Onions March Inflation High and Causes The Price of Red Chilies Soared

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Onions March Inflation high and Causes the price of Red Chilies Soared

The Central Bureau of statistics (BPS) recorded three major commodities that contributed to high inflation in March 2013. March 2013 the inflation even higher than inflation in March during the last five years.Head of the BPS said inflation Suryamin March 2013 of 0.63 percent. This is the highest value during the last five years except for March 2008 are still 0.95 percent."Three commodities that contributed the rise in inflation was the onion, garlic and cayenne pepper that it had jumped significantly in the last month," said Suryamin in his Office.

Suryamin contributed to the onion said inflation in March 2013 of 0,44 per cent. Commodity prices experienced a rise of 82.3 percent monthly, compared to March 2013.Suryamin added, rising prices of Onion is caused due to the scarcity of goods and also due to the scarcity of supply. Of the 66 cities surveyed, there are 65 cities in Indonesia are experiencing rising prices of onions."The highest increase in onion in Cirebon of 153 per cent and Tasikmalaya 121 percent.

While in other cities experiencing rise about 40 to 115 percent, "he added. While the price of garlic contributed to inflation of 0.2 percent.During February-March 2013, this rising commodity prices 41,73 percent which is also caused due to the import policy of the Government. "Prices are going up because of the limited supply. Moreover, there is a policy of quota of imported garlic is still currently laid out, "he added.

Of the 66 cities surveyed, there are 65 cities are experiencing rising prices of garlic. The highest price rises were in Bima 124 percent and 102 percent Sumenep.While in other cities experiencing rise around 25-90 percent. A third commodity is cayenne pepper which contributed to inflation in March 2013 amounting to 0.05 per cent price rises from FebruaryMarch 2013 of 20,98%.Of the 66 cities surveyed there are 57 cities that suffer the rising prices of cayenne pepper. The highest price increase in Sumenep 74 percent and 60 percent of the Hammer. While other cities experiencing rise 20-65 percent.

After the garlic and shallots, now turn price Cayenne competed in a number of traditional markets. Traders and shoppers were created confusion because the selling price had reached Rp 40 thousand, up to twice as much.A number of food vendors that use chili peppers as flavorings was forced to reduce the rate, so as not to suffer losses.The radar in the Lematang Modern and traditional markets (PTM) Serelo in Lahat, the price of onions has remained high. After briefly reaching a price of Rp 60,000 per kilogramnya, now began to fall to Rp 50 thousand. The same thing also happened in the garlic briefly touching Rp 50 thousand per kilogramnya, is now continuing down to Rp 40 thousand per kilogramnya.

Although the selling price of onion and garlic is still high, but be grateful enough a number of traders and buyers. They expect the selling prices continued to decline, to return to the normal price as before. So the kitchen condiment, affair are no longer distracted.But when the price of onions and garlic begins to drop, thus the Cayenne Pepper prices soared. It even keeps creeping up the last four days, to reach Rp 40 thousand per kilogramnya. Whereas

before only sold relatively stable, ranging from $ 20 k to $ 25 k per kilogramnya.The same thing also happened in the curly red chillies, which also increase. When the previous sale of up to $ 25 k per kilogramnya, now I've reached Rp 35 thousand per kilogramnya. Traders also had a confusion, and hope it doesn't rub off on other necessities.


http://bisniskeuangan.kompas.com/read/2013/04/01/14524436/Bawang.Penyebab.Inflasi.Mar et.Tinggi

http://bisniskeuangan.kompas.com/read/2013/03/10/2139270/Harga.Cabe.Rawit.Merah.Mela mbung.Tinggi

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