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Strategic Planning for your events has three stages (1) long-term planning (2) short-term planning and (3) the event plan. Long term planning is normally considered to be over a period of one to five years, short-term planning from one day to one year and the event plan could be from one day to several months from the event date proposed. Hosting an event is a project, and project management techniques can be applied. An example of the stages in the event planning process follows: I. Inception: This is the idea and feasibility stage. This will define your objective including your participant outcomes. a. Decide on the Specific objectives which may include the following: i. Decide if this event is open to the public or closed i.e. for the residents only? ii. Will this be an annual or a one-off event? iii. Decide on the host; a club or specific target group? iv. To develop awareness of possible skills v. To inform or educate the community on a matter

vi. Provide an avenue for competition vii. Help the community in realizing its goals. Note: You can use brainstorming with the stakeholders to obtain the objectives and review the reason for the event, to ensure that it meets its objectivities. b. Decide on the stakeholder involvement and manage stakeholder interests. The stakeholders may be individuals, groups, sponsors, residents, business entities etc. c. Decide on possible dates, locations and persons involved in planning d. Determine preliminary budget, risks and confirm that resources are available or can be obtained e. Decide on the project manager and the project team This results in a Project Briefing Document or Project Charter. II. Planning: At this stage a plan is prepared. This will involve a kick-off meeting and team members to agree on the project scope, work break
Event Planning Guidelines prepared by Allan Cunningham Copyright Material 2007

down structure (WBS) and determine the tasks, responsibilities, budgets etc. The plan must consider publicity of the event, promotion, sponsorships, the booking of halls, the purchase of equipment, needed sanctions by sporting bodies, entertainment, gifts, trophies, the provision of food and beverages, travel, the hiring of specialists, security planning involving: police for crowds and risk planning, medical service needs, alcohol policy, EMA noise approval and preparation of contract agreements etc. (See Events Planning Tools). At this stage you should determine the organization structure for your event and contact persons for key elements; the risks that may occur and decide on mitigation strategies. The event plan can have timelines for six months, four months, two months or one-month, a few days to the event, and then a daily and hourly plan with a schedule of outcomes. III. Execution and Monitoring: This involves the actions needed for the event. Each responsible party to the development of the event carries out actions needed and involves implementation of the plans prepared and the monitoring of the project. As tasks are interrelated progress meetings should be held with the project time as required to communicate, confirm requirements and brainstorm actions to achieve success. The event coordinator manages the process and reports to senior managers on the progress and obtains advice, approvals and further instruction on the sponsors needs. Event delivery is carried out by the project team or crew and the results recorded. IV. Closeout: Although the actual event may be over; the team reviews the results and ensures that all contracts are completed, actions include: a. Ensuring that all parties are paid for services delivered b. Ensuring that all services are delivered c. Ensuring that all equipment and supplies provided are returned d. Holding a briefing meeting to determine lessons learnt. e. Ensure adequate records are kept for audits and balance of payments f. The posting of media results, sending thank you letters and recognizing all volunteers contribution to the event g. A celebration of efforts is held to foster team development for future events


Event Planning Guidelines prepared by Allan Cunningham Copyright Material 2007

Examples of Planning Tools: Planning Technique 1: An Action plan:

An action plan for a Football Tournament Project Objectives: To host a football tournament in Success Village for teams in the area for the age group 15-18 years old, in August 2008. The sponsor shall be a local business and have a local football hero attend and give a motivational talk at the prize giving. Measurable outcome: 10 teams are entered and compete. Team Task
1. Football Committee Formed

Duratio n
2 weeks 2 1 2 1 weeks day weeks month

1 2 2 2.2, 2.2

Staff and stakeholders Committee Team and account

Assigned to
Managing Director Committee Team leader and team

2. Complete Objectivities 2.1 Team Leader chosen 2.2 Plan of actions prepared 3. Project brief for Tournament prepared 4. Additional tasks . 5. Additional Tasks.

Planning Technique 2: Gantt chart: This can be prepared using a spreadsheet and display the tasks and the sequence of tasks as follows: Task 1. Set Event Objectives 2. Conduct Feasibility Study 3. Plan Event 4. Execute 5. Host Event 6. Debriefing Month 1 Month 2 Month 3 Month 4


Event Planning Guidelines prepared by Allan Cunningham Copyright Material 2007

Read the case study and discuss the lessons you have learnt in event planning. State if the event was a success and the reasons for your opinion. Write here:

Event Planning Guidelines prepared by Allan Cunningham Copyright Material 2007

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