Air Conditioning

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Jordan University of Science and Technology

Faculty of Engineering Department of Mechanical Engineering ME443 THERMOFLUIDS LAB

Lab #8


Dr. Adnan Khdeer

Tasneem Adeeb Bani Mustafa

Experiment 3: " AIR-CONDITIONING"

To study air conditioning in practice. Heating and cooling of a stream of air.

Air-conditioning unit consists of two parts: 1. Air system : a) fan and speed control. b) Electrical heater. c) Boiler; to add moisture. d) Air flow measurement. 2. Refrigerant system : a) compressor. b) Condenser. c) Refrigerant evaporator.

After operating the fan to have air stream;

Part 1 " Heating " :

Start the electrical heaters to heat the air stream, take the temperatures ( wet and dry ) for the three sections.

Part 2 " cooling and humidification " :

Both of these done together but cooling in section 3 and the humidification in section 2, in this we operate the devise under the air conditioning unit, take the temperature

Calculation and Data Analysis:

Applying the steady flow equation at sections D and G , the energy balance will be Qa - Wa = ma [(hg hd) + (Vg - Vd )/2] Where:

Qa = sum of the rate of heat transfer at the heating or cooling surface and the external heat transfer to or from the surrounding atmosphere. Wa = rate of work done or by the system. ma = mass flow rate of air flowing in the duct. hd = enthalpy of air at section D. hg = enthalpy of air at section G. Vg = mean velocity of air at section D. Vd = mean velocity of air at section G. Since Wa = 0 and Vg = Vd the equation reduces to : Qa = ma(hg- hd) From the continuity equation : ma = [Ad*Vd] / Vd =Vod / Vd Where: Ad = cross sectional area of the duct =0.0645 m Vd = spesific volume of air (obtained from psychometric chart) Vod = volume flow rate.

** Applying it on our data : Part 1 " Heating " :

Q (m3/sec) 370 440 498 Section 1 Twet (oC) Tdry (oC) 24 29 24 29 25 30 Section 2 Twet (oC) Tdry (oC) 34 44 34 43 33 42 Section 3 Twet (oC) Tdry (oC) 29 40 30 41 32 41

In section 3:Twet= 29,Tdry = 43 ; then from the psychometric chart vg= 0.917m/kg hg=95 KJ/Kg In section 2 : Twet =32, Tdry =48 ; also the psychometric chart: vd=0.94 m3/kg hd=115 KJ/Kg Using : ma = Q/vd = 285/.94 = 303.2 kg/sec Qa =303.2[95-115] = -6064W/Sec hd=enthalpy of air at section 2. hg= enthalpy of air at section 3. Ad=cross sectional area of the duct =0.0645 m

Vd = Q/Ad =285/0.0645= 4411.76 m/sec The rest of the calculations "results" : Q (m/h) vd(m/kg) hg (KJ/kg) hd (KJ/kg) ma (kg/h) 285 370 440 0.94 0.931 0.925 95 95 94.5 115 109 105 303.2 437.2 517.62 Q(w/s) -6064 -6120.30 -5435.02

Part 2 " cooling and humidification " :

Q (m3/sec) 370 440 498 Section 1 Twet ( C) Tdry (oC) 25 30 25 30 25 30

Section 2 Twet ( C) 30 31 30 31 31 31

Section 3 Twet ( C) Tdry (oC) 24 25 23 24.5 22.5 24


In section 3 : as above : hg=65,vg=0.86 In section 2 : hd=95,vd=0.896 ma=285/0.896=318.1kg/h Q=318.1[65-95]= -9542.4W/Sec The rest of the calculations "results" :

Q (m/h) vd(m/kg) hg (KJ/kg) hd (KJ/kg) ma (kg/h) 285 370 440 0.896 0.993 0.888 65 62 68 95 90 85 318.1 409.40 529.30

Q (w/s) -9542.4 -10306.8 -8988.1

Conclusion and Discussion:

In this experiment we work to measure the heat transfer rate and we saw that the measured heat transfer rate is determined from either direct measurement of the electrical circuit or by measurement of the mass flow rate and the enthalpy change across the evaporator. We see that the air condition unit can be used to demonstrate a number of important principles in the control of the environment for human comfort industrial and other purposes. The mains water supply should be connected and the stop cock turned on before the water heaters are switched on even if there is water in the boiler. Check by manually tapping ball valve. With ambient conditions showing high RH and the refrigerant unit in operation, the air passing through the system can be cooled to below its dew point temperature to precipitate some of its moisture onto the fins of the evaporator. In this experiment we work to measure the heat transfer rate and we saw that the measured heat transfer rate is determined from either direct measurement of the electrical circuit or by measurement of the mass flow rate and the enthalpy change across the evaporator. In this experiment the heat transfer rate was measured and it can be seen that the measured heat transfer rate is determined from either direct measurement of the electrical circuit or by measurement of the mass flow rate and the enthalpy change across the evaporator. From figures it can illustrate that for evaporator decreasing M0 will decrease the output temperature. The enthalpy change may also compare with the sum of the rate of heat transfer at the heating or cooling surface and the external heat transfer to or from the surrounding atmosphere. The enthalpies were decreasing by increasing the mass flow rate; the absolute humidity remains constant although the relative humidity may vary. It can be seen that the air condition unit can be used to demonstrate a number of important principles in the control of the environment for human comfort industrial and other purposes. We see that the air condition unit can be used to demonstrate a number of important principles in the control of the environment for human comfort industrial and other purposes. With the heat transfer to or from the air under no precipitate conditions it can be shown that the absolute humidity remains constant although the relative humidity may vary. The enthalpy change may also compared with the sum of the rate of heat transfer at the heating or cooling surface and the external heat transfer to or from the surrounding atmosphere.

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