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Postbox Shortcuts

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Postbox Shortcuts
For our power users, here's a list of Keyboard Shortcuts that you can use to navigate your way through Postbox. Message Navigation Go Home Go to Next Message Go to Previous Message Go to Next Unread Message Go to Previous Unread Message Go to Next Viewed Message Go to Previously Viewed Message Go to Next Unread Thread Expand All Conversations in the Message List Pane Collapse All Conversations in the Message List Pane Expand Selected Collapsed Conversation in the Message List Pane Collapse Selected Expanded Conversation in the Message List Pane Expand Selected Conversation in the Message Pane Mac OS X Command + Shift + H F B N P ] [ Shift-T * \ right arrow Windows Home F B N P ] [ Shift-T * \ right arrow

left arrow

left arrow



Postbox Shortcuts

Collapse Selected Conversation in the Message Pane 3-Pane Navigation Move To Next Mail Pane Select the next message unit in a conversation in the message pane Select the previous message unit in a conversation in the message pane Switch Tabs Move To Next Tab Move To PreviousTab Move to the Search Bar Advanced Search View Messages View Attachments View Images Address Book Toggle Folder Pane Toggle Focus Pane Toggle Message Pane Toggle Inspector Pane Find in Message Find Again in Message Find Previous in Message Close tab Close Window

Shift + O Mac OS X F6 Option + Down Arrow Option + Up Arrow Command + 0-9 Ctrl + Tab Ctrl + Shift + Tab / or command + K Shift + Command + K Option + Command + M Option + Command + A Option + Command + I Command + Shift + B Command + Shift + M Command + Shift + P Command + Shift + E Command + Shift + I Command + F Command + G or F3 Command + Shift + G or Shift + F3 Command + W Command + Shift + W

Shift + O Windows F6 Alt + Down Arrow Alt + Up Arrow Ctrl + 0-9 Ctrl + Tab Ctrl + Shift + Tab / or ctrl + K Shift + Ctrl + K Alt + Ctrl + M Alt + Ctrl + A Alt + Ctrl + I Ctrl + Shift + B Ctrl + Shift + L Ctrl + Shift + P F8 Ctrl + Shift + I Ctrl + F Ctrl + G or F3 Ctrl + Shift + G or Shift + F3 Ctrl + W Ctrl + Shift + W


Postbox Shortcuts

Open Preferences Exit Minimize Hide Increase Text Size Decrease Text Size Restore Text Size Message Commands New message (default format) New message (none-default format) Open message Archive Quick Folder Switch Quick Move Quick Reply Send an Existing Quick Reply Send and Archive (version 3 only) Cancel an Existing Quick Reply Assign a Topic Assign a Label (version 3 only, for Gmail accounts only) Add/Remove a Favorite Topic Remove All Topics from a Message Mark as To-Do

Command + , Command + Q Command + M Command + H Command + + Command + Command + 0 Mac OS X Command + N Shift + Command + N Command + O A G V Shift + R Command + Enter Command + Shift + Option + Enter Esc T L 1 to 9 0 S Ctrl + Q Ctrl + M Ctrl + H Ctrl + + Ctrl + Ctrl + 0 Windows Ctrl + N Shift + Ctrl + N Ctrl + O A G V Shift + R Ctrl + Enter Ctrl + Shift + Option + Enter Esc T L/td> 1 to 9 0 S



Postbox Shortcuts

Mark Message as Read/Unread Mark Message as Pending/Not Pending Mark All Read Mark Conversation as Read Mark as Junk Mark as Not Junk Move to previous folder again Print Copy Delete Delete skipping the trash folder Select All Select Conversation Undo Redo Edit a message Forward Message Reply to Message Reply to All in Message Save Message As File Get New Mail For All Accounts Get New Mail For Account View Message Source Message Composition

M Shift + M Shift + C R J Shift + J Command + Option + M Command + P Command + C del Shift + del Command + A Command + S Command + Z Command + Y Command + E Command + L Command + R Command + Shift + R Command + S Command + Shift + D Command + T Command + U Mac OS X

M Shift + M Shift + C R J Shift + J Ctrl + Shift + L Ctrl + P Ctrl + C del Shift + del Ctrl + A Ctrl + S Ctrl + Z Ctrl + Y Ctrl + E Ctrl + L Ctrl + R Ctrl + Shift + R Ctrl + S Ctrl + Shift + D Ctrl + T Ctrl + U Windows



Postbox Shortcuts

Add an Attachment Change the To/Cc/Bcc for the current autocomplete row Toggle the reply quote between the message and the entire conversation Toggle recipients between Reply and Reply All Create a new message Send Now Send Later (Message is placed in the Unsent Folder) Send and Archive (version 3 only) Save As Draft Close Window Print Insert a Link Message Composition - Text Editing Undo Redo Cut Copy Paste Paste without Formatting Rewrap Select All Find and Replace

Command + Shift + A Option + Command + Left Arrow / Option + Command + Right Arrow Command + O Command + Shift + R Command + N Command + Enter Command + Shift + D Command + Shift + Enter Command + Shift + Option + Enter Command + S Command + W Command + P Command + L Mac OS X Command + Z Command + Shift + Z Command + X Command + C Command + V Command + Shift + V Command + R Command + A Command + F

Ctrl + Shift + A Alt + Left Arrow / Alt + Right Arrow Ctrl + O Ctrl + Shift + R Ctrl + N Ctrl + Enter Ctrl + Shift + Enter Ctrl + Shift + Option + Enter Ctrl + S Ctrl + W Ctrl + P Ctrl + L Windows Ctrl + Z Ctrl + Shift + Z Ctrl + X Ctrl + C Ctrl + V Ctrl + Shift + V Ctrl + R Ctrl + A Ctrl + F


Postbox Shortcuts

Find Again Find Previous Message Composition - Text Formatting Bold Italics Underline Underline Fixed Width Discontinue Text Styles Discontinue Link Increase Indent Decrease Indent Increase Text Size Decrease Text Size Restore Text Size

Command + G Command + Shift + G Mac OS X Command + B Command + I Command + U Command + U Command + T Command + Shift + Y Command + Shift + K Command + ] Command + [ Command + + Command + Command + 0

Ctrl + G Ctrl + Shift + G Windows Ctrl + B Ctrl + I Ctrl + U Ctrl + U Ctrl + T Ctrl + Shift + Y Ctrl + Shift + K Ctrl + ] Ctrl + [ Ctrl + + Ctrl + Ctrl + 0

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