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Rhea Matar Sue Talbott Practicum-Phase 4 February 3, 2013 Managing the Learning Environment Describe the context/situation: This

student is a fourth grader who spends 72% of his day in the general education room. While his locker only contains his book bag, coat and lunch box, his desk is full of un-labeled folders and loose leaf papers. Many of the papers are old assignments, uncompleted assignments, assignments that need to be turned in and items that need to go home. There are many small pieces of paper with words on them from old assignments that are scattered in the desk. This student has multiple different colored folders but does not differentiate between what papers go in which. Many of the papers do not have his name on them or have any indication of when they are due. Operational Definition: The target behavior for this student is to increase his independent initiation of identifying what papers belong in what folder and to dispose of/take home any papers that are no longer necessary to have at school. All papers will be contained in a folder and no loose leafs will be in the desk. Baseline Data: The baseline data being collected is the percent of relevant papers that student T had in each folder (collected on February 4, 2013). Irrelevant papers include papers that can be thrown out, papers that were supposed to be turned in and papers that need to go home. % of relevant papers in folder *relevant papers: papers in the correct folder that are still needed for school work *irrelevant papers: papers in the wrong folder, loose leaf paper in desk, papers that are garbage Blue folder Orange folder Red folder Loose Leaf 1/29 = 3.4% 0/13 = 0% 0/25 = 0% 5 pieces Proposed intervention: -desired outcomes or expectations: In a year and a half, this student will be transitioning to middle school. He currently receives a lot of support from both his general educator and special educator. While in elementary school, this student has a desk that he uses all day, this will not be the case in middle school. He will have a locker and be expected to bring the correct folder and class materials to different classes in different locations. This student currently does not indicate having organizational skills regarding sorting and identifying when to dispose of unnecessary papers. Because of this, the desired outcome of this intervention is that this student will independently keep track of his assignments (what gets turned in, what goes home, what gets disposed of) and organize them where they belong in preparation for middle school.

-antecedent strategies: First, the students and I will do a desk wide cleaning and folder labeling. The folders will be labeled by relevance to his stage in school (take home, independent work, class work, Math, Reading, Science/SS, Health). We will then sort the papers into the appropriate folder. I will explain to the student that the purpose of this task is to prepare him for the organizational demands of middle school. Then after this initial cleaning, every morning from 7:45-8:00, I will go through the folders with the student to determine if they are correctly organized. After we have checked his folders, I will remind him to keep track of what papers go where throughout the day and to think about where the paper belongs before putting it in a folder. -consequence strategies: This student has indicated wanting to earn snack packs or fruit bars. The reinforcer for this student will be to inform him that I will do a random weekly check during one of the mornings and if his papers are in the correct folder (80%), he will snack pack treat. When this goal is met, the next skill to be taught will be how to sort through a folder and determine if the paper is necessary to keep, throw away or take home. -data collection: Baseline showed that only 1 paper was in a relevant folder (the blue folder he said was for school work). Data will be collected every Friday morning of what percentage of the papers in his desk are in the right folder, even if some of the papers can be thrown away or taken home (ex. a science assignment that could be taken home but is still in science solder will not be counted as irrelevant during the teaching of the first skill because it is correctly placed.) This student has been highly motivated by seeing his improvement in graph form, so this data will be collected and then I will work with the student to graph it and talk about his gains and any needs for improvement. Once the 80% goal is met for the skill of keeping papers in the correct folder, the next skill will be how to sort papers into keep, take home or throw away.

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