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Training Program Checklist

Many of these tasks can be delegated by the manager to the training specialist or the administrative staff. Preparation Tasks

Select dates for training workshop. Get necessary approval. Reserve training space. Select trainers and speakers. Organize workshop files. Make tentative lodging arrangements. Identify potential resource persons and special guests. Identify potential participants. Arrange for secretarial, administrative, and logistical support. Send invitations to participants(enclose program objectives). Send invitations to speakers, resource persons, and special guests. Send confirmation letter to participants with program summary, arrangements information (enclose travel information forms when necessary). Finalize lodging arrangements. Make arrangements for meals, refreshments. Order and prepare certificates. Arrange transportation for: airport, train, bus pickups, special events, field trips Order reading materials, such as relevant publications. Order training materials and supplies. Arrange for equipment. Prepare trainer/trainee manuals and handouts. Plan and organize opening ceremony. Arrange for press coverage and write press releases (if appropriate). Make room arrangements, including large conference room with adequate seating, smaller rooms for group work, adequate ventilation/ heating or air-conditioning if available, lighting, etc. Arrange for daily room clean-up. Prepare orientation packet with information on the area and training site. Preparing opening ceremony agenda, name tags, program schedule, participant list. Make sure evaluation forms are prepared.

Tasks to be Undertaken During the Program

Monitor expenses in relation to established budgets. Maintain workshop files. Arrange to have administrative/logistics liaison person visit training site on regular basis. Prepare participant address list. Assist participants with departure arrangements. Arrange for daily administrative/ secretarial help for trainers. Optional: Arrange for group photo.

Post Program Tasks

Meet with trainers and administrative/ logistical team to discuss problems and successes and give general feedback. Send thank-you letters to all those who helped with the program. Complete or update manuals for trainers and training reference library. Tabulate evaluation results. Draft, edit, and reproduce final report and recommendations.

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