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nergy is defined as the ability to do work. Certainly energy has become a crucial part of our lives. As technology advances more and more, that dependence will continue to grow. While energy is essential in todays society, negative consequences have impacted our world as a result of its usage. Society has become increasingly dependent on fossil fuels, and without the conversion to renewable resource options, we are likely placing our futures in jeopardy. The purpose of this essay is to compare and contrast two types of energy production methods, coal and wind. Coal has been used as an energy source since ancient times. Throughout history, the demand for coal has continued to rise. The demand for coal increased incredibly during the Industrial Revolution (Miller). It was necessary for the iron industry and other industrial technologies of the time period. The major advantage of coal consumption is its inexpensive price, now and throughout history. Coal is the most plentiful fossil fuel on earth. Because of this abundance, and low cost, humankind doesnt feel enough motivation to make a change. Another economic and political benefit, coal is typically found in

politically stable regions throughout the world, unlike petroleum. This is a tremendous advantage for its continued use. Coal is extremely cost effective, and one might think that wind energy would even be lower in costs. That is simply not the case. While wind costs nothing, its production into usable energy is rather expensive. The cost and maintenance of the wind turbines is much more capital intensive than conventional fossil fueled technologies (Wind Energy - The Facts : A Guide To The Technology, Economics And Future Of Wind Power). Large amounts of land are required to house the turbines. Landowners in the United States can benefit greatly by receiving rental income for the use of their land for housing the wind farms. Farmers are still able to use the land for agricultural purposes, since there are no harmful effects from the wind production. Once wind farms are established, the ongoing maintenance costs are relatively small. Coal is an ongoing expense to maintenance. In previous decades, environmental effects of energy production werent scrutinized like they are in todays society. Global warming effects are finally being noticed around the

planet. Each year energy-related carbon dioxide emissions are responsible for over 80% of greenhouse gas emissions in the US ( : Cleaning Up Coal). According to ExxonMobil, global energy demand will be around 30% higher by the year 2040. This increased demand will be even more devastating for the state of our planet. Not only are the production environment, they also effects for the earths particulate matter combustion has a public health matters. Coal radioactive elements effects from coal-energy devastating to the have negative health residents. Emission of during coal serious impact on also contains trace and

pollutes air and water with coal ash. This pollution is harmful to humans and animals alike. Currently the EPA does not regulate coal ash disposal. Wind energy doesnt produce any of the dangerous side effects that have been witnessed with coal production. Wind power doesnt require any water use and consumes absolutely no

fuel. Even though large amounts of land are required to house the turbines, the land is still accessible agriculturally. However, environmentalists are concerned with ecological impacts related to bird and bat population mortality. Residents near farm sites have reported excessive amounts of noise pollution from the turbines. Noise from the turbines has diminished as the technology methods have improved over the years. Like any new technology, modern turbines are much quieter than earlier models. Better technology is being implemented in the software that maintains the turbines as well. When the wind begins to blow too hard, the software will automatically and direct coal and natural to make up the differences from wind production. wind picks up again, the software detects the change and adjusts accordingly. This will save tremendous maintenance costs on the turbines. slow the blades down, gas plants to engage the lack of When the

While the energy from wind sources is clean, there is a problem with its consistency. Wind energy is produced when the wind is actually blowing. The production is intermittent. Sometimes the timing of the wind isnt in sync with the demands for electricity. The turbines are placed strategically throughout the world to make the best use of turbine resources. The Wind Energy EIS rates a location from level one to seven, with level seven being the highest amounts of wind energy production


Many new ways of producing efficient energy are being researched constantly, with the hopes of completely replacing fossil fuels someday. Because coal currently remains the cheapest option, plans have been implemented to produce cleaner coal. Many critics argue that spending further funding on clean coal production is counterproductive and should be place in programs

to completely replace its presence. Over the last ten years, Americas coal consumption has decreased by 5%. That seems like progress in the right direction, but global consumption soared during that ten year period. While American carbon dioxide emissions decreased by 1.7%, global emissions rose by 28.5%. Environmental problems are a global problem, and it will take the whole planet working together, to find a workable solution. The critics also expect coal prices to soar in the years ahead, and warn that America needs to be making alternative plans of action now. It is often argued that coal abundance has been grossly underestimated in the past. Studies claim that coal energy production could reach its peak within only a few years (Heinberg and Fridley). Another reason for projected price increases is due to the increase in demand, largely due to Chinas usage. China is the worlds biggest producer and consumer of coal (Heinberg and Fridley). China also has the

highest wind power capacity in the world, with the United States trailing in second place. China is continuing to expand its use of clean energy production, to replace increasingly expensive coal power that is shutting down plants and causing power shortages. The current goal in China is to implement 70 GW for wind and 5 GW of solar by the year 2015. In order for wind energy are in place by the production to rise, incentives government to entice

individuals and businesses to participate in wind energy production. The Wind Energy Tax Credit was set to expire on December 31, 2012. Many bigger companies are calling on Congress to extend the credit. Nearly half of the worlds largest corporations plan to increase their investments on renewable energy over the next five years. Microsoft is the third largest purchaser of green power in the United States, with nearly 46% of its electricity expenditure (American Wind Energy Association) . Without the renewal of the government tax credits, research and funding for wind energy will likely be placed on hold.

On April 15, 2012, Colorado made history with the highest percentage of wind energy production in the country. Nearly 57% of Colorados electricity was generated by wind power alone. The state is now requiring all utility companies to purchase a minimum of 30% of their power from a renewal resource by 2020. Nearly half of the states in the United States have taken action to require a certain percentage of the states power to be purchased from renewable resources. The goal of the new mandates is an attempt to develop a market for wind energy and other renewable power sources. This will allow the resources funds for technological development and widespread implementation. According to the AWEA, the strategy appears to be working, as costs for turbines alone have decreased 33% over the last three years.

As a nation, we are concerned for the health of our planet. Clearly, wind is a better alternative to our energy needs than coal. Wind has some issues that will need resolution in the coming years, but when combined

with other methods, such as solar energy, we could take a huge dent out of the environmental crisis.

American Wind Energy Association. 13 June 2012. Web. 7 July 2012. < t.cfm>. : Cleaning Up Coal. 13 August 2010. 2012. 7 July 2012. <>. Heinberg, Richard and David Fridley. "The End of Cheap Coal." Nature (2010): 367-369. Web. 12 July 2012. McNerney, G and M Cheek. "Clean Energy Nation : Freeing America From The Tyranny Of Fossil Fuels." 2012. eBook Collection (EBSCO host). Web. 7 July 2012. Miller, Bruce G. "Coal Energy Systems." 2005. eBook Collection (EBSCOhost). Web. 7 July 2012. Montgomery, Scott L. "Powers That Be : Global Energy For The Twenty-First Century And Beyond." 2010. eBook Collection (EBSCOhost). Web. 7 July 2012. Nersesian, Roy L. "Energy For The 21st Century : A Comprehensive Guide To Conventional And Alternative Sources." 2010. eBook Collection (EBSCOhost). Web. 7 July 2012. US Department of Energy. n.d. Web. 7 July 2012. <>. US Energy Information Administration. n.d. Web. 7 July 2012. <>. "Wind Energy - The Facts : A Guide To The Technology, Economics And Future Of Wind Power." 2009. eBook Collection (EBSCOhost). Web. 7 July 2012. Wind Energy Development Programmatic EIS. n.d. Web. 2012 7 July. <>.

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