have spent their time during geomagnetic data acquisition.

REFERENCES Aryanto, N.C.D., Nasrun, A.H Sianipar dan L. Sarmili, 2005. Granit Kelumpang sebagai granite tipe-I di Pantai Teluk Balok, Belitung, Jurnal Geologi Kelautan, vol. 3. no. 1. Atsushi, K. and Tetsuichi, T., 2003. Geology and petrography of the Abukuma granites in the Funehiki area, Fukushima Prefecture, NE Japan., Journal of the Geological Society of Japan, Vol.109, No.4(20030415), p. 234-251. Aydin, A., E. C. Ferr and Z. Aslan, 2007. The magnetic susceptibility of granitic rocks as a proxy for geochemical composition: Example from the Saruhan granitoids, NE Turkey, Tectonophysics, vol. 441, p. 85-95. Batchelor, R.A. and Bowden, P., 1985. Petrogenetic interpretation of granitoid rock series


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Pamungkas, P., 2006, Kajian Pertambangan Timah Kita, World Press.Com. Peters L.J., 1989. The Direct Approach to Magnetic Interpretation and Its Practical Application, AAPG Treatise of Petroleum Geology Reprint Series. Santovaia, H. and Noronha, F., 2005. Classification of Portuguese Hercynian granites based on petrophysical characteristics, http:// 02134497_1.htm Schwartz, M. O. and Surjono, 1991. The Pemali tin deposit, Bangka, Indonesia, Mineralium De-

posita, Vol. 26., no.1. Soeria Atmadja, R., Suparka, S., Abdullah, Ch., Noeradi, D and Sutanto, 1998, Magmatism in western Indonesia, the trapping of the Sumba Block and the gateways to the east of Sundaland., Journ. of Asian Earth Sciences., Vol. 16, No. 1., p. 1 - 12. Tarling, D.H. and Hrouda, F., 1993. The magnetic anisotropy of rocks. Chapman & Hall, London, 217 p. Weimer, M.R., 2003. A closer look at the advanced CODAS moving average algorithm.htm.

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Iwan Rijwan, Bukin Daulay and Gandhi Kurnia Hudaya R&D Centre for Mineral and Coal Technology Jalan Jenderal Sudirman 623, ph. 022-6030483, fax. 022-6003373, Bandung 40211 email :,,
Received : 13 November 2007, first revision : 21 April 2008, second revision : 26 May 2008, accepted : June 2008

ABSTRACT Indonesian coal has a potential to be a major future primary energy source due to its large resource, easy and low cost of exploitation, good quality and supported by appropriate infrastructure. However, more than 65% of the coal resources are categorized as LRC and this type of coal needs to be upgraded before it is used and transported for a long distance. One of the upgrading processes is UBC. Kerosene, LSWR and spray oils are used for UBC process as heating media, material for closing coal pores and oil for briquette machine, respectively. The specification and price of kerosene in Indonesia which is used for both household and industries are controlled by PT PERTAMINA. However in the case of LSWR, PT PERTAMINA does not control the quality and the price. Therefore in the market there are different of qualities and prices of LSWR. All oil refineries belong to PT PERTAMINA produces LSWR and kerosene. They guarantee the continuity of oil supply to customer. They recommend to utilize a heavy aromatic for kerosene substitution and asphalt and decant oil to substitute LSWR. The oil will be transported to the UBC plant from the nearest oil refinery using lorries or tankers transportation agency that is recommended by PT PERTAMINA. Keyword: UBC, kerosene, LSWR, spray oil, oils for UBC and oils substitute



Several upgrading techniques have been successfully developed around the world (Allardice and Young, 2001; Favas and Jackson, 2003), however UBC process that was originally developed by Kobe Steel Ltd. of Japan as a pretreatment for brown coal liquefaction process is one the most advanced solutions of upgrading, due to its relatively simple and mild process, indicated by its lower pressure and temperature. The benefit of coal upgrading includes the increasing of value added to the coal, both for export and domestic markets, stabilizing of coal quality feed for power generation and other industries, increasing combustion efficiency and reduces CO2 emission.

In order to implement the UBC in coal industry, Indonesia in cooperation with JCOAL and Kobe Steel Ltd. of Japan are developing a demonstration plant in Satui, South Kalimantan with the production capacity of 600 tons/day or 1,000 tons/ day feed. This demonstration project is started since April 2006 for engineering design and now is conducting civil work and manufacturing the main equipments. The operation of this plant is expected to commence in 2008. After the demonstration stage, it is expected to proceed the commercial stage with the plant capacity of 5,000 tons/day or 1.7 million tons/year that will be operated in 2012. The UBC process consists of the following five sections, i.e. Fine Coal Handling, Slurry Dewa-


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tering, Coal/Oil Separation, Oil Recovery and Briquetting, as shown in Figure 1. A pilot plant scale in Palimanan, Cirebon with the capacity of 5 tons/day has been established since 2003. The UBC process can upgrade LRC into coal of 6000 6800 kcal/kg (air dried basis/adb) heating value, mostly through moisture content reduction technique from 20 40% in the feed coals to be less than 5% in the dewatered product. The final product can be UBC powder, slurry or briquette, and it is very stable after the coal has reached equilibrium conditions with minimum pollution of the waste water.

Small amount of low sulphur wax residue (LSWR) or asphalt is added to the UBC process to prevent the re-absorption of moisture. Besides that, the addition of heavy LSWR or asphalt to the slurry is effectively adsorbed many small pores of the LRC to make it waterproof and to give the effect of preventing self-heating caused by moisture rebound and wetting heat. The LSWR or asphalt was used as residual oil in UBC process because they have high boiling point upper than 250C in distillation curve, then when oil recovery process LSWR or asphalt still inside coal pore not recovered with kerosene as recycle oil and will be acted as pores coating agent to prevent moisture rebound into the coal.

Waste Water Fine Coal Dewatered Slurry Oil Wet UBC Oil Recovery UBC (Fine) UBC (Briquette) Briquetting

Raw Coal

Fire Coal Handling

Slurry Dewatering

Coal/Oil Separation

UBC : Upgraded Brown Coal Recycle Oil

Figure 1. Block flow diagram of UBC process

Raw coal is crushed to generally under several mm and mixed with Light oil (kerosene) to make slurry. It is then sent to a shell & tube evaporator to be heated and dewatered. The vapor, evaporated by the heat is compressed with a compressor, sent to the shell side of the evaporator and becomes the heat source for dewatering, thus greatly reducing the separating energy. Young coal such as brown coal has many small pores. Spontaneous combustion is caused when these pores adsorb oxygen and gain heat. The heavy oil added to the recycle oil is effectively adsorbed to these pores to disable the active site of spontaneous combustion, to make the coal waterproof and to give the effect of preventing self-heating caused by moisture rebound and wetting heat. Figure 2 illustrates the process.

Before Slurry Dewatering

After Slurry Dewatering


Oil soaks into the pores, and asphalt is selectively adsorbed Asphalt

Figure 2. Principle of the UBC process

Light oil (kerosene) has been use as heating media for slurry dewatering in UBC process. The kerosene also has function as material for making slurry, start up oil, make up oil and recycle oil.

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The kerosene was used in this process because have low boiling point at below 100oC and recovered 90% at 180oC, than we can recovered the oil as recycle oil at oil recovered process with process condition about 200oC. The kerosene also can be well mixing with coal to produce homogenous slurry, so the slurry not easy to sedimentation during the slurry dewatering process. In addition, spray oil is used for briquette machine to produce briquette with a good shape. When the fine coal will be briquetted and put to double roll briquette machine it needs oil (spray oil). We call spray oil because the oil was sprayed to the double roll briquette machine to make briquette smoothly released. The kind of spray oil can be any kind of residual oil with no metal content to meet a good environmental impact. The actual kerosene, LSWR and spray oil specification on Indonesian industry standard should be

To investigate the availability of kerosene and LSWR substitute as light oil and residual oil, respectively those are used for the UBC process.



The methodology of this research is site survey and study literature to investigate specification, production capacity and transportation method at kerosene, LSWR, briquette machine spray oil and the substitution potential of those oil.



Based on the experience in UBC pilot plant operation, the estimation of light oil, residual oil and spray oil consumption for UBC demonstration and commercial plants is shown in Table 1.

Table 1. Consumption of light, residual and spray oil for UBC demonstration and commercial plants Plant Type Demonstration Plant Commercial Plant Plant Capacity 600 tons/day 5,000 tons/day Consumption Residual oil 3 tons/day 25 tons/day

Light oil 3 tons/day 25 tons/day

Spray oil 3 tons/day 25 tons/day

investigated to anticipate the quality, especially density and the distillation character from some refineries, because the facilities, operation condition, and the raw of crude oil are different in each refinery. The actual specification of kerosene, LSWR and spray oil can influence the UBC process condition and UBC product. The objectives of this study are: - To review the oil availability for UBC commercial plant such as kerosene, LSWR and briquette machine spray oil to meet continuity operation of UBC commercial plant; - To investigate the price and specification of kerosene, LSWR and briquette machine spray oil to meet economic view point; - To investigate the recommended transportation method and delivery cost estimation of kerosene, LSWR and briquette machine spray oil from the refineries; and

3.1. Kerosene Indonesia became a net petroleum importer on a monthly basis in July 2004. As a result, Indonesia became a net importer of fuel products for the entire year. Oil trade deficits reached 29 million barrels or almost 81,000 b/d in 2004. Full year official statistics for 2005 are likely to indicate a continued trend toward net importer status. However, the GOI move in October 2005 to remove substantial subsidies for domestic fuels, raising average fuel prices by an unweighted 126 percent, will provide a strong balance to the continued decline in domestic production and stagnant refining capacity. Fuel consumption increased 8 percent in 2004 to 64.7 million kiloliters (KL), up from 59.9 million KL in 2003 and 57.8 million KL in 2002. The Government of Republic Indonesia (GOI) is projecting 41.6 million kiloliters of domestic fuel consumption in 2006, a drop of 36 percent from 2004.


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Consumption in 2004 increased in each category of fuel except for kerosene and industrial diesel oil. A significant part of the increase likely resulted from the smuggling of subsidized fuel products to neighboring countries and domestic adulteration activities. In 2004, fuel product imports increased to 422,000 b/d from 292,000 in 2003. The majority of domestic consumption is for transportation (46.7 percent), industry (24.6 percent), household use (18.2 percent) and electric power (10.5 percent). The transportation sector uses largely automotive diesel oil (ADO), while households are the largest consumers of kerosene. Pertamina controls the sale of gasoline and automotive diesel by direct ownership and franchise of close to 3,000 gasoline stations nationwide. Pertamina itself only owns 2% of the retail stations. The private sector also sells kerosene. The selling price of fuel oil on the domestic market, excluding industry fuels, is determined by the government. Starting in 2005, the government began to adjust prices for high grade automotive fuels and industry fuels according to market prices.

In 2004, Indonesias production of petroleum-based fuels and non-fuels from domestic refineries dropped to just under 1 million b/d, largely due to a decreased supply of domestic crude. Most of the petroleum products refined in Indonesia are destined for domestic consumption. Indonesia has nine oil refineries, all owned and operated by state oil and gas company Pertamina, with a combined installed capacity of 1.06 million b/d. According to government figures, on average Pertaminas refineries operated at 95% of their combined capacity of 1.056 million b/d in 2004. Kerosene is a fuel oil of clear chromatic distillate type. The usage of kerosene in general is for fuels in household, although some industries utilize kerosene for a few equipments of its combustion process and as a raw material. The industrial price of kerosene in 2007 is approximately Rp. 5,000 to Rp. 6,000 as shown in Figure 3. The quality (specification) of kerosene in the market, both for household and industry is the same although it is derived from different refineries as

Table 2. Domestic fuel consumption (million liters) Products Auto Diesel Gasoline Kerosene Fuel Oil IDO Avtur Avgas 2000 21,735 12,422 12,455 6,013 1,451 744 5 2001 23,014 13,057 12,279 6,121 1,420 n/a n/a 2002 24,213 13,732 11,678 6,260 1,360 553 n/a 2003 25,636 14,112 12,262 6,321 1,403 124 8 2004 26,488 17,027 11,846 5,755 1,093 2,438 3

Table 3. Oil refinery production (1000b/d) Refinery Pangkalan Brandan Dumai Sungai Pakning Musi Cilacap Balikpapan Balongan Kasim Cepu TOTAL Installed Capacity 5 120 50 133.7 348 260 125 10 3.8 1.055.5 Crude Processed 2003 2004 2.6 2.3 28.9 22.1 47 48.6 113.3 107.4 351.4 332.5 246.5 264.3 114.8 111.9 8.4 8.4 2.3 2.2 1,015.2 999.8

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can be seen in Table 4. The quality and the price of the kerosene in the country are controlled by state oil and gas company, PT PERTAMINA.

3.2. LSWR LSWR is the bottom product of Indonesian oil refineries. The refineries that produce LSWR include Cilacap, Balikpapan, Dumai, Pangkalan Brandan, Sorong and Plaju. Currently, Indonesian oil refinery exports LSWR to Japan and Korea. In those countries, LSWR is processed to produce oils. Some Indonesian industries also use LSWR as fuel oil for boiler. Recently, the refineries also process LSWR to produce oils. Tables 5 and 6 show the product specifications of LSWR from Plaju and Cilacap refineries, respectively. PT PERTAMINA does not provide LSWR price to the public, because there is not standard price of LSWR. The price of the LSWR can be negotiated by a contract or purchase agreement. The Refin-

10000 8000
Prices, Rp.

6000 4000 2000 0 1 2 3 4


Figure 3. Trend of industrial kerosene price in Indonesia in 2007

Table 4. Specifications of kerosene No 1 2 Property Octane grade Specific gravity 60/60 F DISTILLATION : 10% vol. evap. To C 50% vol. evap. To C 90% vol. evap. To C Smoke Point, MM Chart Value, mg/kg Flash Point, oF Sulphur Content % mass Corrosion of copper sheet (3 hour/500C) Color & Odour Limit Min 80.0 88 18 Marketable Max 85.0 0,8262 74 125 180 6.45 117 <0.015 No.1 ASTM D-2699 D-4052 D-86 D-1322 D-1266 D-130 Test Method Other IP-10 IP-170 Organoleptic

3 4 5 6 7 8

Table 5. Product specifications of LSWR from Plaju refinery No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Properties Specific Gravity at 60/60 oF A.P.I Gravity, 60oF Pour Point, oF Conradson Carbon Residue, % wt. Water Content, %vol. Ash Content, %wt. Sulphur Content, %vol. Flash Point PM CC, oF Viscosity Redwood I/140oF, sec. Limit Min 0.8789 20.5 166 100 Max 0.9309 29.5 120 8.00 0.50 0.10 0.20 350 Test Method ASTM D-1298 D-1250 D-97 D-189 D-95 D-482 D-1551 D-93 By Conversion from D-445


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eries also do not control the quality of LSWR because every refinery produces the different specifications of LSWR.

be seen in Table 6. The refineries are located in Sumatera, Java, East Kalimantan and Papua as can be seen in Figure 4. They produce a mix of oil

Table 6. Product specifications of LSWR from Cilacap refinery No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Properties Specific Grafity at 60/60 F A.P.I Gravity, 60F Pour Point, oF Conradson Carbon Residue, % wt. Water Content, %vol. Ash Content, %wt. Sulphur Content, %vol. Flash Point PM CC, F Viscosity Redwood I/140F, sec. Limit Min 170 Max 0.9174 22.74 105 4.20 0.10 0.008 0.22 166 Test Method ASTM D-1298 D-1250 D-97 D-189 D-95 D-482 D-1551 D-93 By Conversion from D-445

3.3. Spray oil for briquette machine Lube base oil can be used as briquette machine spray oil. Lube base oil is a hydrocarbon compound that is produced by a distillation process of vacuum long residue at Lube Oil Complex I/II/III at Indonesian refinery processing Unit IV Cilacap. Lube base oil is used as material for making of lubricating oil. This material is blended and added with additive to be lube oil such as mesran and other brand name found in the market. There are four types of the lube base oils namely HVI-60 or SN-150, HVI-95 or SN-200, HVI-160S or SN-500 and HVI-650. That oil can be used as spray oil for briquetting process; the different of each is only the viscosity of oil product. We can select the cheaper one to meet an economical view of UBC commercial plant. Table 7 shows specifications of the lube base oils. Production Capacity of the lube base oil is as follows: 1. HVI-60 = 69,400 tons/year 2. HVI-95 = 108,500 tons/year 3. HVI-160s = 104,600 tons/year 4. HVI-650 = 145,500 tons/year. 3.4. Transportation Method Indonesia has nine oil refineries, all of the refineries are belong to and operated by state oil and gas company PERTAMINA, with a combined installed capacity of 1.06 million barrel/day as can

fuels (diesel, fuel oil and kerosene), liquefied natural gas, secondary fuels (such as naphtha) and nonfuels (such as LSWR, asphalt and lubricants). Pangkalan Brandan: This is small; aging refinery consists of a simple (primary) distillation unit, without a secondary processing unit. Pangkalan Brandan has a processing capacity of 5,000 barrel/day. Dumai: The refinery has a primary and a secondary processing unit (Hydro Cracker) that produces liquid petroleum gas (LPG), naphtha, high vacuum grade oil (HVGO) and green coke. Its processing capacity is 120,000 barrel/day. Sungai Pakning: Built at around 1957, the plant refines heavy paraffin crude oil to produce diesel and paraffin and has a capacity of 50,000 barrel/ day. Plaju/Musi: The aged refinery was built by shell in 1930. It consists of both a primary and a secondary processing unit. The secondary unit, a fuel catalytic cracker unit (FCCU), processes up to 135,000 barrel/day and was designed to produce polyetilene tetra amine (PTA) and polytam. Pertamina has proposed to convert the facility into a petrochemical plant by 2008. Cilacap: The Indonesias largest refinery. Cilacap is located in Central Java with 348,000 barrel/day in capacity. Its products are premium fuel, kero-

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Table 7. Product specifications of lube base oil Properties Viscosity at 100C sCt Viscosity index (min) Flash Point PMCC, C (m) Pour Point, C (max) Total Acidity, mg KOH/g (max) Ash Content, % wt (max) Color ASTM (max) Cloud Test Appearance Properties Viscosity at 100C. cSt Viscosity Flash Point PMCC. C (min) Pour Point, C (max) Total Acidity, mg KOH/g (max) Ash Content, % wt (max) Color ASTM (max) Cloud Test Appearance
Notes: 1. 2. 3. HVI = High Viscosity Index SN = Solvent Neutral BS = Bright Stock

Method ASTM 0-445 ASTM 0-2270 ASTM D-93 ASTM D-97 ASTM D-974 ASTM 0-482 ASTM 0-1500 SMS-1694 Visual Method ASTM 0-445 index (min) ASTM D-93 ASTM D-97 ASTM D-974 ASTM 0-482 ASTM 0-1500 SMS-1694 Visual

HVI-60 4.4 - 4.9 95 204 -15 0,05 0,01 1,5 no cloud clear & blight HVI-160S/160B 10.7 - 11.8 ASTM 0-2270 228 -9 0,05 0,01 0,3 no cloud clear & blight

HVI-95 6.7 - 7.4 95 210 -9 0,05 0,01 2 no cloud clear & blight HVI-650 30.5 - 33.5 95 95 267 -9 0,05 0,01 0,4 no cloud clear & blight


Pangkalan Brandan

Dumai Balikpapan Musi Sungai Pakning




Balongan Cepu


Figure 4. Location of Indonesian oil refineries


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sene, diesel, fuel oil, and naphtha. Balikpapan: The Balikpapan refinery in East Kalimantan is more modern than that of Cilacap and Dumai, and consists of both a primary unit and secondary processing (Hydro Cracker) unit. The Plant has a refining capacity of 220,000 barrel/day. Bechtel upgraded the refinery in 1983. Due to the facility design, the plant cannot process crude from nearby domestic producers (Total, Chevron, Talisman and VICO). Balongan: Indonesias newest state-owned refinery at Balongan in West Java has capacity to process 125,000 barrel/day of domestic crude. It has two production units: the crude distillation unit (CDU) and the residue catalytic cracking unit (RCCU). The RCCU, one of the worlds largest, has a processing capacity of 83,000 barrel/day. Kasim: This is a small refinery located in Papua and has only a simple primary distillation unit. Its main products are premium fuels, diesel and kerosene. Pertaminas Downstream Directorate is responsible for the distribution of fuel products to endusers from 174 storage depots throughout Indonesia. The Directorate has established eight regional representative offices to market the products. Fuel products are transported via an elaborate pipeline network and by tank trucks, rail tank wagons, tank vessels and barges. Oil that will be used for UBC plant will be transported from oil refinery by lorries or tankers. In case of the UBC plant in Satui, South Kalimantan the oil will be transported from Balikpapan oil refinery. If the UBC plant located in Pendopo, South Sumatera, the oil will be transported from Plaju oil refinery. In case of LSWR, PT PERTAMINA storages the residue in twelve tanks with each capacity of 70,000 barrel. LSWR is sent to a port by pipe line with a diameter of 10 inch for about 1 KM in length that equipped by steam trace. According to the safety regulation and also the availability of infrastructure in oil refinery, LSWR can only be loaded to tanker. The LSWR will be loaded through pipe line by loading arm to the tanker with LSWR flow rate of 800m3/h and minimum capacity of tanker is 200,000 barrel. After loading the LSWR, the pipes and pumps are

cleaned (flushing) by automotive diesel oil (ADO) of 75 m3. Inventory LSWR in the pipe line is about 70 m3, therefore the total of ADO generated is 145 m3. This oil is also loaded to the tanker and it is mixed with LSWR. 3.5 Kerosene and LSWR Substitution

(1) Heavy Aromatic (Kerosene Substitution) Heavy Aromatic is produced by PT PERTAMINAs Paraxylene refinery in Cilacap. It was constructed in 1988 and began operation after its inauguration by the President on December 20, 1990. The total capacity of this refinery is 590,000 tons/year with the range of production: paraxylene, benzene, LPG, raffinate, heavy aromatic, and fuel gas/excess. The price of heavy aromatic will be negotiated with PT PERTAMINA. Product specification of heavy product from some refinery belong to PT PERTAMINA is shown in Table 8. Heavy aromatic was suggested by PT PERTAMINA Research and Laboratory Services due to similarity of physical characteristic of heavy aromatic and small different in the specific gravity with kerosene. Another reason is abundant product of heavy aromatic, which until now not utilize yet so we can get the product with cheap price. The price of oil which used at UBC process will affect to the economic view of UBC commercialization. However, we should be tested at UBC laboratory scale to confirm the effect of that oil to UBC product. (2) Asphalt (LSWR substitution) Asphalt can be used as LSWR substitution because it has a similarity in the physical properties and specific gravity of that oil. Another reason is availability of asphalt transportation infra structure. Regarding to infra structure in PERTAMINA refinery the LSWR should be transported by used tanker with minimum capacity of 200,000 barrel. In another hand, asphalt can be transported to the site by using lorry with minimum capacity of 5000 liter. The characteristic of asphalt that is produced by Indonesian oil refinery UP IV Cilacap from semisolid asphallic oil cure is non metallic dissolve in CS2 (carbon disulphide). The characteristic of asphalt is water proofing and adhesive. Indonesian refinery has produced asphalt for long time and guarantees the continuity of supply. Production capacity of asphalt from oil

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Table 8. Product specification of heavy aromatic No 1 2 3 Analysis Spec. Gravity 15.5/15.5 C Flash Point C Distilation IBP C FBP C Composition % wt C9 Aromate CIO Aromate C10 + Aromate Colour Method D-4052 D-93 D-850 Result 0.9091 - 0.9255 136 - 144 168 - 174 330 - 335 UOP-744 48.18 22.38 29.44 0.4


refinery UP IV Cilacap is 650,000 tons/year. There are two grades of asphalt that produced by oil refinery UP IV, they are asphalt penetration 60/70 and 80/100. Product specification of asphalt penetration 60/70 and 80/100 can be seen in Table 9 and 10, respectively.

(3) Decant Oil (LSWR substitution) Another recommendation to substitute LSWR is decant oil, because it has similarity in physical properties with LSWR. Same as heavy aromatic the decant oil product not utilize yet so we can have that oil with more cheap price

Table 9. Product specification of asphalt penetration 60/70 No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Parameter Penetration 25C 100 g 5 second, mm Softening Point Flash Point (Cleveland Open Cup), C Loss weight 163 C, 5 hour, wt% Dissolve in C S2 or CCL4, wt% Ductility 25 C, 5 cm per minute, cm Penetration after percentage weight loss towards the real weight, % Weight density 25/25 C Specification Min 60 48 200 99 100 75 1 Max 79 58 0,4 -

Table 10. Product specification of asphalt penetration 80/100 No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Parameter Penetration 25C 100 g 5 second, mm Softening Point (Ring & Ball), C Flash Point (Cleveland Open Cup), C Loss weight 163 C, 5 hour, wt% Dissolve in CS2 or CCL4, wt% Ductility 25 C, 5 cm per minute, cm Penetration after percentage weight loss towards the real weight, % Weight density 25/25 C Specification Min 80 46 225 99 100 75 1 Max 99 54 0,4 -


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compared to LSWR or asphalt. Decant oil is one of the product derived from distillations from crude oil at oil refinery in Balongan. In Average, the production capacity of decant oil from oil refinery in Balongan is 500,000 tons/ year. Table 11 shows the product specifications of decant oil from oil refinery in Balongan.

3. Lube base oil can be used as briquette machine spray oil. Lube base oil is used as material for making lubricating oil. The quality of lube base oil is controlled by PT PERTAMINA and the price of the base oil can be negotiated by a contract or purchase agreement. 4. Oil that will be used for UBC plant will be transported from oil refinery by lorries or tankers. In case of the UBC plant in Satui, South Kalimantan the oil will be transported from Balikpapan oil refinery. If the UBC plant located in Pendopo, South Sumatera, the oil will be transported from Plaju oil refinery. 5. Heavy aromatic oil is recommended to substitute kerosene, and asphalt or decant oil to substitute LSWR, because of their similar properties.

Table 11. Product specification of decant oil from Balongans oil refinery No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Parameter Specific Gravity at 60/60, F API Gravity Pour Point, C Vickositas at 50 C, cSt Flsh Point PMMC, C WW Content, % vol Sulfur, % wt Metal Content as Al + Si, ppm Specification 0.9834 7.8 -1.5 14.41 80 0.35 0.12 353

REFERENCES Allardice, D. J. and Young, B. C., 2001. Utilization of low rank coals, 18th Annual International Pittsburgh Coal Conference. Centre of Geology Resources, 2007. Indonesia Coal Resources, Agency of Geology, Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources. Favas, G. and Jackson, W. R. 2003, Hydrothermal dewatering of lower rank coals: Effects of process, Fuel, vol. 82, p. 5357 (2003).



1. The quality and the price of kerosene in Indonesia are controlled by state oil and gas company, PT PERTAMINA. 2. The price of the LSWR can be negotiated by a contract or purchase agreement. The Refineries also do not control the quality of LSWR because every refinery produces the different specifications of LSWR.

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Binarko Santoso and Nining Sudini Ningrum R&D Centre for Mineral and Coal Technology Jalan Jenderal Sudirman 623 Bandung 40211 Ph. 022-6030483, fax. 022-6003373, e-mail:
Received : 04 December 2006, first revision : 04 February 2008, second revision : 29 April 2008, accepted : June 2008

ABSTRACT Geological setting of the Cigudeg and Bojongmanik areas gives rise to the coal characteristics, particularly due to the depositional environment and stratigraphic aspect. Those characteristics include lithotype, type and rank of the coals. The coals formed under wet-swamp condition to result in brighter lithotype and vitrinite-rich coal. By contrast, the coals formed under dry-swamp condition to result in duller lithotype and inertinite-rich coal. The Cigudeg coals contain clay minerals and quartz, whilst the Bojongmanik coals contain pyrite and calcite. These minerals are beneficial to interpret depositional environment of the coals. Ranks of the Bojongmanik coals are somewhat higher (lignite-subbituminous C-B) that those of the Cigudeg coals (lignite-subbituminous B) according to the ASTM classification. These higher ranks are due to the thicker overburden on the Bojongmanik coals in terms of stratigraphic aspect. Regarding those petrographic characteristics, both coals are suitable for fuel of direct combustion for the small-scale and home industries that are available in the surrounding areas. Therefore, the coals can economically cope with the demand of those industries. Keywords: petrographic analyses, Cigudeg coals, Bojongmanik coals, utilisation



Coal deposits are found in many locations in Java Island that are distributed from western to eastern part of the island. Resources of the coals are approximately 14,210,000 tons (Hadiyanto, 2006). Most of the coals are located in Banten, and some have been mined since the Japanese occupation in 1940s, particularly in Bayah Coalfield in southern Banten (Sigit, 1980). Unfortunately, research on coal petrography is rarely carried out in Indonesia due to lack of the apparatus facilities and capability of the human resources. Few coal petrologists have been researching for coal in this country since late 1980s, particularly in determining type and rank of coal with respect to its utilisation. In addition, some overseas enterprises for oil and

gas exploration have also tried to conduct it since 1985, particularly in observing exinite macerals as oil-source rocks (Santoso and Ningrum, 2003). Cigudeg (Bogor Regency, West Java) and Bojongmanik (Lebak Regency, Banten) areas were selected for the studied areas, because both areas significantly contain six coal seams that were geologically investigated by Siswoyo and Thayib (1976), Martodjojo (1984), Jusmady (1987) and Santoso and Ningrum (2003). However, these investigations were not supported by coal petrography and accordingly, the presented data were not complete, especially in association with the coal geological issues. Besides, type and rank of the coals is unknown that are significant to utilise.


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Regarding the lack of data of coal petrography, attempts have been conducted to contribute and complete coal references particularly its utilisation for small-scale and home industries as fuel of direct combustion where the coal is urgently required by the industries around the studied areas. The aims of this study are to obtain an understanding of the aspects as follows: Analysing type and rank of the Late Miocene Cigudeg and Bojongmanik coals of the Bojongmanik Formation by making maceral analyses and reflectance measurements, Examiningrelation of type and rank to geological setting, and Examining the implication of the petrographic data with regard to the utilisation of the coals.

mineral matter counted : % vitrinite + liptinite + inertinite + mineral matter = 100 mineral matter free basis : % vitrinite + liptinite + inertinite = 100

After completion of the analysis, maceral group or mineral was expressed as a percentage of the total points recorded. Each point could be examined in reflected white light and fluorescence mode. Photomicrographs of macerals and mineral matter in the coals were obtained using the Leitz VarioOrthomat camera. Reflectance measurements were made on vitrinite, because it undergoes changes consistently with rank Vitrinite shows some inherent variability in reflectance according to type. It is the most abundant maceral in most coals and occurs as relatively large particles, thereby enabling easy measurement. The Standards recommend taking 100 measurements to obtain a precise mean value. The result of the measurements is called the mean maximum vitrinite reflectance.



Thirty coal samples studied were collected from Late Miocene coals of the Cigudeg (eleven samples) and the Bojongmanik (nineteen samples) areas according to the procedure of the Standards Association of Australia (1964). These samples were then examined in reflected white light and reflected ultraviolet light excitation in the laboratory of coal petrography, Research and Development Centre for Mineral and Coal Technology, Bandung. Maceral analyses were determined in oil immersion in reflected plane polarised light at a magnification of x500 (Standards Association of Australia, 1986). The exinite group of macerals was accurately studied using ultraviolet light excitation at a magnification of x500. An orthoplan microscope fitted with a Leitz Vario-Orthomat camera was used for all photography. Reflectance measurements were conducted using a Leitz Ortholux microscope fitted with a Leitz MPV 1 microphotometer. The microphotometer was calibrated against synthetic garnet standards of 0.917% and 1.726% reflectance and a synthetic spinel of 0.413% reflectance (Standards Association of Australia, 1981). Normal point count techniques were applied for maceral analysis. The maceral analysis is based on counting of 500 points using the Swift Automatic Point Counter attached to the microscope. The maceral data are calculated as follows:



Tectonically, Western Java region points the transition between frontal subduction beneath Sumatera to the west (Tapponier et al., 1982; Martodjojo, 1989; Keetley et al., 1997). This region has continuously been active since rifting in the Eocene. The rifting was probably related to the collision between India and Asia and resulted in a significant influx of coarse clastic sediments. The Oligocene-Recent history is more dominated by subduction-related volcanism and limestone deposition. Java Island consists of Seribu Carbonate Platform in the north, Rangkasbitung sedimentary sub-basin and Bayah High in the south. The sediments in Banten and West Java comprise non-marine/continental sedimentary sequences and marginal marine and marine sedimentary sequences. Generally, the Tertiary coals are not well distributed in Java as mentioned by Koesoemadinata, 1978). Terrestrial pre-transgressive sedimentation occurred in West Java only, particularly in southern part of Banten and West Java, and resulted in coal deposition within the Bayah (Palaeogene) and Bojongmanik (Neogene) Formations. According to Rusmana et al. (1982) and Sujatmiko and Santoso

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(1985), Late Miocene Bojongmanik Formation comprises alternation of sandstone and claystone, limestone and tuff. This formation is divided into three members, which are Claystone Member with coal interbed, Limestone Member and Sandstone Member with coal interbed. The formation having a thickness of 600-800 metres was deposited in shallow neritic-brackish environment in Cigudeg and Bojongmanik areas where the sea developed to the west (Darman and Sidi, 2000; Figure 1). Coal deposits are widely distributed in both areas include six seams know as seams A to F within the Claystone Member (Jusmady, 1987; Figures 2 and 3). Thicknesses of the Cigudeg coals vary

from 0.2 m to 0.4 m, whilst the Bojongmanik coals are from 0.15 m to 1.9 m. The Bojongmanik Formation conformably covers Middle Miocene Badui Formation at the Bojongmanik area. The Badui Formation consists mainly of reef limestones. Structurally, both areas have folding and faulting at the Middle Miocene deposits. The folding has west-east direction, whilst the faulting, mainly horizontal fault, has southwest-northeast direction. In line with the forming of these structures, dacite and andesite intrusions occurred in the eastern part of the Cigudeg area. However, these intrusions had no contact to the coal seams.



Figure 1. The studied areas at Cigudeg and Bojongmanik (Darman and Sidi, 2000)


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Claystone Seam A, 0.20 m Sandstone, claystone Seam B, 0.20 - 0.24 m Claystone Seam C, 0.24 m Sandstone Seam D, 0.20 - 0.40 m Claystone Seam E, 0.20 - 0.30 m Sandstone Seam F, 0.20 - 0.30 m Conglomeratic sandstone, claystone

Claystone Seam A, 1.00 m Claystone, sandstone Seam B, 0.4 m Claystone, tuff, conglomeratic sandstone Seam C,1.50 - 2.20 m Claystone Seam D, 0.15 - 0.30 m Claystone, tuff, sandstone, limestone Seam E, 0.50 m Claystone Seam F, 0.60 m Claystone

Figure 2. The Cigudeg coal seams (not to scale).

Figure 3. The Bojongmanik coal seams (Jusmady, 1987; not to scale)



4.1. Results Megascopically, the Cigudeg and Bojongmanik coals are dominated by brighter lithotypes, particularly for the Bojongmanik coals (Tables 1 and 2). In the Bojongmanik coals, most of the coal seams are bright lithotype with the exception of seams B and D. Whilst in the Cigudeg coals, the lower seams (D,E and F) are brighter lithotype and the upper ones (A, B and C) are duller lithotype.

Microscopically, both of the coals are absolutely dominated by vitrinite over inertinite, exinite and mineral matter (Figures 4, 5, 6 and 7).Vitrinite content is higher in the lower Cigudeg coals (D, E and F) than those of the upper ones (A, B and C); whilst in the Bojongmanik coals, its content is high in seams C, E and F.Inertinite content shows relatively high in the upper seams (A and B) of the Cigudeg coals and seam D of the Bojongmanik coals.The rest are relatively low in both coals. Exinite content is relatively low in both coals.

Table 1. Cigudeg coals COAL SEAMS A B C D E F LITHOTYPE (%) 60 DB, 40 DB 50 BD, 50 DB 100 DB 70 BB, 30 BD 50 BD, 50 DB 70 BB, 30 BD MACERAL (%) MINERAL V E I (%) 69.1 67.9 79.0 80.1 5.6 12.8 7.6 11.7 2.6 6.4 3.2 7.1 7.5 5.1 12.5 12.8 12.0 9.6 4.9 5.3 Rvmax (%) 0.2470-0.3255 0.2909-0.3376 0.2804 0.3439-0.3915 RANK Australia Brown coal Brown coal Brown coal Brown coal ASTM

81.9 5.7 86.6 3.0

Lignite Lignite Lignite LigniteSubbituminous B 0.2955-0.3516 Brown coal Lignite 0.3559-0.3948 Brown coal LigniteSubbituminous B

Notes: D-dull, DB-dull banded, BD-banded, BB-bright banded, V-vitrinite, E-exinite, I-inertinite, ASTM-American Standard for Testing Materials

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Table 2. Bojongmanik coals COAL SEAMS A B C D E F LITHOTYPE (%) 100 B 50 B, 50 D 100 B 75 D, 25 B 100 B 100 B MACERAL (%) MINERAL V E I (%) 68.2 55.3 84.6 49.2 78.0 74.2 10.1 15.7 1.1 5.0 3.8 5.1 2.6 24.1 2.8 5.9 3.4 8.4 6.0 38.6 6.5 16.1 13.3 14 Rvmax (%) 0.3721-0.3756 0.3106-0.3312 0.3721-0.3918 0.3027-0.3165 0.3623-0.3789 0.3795 RANK Australia ASTM Brown coal Subbituminous C Brown coal Lignite Brown coal Subbituminous C-B Brown coal Lignite Brown coal Subbituminous C Brown coal Subbituminous B

Notes: D-dull, DB-dull banded, BD-banded, BB-bright banded, B-bright, V-vitrinite, E-exinite, I-inertinite, ASTM-American Standard for Testing Materials

Figure 4. Vitrinite (grey) and exinite (black), Rvmax=0.65%, field width=0.28 mm. Seam C of Bojongmanik coals.

Figure 5. As for Figure 4, but in fluorescence mode

Figure 6. Resinite (black, rounded) associated with telovitrinite (grey), Rvmax=0.36%, field width=0.34 mm. Seam D of Cigudeg coals

Figure 7. As for Figure 6, but in fluorescence mode.


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Mineral matter content is mostly high in both coals, extremely in seam B of the Bojongmanik coals that is 38.6% of pyrite and trace calcite. Vitrinite reflectances of the Cigudeg and Bojongmanik coals vary from 0.24% to 0.39%. All the coals are ranked as brown coal according to the Australian classification or lignite to subbituminous B (ASTM). Based on the ASTM classification, the rank of the Bojongmanik coals is somewhat higher than that of the Cigudeg coals. In summary, the vitrinite, inertinite and exinite contents of the Cigudeg and Bojongmanik coals are systematically related to one to another. The inertinite and exinite contents decrease with increases in vitrinite content.Ranks of the coals are relatively the same, which are brown coal (Australian classification) or lignite to subbituminous C-B (ASTM). 4.2. Discussion The coal seams of the Bojongmanik Formation are found in the Cigudeg area (eastern part) and the Bojongmanik area (western part). The Cigudeg coals are associated with thin claystone and sandstone, whilst the Bojongmanik coals are associated with thick claystone, shale and sandstone. The coals were deposited in shallow neritic-brackish environment. The sea developed to the west due to the presence of thick limestone of the Bojongmanik Formation. To the east, its lithology is dominated by fluvial deposits. The Cigudeg coals have thicknesses of 0.2-0.4 m, whilst the Bojongmanik coals have thicknesses of 0.15-1.9 m. As shown in Tables 1 and 2, lithotypes of the Cigudeg coals (eastern part of the studied area) are duller than those of the Bojongmanik coals (western part). This indicates that the Cigudeg coals were formed under dry-swamp. Otherwise, the Bojongmanik coals were deposited in wet swamp due to marine intrusion into the swamp. This is supported by the presence of pyrite and calcite in the Bojongmanik coals rather than in the Cigudeg coals that are dominated by clay minerals and quartz. Macerals of both coals are dominated by vitrinite over inertinite and exinite.This is indicative of forest type vegetation in humid tropical zone, without significant dry events throughout. Vitrinite-rich coals, particularly in the Bojongmanik coals, have high content of mineral matter present as discrete dirt bands, due to rapid subsidence (Cook, 1975;

Shibaoka and Smyth, 1975). Ranks of the coals range from lignite to subbituminous B in which the Bojongmanik coals are somewhat higher than the Cigudeg coals due to thicker overburden on the Bojongmanik coals. This is also supported by the calorific value of the Bojongmanik coals that are relatively higher than that of the Cigudeg coals (Santoso and Ningrum, 2003). According to the type (vitrinite-rich, 49.2-86.6%) and rank (lignite-subbituminous B), the coals are in common suited for direct combustion.However, high moisture contents (18.3-26.3%, air-dried basis; Santoso and Ningrum, 2003) and spontaneous combustion will cause problems that generally occur in lower rank coal. The vitrinite-rich coals are suited for preparation in combustion, because they are easily ground through to the finer fraction. These coals are generally tougher than the more inertinite-rich coals. Resources of the coals in the studied areas are approximately 14 million tons (Hadiyanto, 2006). These resources are expected to cope with the coal demand in the areas. Some of the coals have been exploited and utilised by lime and brick combustion in the surrounding areas. The main utilisation will be for small-scale and home industries, which are available in the studied areas with strong demand of the coals.



The Cigudeg and Bojongmanik coals of the Bojongmanik Formation were deposited under shallow neritic-brackish environment where marine developed from east to west. The coals are much thicker to the west, where the Cigudeg coals (east) are between 0.2 and 0.4 m, whilst the Bojongmanik coals (west) range from 0.15 to 1.9 m. This environment caused differences on lithotype, maceral and mineral composition. The Cigudeg coals are dominated by duller lithotypes (dull-banded, banded). On the contrary, the Bojongmanik coals are dominated by brighter lithotypes (bright). Inertinite contents are somewhat higher in the Cigudeg coals than those of the Bojongmanik coals. Pyrite is dominant in the Bojongmanik coals, whilst clay minerals and quartz are dominant in the Cigudeg coals.Ranks of the Bojongmanik coals are higher than those of the Cigudeg coals because of thicker overburden. Both coals are categorised as low-rank coals due to their low ranks as lignite to subbituminous C and their high moisture contents.

Petrographic Analyses of Coal Deposits ... Binarko Santoso and Nining Sudini Ningrum


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According to characteristics of both coals and urgent requirement demanded by the small-scale and home industries around the studied areas, the coals can be utilised as fuel of direct combustion. Besides their appropriate characteristics, resources of the coals can support its demand that can be used for relatively long time.

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INDONESIAN MINING JOURNAL Vol. 11 No. 11, June 2008 : 42 - 48

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'A live and well : The Red Brigades are Back' ,Time 27 Feb. 1984, no. 46. 4. Speeches Durant, W. and Durant, A., 1974. Can Democracy Survive? Commencement Address Occidental College Los Angeles, 8 June. 5. Government Publications California. Dept. of Alcohol and Drug Programs 1980. A Directory of Community Services for Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism in California, Sacramento : The Department of Alcohol and Drug Programs, . Republic of Indonesia, Ministry of Mines and Energy. Directorate General of Mines. Directorate of Coal 1997, Prodcim-1 1990 1996, Ministry of Mines and Energy, Jakarta.

1. Book by one and/or more authors Munitz, M. K., 1974. The Mystery of Existence : An Essay in Philosophical Cosmology, New York UP, New York.



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