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World Journal of Science and Technology 2012, 2(4):104-107 ISSN: 2231 2587 Available Online: www.worldjournalofscience.


Proceedings of "Conference on Advances in Communication and Computing (NCACC'12) Held at R.C.Patel Institute of Technology, Shirpur, Dist. Dhule,Maharastra,India. April 21, 2012

Teaching tools for microstrip patch antenna design

Alkeshkumar M Khatri and Jagadish B Jadhav Department of Electronics & Telecommunication,R C Patel Institute of Technology,Shirpurr,Dhule,M.S., India Abstract This paper provides details on how to investigate a new method of teaching microstrip patch antenna design for undergraduate students by using MATLAB. This is achieved by designing a friendly graphical user interface (GUI) for microstrip patch antennas through which antenna parameters and radiation pattern can be determined. Effect of changes in basic parameter microstrip Patch Antenna on its Radiation Patter and other parameters can be determined by using GUI. Understanding the behavior of the Microstrip Patch Antenna and Design of it for different material with the use of the Graphical User Interface using MATLAB is better way of Analysis. Keywords: Ractangular & Circular Microstrip Patch Antenna, Graphical User Interface, Matlab. INTRODUCTION Studying antennas and wave propagation phenomena using interactive graphics and animations becomes nowadays a fundamental tool for describing and understanding electromagnetic concepts. This aspect is strongly related with wave propagation, where the propagation properties of the waves or how to plot the radiation patterns of antennas are not so easy to understand for undergraduate students, due to simple, static, oral explanations. Currently, several products in which computer tools are used have been developed such as Ansoft Ensemble, IE3D, MWO (Microwave Office), SONNET, ADS (Agilent Advance Design System), COMSOL, MATLAB ,HFSS (High Frequency Structure Simulation) etc for modeling and simulation of complicated microwave and RF printed circuit, antennas, and other electronics component. Many of these softwares are commercially available at a very high cost or in the least, are proprietary. MATLAB has become a ubiquitous math, data manipulation, signal processing, and graphics software package [1]. Engineers use its powerful functions for analysis and design in many areas including antenna design. MATLAB is general-purpose software, so many arcane applications, like antenna design, are done using special purpose commercial software. Although these packages can model very complex electromagnetic systems, they lack some of the powerful analysis tools in MATLAB. Using MATLAB to control these commercial electromagnetic solvers creates a powerful tool for design, analysis, and control. This paper provide the means of using Matlab to provide a suitable application that calculates the main parameters of microstrip patch antenna, plots the radiation patterns and also determine the antenna performance characteristics through electromagnetic simulation. This is achieved via a GUI generated by the Matlab that allow the user to modify, visualize and compare the whole process of the design whenever there is a need to fabricate the antenna. Patch antennas play a very significant role in todays world of wireless communication systems. A Microstrip patch antenna is very simple in the construction using a conventional Microstrip fabrication technique. The most commonly used Microstrip patch antennas are rectangular and circular patch antennas (Fig 1). These patch antennas are used as simple and for the widest and most demanding applications. Dual characteristics, circular polarizations, dual frequency operation, frequency agility, broad band width, feed line flexibility, beam scanning can be easily obtained from these patch antennas .here we are doing the design of a microstrip patch antenna and we have to compare the differences between rectangular and circular patch antenna using matlab simulation software.

*Corresponding Author Alkeshkumar M Khatri Department of Electronics & Telecommunication,R C Patel Institute of Technology,Shirpurr,Dhule,M.S., India Email: Fig 1. Basic Microstrip patch antenna

World Journal of Science and Technology 2012, 2(4):104-107


MICROSTRIP PATCH ANTENNA In its most basic form, a Microstrip patch antenna consists of a radiating patch on one side of a dielectric substrate which has a ground plane on the other side as shown in Fig 2. The patch is generally made of conducting material such as copper or gold and can take any possible shape. The radiating patch and the feed lines are usually photo etched on the dielectric substrate.

Narrow bandwidth Low efficiency Low Gain Extraneous radiation from feeds and junctions Poor end fire radiator except tapered slot antennas Low power handling capacity. Surface wave excitation Feed Techniques of Microstrip Antennas Microstrip patch antennas can be fed by a variety of methods. These methods can be classified into two categories- contacting and non-contacting. In the contacting method, the RF power is fed directly to the radiating patch using a connecting element such as a microstrip line. In the non-contacting scheme, electromagnetic field coupling is done to transfer power between the microstrip line and the radiating patch [5]. The Comparision of four most popular feed techniques used are the microstrip line, coaxial probe (both contacting schemes), aperture coupling and proximity coupling (both non-contacting schemes) .
Table 1. Comparing the different feed techniques [4]
Microstrip Line Feed More Better Easy Easy Aperture coupled Feed Less Good Alignment Required Easy Proximity coupled Feed Minimum Good Alignment Required Easy

Fig 2. Structure of a Microstrip Patch Antenna Microstrip patch Antenna

In order to simplify analysis and performance prediction, the patch is generally square, rectangular, circular, triangular, elliptical or some other common shape as shown in Fig 3

Characterics Spurious feed radiation Reliability

Coaxial Feed More Por due to Soldering Soldering and Drilling Needed Easy

Fig 3. Common shapes of microstrip patch elements

Ease of Fabrication Impedance Matching

Merits of Microstrip Patch Antenna Some of their principal merits of Microstrip Patch Antenna discussed by [8] and Kumar are given below: Light weight and low volume. Low profile planar configuration which can be easily made conformal to host surface. Low fabrication cost, hence can be manufactured in large quantities. Supports both, linear as well as circular polarization. Can be easily integrated with microwave integrated circuits (MICs). Capable of dual and triple frequency operations. Mechanically robust when mounted on rigid surfaces. Demerits of Microstrip Patch Antenna Microstrip patch antennas suffer from a number of disadvantages as compared to conventional antennas. Some of their major disadvantages discussed by [9] and Garg et al [10] are given below:

DESIGN ANALYSIS OF MICROSTRIP PATCH ANTENNA Microstrip patch antenna analysis can be done using three popular models: the transmission line model, cavity model and full wave model (Method of Moments- includes integral equations solution) [3]. The first model is the simplest of all and the less accurate [5]. The cavity model is more accurate, thus much complex compared to the transmission line model, and gives a good physical insight [6]. Full wave model is the most accurate and complex of all models and can analyze from single elements, to infinite antenna arrays, or arbitrary shaped elements. In this paper GUI is prepared in MATLAB using the transmission line model to calculate the dimensions and the cavity model to plot the radiation patterns for rectangular microstrip antenna. Alsosome perameters of circular microstrip patch antenna are analyzed using transmission line model. Rectengualar patch antenna Basic Design Equations of Rectangular Microstrip Patch Antenna are as under. Effective Dielectric Constant can be given by:


Khatri and Jadhav

To determine the field radiated by each slot, the total field is the sum of the two-element array with each element representing one of the slots. where, reff r h W = Effective dielectric Constant = Dielectric Costant of the Substrate = Height of the Dielectric Substrate = Width of the Patch E-Plane ( =90o , 0o 90o and 270o 360o)

H- plane ( = 0o,

0o 90o )

The gain of the antenna is the quantity which describes the performance of the antenna or the capability to concentrate energy through a direction to give better picture of the radiation is given as
Fig 4. Top view and side view of Rectangular Microstrip Patch Antenna

G=xD Where, = efficiency of the antenna,D = Directivity ANTENNA DESIGN In this paper utilization of the design equation of rectangular patch antenna is done for the preparation of the Graphical User Interface in MATLAB.GUI for the Rectangular patch antenna is as shown below. In GUI resonant frequency (Fr), Input Impedance, Dielectric Thickness, Dielectric Constant are taken as a input perameter. As shown in fig 5, antenna perametes are calculated using this GUI as well as the radiation pattern for given input is plotted on GUI. As mention in title of paper this GUI includes the Help option for the user, by which user can get the basic information related to the Microstrip Antenna like, What is Antenna?, What is Microstrip Patch Antenna?, What is Advantages of Microstrip Patch Antenna?, What is Disadvantages of Microstrip patch Antenna? etcwith related diagram. RESULTS

In the Fig. 4a shown above, the Microstrip patch antenna is represented by two slots, which are separated by the transmission line has said previously with a length L and it is open circuited on the two ends. The width of the structure has a maximum voltage and minimum current as it is an open ended circuit. The tangential and the normal components of the fields at the edges are resolved with respect to the ground plane. It is seen from fig. 4b that the normal components of the electric field at the two edges along the width are in opposite directions and thus out of phase since the patch is /2 long and hence they cancel each other in the broadside direction. The tangential components (seen in Fig. 4b), which are in phase, means that the resulting fields combine to give maximum radiated field normal to the surface of the structure. Hence, the edges along the width can be represented as two radiating slots, which are /2 apart and excited in phase and radiating in the half space above the ground plane. The fringing fields along the width can be modeled as radiating slots and electrically the patch of the microstrip antenna looks greater than its physical dimensions. The dimensions of the patch along its length have now been extended on each end by a distance L, which is given empirically by [7] as:

The actual length L of the patch is given as The effective length of the patch Leff now becomes For the given resonent frequency fo, the ellfective length is given as

For the effective radiation width of the patch W is given as

World Journal of Science and Technology 2012, 2(4):104-107


[5] E.H. Van Lin, A.R.Van de Capelle 1984 Transmission Line

Fig 5. GUI front end for rectangular patch antenna (input fr = 30 MHz, Dielectric Thickness 2mm,Dielectric Constant 11.8 for silicon)

DISCUSSION WITH FUTURE SCOPE From the Equation of the Rectangular manual calculation of all parameter is complex. By the use of the GUI this can be easy to calculate it. The Effect of the Changes in input parameter on radiation pattern can be easily analyzed by the use of GUI. As mentioned in results by changes in the material of the patch physical parameter of the Microstrip Patch is changes, this will be help designer to determine the antenna performance and make necessary adjustment before fabrication. CONCLUSION This work was aimed at designing a effective GUI for Rectangular Microstrip Patch Antenna. Alongside this, various parameters viz actual and effective length, width, radiation power, directivity, VSWR, which dictate the ultimate performance of the antenna were determined by simulation using a GUI developed in MATLAB. Deduction were made on results obtained for different substrate and it was discovered that GaAs is suitable for smaller antenna size. REFERENCES [1] R .L. Haupt, 2008. Using MATLAB to conteol Commercial

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