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Contents ..........................................................................................................................................1 So what is this eProject?..................................................................................................................2 How do we start accessing the Sample eProject?............................................................................2 Objectives of the project..................................................................................................................3 How to arrange files and folders (from the very beginning of the project).....................................5 How to send files and folders...........................................................................................................6 What need to be submitted as final output.......................................................................................6 How to send Status report................................................................................................................7 eProject designing and development tips and tricks:.......................................................................8 The eproject Documentation should cover at least the following points in details: .....................10 Technology:...................................................................................................................................11 Duration:........................................................................................................................................11 What should be written on envelope:.............................................................................................12


The thirst for learning, upgrading technical skills and applying the concepts in real life environment at a fast pace is what the industry demands from IT professionals today. However busy work schedules, far-flung locations, and unavailability of convenient timeslots pose as major barriers when it comes to applying the concepts into realism. And hence the need to look out for alternative means of implementation in the form of laddered approach. The above truly pose as constraints especially for our students too! With their busy schedules, it is indeed difficult for our students to keep up with the genuine and constant need for integrated application which can be seen live especially so in the field of IT education where technology can change on the spur of a moment. Well, technology does come to our rescue at such times!! Keeping the above in mind and in tune with our constant endeavour to use Technology in our training model, we at Aptech have thought of revolutionizing the way our students learn and implement the concepts using tools themselves by providing a live and synchronous eProject learning environment!

So what is this eProject?

eProject is a step by step learning environment that closely simulates the classroom and Lab based learning environment into actual implementation. It is a project implementation at your fingertips!! An electronic, live juncture on the machine that allows you to o o o o o o o Practice step by step i.e. laddered approach. Developing a group project. Learn implementation of concepts in a phased manner. Enhance skills and add value. Work on real life projects. Give a real life scenario and help to create applications more complicated and useful. Mentoring through email support.

How do we start accessing the Sample eProject?

The students at the centre are expected to complete this eProject and send complete documentation with main, raw / source files (as mentioned in the specification) within the time allotted to eprojects team. Looking forward to a positive response from your end!!

Objectives of the project

The Objective of this program is to give a sample project to work on real life projects. These applications help you build a larger more robust application. The objective is not to teach you the softwares but to provide you with a real life scenario and help you create basic applications using the tools. You can revise the topics before you start with the project. These programs should be done in the Lab sessions with assistance of the faculty if required. It is very essential that a student has a clear understanding of the subject. Kindly get back to us in case of any doubts regarding the application or its objectives.

Problem Statement:

Project Name:Shine Utensils Create an informative, interactive website for a Shine Utensils company. The brand name is Shine . The website has to be informative enough for the end users / viewers to know brief of the various services and its prices and the availability. You have to develop the logo of the company also and use that inside site. The website should cover the following links / pages: Intro Animation Home page Mid pages (decide on your own as per service and product of the company) Online form Sitemap Contact Intro Page: Create a meaningful intro animation. The presentation should start with the animated intro page. The intro must have to design as per following guidelines: i. It has to be effective enough to generate interest in user to enter the site. ii. It has to be designed with some effective background sound. iii. The intro should have a skip button to skip to the home / index page, but if user is not not clicking at the end then intro should followed by home page on its own. iv. Intro must have to design with vector graphics only,you dont have to use any raster images like jpg, tga, gif etc. v. Intro animation may be some text animation, motion graphics, object animation or character animation or combination of these. vi. Before intro you must have to include preloader with proper flash script.Use innovative animation for preloader movie clip. Example of preloader movie clip. LOADING. Or rotating icon like this . vii. Intro also must have to be html file. viii. There must be a volume control for background sound with volume slider to adjust the intensity of sound and not merely with on\off only. ix. There must be a repeat button to replay the intro. x. Duration of intro should be between 5 sec to 10 sec. xi. Intro should be ended with logo animation of the product. xii. It must have to be placed in mid of the html page. xiii. Design logo for the company in vector graphics and animate it. Home page: The page should be designed with an animated header at the top of the page. Graphic content and position of button would be your decision You dont have to emphasise on text content for the page ,any relevant contents will do, because this is not going to be part of evaluation. Mid pages: You have to decide on your own how many page is required for such site and what would be hierarchy of those. But all the information must have to be arranged in proper way and hierarchy should be user friendly. Some example 1.about us

2.Product\services 3.Location 4.Our client 5.Testimonials 6.Centers Online form(for registration\placing order\Enquiry\feedback\specific log-in which would be as per product or service of site): This page you must have to create in Dreamweaver only with similar look and feel as of home page ,but in body parts you have to include all required form elements like name, email id ,password etc. Decision about Name, Number and type of form element (like radio button, text input box, drop down menu list) would be yours.

Site map is a graphical representation of link hierarchy so it would be complete guidance for user to navigate any specific page and with hyperlink on all the name of the pages. A lot of scope of creativity is there in this page also. Like creating a tree and showing page as branches and button as animated flowers.
Site map: it must have to be animated one. Contact us: provide the developers name and email ID along with a dummy address. Email ID must be hyperlinked for sending mail through any browser.

How to arrange files and folders (from the very beginning of the project).
Create following three folder and subfolder with same name and hierarchy from the very beginning of project in your local drive like D or E drive.

1.Web_site_Project name(like Sub folder a.html files b.souce files (put all sound clips,images,videos,swf files inside it first then insert in your html file, if you will put your element after finishing all work in html then path of source will get changed when you write folders on CD \DVD and it would not be available in html file.) 2. Raw files. Put all raw files what ever you created for developing the site like all the files with following extention. a.psd b.fla c.html d.jpeg e.css. f. Coreldraw\illustrator g. videofiles h.png i. Gif h.any other raw files.

3. Documentation-Put MS Word files in it .Before sending just take a printout of it and send us.

How to send files and folders.

Send Two CD\DVD 1.First CD\DVD: Heading of CD\DVD HTML files Project name- like Idea mobile Center name- like Park street All Developers name -Like 1.Rahul Verma(roll no-Student345675) 2.Dinesh Tyagi(roll no-Student678345) Content of CD\DVD:Write your folder with name Web_site_Project name Note: Before sending us check it properly whether all contents kept in source sub folder is visible in html files or not. 2.Second CD\DVD: Heading of CD\DVD Raw files and documentation. Project name- like Idea mobile Center name- like Park street All Developers name -Like 1.Rahul Verma(roll no-Student345675) 2.Dinesh Tyagi(roll no-Student678345) Content of CD\DVD:Write your both last folders with name Raw files and Documentation.

What need to be submitted as final output.

You need to submit the following Deliverables: A. Two CDs: 1. The entire project in one CD, all the final / executable files should be provided on the first CD. 2. All the raw files used on the website and soft copy of the documentation in another CD. B. Hardcopy of Documentation of the project. The documentation details are mentioned on the next page.

How to send Status report

You need to follow all the undermentioned points which are part of your eprojects execution and will carry 10 marks in the final eprojects Result.

1. Send us 2 (two) eprojects status mail, each should be after 10 days

interval from your eprojects start date. Incase if your project is less than 30 days then also you need to send 2 (two) status mails (first status mail between 7-10 days and second 3 days before the end date of project).

2. What should be sent in status mail:

A.First Status mail: Filled Status report page template(jpeg images only) Logo design(jpeg image only) Flow chart B.Second status mail: a.Intro swf file. b.html file of online-form page. Note:Instruction for sending mail a.Subject of mail:First/second status report. b.inside body your massage followed by Project name(mandatory): Name(mandatory): Enrollment no(mandatory): Project start date(mandatory): Project end date(mandatory):

a. b. c. d.

Along with both the status report you can send your doubts / clarification or any additional inputs required to complete your eprojects any time during the project planning and execution. 3. At the time of project submission also send us the Feedback along with your documentation (soft and hard bound copy). The Feedback you will find attached with this mail.

eProject designing and development tips and tricks:

1.Dont use framset to design the website pages (the frameset is an old concept of designing webpages). 2.Make the pages size usable for (1024-pixel-width) screens without bottom (right / left) scrollbar which help to scroll from left to right. 3.You should make the site user friendly. The navigation system should allow the visitor to quickly navigate the site from any page to any page. A common navigation bar should be included on all pages. Each and every page should have the top or side navigation panel and the bottom navigation panel. 4.Create simple design to understand the message, too many materials on a single page may mean less communication. 5.Dont squeeze or stretch images. 6. If

you are using image not in a large size, its not require to use a high resolution image with heavy file size.As per the specific requirement the resolution and file size can be decreased from photoshop.It will make a very tiny difference but it all matters in web world.
7.Use template to design the website. Template lets you to create new documents that share common settings and design elements. For example, if you need to design a series of web pages with a similar look and feel, you can create a template to reuse for all the similler pages. 8.Provide uniform look-and-feel to all the inner pages. This would help the user to find the buttons and information easily. 9. when you are writing text it should be in such a way that further editing should be possible by client. 10.Choose proper font type,size and color as per background. Verdana was designed specifically for the pixel display of computer screens. The font may not be available on all web browsers / users system, for this reason it is best to define a font family. The font family most often chosen is Verdana, Ariel and Helvetica. Art work made for the screen display should be used with sanserif fonts. You need to maintain uniform gap between the lines and also it should not be very less / tight or huge / too much gap which can cause readability problem. The uniform font setting should be applied on all the text blocks used in the web pages. Dont use too many different font types and size in formal documents. Its recommended to use the one font throughout a style such as body, headings, footnotes, etc. except in special cases. 11.The background should not be overpowering / lousy else it will be very difficult to read what is written on the page.

12.Use a 3-column table to set the left and right margins, this will help you to maintain proper margin between the text and picture as well as from the page edge / boundary. 13.Use a good combination of background and typeface colors for the readability and visual impact of the presentation. 14.You should always check all the link / embedded files before publishing or creating the final output. 15.The site should be compiled using website development tools and software (Dreamweaver HTML) which is the correct way of development of a web based presentation which also helps to reduce the file size. All the elements should be designed and developed using the proper tools / software (i.e. graphics in Photoshop, animation in Flash etc.) and the final composition / compilation / authoring should be done using Dreamweaver / HTML. Remember: Use CD Marker/ Permanent Marker to write to top of CDs. Dont use ball pen of pencil to write any thing on top of the CD it may damaged your CD.

The eproject Documentation should cover at least the following points in details:
Cover page (creative, attractive and relevant to the subject) Project details Project developers name and roles Specification Pre-production 1. Idea 2. Goal 3. Target Audience 4. Delivery media 5. Authoring tools 6. Planning 7. Resource allocation 8. Flowchart 9. Orientation 10. Navigation 11. Designing interface 12. Storyboarding 13. Layouts 14. Creating interface elements 15. Integrating the media elements F. Production 1. Scriptwriting 2. Editing 3. Collection / shooting images 4. Collection original Arts 5. Digitizing Arts 6. Collection / developing 3D / Animated elements 7. Collection / shooting videos 8. Collection / Recording sounds 9. Authoring 10. Proofreading G. Post-production 1. Testing 2. Mastering or Burning on a media 3. Archiving / storing the data 4. Duplication (if required) 5. Delivery / Distribution H. Knowledge enhancement I. Self experience J. Installation Guide K. Special thanks to the guide L. Last page Note: Additional activities (if performed during the eproject making) can also be included in the documentation points. The documentation has to be presentable (decorative, attractive detailed and should be submitted as hardbound copy). A. B. C. D. E.

CorelDraw / Illustrator: for Logo and other illustrations Photoshop: for image editing / creation. Premiere: for video editing. Sound Forge: for sound editing. Flash: for animation. Flash /Dreamweaver / html: for the final compilation of the entire project and output.

As mentioned in the schedule. Note: Dont forget to take your data backup every day. This will save your project work from the following: a. Virus problem b. System failure c. File corrupt Data Backup is an important event to be done on regular basis in a project management

What should be written on envelope:

Take B & W print out of the following text (all in purple color),after filling all the fields paste it on envelope: To,

Aptech Limited Champion House 2nd/3rd floor. 15- Parsi panchayat road. Near sona udyog. Andheri (East) Mumbai -69. India.
Details: Eproject. Check list:(mark right on Yes or No after taking the printout) CD name as HTML files: yes \No CD name as Raw files and documentation.: yes \No Hard copy of documentation: yes \No (Fill the following before taking the print out) Center name: Project name: Project start date: Project end date: Date on which courier is dispatched: Developers name with roll number. 1Enrollment no ( 2 Enrollment no( ) 3 Enrollment no( 4 Enrollment no( ) 5 Enrollment no( 6 Enrollment no( ) 7 Enrollment no( From: (Your address) .. .. ..

) )

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