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This Week in Syria, Deeply

4/29/13 5:24 PM

This Week in Syria, Deeply

Dear Deeply Readers, This week, as words blur and debate stirs over Syrias use of chemical weapons, we asked our experts, What Is Syrias Chemical Weapons Stockpile? Mohammed Sergies reporting from the ground showed us how Volunteers Cobble a Police Force in Kobani and Tensions Rise Between PKK and Syrian Army in Qamishli. His Social Media Buzz: This Is the Fate of All Traitors looked at the brutal treatment, within sects, when one of their own turns to the other side. Alison Meuse told the story of The Armenian Rebel Rebuilding Raqqa. Biting the clich that Armenian Christians solidly support the regime, he says that of the 360 Armenians in Assads Army, 62 of them, or 17 percent, have defected. He also gave us a stark reality check of how the Free Syrian Army looks from the ground. Maybe half the FSA guys are good, 25 percent are thieves, and another quarter are influenced by the bad ones, says Jimmy Shahinian. As a result, the whole battalion gets a bad reputation and the good half end up joining Jabhat al-Nusra because they dont want to be associated. In further political analysis, we asked, Does the Muslim Brotherhood Dominate the Opposition? Meanwhile, Syrian blogger and Syria Deeply contributor Amal Hanano turned to Arts + Culture: Lessons from the Minaret, as one of Aleppos architectural treasures fell to the fighting. In op-eds, Reem Alsalem of UNHCR stirred our empathy with a look at The Decision to Leave Syria the decision facing millions of Syrians. In politics and power, analyst Barak Barfi gave us his take on How the Syrian Regime Ensures its Grip on Power As always, to help you review, heres our day-by-day roundup of Syria headlines this

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This Week in Syria, Deeply

4/29/13 5:24 PM

week: Monday: Assads Forces Conduct Major Offensive in Damascus Suburbs; Russia Warns Against Moving to Arm Rebels Tuesday: Gunmen Abduct Two Bishops in Syria; Syria Opposition Names George Sabra as Interim Chief Wednesday: Fierce Battles at Key Military Airport in Aleppo Province; Rebels Threaten to Move the Battle into Lebanon Thursday: Air Strikes Near Damascus; Minaret Destroyed on Historic Umayyad Mosque; Hezbollah Under Pressure Over Syria Fighting Friday: Syria Claims Disruption of Rebel Supply Line; Hezbollah Joins Syria War; Opposition Urges UN to Act Over Chemical Arms We hope our work has helped to better engage and inform you on a critical issue. Were fielding your feedback on how to better serve you and the story, via email at Sincerely, The News Deeply Team

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