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theMARMOT April 1, 2009 the University of Victoria’s Fake Newspaper Vol. 100,000, No. -23 www.marmotnewspaper.


Cabbit sightings oUr SMArMY MArMot MASCot SpEAKS

have experts asking, ins

‘What’s up, Doc?’ ide
Casey Cushman around here. Or is it?
“Cabbits have captured the
Plenty is hopping in Victoria as Western imagination incessantly,”
of late. Cryptozoologists from far claims Dr. le Crisp.
and wide are falling upon Mile The cabbit is thought to be the
Zero like Tallulah Bankhead out- result of breeding between cats
side the 19th hole. But what is at and rabbits. While it sounds ter-
the root of all this drunken flail- ribly cute—a floppy-eared critter
ing? Would you believe it purrs purring affectionately, nibbling
and has whiskers? carrots, and batting at balls of
“We’ve received reports that are yarn—can such claims as Dr. le
quite extraordinary,” says Dr. Regi- Crisp’s be accurate?
nald le Crisp of Brandeis Universi- Dr. Mortimer Lonely, an es-
ty. “We’ve had many authenticated teemed cryptozoologist from
Stanford, expresses some doubts
about le Crisp’s theory of the cab-
bit phenomenon.

“Are some tongue-wagging lo-
cal yokels really gonna fleece
us?” asks Lonely. “I read one of le
Crisp’s dissertations and it was
”They probably like smelling somebody else’s fart.
breed at a frightful It’s not like the Bigfoot phenom-
enon, where irrefutable evidence
rate with a sexual has proven his existence beyond
appetite to rival the shadow of a doubt.”
Maybe these two esteemed men
David Duchovny on can agree to disagree, but their
work in the coming days could
poppers and Viagra.” yield potentially historical re-
- Dr. Mortimer lonely, sults.
“There are certainly similarities

Stanford University between cabbit sightings here and
similar sightings said to have tak-
en place in Roswell, New Mexico,”
confirms Lonely. “And while it may prOVided phOtO
be a little early to predict it, I have Martin Marmot lambastes Wiarton Willie, the Canadian groundhog. “He’s a false idol portrayed as a
been quietly amassing proof that family-friendly face, but I know my cousin is an alcoholic pedophile.”
there exists an alien civilization
more technologically advanced
than our own by about 20 min- account for. “Someone or something has “If they do exist like people say,
utes. That’s why every time you “I’m not saying this is a cat-rab- been busy as of late; our phones we should be able to catch one
go to take a shower there is never bit, or a Manx, or any such thing have been ringing off the hook!” easy enough. They probably breed
any hot water left,” he adds, mat- as that, but there is something remarks Sally Strally of VAC. at a frightful rate with a sexual ap-
ter-of-factly. getting into my garden,” says An- “I saw one in my petunias last petite to rival David Duchovny on
“We are on the cusp of making a drews. week,” says Oak Bay resident poppers and Viagra,” he says.
very big discovery,” enthuses Dr. “If you wanna know what I think, Gladys Beamer. “I was playing Beamer also wonders about the
artist ’s renDerinG le Crisp. And his enthusiasm is well, I don’t believe in cabbits. And bridge with the girls and went to cabbits and the question of their
catching on. I bet that cabbits don’t believe in let my cat, Mister Peepers, out in rapid breeding. “I was saying to
reports of cabbits in this region. A According to reports out of Oak me, either,” says Andrews. the yard, and that is when I saw it. the girls that sex is like playing
species we’re eager to classify and Bay, cabbits are real. Some might Just about everyone and their It was very kitty-like, but hopped bridge; if you don’t have a good
add to the canon.” even say sightings of cabbits have dog has a cabbit story to tell, in- about and had a fluffy tail.” partner, you at least better have a
A new species of what, exactly? outnumbered the Cadboro Bay cluding the fine folks at Victoria Other witnesses say cabbits good hand.”
A cabbit sounds like the lovechild Caddy by a huge margin. Animal Control (VAC), who have have long tails and floppy ears, Beamer may have a point, but
of Dick Cavett and Lorena Bobbit. Oak Bay Rotarian and avid stamp been dealing with an increased and some reports have mentioned what it has to do with cabbits is
Not exactly the salacious type of collector Andy Andrews has wit- number of calls and complaints libidinous activity. as elusive as the furry little bug-
coupling we want to see reared nessed animal activity he can’t in the last month. Dr. Lonely remains unconvinced. gers themselves.

Anti-war students being led to dark side, say student groups

Mole Litherington dents wearing old military cloth- has been started to investigate tary brainwashers trying to turn

ing; where are they getting it all the activities and relationships of all the intellectuals into soldiers
Students Against War (SAW) has from?” says Offthefield. “Is it a the students participating in on- of death.”
a long history of fighting to keep coincidence that our last meeting campus activism. Their first target Taettor believes vigorous sur-
Canadian Armed Forces recruiters had a low turnout, while some of is SAW. veillance methods will be neces-
off the UVic campus. But recent our old members walked around Dick Taettor, SAH founder, sary to make sure student groups
developments have organizers in heavy leather boots and cargo “all students need warns of possible tactics the mil- stay true to their principles.
worried some SAW members have pants?” to be observant at itary could be using to lure stu- “We want to know what stu-
lost heart in their cause. Former SAW member Bak Stab- dents. dent activists do when they get
An investigation reveals the bier says he likes the durability of the next clothing “They could be scared of los- home from school, where they
amount of students protesting military clothing; he often wears ing their pool of poor students go and hang out, who they hang
against the armed forces has gone camo and has paratrooper wings swap—who’s trying to enlist, so maybe the military out with, and what they do on the
down, while there have been an sewn on to his sleeve right next to trade you their recruiters are coming to campus weekends,” says Taettor. “We can
increasing number of students to a peace sign. with hemp pants on and flowers start with the members of SAW,
wearing badges, camouflage, and Refusing to say where he got the camo pants?” in their hair to spread seeds of evil but it doesn’t end there. Next, we
other military paraphernalia. military-themed clothing, Stab- thought,” says Taettor. “All stu- could make sure members of the
-Dick Taettor, Students
Lily Offthefield, a SAW orga- bier claims he left SAW because dents need to be observant at the UVic Sustainability Project are
nizer, says she’s concerned about of too much homework. against Hypocrisy next clothing swap—who’s trying practicing what they preach. We

other students being bribed with In order to make sure student to trade you their camo pants? A can check their garbage cans to
clothing to stop them from pro- groups are staying true to their university campus needs to have see what they throw out and make
testing. beliefs, a new student group, Stu- freedom of thought and speech, sure they recycle and compost.
“I’m worried about all the stu- dents against Hypocrisy (SAH), and that’s not possible with mili- The possibilities are endless.”
 News The Marmot | April 1, 2009

UVic Viking spirits call for blood

Da Tee Est but to find a complete collection region are shouting conspiracy.
of burial artifacts here, on uni- Design firm Alfie G. Waugh could
Construction of the UVic First versity grounds, is a revelation. not be reached for comment.
People’s House recently ground Maybe there’s some truth to that “The ‘House’ should not repre-
to a halt when Arni Steinvor, an movie Pathfinder.” sent the First Nations at all,” says
enigmatic Norwegian immigrant, Jones refers to a 2007 film, where Steinvor. “To build on top of a
rallied the UVic Icelanders Anon- a Viking child is left behind in grave of my ancestor is an insult.”
ymous Club to protest the alleged North America by his clan only to Steinvor is calling for a re-pur-
cover-up of Viking burial items by battle his own kin years later. pose of the building to honor
local construction firm Dagnabit “The building will have to be the Norwegian people, while the
Projects. Ancient rune stones were torn down so we can find out who Beckett Trust is remaining neutral
allegedly discovered in foreman is buried under all that cement,” until results are revealed.
Don Blame’s office, leading vari- adds Jones. Meanwhile, the UVic First Na-
ous parties to ask hard questions tions Club has responded with a
about the project. series of rallies, and the campus

“I really didn’t mean to be administration is trapped in a
snoopy, but I couldn’t help but boiling pot of increased tensions
notice those odd-looking coins between First Nations and Viking
on his desk,” says night security “It feels like I’m cultures.
guard Jump N. Jehosaphat. So far, the only point the two
Jehosaphat claims when he dis- walking over a grave.” groups can agree upon is the site
covered the coins a closet door -Joe Dyke, Dagnabit is a very scary place to be in the

beside him fell open. As he scram- dark of night. And nobody has
bled to clean up the mess, he real- been able to explain a strange mist
ized he was looking at artifacts of often seen seeping out from the
wooden structure. Casey Cushman graphic
what appeared to be Viking origin.
He raced out the office to immedi- To add to the confusion, con- According to First Nations Club
ately contact the authorities.
Before being taken into police
custody for questioning, Blame
struction material and tools have
been mysteriously disappearing
from the site, and workers have
representative Boned Feather, the
site is home to a concentration
of unsettled negative energies. “I
Gnomolites look so
confessed to taking orders from
upper management to conceal the
Viking artifacts.
reported unexplained cold chills
while working.
“It feels like I’m walking over a
smoke my peace pipe and hear
spirits screaming for blood,” he
cute in their pointy
“This discovery is going to
change the history books!” ex-
grave,” says Dagnabit contractor
Joe Dyke.
Giles Millstone, head of an an-
thropological team from New York little hats, ahem,
sorry—Funding denial!
claims Henry Jones, UVic Profes- While investigation of the al- University, is expected to make an
sor of Archaeology. “We knew the leged cover-up by Dagnabit con- announcement after Easter Break
Vikings landed in Newfoundland, tinues, various groups in the about the building’s fate.

Zombie-itis plagues campus Jenna Talia

Nine student members of the

human corruption.”
Other Gnomolite student mem-
bers don’t understand why fund-
ing has been denied and believe
Gnomolites club are upset after
Palin Quiffer “Uhnnnngh . . . agrrr,” agrees Te- them. What they often refer to as
being denied funding from the they should be treated like any
resa Braun, first-year anthropol- ‘love bites’ seems to be the means
UVic Student Society of Students other group on campus.
A recent outbreak of a mystery ogy student. of transmission. So, by all means,
(UVSSS). The board of directors in “The board welcomes the Gno-
illness last week on campus has UVic Biology Professor Dr. Les- boys and girls, if you want to be
charge of financing student groups molites’ presence on campus,”
been quickly contained and is no ter McRickles remains deeply healthy just stay away from Make-
voted at a recent meeting to deny explains Opher. “But we cannot
longer a concern to the rest of concerned about the recent infec- out Point, Make-out Hill, Make-
the Gnomolites funding. justify funding a group with no
UVic’s student body, according tions, entertaining some strange out Bay, Make-out Street, and
“There isn’t a lot of potential clear goal other than stealing lawn
to the Vancouver Island Health theories as to the illness’ origin. Make-out Lane!”
student value from a group like ornaments.”
Board’s Dr. Frank Sniffleworthy. “Remember that UFO we all saw McRickles adds these students
this; the board will not subsidize Board member Adam Phool says
“Some students had fallen ill the other week? The media said have taken youthful exuberance
it,” says UVSSS board member Ei- that although the UVSSS will not
but were quickly quarantined it was just a weather balloon, but to a new level.
and treated,” says Sniffleworthy. leen Opher.
things have been a little strange “These crazy students are walk-

“Although there were some odd The board funds groups such
ever since. And what about that ing around with hickeys the likes
symptoms noted, as reported in as the Mime Club, the Math-O-
voodoo cult that was arrested for of which I have never before ob-
the media, it turned out be a sim- Holics, the Society of Explo-
a series of unexplained incidents served! They have gaping wounds
sive Engineers, and many others.
ple case of . . . agggrh . . . the flu. around campus? Not to mention in their necks, arms, and shoul-
Members of the Gnomolites be-
”How would a
Yes, the flu. Nothing to . . . agruggh the reports of the missing corpses ders! This type of sexual aggres-
. . . worry about.” at graveyards all over town. I don’t sion can only be related to what I
lieve they should receive student Christian feel if I had
But Sniffleworthy’s comments funding like other serious student
appear to be a little premature.
want to say there’s a conspiracy assume to be the consumption of
groups on campus. a lawn ornament
theory afoot, but there’s a number marihuana cigarettes, part of the
“This is an outrage,” exclaims
Symptoms of the flu-like virus of things that haven’t been adding city’s encroaching drug problem.”
Gnomolite member Cara-Winkle
of Jesus Christ on
still appear to be spreading around up,” says McRickles. But UVic Campus Security Of-
campus, with increasing numbers McRickles suggests the mystery ficer Dave Broadfellow dismisses
Jones. “It shows discrimination a cross poking out
against a religious student group
of UVic students noticeably af- illness is being spread through McRickles’ concerns.
who will allow anyone from cam- from behind my
flicted with symptoms includ- blood or oral transmission by what “Just a harmless flu, it’ll be gone
ing pale skin, delayed reactions, pus to join.” petunias!?”
he terms “wacky student make- soon . . . aghhhrr. . . . No sense in
awkward walking patterns, open The Gnomolites’ religion states
out rituals.” hiding from it. Exposure is the
wounds, and a bizarre obsession that every person is guided by -Dee Fender, member,
“I know what these students best way to deal with the disease.
with human brains. their own spirit gnome. Each Gnomolites student group
are up to, with their rock and roll Hey, why don’t you come here, you
member of the group receives

“Brains . . . brains . . .” says John make-out parties and sock-hops. have a nice, big skull . . . I bet you
Walburn, second-year psych stu- a magical name chosen by their
Well, it seems their out-of-con- have a nice, tasty brain . . . mmm .
dent. gnome.
trol lifestyle is catching up to . . brains . . .”
Their main philosophy states
human beings and creatures of the
Marmottakah hits Uvic magical realm need to live side by
side to guide each other through fund the group, they aren’t trying
In celebration of the traditional rodent new year, marmots and other buck-toothed to interfere with the group’s free-
life. With this religion also comes
mammals, including some of the uggers around UVic, are holding various events across
advocacy. Gnomolites feel com- dom of expression.
mon lawn gnomes objectify sacred “They are free to form their own
religious and artistic statues and group on campus, regardless of
should be removed from gardens. how insane their ideals may be,
CIVICS SPIELS “How would a Christian feel if but they will not be seeing any

I had a lawn ornament of Jesus student group funding,” says
Christ on a cross poking out from Phool.
behind my petunias!?” says club The Gnomolites will be holding
member Dee Fender. an awareness rally for their stu-
“Rabbit power is unwarranted and unjust! Rise up, my The Gnomolites hope to create dent group in front of the UVic
marmot brethren. Join UVic’s Black Beaver movement and citywide awareness for their cause SUB building on April 1.
“We hope that students will
and will extend membership to
fight the rabbit political machine.” any living creature that wishes to come and support our cause,” ex-
join their group. plains Jones, “and if they do the

-Marmot X at recent on-campus rally “We are being stifled,” explains creatures of the spiritual world
Jones. “The board denied us fund- will remember those who helped
ing to try to stop us from educat- them. They will also remember
ing this city and saving it from those who didn’t.”
The Marmot | April 1, 2009 News 

Patchouli in the water Douchebag gets

Pixie Bunnyfield
Nobel Prize
Dreadlocks. Organic hemp bhik-
khu pants. They’re spreading like
wildfire. And discussions about
the cosmic uniting energies of the
universe and karmic soul exchang- Clamato Casanova Last Monday, Dr. Feng Shui, main
es are flying out of the mouths of egghead and leader of the Nobel
unsuspecting UVic students all It should have been a moment of Pack, addressed the media in a re-
over campus. extreme pride and joy for the fam- vealing press conference.
Acute cases of “West Coast ily of David “Scooter” Worthing- W h e n p ress e d to a d d ress
Bullshititis” or “Hippie Syndrome” thorn and the University of Vic- Worthingthorn’s credentials, Dr.
are spreading from the best-lit toria. After all, it’s not every day Shui admitted the committee did
corners of the McPherson Library that an undergrad is nominated for not vet this year’s candidates as
to the darkest underbelly of the a Nobel Prize. But allegations of tightly as usual.
seediest dorm. wrongdoing have at least one fac- “Last year one of my colleagues,
“These are much more than your ulty advisor taking the esteemed Dr. Hans Von FritzenHausen
average cases of people becoming selection committee to task. brought a Wii to one of our meet-
more liberal after a move to the “If they are serious about giving ings,” said the red-faced Shui. “The
west,” says Dr. John Oppressor, Worthingthorn such a prize, then truth is, we got so involved in Wi-
the physician leading the inquiry they should rename it,” says an iFit that, well, we dropped the ball
on the disease. “This is far, far infuriated Dr. Thurston Tremolo, . . . academically speaking.”
worse; students who once lit up Dean of Busyness at the Univer-

the engines of their SUVs are now sity of Victoria.
lighting up incense and marijuana They should call it a Knob-el
cigarettes.” Prize, because this guy is a total
The effects of this debilitating tool,” continues Dr. Tremolo. “Se- “Seriously,
disease are easy to see all over riously, how the fuck did a student
campus. Dropout rates are at their who rewrote the book on academic how the fuck did
highest since 1969. The green ar- probation con his douchey little
eas of campus are littered with way to a Nobel Prize nomina-
a student who
students talking to trees, dropping tion?” rewrote the book on
LSD, and kidnapping the UVic rab- The whole ruckus began ear-
bits to be kept as spirit animals. Casey Cushman graphic lier this month when the Nobel academic probation
“The source of this madness is selection committee recognized
an infusion of patchouli oil into tier and knottier; no matter how Moss is just one of thousands of Worthingthorn’s research paper
con his douchey
the drinking water,” explains Dr. hard I washed, I couldn’t get them innocent students claimed daily on the effects of globalization on little way to a Nobel
Joanne Watermark of the Earth, out!” by this ruthless disease. guys who wear wife-beaters during
Ocean, and Atmospheric Sciences Moss is now a far cry from her Dr. Oppressor advises students the winter, entitled “Dude, Greed Prize nomination?”
faculty. “It appears that the afflict- well-groomed Calgarian self, with who begin to experience symp- Is Sweet.” -Dr. Tremolo, UVic Dean of
ed students have been ingesting bits of sticks and grass stuck in toms of West Coast Bullshititis Worthingthorn could become

seven to eight times the recom- her dreadlocked hair, a stainless to take a series of crucial steps the next recipient of the most Busyness
mended daily patchouli intake.” against the disease until they can prestigious award outside of the
Patchouli has long been known be seen by a qualified medical pro- Latin Grammy for Best Folk Song
as the signature smell of hippies fessional. by a Puto. If he wins, Worthingth-

worldwide. The oil is tradition- “Exercise your right to consume,” orn will receive a cash prize of $1
ally rubbed into unwashed hair or says Oppressor. “Buy anything and million US. His name would join Worthingthorn admits his paper
pulse points on unwashed bodies buy lots of it. Rampant consum- the ranks of such everyday fa- was written in a brownie-induced
to counteract the adverse affects ”Students who erism has been shown to combat mous economists as Finn E. Kyd- spurt of boredom. “I have some
of the hippie hygiene schedule (or mild forms of West Coast Bullshi- land, Reinhard Selten, and Trygve mad baking skills, yo. My brown-
lack thereof). once lit up the titis.” Haavelmo. ies really get my brain a-firing
“I used to have a life,” sobs Car- In addition, Oppressor advises Even Worthingthorn’s peers with creation, if you know what I
manah Moss, who had her name
engines of their students to follow a strict diet were taken aback by the commit- mean.”
changed from Ashley Bratt, a com- SUVs are now regimen. tee’s nomination of a classmate “Yeah, so I submitted my paper
mon side effect of West Coast “Chain smoke Marlboros and generally thought to be an under- as a joke,” says a defiant Worthing-
Bullshititis. lighting up incense drink Crantinis,” he suggests. achiever. thorn. “My friends and I do this
Speaking from her bed at the
Hippie Help Emergency Rehab
and marijuana “Having been accustomed to a “When I first met him, I just as- sort of shit all of the time. Usu-
diet of LSD, marijuana, and tofu, sumed he was born with Fetal Al- ally we apply for those jobs in the
Centre, Moss quickly grows emo- cigarettes.” the West Coast Bullshititis virus cohol Syndrome,” says Clarabelle back pages of The Economist, you
tional, describing her battle with will take these new additions as a Clitterhouse, an honours student know, Resource Manager in Azer-
the disease. “I had a job, I was -Dr. John Oppressor, shock to the system.” her whole life who finds the Nobel baijan, writing resumes based on

inches away from a commerce de- head physician Finally, Oppressor has these sug- situation distasteful. our experiences’ working in gas
gree . . . inches! It was never sup- gestions in order to defeat West “Honest to Christ, it’s a fuck- stations and Subways. It’s a gas.
posed to be this way!” Coast Bullshititis. ing sham. I am ever-so-pissed!” That’s how we roll here at UVic.”
Moss moved to Victoria from “Put down your copy of A New screeches Clitterhouse behind a As the committee is pressured to
Calgary in 2005 and, until recent- steel bottle of amethyst water at Earth and throw out that Grate- veil of tears. rethink and/or revoke the contro-
ly, her interests included money, the ready, and a henna tattoo out- ful Dead CD that has appeared What began as a ripple of con- versial nomination, Worthingth-
shopping, and her Ford Escalade. lining her heart chakra “to remind in your collection,” he says. “And troversy on the normally placid orn, a reformed pacifist, is refus-
“It happened slowly,” she ex- me of my soul power,” she catches don’t forget to pray to the gods campus has morphed into a tsu- ing to relent and says he will take
plains. “At first, I felt the need to herself saying, reacting as though of money, oil, and Steven Harper; nami of disbelief both here and in his fight to the Supreme Court,
shed off my material possessions, the words are coming from some- faith in the right wing might be Sweden, home of the Nobel Prize. and even beyond.
then my hair started getting knot- one else. your only chance.” The committee is under pressure “I don’t care what anyone but
to reveal how someone such as those Swiss dudes think. And if

This week in Marmot history

Worthingthorn could possibly be anyone tries to keep me from my
named a possible recipient of such prize, I’ll junk them like a red-
a prestigious honour. headed stepchild.”
Oct. 6, 2004—UVic student Nic Nov. 25, 2006—In an attempt to releases a statement calling local
Dandle is convicted of unnecessary
cruelty to animals after drunkenly
attempting to punch the face off a
re-create a classic physical comedy
routine, a campus humour histo-
rian launches an arrow through the
media “a bunch of Roxannes.”
March 19, 2008—Controversy
stirs over the printing of a rabbit
rabbit. Dandle does not receive a ears of a UVic bunny. Local media recipe in the UVic environmen-
On the annual Rabbits and mar-
criminal record continues to perpetuate clas- talist rag The Incense. The Marmot
UVic Marmot mots spilled out
because rabbits sic rabbit stereotypes by saying, considers avoiding coverage of
Day, our rodent of Felicity’s this
are little hand- “Those fucking hops should stick the backlash, but then discovers
lord, Varmit the weekend in an in-
biting assholes. to magic.” The Marmot is blamed the rabbit was female. The paper
Vancouver Island ter-rodent brawl
Dandle’s pledge for “encouraging UVic students subsequently runs a feature expos-
Marmot, sat and after growls turned
to b e co m e a and staff to undermine the comic ing the shocking rise in cases of
rotated on a ver- into bites. Outside,
lawyer when he legacy of Steve Martin and other violence against, and exploitation
tical pole outside mayhem erupted in
grows up also geniuses of physical comedy.” The of, non-human females on cam-
the Clearihue Building. Eventu- to some old-fash-
Stories from the plays a factor in attack comes after The Marmot pus. The article leads to all milk
ally he chose his unholy marmot ioned ultra-violence as bottles,
Marmot archives the court’s rul- prints a story on Nic Dandle and products being banned at UVic,
bride and predicted four more cutlery, and a WW2-era carbine
ing. In response his drunken attempt at using a and a vow from the outdoors club
long years of self-important stu- were all used as weapons. One
to the case, a lo- rabbit to re-enact a Three Stooges to eliminate the use of deet and
dent journalism. marmot died on the rocks and an
cal animal rights group, quoting routine. An attempt to fire back at citronella candles from all future
unlucky rabbit lost a paw.
a 1960s joke book, says, “Lawyers critics with a hilarious movie refer- campouts.
suck!” ence goes wrong when The Marmot -JF Kennedy III -Burger King
4 Feature The Marmot | April 1, 009

one foot in,

Story by Burger King
Illustrations by Casey Cushman

Onychocryptosis is commonly thought of as an affliction to be de-

stroyed and forgotten as soon as possible. That is, it’s an affliction to
most people.
To some, it’s a badge. A badge of pain, a badge of pride, a badge of
unflinching will to defy societal norms and go their own way, no matter
how much pus drains out of their big toe.
We are, of course, discussing the phenomena commonly known as an
“ingrown toenail,” a situation that occurs when toes are kept damp and
cramped and the toenail decides to grow into the skin. At least, that’s
what Wikipedia says.
The condition is considered a painful inconvenience to most of those
who suffer from it. As such, they work quickly against it, taking action
to return their toes to their original condition.
There may be a new cure though. It doesn’t require medicine, needles,
or surgery, just an open mind and a shifting perception of how people
view their “little pigs.”


A new student group at UVic is moving to change how we think of
this podiatrist payday. The Forever Understanding Nails Grow Initiative
(FUNGI) is making the slash and burn methods a thing of the past. And
they’re gaining traction throughout campus, especially in the hippie-
infested corners. The group offers support and even encouragement for
people with ingrown toenails as well as fans of the toe disfigurement.
The group’s spokesperson, Scott Herbert Ovens, Esquire, suggests
people think twice before rushing to hack off the infringing flesh. The
group is against any attempt to deal with the foot-based issue.
“Sorry, my phone has a shitty connection; I think I need a new wire.”
Ovens continues, explaining how the ingrown toe nail is a natural way
to live.
“We give wet socks and cellophane to all our new recruits,” says Ovens.
(And then the bastard wouldn’t stop talking. That’s all activists ever do,
talk, talk, talk. Sometimes they protest. Wave your signs a bit more, you
yappy pricks, you never actually get anything done! Go have another
march, jackass . . . erm, sorry ‘bout that.)

toES to thE GrIND

FUNGI have begun work with current fans of the toe issue. “We’ve
already got four participants for our upcoming drive. They’ll be pitted
against each other to raise the largest army of bacteria in their big toes
over a two-week period,” says Ovens.
The event will start off with a pancake breakfast and foot soak, after
which the competitors will do their best to get their toenail stuck in
the fleshy edge of the top of their toe. UVic Vikes soccer player Joey
Annatolli is the favourite to win.
“Yeah, I’m pretty pumped for this. It’s going to be a great time raising
awareness for a great physical feature,” says Annatolli. “I’m a big fan,
since I have a pretty big foot fetish. It’s changed over time and I try to
get my girlfriend on board for toe stuff. I just love it when she gets me
off with her feet and uses her toe pus as lube. It’s just awesome man,
just awesome.”
Annatolli has been having some issue on the field though, with an
immense amount of pain every time he touches his balls.
“Yeah, coach got me a bag of my own balls. I sometimes get pus and
blood all over them balls, so the other players won’t use ’em,” says An-
Volume 19 Issue 15
April 1, 2009

ss ee

el n P
Ti ge
on s
learning in sTyle green Frenzy

Pu 6—
The Camosun libraries at both BC filmmaker goes head-to-head

campuses will undergo major with the logging industry giants
Camosun’s Student Voice

overhauls starting next year. in new documentary film.

Since 1990 neWs—3 arTs—7

Considering the cutting-edge of comics

shane sCoTT-Travis to be able to play a part in making
COntriButing Writer them.”
Out of the scarred and barren His love for comics is shared
earth of the Dust Bowl of 1930s by millions of enthusiasts, and the
America came a unique and decid- potentialities of the medium are
edly different type of art form—the wondrous.
comic book. Depression-born and According to Guerra, “You can’t
distinctly American (though later change things for the better without
Britain and Japan would muscle imagining them first.”
in on the scene), comic books have
often been regarded as absurd escap-
ism, but they’ve been a part of our Comic book
social strata for close to a century. confidential
Many attest that comic books maybe comic books can’t change the
(often now referred to as graphic entire world, but they can at least
novels) are socially relevant arti- change your world! for proof, look no
facts. There’s a vibrant culture built further than the books on this list. a
around them, and a fan base growing word of caution—reading these books
stronger all the time. will forever alter perceptions of the
de- “Well, the great artwork has medium. you’ve been warned!
to Fun Home: A Family Tragicomic by
Alison Bechdel
of “With underground set in a funeral home, this sexy, gothic
memoir is funny, sad, and unforget-
comics there are no table.
censors; it is just the Louis Riel by Chester Brown
this biography of riel and the métis
at’s artist directly relating rebellion should be taught in our
public schools. a tour de force from
to the audience, Brown—not to be missed.
on which doesn’t happen Criminal by Ed Brubaker and Sean
in too many a compendium of crime clichés that
ple mediums.” somehow transcends the genre.
Transmetropolitan by Warren Ellis
gareTh gaudin and Darick Robertson
LOCaL COmiC CreatOr
ellis and robertson are the Vladimir and
of estragon of the post-cyberpunk milieu.
ive if you don’t know what that means, you
nd always had its appeal,” says Mike will soon enough.
ie- Rooth, a comic book illustrator cur- Love and Rockets by Gilbert and
for rently working for Rubicon Publish- Jaime Hernandez
t. ing. Based out of Oakville, Ontario, maggie, hopie, and the other denizens
sts Rooth creates graphic novels and of palomar inhabit one of the most
The mini-comics for the educational realized comic book cosmologies ever
market. He’s been collecting comics conceived.
HE since he was 10 years old. Super-F*ckers by James Kolchaka
ns. Gareth Gaudin at his local shop, Legends Comics (top); artwork by Mike Rooth (left) and Gareth Gaudin (right).
“I guess I’m a big kid at heart, these crass, crime-fighting crusaders
” because I still love comics, but more in what makes comics so appealing Y: The Last Man, will soon be making Rooth feels a sense of childlike are sadistically singular and a devilish
way so these days for the great storytell- to fans and creators, but comics the leap to the silver screen, but while glee about the recent glut of comic delight.
ing,” says Rooth. have also moved with the times and movies can be an exciting medium, book film adaptations hitting the Persepolis by Marjane Satrapi
ns. Pia Guerra, co-creator of DC become far-reaching. she doesn’t feel it’s an absolute box office. this memoir brought satrapi worldwide
do, “I love what you can do with the improvement over the comic book “Personally, I think this is a
Comics’ award-winning series Y: acclaim for good reason. her history les-
ou medium,” says Guerra. “Storytelling experience. great time to be alive!” roars Rooth.
The Last Man, has also held a fas- son, recently made into a film, is shatter-
her ing and uplifting in equal measure.
cination with comics since her early is all about creating a reality; if that “Comics work in a very different “We’ve been battered by a tsunami
childhood. created reality can help visualize a system from movies,” says Guerra. of comic book movies for nearly a Promethea by Alan Moore and JH
“I’ve been reading them since better actual reality, then it can help “Film is great, but even with all the decade now, and it’s great to see.” Williams III
’ve I was 10,” enthuses Guerra. “My change preset attitudes, misconcep- special effects in the world there are The recent blockbuster Watch- your typical metaphysical psychedelic
cousin left an issue of X-Men at our tions, and ignorance.” still limits to what you can do; limits men has many sharing in Rooth’s superhero book that knocks down the
house and I was hooked.” Gaudin agrees, particularly that comics don’t have.” justifiable joy. “Watchmen is in the fourth wall so completely you have to
oes ask, was it ever really there?
Local comic book scribe and when considering comics outside The recent rush of Hollywood collective unconscious,” says Gau-
illustrator Gareth Gaudin has been of the mainstream. “With under- films based off of popular comics din. “I can’t wait to see it in IMAX; All Star Superman by Grant Morrison
subverting the masses with his ground comics there are no censors,” is a trend no one in the industry can Dr. Manhattan’s 15-foot blue penis . and Frank Quitely
Magic Teeth Dailies since 1993. Gau- says Gaudin. “It is just the artist ignore. “I don’t mind them myself,” . . no wonder it’s restricted!” mainstream comics will probably never
directly relating to the audience, says Guerra. “Some are very well Grins and guffaws aside, the be as subversive, superlative, or as well
din also began collecting comics as a
drawn as this award-winning mindfuck.
ng youngster. “I bought my first comic which doesn’t happen in too many done, some not, but in the end it ability of comic books to entertain, and, yes, it’s superman.
an, in October 1978; it was Godzilla #17 mediums.” brings people to the book and that’s educate, and subvert aren’t just
The Invisibles by Grant Morrison
to by Herb Farm.” Rooth feels comics can draw a good thing for comics.” avant-garde. They possess a unique
morrison cares about comics so much,
me Gaudin speaks with great rever- strength from their appeal to a gen- Gaudin, who also owns Legends, communicative character, blending
he’ll dissect them and elevate them to a
an, ence of the sensory experience of eral audience. one of Victoria’s finest comic book words with pictures in ways unable form of art so pure nothing can touch it.
comic books. “[Comics] can cover limitless shops, notes these movies benefit to be expressed in any other art it doesn’t get better than this.
an “I love covers; they are the most topics and appeal to pretty well comic book sales. “When a movie form. And that alone makes them Maus by Art Spiegelman
important part of the book,” says every social group, so there’s a little comes out like Batman or Spider- a valuable commodity worthy of this World War ii fable has the nazis as
nd Gaudin. “I also like the old pulp something for everyone,” reflects Man there has never been a spike in celebration and praise.
An- cats, the jews as mice, and truly show-
paper they used to use. I love the Rooth. “The thrust of my work, for sales like you’d expect; but with Hell- “I honestly don’t know who or cases what only comic books can. it won
smell of them; they give me such a example, tackles the very real and boy or Sin City—the ones nobody where I’d be if I didn’t have comics a much-deserved pulitzer prize.
great feeling.” pressing problem of illiteracy.” knows about—they sell through in my life,” says Rooth in earnest.
Nostalgia certainly plays a part Guerra’s biggest success to date, the roof!” “I feel very privileged and fulfilled


 VIEWS April 1, 2009

Eeny, meeny, miney, vote

Tessa Cogman it’s how important it is to get out
Staff Writer there and vote. You can’t complain
Ah, yes, student if you don’t vote, right?
e l e c t i o n s . Fa n c y Let’s look at it this way; if Nexus
Next publication: April 8, 2009 posters and catchy readership goes down, it’s our fault
Deadline: noon April 1, 2009 slogans. Powerful debates and for not distributing an interesting
the promise of soda pop drinking newspaper that students want to
Address: 3100 Foul Bay Rd., Victoria, BC, fountains. pick up.
V8P 5J2
The Camosun College Student If not enough students are vot-
Location: Lansdowne Richmond House 201
Society (CCSS) elections are com- ing in the student elections, it’s the
Phone: 250-370-3591
ing up again on campus, but don’t CCSS’ fault for not finding more
Email: hold your breath in anticipation for creative ways to get those ballots
Website: a passionate election process. Just filled. X marks the spot, but not a
Publisher: Nexus Publishing Society expect a vibrant looking voting bal- lot of students see that one voting
lot with 10 exciting positions, some table at each campus.
NEXUS PUBLISHING SOCIETY of which only have one nominee, Either more tables need to be
STUDENT BOARD MEMBERS and a wacky box to throw it in. set up or the CCSS needs to stop
Kyla Ferns being so terrestrial and start an
Kelly Marion online voting system instead. This
Andrea Moir If not enough students would allow students to vote from
Jason Motz home or from on-campus computer
Chris Pal are voting in the labs and read the nominee profiles
Graphic: Adrian Binakaj
Miriam Putters student elections, it’s whenever they like.
MANAGING EDITOR Some may argue that even if
Jason Schreurs the CCSS’ fault for not votes were more accessible and If there had been more than a 10 and vote for someone and don’t
LAYOUT EDITOR finding more creative candidates more creative, students percent turnout that year, we might let an important referendum slip
Laila Brown just don’t care enough to vote. A be saving the little money we have through your fingers. This year’s
ways to get those lot of students are only here for a left from all the other student fees. referendum proposes a slight in-
Tessa Cogman ballots filled. few years and then they skip off to What’s worse is our children crease in the athletics and recrea-
Copy EDITOR university. Why should students are more likely to see this Student tions student fees.
Alan Piffer care when they won’t be here long Union Building before we ever do. Read up on the reasons for the
With only 422 votes from Lans- enough to notice who represents I guess we can be happy with fixing referendum and the candidates’
Kait Cavers downe and Interurban combined them? up Camosun for future Camosunit- platform statements in the centre
last fall (roughly a five percent In April of 2006 a referendum es. A VIP pass would be nice when spread of this issue.
Guy Alaimo
turnout), the majority of Camosun was passed to allow the charge of it’s built though. And maybe suggest to the
Brendan Kergin
students are clearly not getting in- $14 per student, per semester for a It could be awhile before we see Camosun students running for
Jason Motz volved in the election process. Student Union Building fund. 506 any changes to the CCSS election election that they could use just a
Some may even feel guilty about people voted in favour of the fund process, just because it might be a little more pizzazz to get their name
Courtney Clarke
it. If we’ve been lectured anything, and 313 said no. lot of work. But, still, get out there known on campus.
Breanna Carey
Jimmy Nguyen
Get some sun, dammit! I personally take 10,000 IU during the dark seasons and less in summer.

Jason Schreurs Liquid drops are available with each drop equaling 1,000 IU.
In her Giving It Up column in the Mar. 18 issue, Kelly
Marion compares her sun phobia to a vampire. Lamentably, Marion would be wise to eschew her anti-sun arsenal if she cares about
Campus Plus NATIONAL her immune system, bones, and, yes, even skin health.
1-800-265-5372 there are some unfunny errors in the serious parts of her piece
which Marion and students should be aware of. If anyone wants more info I would recommend Holicks’s book or www.
Her idea is to completely give up sunlight “before [she]
Adrian Binakaj
fries [her] way to skin cancer.” This is a gross oversimplifica- Pablo Miramontes
Ashley Moore
tion. She is right that melanoma rates are on the increase, but not due to Camosun student
Guy Alaimo normal sun exposure.
Adrian Binakaj Dermatologist and researcher Michael Holick states that “it’s more What is the Canadian cultural mosaic?
Michael Brar dangerous to avoid sun exposure completely than it is to get regular, The Canadian cultural mosaic surely exists and is growing in this
Cristian Cano moderate sun exposure.” In fact, according to published research, mod- society. Since International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimina-
Breanna Carey erate sun exposure prevents numerous types of cancer, not to mention tion was on March 21, I want to emphasize the importance of Canadian
Kait Cavers osteoporosis. diversity.
Michelle Chowns The healthiest approach, according to the latest research, seems to I have experienced and witnessed the “Cultural mosaic” over the past
Courtney Clarke be don’t sunburn, get enough antioxidants (particularly lutein and beta two years as an international student from Japan studying at Camosun
Tessa Cogman carotene) in your diet, and ensure adequate vitamin D intake whether College in Community, Family, and Child Studies.
Maelina de Grasse through sensible sun exposure or supplements. The sense of multiculturalism is the character of the country that I
Michael Duncan Only 20 minutes in the summer sun produces 10,000 IU in the skin.
Donald Kennedy
value and respect the most, and I see it as the strongest characteristic of
Unfortunately, our nanny government has limited vitamin D in supple- Canada.
Keltie Larter ments to 1,000 IU, while latest research suggests several thousand IUs
Kelly Marion Keiichi Otani
are necessary during winter. Camosun Student
Jason Motz
Alan Piffer
Miriam Putters
Sarah Rankin
Shane Scott-Travis What’s the best April Fool’s joke you’ve ever played?
Ed Sum
Joel Witherington
By Keltie L arter

The views and opinions expressed herein

are those of the authors, not of the Nexus
Publishing Society. One copy of Nexus is
available per issue, per person. Nexus is
printed on a mixture of 100 and 40 percent recycled
paper. Please recycle your copy. Thanks!
Editorial meetings
Come out to our weekly Nexus editorial meetings,
where all Camosun students can get involved in
their student newspaper. Meetings take place
every Tuesday at 11:30 am in the Nexus office,
Richmond House 201, Lansdowne. Call 370-3591 Chardonee Easterly Shannon Craig Jack Logan Renee Kennedy Tom Martinson
or e-mail for more
information. “I put a rubber band on “I put Saran Wrap on the “While I was teaching my “My friend was sleeping “I pretended to be young.”
Send a letter
the kitchen sink’s spray toilet seat when I was 12 little brother how to shave, over when I was younger.
Nexus prints letters that are 250 words or less attachment and when and when my brother peed I shaved off half of his left In the morning we went to
in response to previous stories. Nexus reserves someone went to use the it splashed up onto him.” eyebrow!” open the door, but my mom
the right to refuse publication of letters. Letters sink they would get a lovely had boarded it all up! We
must include full name and student number (not
printed). Nexus accepts all letters by e-mail to shower and enjoy a laugh!” could open the door, but we couldn’t get out.” neWs 3
CCSS hopes for Libraries to get major renos
more voters in sarah ranKin
COntriButing Writer

upcoming election
Students stuck looking for a
quiet spot to delve into their stud-
ies will be familiar with Camosun
Jason moTz The CCSS Board of Directors College’s libraries and their retro
COntriButing Writer believes by splitting the levy two charm. But with over 37,000 vis-
Well, it’s that time of year ways, students can receive greater its per month to the Lansdowne
again—the annual run of the apa- athletic and recreation services and, library and 13,500 visits per month
thetic bulls, commonly known as more importantly, better financial at Interurban, the extended use of
the Camosun student elections, are accountability. the buildings has taken its toll.
underway. If history is an indicator, “The referendum is an important “Our libraries are aging,” says
there will be no Obama-sized turn- issue for the board that we believe Chief Librarian Sybil Harrison,
out at the polls. Still, the Camosun will benefit both the college ath- “and more students than ever are
College Student Society (CCSS) letics teams and the students that needing access to on-campus li-
expects a significant turnout. make use of recreation at Camosun,” brary resources.”
“Voter turnout is typically be- says Turcotte. “The split is being This year, Camosun is renovat-
tween five and 10 percent of mem- proposed to provide clarity and ing its Lansdowne and Interurban
bership,” says Michel Turcotte, accountability as our auditor exam- campus libraries as a part of its Vi-
CCSS Director of Operations. ined the current levy closely during sion 2020 project. Right now, the
“Given that this is a contested elec- our last audit.” libraries have minimal study and
phOtO: COurtney CLarke
tion in a few key positions I would As for the student board pos- lounge space, limited computer
The number of computer stations at both libraries will be increased.
think that we should get at least 800 itions, 10 are available, most of access, and a lack of new books
[students] voting.” which carry a one-year term. These and research materials. fundraising campaign is already New library digs
positions include External Execu- The new designs were made bringing in capital. Once the new Camosun Learning Commons
tive, Finance Executive, Lansdowne to address these concerns. Once “The Foundation is initially aim- are completed, students will have access to
Executive, Interurban Executive, completed, the Camosun Learning ing the campaign at our Camosun the following:

Women’s Director, Pride Director, Commons will be born. family—faculty and staff, retired Lansdowne Campus library
“Voter turnout is and Students with Disabilities The project will have three employees, and alumni members,” • 35-seat electronic classroom
• 48 computer stations
typically between five Director. phases; the first being an overhaul says Susan Haddon, executive
• four dVd/media viewing stations
The three other positions up for of the Lansdowne library’s first director of the Camosun College
and 10 percent of floor, starting this October and fin- Foundation. “Our total campaign
• 25-seat presentation/seminar class-
grabs, all of which carry six-month room
membership.” terms, include First Nations Direc- ishing in Spring 2010. Then, work goal is $500,000 and proceeds • 75-seat study/lounge area
tor, Interurban Campus Director, will commence on Lansdowne’s from this portion are starting to • two self-checkout stations
miChel TurCoTTe second floor next summer, while come in now.” • seven group study/project rooms
CamOsun COLLege student and Saanich Campus Director. • Writing/Learning skills Centre
The three contested positions Interurban’s library will also see Until the awaited Learning • teaching/Learning Centre
are External Executive, Womyn’s renovations in 2010. Commons is finished, all library • audio-visual centre
Director, and First Nations Direc- The total cost of the revitaliza- services will still be accessible • Commons café
tor, while the rest are uncontested tion will be approximately $4 mil- during renovations with little Interurban Campus library
lion. Funding for the project will disruption. • increased electronic and hard copy
For that prediction to pan out, and will need to be voted in by holdings
there would have to be a doubling acclamation. come from college capital dollars “While the first floor of Lans-
• 32-seat electronic classroom
of last fall’s turnout, when a scant If these positions aren’t excit- and fundraising campaigns; the downe is being renovated, most • 31 computer stations
422 voters cast their ballots. And to ing enough to make you forsake college has also submitted a pro- services will be relocated upstairs • 28-seat quiet study room
put that number into perspective, studying for finals, there’s also the posal to the Federal Government for and the library classroom will be • five group study rooms
possible infrastructure funding. converted into a computer lab,” • 52-seat group study/lounge
only 207 Camosun students voted matter of the Camosun College by- • One self-checkout station
in the Fall of 2007. elections. What’s at stake here are Launched earlier this year by says Harrison. “We are exploring
• it/audio-visual support area
According to current CCSS a total of six seats, including one the Camosun College Foundation, all options to make sure disruptions • increased electronic and hard copy
External Executive Christopher Board of Governor and two Educa- the “Love Your Learning Library” to students are minimized.” holdings
Gillespie, there are many reasons tion Council seats per campus.
why students may refrain from One of the candidates for the

Interested in how Nexus is run

voting. Board of Governors is longtime
“One can never paint the en- CCSS staff member Turcotte, who
tire student population with a big isn’t running as a staffer but as a
brush,” says Gillespie. “It is very
possible that some students are
apathetic, while others are unaware
part-time student in the Advance
Human Resources Diploma Pro-
gram. Turcotte is going up against
behind the scenes?
of the issues.”
Among the bigger issues this
incumbent Interurban board mem-
ber Matthew Martin. Come on down to our AGM
election is the referendum on a The campaign period is in effect
student athletics/recreation levy. until Monday, April 6. Those who ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING OF THE NEXUS
Voters will be asked if they’re in choose to hit the polls will be able PUBLISHING SOCIETY
favour of splitting the current ath- to rock the vote on April 7, 8, and 9
letics/recreation levy, a monthly from 8 am until 7 pm. Winners will Thursday, April 16 @ 4 pm
fee of $5.78 per month, into two be announced on Friday, April 10. Young Building 316, Lansdowne
separate monthly levies. They will For a full list of candidates and
also be asked to authorize a 30 their platform statements, as well as
percent increase per levy, effective voting locations at both campuses, Agenda
Sept. 1. Referendums can only be see the CCSS election insert in I CALL TO ORDER
passed by a majority vote. this issue. 1.) Ratification of meeting chairperson

Copies of nexus are located 1.) President’s Report
on the outskirts of campus 2.) Financial Report
in our handy blue boxes. 1.) Adoption of 2008-2009 financial statement
find us near the richmond 2.) Adoption of 2009-2010 proposed budget
bus shelter at interurban. X ADJOURNMENT

no more boring Please bring valid Camosun College student ID in

bus rides! order to vote at this meeting.

250.370.3591 250.370.3591
Richmond House 201, Lansdowne Richmond House 201, Lansdowne
 CAMPUS April 1, 2009

College Safety to the rescue NEWS BRIEFS

by Kait Cavers

Miriam Putters students, very seriously.

Contributing Writer “I’m hoping all the hard work
A group of distressed students that has been done in building
They’re heeeeere
are gathered around a Camosun professional relationships to date Student leaders from across Canada, along with over 150 members
College locker, alarmed by the of parliament, senators, and government officials, are gathering in
with the Camosun College Student
Ottawa this week to discuss the government’s role in ensuring the
constant meows from what sounds Services has increased the aware-
highest standards of quality for Canadian post-secondary institutions.
like a suffocating cat trapped in- ness of College Safety and how we
Although I’m sure my tangible and realistic suggestion of free tuition
side. Panic ensues; the immediate can better serve the college com- will be overlooked (again), they’ll be discussing the need to elimin-
attempts of locating the locker’s munity,” says Ditta. ate the 10 and 15 percent price premiums for the Book Importation
owner fail. One of Ditta’s most important Regulations, the need for a balanced copyright regime, and the pro-
It’s up to Pervez Ditta, Manager duties is to enforce the student code motion of a student financial aid system that increases accessibility.
of College Safety at Camosun, and of conduct policy and the Criminal Whatever, guys—just make college free, or I’ll have to keep getting all
his staff to force open the locker and Code of Canada on campus. He my pre-med biology tips from that guy at the bus stop that smells like
rescue the endangered cat. also works to diminish risks to all burning hair.
After several suspenseful sec- of the college community, address-
onds, Ditta rescues the cat—a cell ing personal safety issues on and To high school students with love
Photo: Courtney Clarke
phone with a cat ring tone. off-campus. Camosun Business Students are encouraging local high school
Although the situation was eas- Ditta says his department takes students to get off their butts and test the skills they’ve learned in their
ily resolved with words of advice “If I can’t resolve the a proactive approach in identify- business classes. The daylong event, happening April 3 at Camosun’s
Interurban Campus, will also provide a taste of college life for students
and a new lock courtesy of College ing any security issues early on,
Safety, Ditta recounts this as one issue I will work with working to address the needs of that choose to study business at Camosun after graduation. The
contest runs as a computer simulation via the web, taking students
of his more interesting stories in you to ensure it is the people involved in a specific
through six fiscal quarters of managing their own corporation. Last
the five years he has worked for situation while simultaneously
Camosun. resolved.” reducing the impact on the student year, the winning teams took home $500 tuition credit for Camosun
But Ditta’s official title carries and a smooth and simulated $20 million, which they promptly blew on
Pervez Ditta body at large.
imaginary import cars. That’s not how I learned business, but I guess
significantly more responsibility Camosun College College Safety holds an open
that’s why my BC-brand coconut stand filed for bankruptcy.
to Camosun College students than door policy to any students with
rescuing trapped cell phones. safety concerns, he says. Sweet dealio
Ditta advises and trains col- careers, spending nine years with “If I can’t resolve the issue I BC Transit has joined Victoria’s Scrap-It Program and has agreed to
lege staff and students in personal New Scotland Yard, and working will work with you to ensure it is let Victoria residents trade in their 1995 or older vehicle in exchange for
safety and security. He regularly as a detective for the Metropolitan resolved,” promises Ditta. “Col- up to two years of free rides on the bus. The Scrap-It program provides
participates in orientations for Police specializing in anti-terror- lege Safety relies on students to owners incentives to scrap their car or light-duty truck in exchange for
Non-Violence Crisis Intervention ism, major crime, and internal be the extra ears and eyes in miti- transit passes, bicycles, car-share incentives, or a new vehicle discount
and Rape Aggression Defense investigations. gating risk to all of us. If you see in an attempt to decrease greenhouse gas emissions. Sounds like a
Training for women. He also spent time working any suspicious behavior, please perfect excuse to finally pitch that Pinto, or play a hilarious joke on an
He also works closely with for Imperial Chemical Indus- let an instructor know or call our unsuspecting friend with an old car.
Camosun students to resolve tries as a research scientist spe- 24-hour emergency line. If you
breaches of the college’s code of cializing in photon correlation think it’s important, it’s going to Surf on turf
conduct policy. spectroscopy, high performance be important for me.” Have you always wanted to splash in the water with real live surfers
“I ensure that any interactions liquid chromatography, and gas College Safety is located in but are convinced your limbs will become shark food? Here’s a chance
with student or staff hold dear to chromatography. Dawson 200, Lansdowne or the to mingle with the pros while avoiding the Mike Tysons of the Sea.
the college’s mission statement, Ditta took over from previous Physical Resources Building (be- Sugar will play host to Rip Curl Canada on April 10 when they promote
and we are student-centered and Safety Manager Brian Kitching the ST3W, the largest surf competition in Canada. The night will include
hind the Jack White Building) at
a wetsuit raffle with all proceeds going to the SurfRider Foundation, as
focused,” says Ditta. in August, and was previously Interurban. Call 250–370–3041
well as awesome live music from artist Daniel Wesley, Shane Phillip,
Before coming to Camosun, Kitching’s assistant. Ditta takes or 250–370–3057 for the 24-hour
Vince Vicarro, and DJ Nigel. If you’re looking for some tasty waves and
Ditta had a variety of interesting his new position, and Camosun’s line. a cool buzz, Sugar is your destination. Also, it’s my understanding that
all people who surf are automatically babes.

Camosun student wins co-op award Drinking for a good cause

What? You mean drinking isn’t always beneficial? Weird, that’s not
Guy Alaimo competitive. It’s especially difficult up interviews last spring, and she what my Uncle Bob taught me when I was eight. On April 5 at Mo:Le
Staff Writer to compete with your classmates, was very helpful with all my co-op and April 25 at The Bistro at Merridale Cider you can wine and dine
The Association for Cooperative but I guess it prepares us for the questions.” to your heart’s content and all of the proceeds from your meal will
Education of British Columbia/ real world.” The winner of the provincial go directly to help save Madrona Farm. Madrona is a 27-acre mixed
Yukon has awarded a Camosun LeMercier spent her summer award is based on the student’s vegetable farm located on Blenkinsop Road in Saanich and is consid-
student with the provincial “Co- work term as a Wildland Fire achievement during the work term, ered to be a very important agricultural and ecological treasure in the
op Student of the Year” award Science Technician with the BC academics, and on contributions Blenkinsop Valley. The farm produces a diversity of 105 vegetables 12
for 2008. Ministry of Forests and Range’s to co-operative education and the months a year and is a critical source of locally grown food. So if you
Jen LeMercier, a third-year protection program. community. like wine, food, veggies, and/or good deeds, then put down that box of
environmental technology student, “I worked in the office conduct- “Co-op is a great opportunity to Hamburger Helper and treat yourself to a delicious dinner out on the
was recognized for her achievement ing research on fire behavior and get experience and figure out your town!
on March 26 during a small cere- then I got to work in the field collect- interests,” says LeMercier. Cash in on action
mony at Lansdowne Campus. ing data to help predict how much The award win for LeMercier If you’re sitting here reading the Nexus, wondering how you can
“I’m very flattered!” says LeMer- fuel would burn,” says LeMercier. marks the second consecutive year help raise awareness about the critical situation the environment is
cier from her new job as a graphic “I would especially like to thank Jean that a Camosun student has taken currently in, and the human actions that influence climate change, then
designer with Rocketday Arts, a Sheffield from the co-op depart- top prize. Applied Communication your search for answers could end with this paragraph. According to
design company in Victoria. “Co- ment, because she helped me with Program student Kevin Ginley won, what you eat affects the environment more than the
op jobs are very valuable, but also my application process and setting the award last year. car you drive, and eating meat contributes more to global warming

*  '

than total worldwide transportation combined. Thus, the theme for this
year’s award is Eco Eating. The competition has a first prize of about
$2,500 that will be awarded to the student that invites the most friends
to the social networking website. The contest is open
to all post-secondary students and runs until June 30. For more info, go

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in when you’re not at school. It’s up to you.

Who: did you

You can register to vote if you’re 18 years of age or older,
or will be 18 on General Voting Day (May 12, 2009), you’re a that in the
2005 Provincial
Canadian citizen, and a resident of B.C. for the past six months.
Election only
If you’re from another province but have resided in B.C. for at
least six months and consider B.C. to be your home, you’re eligible
of 18-24 year olds
to register and vote in the May provincial election.
voted? This year,
have your say.
Registration is easy! Visit or call toll-free
1-800-661-8683 before April 21, 2009. If you aren’t registered
by the deadline, you can still register when you vote.
Just remember to bring identification.

You must prove your identity and B.C. residential address to

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For other ID options, go to

Advance voting:
8 a.m. to 8 p.m. (local time), Wednesday May 6 to Saturday May 9.

General voting:
8 a.m. to 8 p.m. (Pacific time), Tuesday May 12, 2009.

Other options:
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other voting options. Contact us to find out more.

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 SPORTS April 1, 2009

Women’s Chargers finish seventh at nationals

Guy Alaimo to win the national championships
Staff Writer by beating Dawson College, 59–55.
It wasn’t going to be easy, but Dawson took the silver medal.
the Camosun Chargers women’s During their final game against
basketball team thought they’d the Tommies, the Chargers were
finish better during last week’s down early by 11 points before
national championships in Sainte- coming back with a 10–5 run to
Foy, Quebec. be behind 35–29 at the half. But
The BC champion Chargers in the third quarter the Chargers
finished seventh in the country took control as they did all season,
and second to last in the tourna- outscoring the Tommies 20–9 to
ment. The team went out on a posi- take a 49–44 lead.
tive note though, defeating the St. After that, it was all Camosun
Thomas University Tommies a day as they would outscore St. Thomas
after being eliminated from medal 24–3 to close out the game and go on
contention. to win 73–47. Charger player of the
The Chargers lost to the host game honors went to second-year
and defending champion Sainte-Foy post Teresa Hartick.
Dynamiques, 79–57, on March 19, Overall, the Chargers are happy
ending their run for a national gold having reached the national tour-
medal. Sainte-Foy would eventually nament for the first time in club
Chargers coach Brett Westcott calls a timeout during Camosun’s game against the St. Thomas University.
go on to win the bronze medal by history and are looking forward to
shooting down Sheridan College. next season.
The Chargers’ bid for a bronze
medal was ended a day later by
Lethbridge College. The Lethbridge
Still, it will be tough for them
to improve on this year, finishing
17–1, first place in the BCCAA
PISE sport and exercise programs
Zodiaks ousted the Chargers by a
score of 69–63 and would later go on
standings, and winning gold at
the provincials. expanding for Camosun
Michael Brar nine PhDs and two doctoral can- Bachelor of Athletics and Exercise
Contributing Writer didates, CSEE is a strong program Therapy, will be joined this fall by
For all the time and effort it from the top down. Everyone on another degree program, Bachelor
took Camosun College and the the roster is a seasoned veteran of of Sport and Fitness Leadership.
Pacific Institute for Sports Excel- the fitness industry, each coming With five distinct choices for
lence (PISE) to collaborate on a to the program with a slightly dif- prospective students, students
world class training facility and ferent background. interested in pursuing a career in
sports education program, their Students in the programs of- health and wellness should find
collective dedication is now bear- fered at the CSEE can expect to a program option that works for
ing fruit in the form of top-notch be taught by those who know the them.
graduates. industry very well, which goes a The emphasis in CSEE’s in-
“We spent the last three years long way in helping them enter struction is participation. Hands-
working together, dreaming, in- the field themselves. on learning is a critical part of the
LET YOUR VOICE BE HEARD! spiring each other, and planning CSEE offers program options curriculum, so students can expect
the new programming,” says Dr. for a wide range of career interests. to spend plenty of quality time in
Peter Rehor, director of Camosun’s The two diploma programs cur- the instructional gym at PISE.

Centre for Sport and Exercise rently offered, Exercise and Well- “The connection between fit-
Education (CSEE). “The building ness and Sport Management, will ness and health is well established,”
is merely a reflection of those ideas be joined later this year by a third, says Rehor, “and it’s not only a
and plans.” Sport Performance. healthy society, but I think it’s a
Boasting a faculty including The four-year degree program, more satisfied society.”

For Student Society

Representation on
Board of Governors
Change is good.
Vote for your favourite
candidate on
April 7, 8, and 9, 2009 If you’re a Biz Admin student, see
8 am – 7 pm your Program Leader for details.
Fisher Foyer – Lansdowne
Campus Centre Second Now.Yes, now.
Floor – Interurban

Your vote DOES count!

Ready for your next step?

Take it at Camosun.
2009 7th 8th & 9th
On April

Make YOUR Choice

Voting stations open from 9 a.m. - 7 p.m.

Interurban Campus Centre 2nd floor Lansdowne in the Fisher Foyer

Christopher Gillespie
External Executive
The position of External Affairs Executive requires time and commitment to diplomatic relations with College staff and Governors,
local politicians, larger government organizations, and the community as a whole. With two years of experience with the Camosun
College Student Society (CCSS) and one of those years as your External Affairs Executive, I am the best person for this position.
With me as the External, the CCSS has:
• Created stronger ties with the College, built on mutual respect and cooperation
• Began the process of creating a permanent liaison with the Camosun Community Association
• Assisted the college in securing further government funding, through meetings with local politicians, so that Camosun wouldn’t
have to run a 2.4 million dollar deficit
• Participated in the hiring of a new Manager and Assistant Manager of College Safety, ensuring that they have the qualities
needed for the Camosun community.
• Raised awareness of Student Debt with the March 30th Zombie Walk: Day of the Living Debt
If you want to see the CCSS continue to become an even stronger voice for you and all of the other students at Camosun, vote
Gillespie on April 7, 8, 9. Gillespie – Proven Leadership, Proven Results

Matteus Clement
External Executive
My goal is to develop communication and collaboration between Camosun’s student body, administration and Student Society.
Over the last four years I traveled throughout Southeast Asia, Japan and Australia, and am now working towards a degree in
Applied Communication. Through my travels and various management positions I have come to understand the importance of
effective communication and administration, as well as the necessity of open-mindedness, determination and a forward-thinking
attitude as a way to affect meaningful change. I want to focus on three central issues:

• Lobby for healthier and more diverse food options in The Caf.
• Organize monthly cultural parties, showcasing food, music & movies from the diverse groups that attend Camosun.
• Create a video based website informing students of the services available to them-- from clubs and events to student
awards and peer helping.

I want to involve students in what is important to them. I know what it takes to initiate change and create awareness, and the
motivation to follow through with the ideas and interests of the student body. Through the position of External Executive I know
that I can better our own education, as well as those who follow us.

Matthew Martin
Finance Executive
I am excited about the opportunity to further serve the students of Camosun as Finance Executive.
Education & Experience:
• 2nd year accounting student
• 2 ½ years experience serving students in a variety of positions including
• Interurban Executive
• Student Reprentative on Education Council
• Students With Disabilities Director
• Interurban Director
What I bring to the position:
• Passion to provide students with the highest quality of education
• Energy to actively raise student issues
• Desire to ensure that the interests of students are addressed
I have been highly active in student government in my 2 ½ years here at Camosun. I have been involved in many areas from
education standards, policies, and financial statements behind the scenes to the frontline running of events for students. This
experience has allowed me to directly and indirectly improve the education experiences of ALL students. I look forward to
continuing my service to students in these new and exciting positions.
Vote Matthew Martin for Finance Executive on April 7th, 8th, and 9th.

Matthew de Groot
Interurban Executive

OK fellow students, we’re almost done this treacherous year and ready to face the summer. In a lot of ways I feel that Interurban has
been long neglected as far as events are concerned. I plan to hold more inclusive, fun filled events in the coming year and to help provide
a social environment to aid in your networking and social interactions. To continue the legacy that the Student Society has worked on, I
would also like to present you with issues that are facing students in a non-partisan manner. Have any suggestions, please talk to me.
Roxanne Smillie
Lansdowne Executive

Hey everyone! Being one of the Lansdowne Directors over this past year has been a great learning experience about the great active groups
our campus has and the challenges we face. I would like to help enhance the connections with-in our campus to make more of a community
feeling. A challenge I have seen is the that the large turn over here at Camosun causes problems for our many clubs and activists. I would
like to establish some templates and outlines to be left behind for the future students so that these activities live on and turn into traditions.
I look forward to helping plan various events such as Camfest, monthly cultural events and highlighting events for the many clubs here on
campus. If elected Lansdowne Executive I will represent you the students and make your voices heard.
Thank you,
Roxanne Smillie :D

Lauren Blakey
Women’s Director
I am a Political Science/ Public Relations Student at Camosun College.
If you elect me as Women’s Director I will make sure your voice is heard at the student council meetings, as I’m not afraid to fight for the
things you believe in.

My goal is to listen to all of the women on campus, implement relevant changes, and create new events that are important to everyone.
I had the privilege of working closely with last years Women’s Director on many events, and I will use my experience to make the
Women’s Center an even better place for everyone at Camosun College.
I would love to hear your ideas on the issues you deem important, and I can be reached anytime at the contact information below.
I am excited to get involved and get things done, so vote Lauren Blakey for Women’s Director, and together we’ll make this the best year

Home Phone: (250) 298-7746


Chloe Markgraf
W o m e n ’s D i r e c t o r
The position as Women’s Director is something I took on at the beginning of the semester and has been a joy to fulfill thus far. We have had
the pleasure of hosting several events: luncheons, collective meetings and a production of ‘The Vagina Monologues’ in late April. It is my
hope that I can continue as Women’s Director of the CCSS and carry on to facilitating an inspiring, comfortable, safe and productive space
for the women of Camosun.

My passion is women’s issues, and my current studies have led me to study biology with a personal focus on women’s health. These passions
extend into the realm of social issues, and I am enthusiastic in supporting efforts by women to gather and mobilize, both as women alone
and with men. My hope is that I can be a strong empowered voice for the women at this college as well as facilitating a safe and thought-
provoking environment at the women’s centres. I also hope to organize exiting stimulating events that are relevant to camosun women.

My dedication to this work is my life path and I truly believe I will be the best at fulfilling this position. Please fell free to email me with any
comments, questions, ideas, or criticism ( I am open to feedback and really wanting to see the women
centres and the women of Camosun flourish.
Chloe Markgraf, current women’s director, CCSS.

Jesse Bennett
Sustainability Director
Hi, My name Is Jesse Bennett, and I represent a new age of vision that sees change as a reality at Camosun. But this change can only
exist given persistence and perseverance, which I will be giving my full attention to. I represent the students of Camosun, each and every
one of you. Every concern is important to me, and I plan on making many gains of progress, in the direction towards a more sustainable
social friendly school. I can see a Camosun where students see, hear, and voice their support towards a sustainable future.
As your new Sustainability Director, I will be placing issues of student importance on meeting agendas and following them through till
they are accomplished. These issues will include:
• Bettering the bus system • Subsidized transit alternatives
• Car pooling establishment • Sustainable (pesticide free) food alternatives I plan to see Camosun become a more accountable school
to the students, a school where the concerns of the people are heard and acted upon.
With your vote we can become united, and make a stand for a school that will hear the issues of student importance, and most of all
change them for the better. Thank You, Jesse Bennett

Mohsin Abbas
International Director
Mohsin Abbas, voice for you
I stand up for all students at Camosun. Thank you all for giving me the opportunity to serve you as Director Landsdowne.
I remember when my first year in a Canadian college as an international student, living in exile in Canada, lonely and with very little
money to pay heavy tuition fees as an international student and living expenses. I know there are many of you (international students)
going through tough times. It can be much easier if International students would be allowed to work full-time.
I would love to see you joining me to take this matter to Canadian Minister of immigration. This will help foreign students continue their
studies in much easier and better conditions than they are in now.
Now, I am in the English Creative writing class and as a non-native speaker, I can see how challenging it is and feels when you are in a new
country or studying in a new language, and with very limited hours to work.
I believe in communication. I live my life with enthusiasm. I have seen struggles and believe lots of them can be made a little easier with
some outside support. Schooling is a struggle for all of us. I will make sure your voice is heard so the support knows where to go. Let
me have the opportunity to bring more international events and support around campus. Let me have the opportunity to make our space
a more comfortable place to be. If elected, my goal is to take this matter to Canadian Immigration Minister to make the life easy for
international students.
Kymberlee Sellwood (Chase)
First Nations Director

Hello, my name is Chase and I am in my first year of Aboriginal studies at Camosun’s Lansdowne campus. Over the past two semesters,
I have helped to organize monthly feasts, giveaways and raffles, advocated on behalf of FNSA to allocate funds to cultural events
and workshops, and, with a few of my peers, started fund raising for a graduate trip. Additionally, I have met regularly with FNSA
director(s), and advisors from the Aboriginal faculty. For the upcoming term, I am running for the First Nations director position, and
a seat on the Education Council. In respect to the position of director, if I do get elected I plan to focus largely on ways to unite the FN
students from all five Camosun locations. I also hope to, if elected, implement a plan that would give each satellite school an opportunity
to access funds giving students who are interested a chance to host cultural events, workshops, or lectures. As a second-generation
residential school survivor, I understand, at the very least, the emotional impact of both the historical and contemporary content in
Indigenous studies; therefore, if I am also successful in gaining a seat on the Education Council, I hope to always advise from a place
that is always present of the additional challenges of Aboriginal education. Regardless of the outcome of the election, my hope is for
students come out and exercise their right to vote.

Pamela Webster
First Nations Director
Hello, my name is Pamela Webster. I am from Ahousaht an affiliation of the Nuu-chah-nulth Tribal Council. My parents are Hudson and
Janet Webster and my grandmother only survivor, Mamie Lucas.
My long time spouse, Guy and I have a son who has his own family. He and his wife have two sons. We are grandparents and totally
loving it!! We are a close family with our son of course, and with all our extended families.
As a full-time student, I have an interest in supporting and working with First Nations. I intend to bring First Nations together from all
campuses, and form a committee from these locations as we strive for our education endeavors.
As I have strong values for culture and tradition, I am active with Ahousaht culture and very keen in having other cultures support us as
First Nation students while in College.
I welcome your introductions, concerns, comments and suggestions as a First Nation student.
I can be located at the Interurban Campus or you may leave a message at the CCSS office in Campus Center building.
Ph: 250 370-3868 or fax: 250 370-3830
Personal Email:

Cristian Cano
Pride Director

I want to run for the position of Pride Director once again because I feel that I still have too much to do. UVic will host the Canadian
University of Queer Services Conference in the spring of 2010, and I plan to get Camosun involved as much as possible. Camosun
Pride will participate, as well, in camp Firefly (a camping retreat for the queer youth) during this summer. I want to make sure that
our collective is helping the community during this upcoming year. I plan to create safer spaces for the LGTB community in campus,
especially at the Interurban campus. I plan to create more activities in both campuses for the members of the collective to network and
just have fun during their spare time at college. I also want to make sure that our group keeps following its golden rule: Everybody is
welcome. Anyone, no matter sexual orientation or gender identification, will be welcome to be part of Camosun Pride, even the straight
allies. Camosun Pride is proud to be the most inclusive collective in campus.

Matthew Martin
Board of Governors Rep. Interurban

I am excited about the opportunity to further serve the students of Camosun as your Board of Governors representative.

What I bring to the position:

• 2 ½ years experience serving students in a variety of positions including

• Interurban Executive
• Student Representative on Education Council
• Students With Disabilities Director
• Interurban Director
• Passion to provide students with the highest quality of education
• Energy to actively raise student issues to the Board of Governors
• Desire to ensure that the interests of students are addressed
• Enthusiasm to work hard as your Board of Governors representative

M i c h e l Tu r c o t t e
Board of Governors Rep. Interurban
Vote for Dedication, Dependability, & Experience
The Board of Governors is Camosun’s governing body and makes all major financial decisions including increasing your tuition, there
are only two students on this important board.
I have spend the last 10 years working full time in support of student rights and ensuring the yours, the students, voice is heard at
Camosun College and beyond. As a long time employee of the Camosun College Student Society I have a proven track record of
helping students resolve their problems and ensuring that CCSS programs functioned to your benefit. I am now a student in the
Advanced Human Resources Diploma Program and seeking the opportunity of representing you as your Interurban Board of
Governors Representative.
• Responsible for the creation of a full time Ombudsman at Camosun College
• Negotiated and implemented the Universal Bus Pass (U-Pass)
• Degree in Political Science
• Former Elected Student Representative
• Long time campaigner for Student Rights
• Organized many beverage gardens and special events
• I will not vote to raise your tuition!
Vote Yes!
to separate and raise the Recreation
and Athletics Levy

• Steady and reliable funding for our Athletics

Teams and Recreation Centres on both Campuses
• More hours in the Fitness centres on both campuses!

• Separate levies will mean both endeavours will have

consistent funding to deliver the programming important to
students on Campus!

• Students get their say on how the money is allocated!

Get out and Vote! 500 votes are needed to pass or fail
a referendum!

$ NM ³S - H R R
Student Society

Annual General Meeting

@ Interurban in Campus Centre 124 @ 2pm on
Friday April 3rd Free Pizza! ARTS 
Local filmmaker brings BC forests into the spotlight
Shane Scott-Travis I was more excited about it playing from the project’s strong cast, Tri-
Contributing Writer in places like Oregon, Victoria, or cia Helfer and Tahmoh Penikett
Exploring the ambivalent as- Prince George—places where this (both of Battlestar Galactica), and
pects of economics and the environ- is heart and soul in logging com- Brendan Fletcher (The Final Cut)
ment with his new film The Green munities and eco-communities.” among them.
Chain is BC-bred filmmaker Mark Leiren-Young cut his teeth in
Leiren-Young. the film industry as a screenwriter.
“I consider Victoria my other He’s written extensively for stage
home, next to Vancouver,” says and screen (episodes of Terminal “I was more excited
Leiren-Young on a recent sojourn City, Reboot, and The Collector
here to promote his “tree movie.” among them), and his droll memoir,
about the film playing
Canada’s forests are dazzling, Never Shoot a Stampede Queen, is in places like Oregon,
signifying our national identity a bestseller. Add director to his list
for many people. Leiren-Young
Victoria, or Prince
of accomplishments and Leiren-
is ready to start a polemic on the Young is no slouch. George—places where
subject, but he also wants to share “I’m a writer, first and foremost,” this is heart and soul
his enthusiasm for storytelling. says Leiren-Young. “I became a
“Victoria audiences are phe- director because my director is in logging
nomenally aware politically,” says gone,” he says softly, referring to communities and eco-
Leiren-Young. “This is a city where John Juliani, who succumbed to
4,500 people marched to the legisla- cancer in 2003. communities.”
ture to protest the logging of ancient “Whenever John and I worked Mark Leiren-Young
forests. That’s an exciting audience together it was always about cre- Writer/Director
for me and for this movie.” ating a dialogue, a debate that
The Green Chain is a bold ex- wouldn’t end,” explains Leiren-
periment, looking at the ill-tem- Young. “We did a play together,
pered logging industry in earnest. Articles of Faith, about a same-sex “The great cast agreeing to do
It solidly scans all angles of the blessing in the Anglican church. these monologues of mine made it
industry, giving both sides equal I’m a straight Jewish guy; whatever easier to take this big leap into the
airtime, but it isn’t just an exercise I write, no one is going to listen to abyss!” says Leiren-Young.
in didacticism. me! John knew better.” One needn’t risk a tumble down
While the international festival Leiren-Young is currently con- a bottomless well, but a visit to
circuit has given Leiren-Young’s templating his future in filmmaking. will yield in-
film a warm response, it has also “I’d love to find someone else that I teresting results, ones not nearly as
provided some interesting experi- could connect with like I did with muggy as one might expect.
ences for him. John, but I’ll probably direct again. For anyone wanting to take a
“In a recent interview for Var- This has been fun. Because The closer look at what’s at stake in our
iety I confused the hell out of their Green Chain is being well received, forests, The Green Chain makes for
reporter,” explains Leiren-Young. a part of me goes, ‘Wow . . . cred- an interesting inauguration.
“He asked if I was excited about ibility! Validation!’” For more info, go to www.
The Green Chain playing LA. I said A part of that validation stems

If you like blue cheese... Stone of Destiny

Edward’s inhuman qualities. ★★★★★

Starring: Kristen Stewart, Robert But Hardwicke did make one
Pattinson, Billy Burke vital mistake. Just because some- Ed Sum
thing reads well in the pages of Contributing Writer
Runtime: 120 minutes
a romance novel doesn’t mean it Every once in a while, a movie
Stephanie Meyer’s Twi-
translates on screen. There’s one about the topic of Scottish pride is
light is a fluffier, younger, modern-
particularly long and uncomfortable released. Enter Stone of Destiny, a
day version of Anne Rice’s Interview
scene where Bella confronts Edward cinematic reinterpretation of the
with a Vampire. But with thousands
about being a vampire. events leading up to the heist of the
of enthusiastic teenage girls as its
The dialogue is melodramatic Stone of Scone from Westminster
audience, the pressure was on for
and exaggerated; in writing it works, Abbey.
film director Catherine Hardwicke to
but not on screen. This is where Audiences are taken on a jour-
impress the book’s fervent fans.
Hardwicke didn’t understand how ney exploring what it means to face
For Hardwicke, staying true to
to tone down the cheese. She could one’s destiny and own up to it.
the book had to be a significant focus.
have used mozzarella or light ched- In the ’50s, University of Glas-
Messing with the story would mean
dar, but instead she went with blue Pontypool As winter rages outside the rural gow student Ian Hamilton (Charlie
mobs of furious 15-year-old girls
cheese with a side of Camembert. Ontario station, it soon becomes Cox) feels disillusioned by where his
egging her house and toilet-papering
The camera work is overly theat- ★★★★★ apparent events of apocalyptic pro- life is going.
her car. But she has sidestepped that
rical and Edward is hanging off trees portions are affecting the vicinity. When he decides Scotland needs
catastrophe quite easily.
and saying things like, “You are my Shane Scott-Travis Mazzy, aided by his producer, Syd- its heritage back, he finds fellow
The actors fit the parts perfectly.
personal brand of heroin.” To be
Contributing Writer ney (Lisa Houte), and her assistant, co-conspirators to join him on his
Or closely enough to satisfy pubes- The new film from Bruce Mc-
honest, it’s physically hard to watch. Laurel (Georgina Reilly), become mission, including Kay Matheson
cent girls enthralled with a love story Donald (Hard Core Logo, High-
Every time Edward and Bella look trapped in the station, broadcasting (Kate Mara) and Bill Craig (Billy
of beauty meets bloodsucker. way 61) isn’t what most would
longingly into each other’s eyes, it’s to whomever might be surviving this Boyd).
Kristen Stewart’s performance expect from this irreverent
like barf city in gag-me country. Canadian cataclysm. This movie relies on cinematic
as Bella Swan is awkward and un- non-conformist.
Still, the action is pleasantly Pontypool wrings maximum clichés throughout, but that’s a
usual, which is absolutely perfect For starters, Pontypool is a sus-
gorier than expected, the special ef- effect from a minimum of means, good thing. It helps give the story a
for her character—a socially inept penseful horror film (McDonald’s
fects aren’t bad, and the soundtrack placing it in the realm of Hitchcock light-edged comedic sensibility.
and eccentric 17-year-old. first) in the tradition of genre mas-
is impressive. Although its PG rating or vintage Twilight Zone. What ap- Other than the fact the Scottish
As for Edward Cullen, Robert ters like John Carpenter and George
is questionable, Twilight is by no pears as a classically simple situa- Highlands are very green in the mid-
Pattinson is a perfect match visually. Romero. Pontypool messes with
means a disappointment. tion gets dissected and reworked dle of winter (the movie was filmed
Handsome, rugged, and undeniably expectations and will have viewers for rattling results, qualifying it for in Vancouver), this BC-made film
endearing, he even makes deathly speculating the whole time.
white skin look good. Ratings instant cult status. is well done, having been voted the
Stephen McHattie (Watch- Adapted from the Tony Burgess audience favourite in last February’s
Pattison’s acting is a little stilted Complete disaster . . . . . . . . . . . . . . men, Shoot ‘Em Up) is smashing as novel, Pontypool Changes Every- Victoria Film Festival.
and his dedication to his American Unfortunate malfunction . . . . . . . . sourpuss radio host Grant Mazzy, a thing, McDonald has crafted a hor- Stone of Destiny closes like how
accent affects his performance. But former shock jock from the big stink
A solid stand . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ror film for thinking cinemagoers it began—revealing Scotland as
it ends up working in his favour be- relocated to the one-horse town of
Freakin’ fabulous . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . that could just be a new touchstone a place whose identity its people
cause his awkwardness accentuates Pontypool. for fright fans. take pride in.
8 arts april 1, 2009

Victoria Underfoot
Harbour Publishing
Jason moTz
staff Writer
Vancouver Island is fertile
ground for anthropologists, archae-
ologists, historians, and dreamers
alike. Victoria Underfoot is a col-
lection of stories about the buried
Immaculate view from Jackson Hill history of the capital region.
For the local citizen or day-
miChael dunCan the band recently down in Texas at he explains. tripper who takes for granted the
COntriButing Writer the SXSW Festival. Gallupe notes each track on majesty of the Fort Rodd Hill, the
Comfortable isn’t a quality Gallupe wrote the majority High on Jackson Hill had its own watery history of the Gorge, or the chapters delve into how hospitals
most indie rock fans would like of High on Jackson Hill, recorded individual sensibility. “Each song tunnels below the downtown core, functioned and operated a century
to describe their favorite bands over three weeks at his childhood did have its own particular experi- here’s a book to alter one’s apathetic ago. Needless to say, things have
as having. According to Brooke home with producer Colin Stewart ment to go along with it.” view of Victoria. greatly improved on that front.
Gallupe, lead singer/songwriter (Black Mountain, Destroyer). In With songs featuring an early The real value of Victoria Under- Victoria Underfoot is a handy
of Victoria’s Immaculate Machine, comparing the new album’s sound ’70s sound a la T.Rex, to the exten- foot is the pictures of old Victoria. guide to Victoria’s back streets of
it’s understood “comfortable” is by with Immaculate Machine’s previ- sive use of harmonies, the album’s It’s hard to believe Fisgard Street yore. Geared toward tourist shop
no means playing any part in his ous album, Fables, Gallupe simply authentic sound should stand out was once little more than planks of displays, this isn’t a heady read. For
music career. says, “This album sounds more amongst other indie clutter. wood above muddy streets. Or that anyone looking to unearth some of
Immaculate Machine has an natural.” Gallupe understands it’s really the Gorge, the last place anybody Victoria’s ghosts, this is as good a
almost completely different lineup out of his control how Immaculate would go for a dip today, was once place as any to begin.
than when they started, their sound Machine fans take to the material, a prime attraction for sunbathers, Victoria Underfoot is a labour
has evolved, and Gallupe just re- adding, “You do have a choice of boaters, and regatta spectators. of love for a couple of Camosun
cently completed writing and re- “this album sounds what song you are going to make a Shots of Esquimalt, long before College Anthropology instructors,
cording their new album, High on more natural.” video for, but don’t have a choice for 20 th-century encroachment de- Brenda Clark and Nicole Kilburn.
Jackson Hill. what song people will post on blogs voured up the city’s plush greenery, Fellow editor Nick Russell is pres-
Maybe the only thing remaining brooKe galluPe and which ones radio will play.” are a revelation.
immaCuLate maChine
ident of the Hallmark Society and a
the same is the band name. Case in point, CBC Radio Three Some of the more interesting former reporter and editor.
Gallupe’s previous bandmates, has chosen to mainly play High

Noise Addict
Kathryn Calder and Luke Kozlow- on Jackson Hill’s, “Only Love You
ski, have for the most part moved Maybe it was the home setting, for Your Car,” a track featuring a
on, with Calder working with The opposed to a sterile studio, which “Bollywood beat,” as Gallupe de-
New Pornographers and Kozlowski allowed Gallupe to flesh out an Im- scribes the track set to a shimmer- By Michael Duncan
retiring from the band. maculate Machine sound more en- ing organ line he’s always wanted
“Kathryn is still involved, in gaging than previous recordings. to use.
theory,” says Gallupe, mention-
ing she did contribute to the new
The album flows through a High on Jackson Hill is out April
broad style of songs that neither rest 28, and Immaculate Machine will
Keeping with real country
album. apprehensively nor are scattered in be playing their CD release show at From Hank Williams’ “Tear Bonnie Prince Billy (myspace.
Immaculate Machine’s new search of a sound, which may have Logan’s Pub on May 9. in My Beer,” to Woody Guthrie’s com/princebonniebilly) may sound
lineup features Aden Collinge, Jor- been what Gallupe hoped for. Whether you’re already a fan “This Land Is Your Land,” country like an odd name, but for Will Old-
dan Minkoff, Caitlin Gallupe, and “I wanted to somehow both be or a newcomer, be sure not to and folk originated as music with ham, it’s a perfect fit. Oldham’s
occasionally Gallupe’s girlfriend, casual in my childhood home, but miss either; this machine won’t a story and a message. The songs music can be narrowed down to a
Leslie Rewega, who played with be more epic and rockin’ in a way,” disappoint. expressed the average person’s folk, rock, and Americana sound.
struggle and heartbreak. But now, His newest album, Beware, keeps
most contemporary country and with his traditional sound and
folk musicians have strayed from soothing warble. The songs fea-
these roots to recycling country ture a wide array of instruments,
clichés while wearing 10-gallon including mandolin, pedal steel,
hats. Here are three folk and country accordion, and distorted guitars.
musicians with an authenticity that Oldham is certainly a bearer of the
doesn’t come with the tired pop- country tradition, but also fuses
country garbage. rock energy with the traditional
Americana ballad style.
Jason Isbell (
jasonisbellmusic) and his band the
400 Unit are in line with the time-
honoured Southern rock bands.
Isbell was originally a member of the
Drive-By Truckers, who were at the
time one of the premier contempor-
ary Southern rock bands. Isbell’s
Canoe $10 Burger songwriting talents have certainly
transferred over to his new band and
and Beer on their debut, self-titled album. The
Monday Nights!! songs feature Isbell’s storytelling
abilities set to country guitars and
Canoe welcomes students lofty organ that combine to keep
to join us on Mondays for the band on the forefront of the
a Canoe Burger or a Veggie Southern sound.
Burger with a glass of Canoe Austin Lucas (
brewed beer for just $10! austinlucas1) is a newcomer to
the folk and country scene, having
If you’re currently a student, previously played in a host of punk
bring a valid piece of student ID bands. But his past is something one
to take up this incredible offer! would never expect after listening to
*Offer not valid with any substitutions* his 11-song debut, Somebody Loves
You, a rootsy and country affair. All
All students must have 2 pieces
of government-issued ID to join 11 songs are mainly acoustic guitar
us in the pub. along with accompanying fiddles
and female harmonies to Lucas’
Canoe Brew Pub Sam Bean-like vocals. The songs are
250-361-1940 reminiscent of a troubadour, deal- ing with themes of heartache and traveling, and are excellent listens
with a whiskey or beer in hand. COLumns 9

GIVING IT UP: old habits di

by Kelly marion
hard By Keltie Larter

my hair was spent making lunch and feeding the cat.

I even got to sit down with my dad and have a cup of
Pillow talk
coffee rather than bolt out the door with a cuppa (or I’ve only done the long-distance relationship thing once. We met while
buy one on the way). I was living in Montreal, but about a year later I decided to move back to the
Day 3: I felt like everyone was staring at me at school island to go to school. My then-boyfriend was halfway through completing
yesterday. My hair was all over the place, my eyelashes his degree at McGill, so as I boarded the plane we tearfully promised each
lackluster without mascara, and my cheeks the same other we would keep the relationship going over the phone.
color as the rest of my face; missing that lovely “just It didn’t last very long; long-distance relationships rarely do. One thing I
went for a run” look that blush provides. On top of gained from the experience, however, was learning how to talk dirty. For the
that, I wore a pair of sweatpants I haven’t worn since first time in my life, I came to understand the allure of phone sex. Because
high school and a grubby sweater my sister bought at sex is often such a tactile experience, something as simple as using your
a garage sale one year. I’ve taken this bum look to a voice to turn yourself and your partner on can be easily overlooked.
whole new level. Most people are uncomfortable talking dirty to their partner the first
Day 5: I can’t go by the mirror without wanting time they do it. I know I certainly was. At first it can be hard to take it
to poof this and flatten that, all whilst making that seriously, but with a little practice you’ll give whole new meaning to the
god-awful “mirror” face I have. To stop feeling so bad expression “oral pleasure.”
about myself, and pining to fix my appearance, I’ve Setting some boundaries with your partner is usually a good idea, but
covered the mirrors in my house so I actually can’t see remember that sex should be fun! Don’t worry about it if you sometimes
the way I look. This challenge could turn out to make end up cracking each other up, or saying something weird. Too much pres-
a modest girl of me. sure can quickly ruin a good thing. To quote author Anais Nin, “Anxiety
Day 8: My jeans hang in my closet, freshly pressed is love’s greatest killer.”
and calling my name. The red dress I bought two weeks Most people tend to stay away from clinical-sounding terms like “penis”
ago dances around my room as my black boots tap out or “vagina,” and sometimes just describing how beautiful you find your
a rendition of “Material Girl.” Am I really dreaming partner, or what you’d like them to do to you, can be a good start.
about my clothes? Carol Queen, author of Exhibitionism for the Shy, suggests practicing
Day 11: I turned down an invite to eat out at Earl’s dirty talk while you masturbate. She says to start a conversation in your
tonight because I couldn’t bear the thought of dining mind at first, and to work towards talking to yourself out loud.
phOtO: COurtney CLarke amongst my well-dressed, finely groomed friends, and Another good way to get started can be to try having phone sex. It
being served by skanky waitresses in their plunging can be a lot less intimidating talking dirty over the phone at first, rather
vanity silk necklines and leather boots while I ate in stained, than in person. You can fantasize about making love to your partner and
well-weathered jeans and a sweater. It just wouldn’t feel tell them in detail all the things you’re both doing. Experimenting with
The challenge different tones of voice can be fun too!
right. So I ate Sloppy Joes at home with my brother.
Be “raw” for two weeks and put my looks on the They say you are what you eat—man, did I match my Like with all things sexual, it’s important to be yourself. Trying to
backburner. meal. mimic dirty talkers from movies or porn can come across as really forced
The reason Day 13: Flipping through a Cosmo today almost and can feel silly, so don’t fake it!
brought tears to my eyes. Not because of a sappy article Dirty talk has no specific formula. It can be anything you like or, more
Since I first discovered makeup I’ve been hooked,
I read, or because half of these skin-and-bone women importantly, anything that turns you on. I find closing my eyes helps, and if
discovering new and fantastic products coming out
could have eating disorders while young girls aspire you’re not sure what to say, try reading some erotica or asking Google.
every week. I’m also a shop-aholic with a closet full of
to be like them, but because I wanted to be in their If all else fails, as actor John Wayne once said, “Talk low, talk slow,
clothes I’ve worn only once. I’ve finally realized how
shoes—literally. I want to be primped and plucked and and don’t talk too much.”
ridiculous it is to care so much about my appearance,
so I’ve decided to put the effort aside for a while. This dressed in beautiful clothes. I want my eyes to pop from
means sweatpants, messy hair, and no makeup, relying
only on my “natural beauty.”
using the right shade of shadow, and my skin masked
of imperfections. One more day and the “real” me can
shine once again!
The vaginas are coming!
The rationale miChelle ChoWns the CCSS office and through cast
The amount of time I spend looking at my reflection The result WOmyn’s Centre COLLeCtiVe memBer members. They cost only $10 for
is ridiculous! There are so many other things I could be I am a vain, vain person who could’ve saved a lot Maybe you’ve heard students, $20 for non-students. Get
doing instead, so why not save myself the extra time it of money had I been doing this grub girl thing for the the murmurs of women your tickets in advance for this ex-
takes to get ready and put it towards something useful, entirety of my life. But as I’ve already discovered, money gathering and chatting ex- citing event as they are going fast!
like making it to the bus stop on time? isn’t everything. Besides, aren’t makeup and dresses citedly. Maybe you thought Also, be sure to check out our
the fun parts of being a girl? we were catching up on the latest art show and silent auction on April
The trial
Day 1: I’m out of sorts this morning, unsure of Next issue gossip, or dishing about boys. Well, 23. All proceeds from these events
I’m tuning into my surroundings rather than my sorry guys—the hot topic on all the are going to the Mary Manning
what I need to do to get ready before school. The 15
iPod. This time I’m giving up music. girls’ lips right now is none other Centre to help stop violence against
minutes it usually takes me to put on makeup and do
than our vaginas! women.
In collaborations with the

Straight men get gay-bashed Camosun College Student Society

(CCSS), the Camosun Womyn’s
Centres, and Eve Ensler’s V Day
campaign, a group of gutsy and
CrisTian Cano another man hit him numerous family, it’s tradition to kiss on the
lovely ladies are to preparing to
pride direCtOr times with a baseball bat. Jose died cheek when we greet each other.
On March 7 in produce The Vagina Monologues
a few days after. It drives me crazy to think that
New York, a group of right here on campus.
The Sucuzhanas are not the them and so many other people
three males attacked This revolutionary play, written
first straight men to be gay-bashed. could be in danger just because
brothers Jose and by Ensler, is produced around the
A friend of mine, who is a police they publicly show affectionate to
Romel Sucuzhana globe to help raise awareness and
officer, has told me that straight people they care about.
because they were money for groups who combat
men are commonly attacked in I still believe that everybody
walking arm-in-arm violence against women.
Canada because they are perceived should be able to show affection to
in the middle of the night. Camosun’s production of The
to be gay. their friends, family, and partners
The men thought the brothers Vagina Monologues will run April
It’s unreasonable to expect in public, without having to fear
were a gay couple. One of them 24–25 in Young 216, Lansdowne.
people to express affection only in for their safety in case they are
hit Jose’s head with a bottle and Tickets are already available at
the privacy of their own home. In my perceived as being gay.

w w xu snewspap t Ca

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10 COLumns april 1, 2009

Ask Anything By Breanna Carey

When truth backfires Critical conditioning

Q: Last summer i met some guys in a band and went home

with one of them who i later discovered was married.
Q: despite my very successful life, my mother has always
been my biggest critic, whether it’s my clothes, job, or By Guy Alaimo & Donald Kennedy
afterwards, i felt an overwhelming urge to tell his wife be- appearance. my boyfriend seems to be following in her foot-
cause i found out we both shared a mutual friend. When i steps, being just as critical as she is. i’m a confident person,
told her, she completely disregarded everything i said and but this is really hitting a nerve. how do i make them stop?
made me feel worse . . . so now what?

A: it’s a bad situation you felt could be rectified only by

A: you’ve got one annoying situation on your hands and
it’s time to do something about it. Whether they’re
relieving your own guilt. you are fully aware that your pissing you off or hurting your feelings, they need to know
actions were un-cool because he was married. this makes their comments are unwelcome and unnecessary. you can
you at fault if you knew about it, but still slept with him. But laugh off the fact you picked a male replica of your mother
the deed is done and the moral issues arise. inevitably, cheat- and tell the pair to back off, or take the high road by inviting
ing secrets always come up. some people would rather turn them both for lunch and firmly tell them the nitpicking has
a blind eye and keep their unfaithful mate no matter what to stop now. they’re probably only nagging because they
people tell them. i do congratulate you on being bold and care, as backward as that may sound, but you can shift that
mature enough to say something to the wife. you did your into constructive criticism instead. simply state you may
part to make her see what a cheat her husband is and you have some faults, but they are also far from perfect, and if
probably weren’t the first lady he canoodled with that wasn’t they continue to chip at your shoulder, say you’ll no longer
his wife. take whatever hurtful things she says with a grain speak to them or kick them in the shin at your leisure. they’ll
of salt and be thankful he’s not your permanent man. get the point.

Save money with DIY beer Sura Korean BBQ and Hot Pot Restaurant
Joel WiTheringTon pop bottles if you like. -Put the carboy in a place where 1696 Douglas St., 250–385–7872
Csea memBer You can get everything you need it won’t make a mess if it bubbles BBQ Combo A (includes Dumplings Soup, Salad, Fried
If you’re living off at Hobby Beer and Wines on Fin- over, and leave it for a week.
a student loan or sav-
Dumpling, Beef Short Ribs, Marinated Beef Rib Eye,
layson Street, and for the dextrose -Siphon the beer into a container,
ings, then you might be I recommend pre-ordering a big clean the carboy, siphon the beer Marinated Pork, Marinated Chicken), and a Seafood
experiencing a shortage bag from For Good Measure in back in the carboy, and leave it for Pancake
of cash now that the Cadboro Bay. one more week. Donald: There’s something magical about being able to sit down at
term is coming to an end. So, what Here’s a cheap way to make a -Add 1 and 1/4 cup dextrose to a restaurant and cook your own food. Fighting to get your meat on the
better way to save money than to canned beer kit that’s available at the carboy to give it fizz. BBQ first, and then watching it spit and crackle like a nest of drooling
make your own booze? any beer and winemaking store for -Bottle, wait a week, drink, and woodland fairies awakening on a bed of twigs—yes, it truly makes for
It’s very easy; you just need some $13-$18. enjoy! a fun evening. However, a restaurant needs to provide more than just
basic supplies. First, get a big jug -Open the can and pour the con- Making your own booze is fun an opportunity to avoid doing dishes. Most of you broke motherfuckers
(called a carboy) with a volume at tents into a pot. and can positively effect the environ- don’t even own dishes. You probably prepare meals in your sink, and then
around 20 to 25 litres. Then, you’ll -Use the can to measure out a can ment by reducing your impact as a wash everything you don’t eat down the drain. Luckily, Sura provides a
need an airlock to stop contaminants and a half of dextrose. consumer. meal that not only creates no mess, but tastes a lot better than sink salad
from getting into the carboy and a -Add some water and heat up the Remember, you can save all and toaster oven perogies. The marinade for the meat dishes is a simple
siphon tube with a hose. Next, you’ll pot to dissolve the sugar. your bottles and reuse them with mix, but it does the trick. The supple pork is the real standout here, as the
need some sugar (corn sugar works -Fill the carboy half up with water, each batch. sweet chili and soy marinade gives it an almost candied flavour. Throw
good), otherwise known as dextrose, and add the beer kit once it has If you would like to know more in a seafood pancake on the side and you’ve got yourself quite a nice little
a thermometer, and finally some cooled. about CSEA, go to www.camosun- dinner party.
bottles and caps. Old beer bottles -When all liquid in carboy reaches or e-mail camosun- Guy: I want to apologize to Little Ling, for I have moved on to a new
work best, but you can use plastic 25–30 degrees, add a yeast packet. Asian beauty. I forget her name, but as she turned over our pork ribs on
the little BBQ, her smile and the faulty top button of her shirt made the
meal ever-so-enjoyable. It made the beef taste beefier, and the pork taste

Maude’s April Specials sweeter. When I gave her a $10 tip, her eyes lit up with a smile so genuine,
I felt remarkable, like I made a difference in this young waitress’ life while
sharing a unique connection that might survive until the next time I feel
Music Bingo Mondays (Bingo starts at 7:30 PM) the need to drop what little money I have at Sura. While the food was
good, I don’t buy it. The whole Korean thing of cooking your own food
$6.95 Burger & Fries (4PM) might work if you pay a flat rate for all-you-can-eat, and it might make
Martinis $5 you think you’re highly cultured (wow, I can use chopsticks and cook my
own food at a restaurant!). But overall it was a little expensive, and felt a
Black Tuesdays tad limiting in terms of what I could try for what I paid. I just need to go
to Shabusan in Vancouver again.
$6.95 Classic Beef Dip & Fries (4 PM) Price: BBQ Combo; $39.95 plus tax. Pancake; $8.95 plus tax.
$4 Jagermeister Verdict: To quote Canadian punk band SNFU, “She’s not a sex object, but
a person too (I know that) / She’s not on the menu.”
Wing Wednesdays Hey, check out our Victoria buffet and burger blogs at
(Guy) and (Donald).
.35¢ Wings (after 2 PM)
Thirsty Thursdays
$5.95 10” Pizza (4 PM) SUMMER
$3.99 Hi-Balls/$5 Doubles JOBS
$7. 95 Brunch is presently looking for responsible / hard-
$8.95 Roast Beef Special working University or College
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Snack Attack Appys 3-6 PM & 9-11 PM EVERY DAY! LUNC No experience required,
we will train you to paint.
Watch Canucks hockey here! Positions available in your area.
If interested call 1-888-277-9787
3810 Shelbourne Street (at Cedar Hill X Rd) 250.721.2337 or apply online at
Trades Technology
Career Fair
Thursday, April 9, 2009, 10 am – 2 pm
Interurban Campus, Technologies Centre
Presentations: 11:30 am – 1:30 pm

Secure your future at the fair… meet specialist exhibitors, build your
network, and hear about employment trends.
Bring your resume and dress for success!

Presentations: Exhibitors include:

(Technologies Centre, Room 175 & 177) (Technologies Centre Atriums)
BC Transit,
11:30 am
Carmanah Technologies BC Construction Association,
Darren Beckwith (Camosun Alumni)
Renewable Energies: What is it? Issues with it and Carmanah’s Viking Air,
approach. CGI,
Healthy Green Buildings Ltd. ShipConstructor,
Jack Meredith
BC Ferries,
LEED: How does it work and how will it affect you?
12:30 pm Defence Construction,
Starfish Medical
Canadian Forces,
Scott Phillips
Innovations in Medical Device Development & Manufacturing. IBEW,
2006 VIATeC Technology Company of the Year.
1 pm
And more to be announced.
Backstage Technologies
Russell Ovans Check for
“There is no money to be made writing applications for latest list
Facebook.” VIATeC Emerging Tech Company of the Year, 2008.

Attending a presentation = free pizza

Two chances to win a $250 Camosun Cash Gift Card. Keep your numbered pen handed out at the fair and you could win.
Winning numbers announced by April 17, 2009 at

Co-operative Education and Student Employment

Brazilian Waxing Specialist
new client special $30
eye on Wednesday, April 1
Insight Speaker Series
day. along with local, fair trade,
and organic beverages, there will
also be food, music, info booths,

krista at 250-661-1562
Iaso Bodyworks, downtown near Fort and Cook
campus Camosun College presents inter-
national human rights activist/
scholar nontombi naomi tutu. the
entertainment, and activities
focused on green-living challenges.
so come on out, bring your mugs,
daughter of archbishop desmond and prepare to be informed and
By Kait Cavers tutu will discuss “us and them: motivated about sustainable living!
how We Construct the Other.” 7:30 9 am-4 pm, Lansdowne courtyard.
pm, mcpherson playhouse, $12 for info:

join THE
Friday, April 3
Thursday, April 2
Economic crisis are you ready for the may 12 refer-
discussion endum on BC-stV? i’m sure not; i
Camosun’s student Business Club haven’t picked up my depends yet.
hosts an economic Crisis discussion find out about the single transfer-
panel with david hahn (BC ferries), able Voting system. 7 pm, Campus

Lindsay hall (goldcorp inc.), and Centre 124a, interurban. info:
steven dagg (Coupland Com-
munications). Check it out, avoid
the panic, and get your questions Tuesday, April 7
answered. 5:30 pm, Campus Centre Workshop!
124, interurban. info: dec.camosun@ speakers natasha reger and david Bell from the reger group
will discuss how to start your own

Thursday, April 2
business. screw the economy and
Sustainability Day the lack of jobs, be your own boss!
Camosun students for environ- 4–5:30 pm, Campus Centre 121,
mental awareness (Csea) hold interurban. info: employ@camosun.
their third annual sustainability

and ready to rock, acres will bring it

to the stage and show why they’re
The future of the environment is in considered by many to be the
country’s next big thing. Check these
beauties out.
your hands. Study a practical science By kait Cavers
Friday, April 3
for a greener world. Sebastien Grainger, Flash
Wednesday, April 1 Lightnin’
Prairie Cat, Cobras Cobras LUCKY, SHOW AT 10 PM, $15
atomique productions has a knack for
Visit, search ‘natural sciences’ Cobras, Cairo
putting on a killer show, so make sure
you check this one out! co

if this show doesn’t kick your ass, of

somebody in the adjoining liquor Saturday, April 4
store probably will. Bring your brass J
Chad VanGaalen, Women
TECHNOLOGY Thursday, April 2 the incredibly talented Vangaalen cr
CHANGES is back to grace the city with his to
Acres of Lions, The Fall of unique sound. if you haven’t been “
EVERYTHING Summer, Skies Kill graced by his presence before, now’s hi
EVOLUTION, DOORS AT 9 PM, $9 your chance! ab
Back from their cross-Canada tour C

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docket #: A1552 W
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The Marmot | April 1, 009 Feature 5

one toe out

natolli. “It’s not so bad, but when I get home and my sock is all covered

in blood and other fluids, aw man, it’s go time.”
His love of his fluid-filled toe has made some of his classmates un-
comfortable, though none were willing to talk to The Marmot for fear
of him rubbing his foot all over their books.
Meanwhile, FUNGI do have opposition in their effort to purposely
cripple the crowds. Rev. Jimmy C. Corn has made it his personal mission INGROWN TOENaIlS!!! Sorry, my phone has a
to rid the campus of bum toes.
“Ingrown toe nails are the touch of Satan,” the reverend says from
shitty connection; I think I need a new wire.
his pulpit. He wouldn’t come down for the entire interview. “God hath - Scott Herbert Ovens, spokesperson, Forever
abandoned those with the leaky foot finger.” Understanding Nails Grow Initiative
Corn has started an advocacy group attacking the pro-pus agenda. The

People Against Wet Socks (PAWS) are a small but vocal group trying to
dissuade ingrown toe fetishes.
“We shall strike with the hammer and sword of God! The hammer will
crush thy frothy toe and the sword will permanently separate the foul
flesh from thy body. Then, once we hath cleansed thy wound with the
fire and vinegar, thy toe will return if God believes thou art worthy for pass a criminal background check and religious zealot check, and we’ll
such body parts,” says Corn. let you in.”
When questioned about where the funding for such a group comes FUNGI is not impressed by ITEF’s support.
from and rumours that a company making sandals was a large financial “Ya, kinda seems like they pussied out on us, doesn’t it? Or is that
backer, Corn was evasive. pus-ied out?” says Ovens. “We’re okay, out here on our own. Every truly
“We’ve had no contact with the Birkenstocks whatsoever, none at all. great group has gone through persecution for their beliefs.”
I smite thee!” says Corn. “Although, sandals are what Jesus hath worn, And that’s how FUNGI are going to play this, as persecution of a small
so they shalt be good. But they are still footwear of the Devil.” group of people. They haven’t harmed anyone and simply want to be
When pressed on who might be providing funding, Corn blurted out, left in peace, coveting their pus-covered toes in private.
“Thy name is Crocs!” Ovens hopes others will at least accept them as equals. Equals with a
With the advocacy of FUNGI handled by a slow-moving membership, strange twist on how they like their feet to look, smell, and operate.
what with the limping and the toe pain, and PAWS outfitted in brand “We’ll still be here next year,” proclaims Ovens. “We’ll fight the PAWS
new athletic sandals, it’s led to regular clashing between the groups and and the PAWS won’t win. Ingrown toenails will triumph.”
some rather tragic beatings, followed by thorough disinfection.
“They chase down our members, it’s brutal,” says Ovens. “They crack
our guys in the leg with this thing they call the hammer of god and then
hold them at sword-point. Then they pull out bleach and dump it all
over the toes.”
So far the athletic Annatolli has been able to outrun his religious
pursuers, but only just.
FUNGI are lodging complaints with the UVic Student Society and
Saanich police have been notified of the violent tactics used by PAWS.


A third group has tentatively put their foot forward, but have been
frightened by the aggressive PAWS. The FUNGI splinter group known
as Ingrown Toenail Enamel Fans (ITEF) are a group of FUNGI members
who aren’t clever enough to come up with a witty acronym. They also
enjoy dressing up infected toes.
“We make ‘ittle ‘eple out o ’em,” says ITEF leader Ima Cockney. “They
all ‘ave red, or grey, or blonde ‘air.”
After bailing on Cockney due to the extraordinary difficulty of under-
standing her accent, The Marmot found the only other open member
of ITEF, Haute Guhrl.
“We’re in full support of FUNGI and really hope they come out on
top against PAWS, but we’re scared for our toes with PAWS out there,”
says Guhrl. “Instead, we’re holding paint-ins with anyone who wants
to partake. We’ll paint you’re deformed toenails. All you have to do is
 Opinions The Marmot | April 1, 2009
Girlie soup

Feminism gets
womyn handled
Bra burning and going commando might intrigue some women,
but we like to steer clear of feminism. We can now vote, wear
pants, and work any job we feel like. Feminists have done their job,
so shut up about it already and put on some underwear.

What really drives us crazy is when feminists insist on spelling

women as “womyn.” Seriously? Yeah, let’s change the dictionary
to make feminists feel more comfortable with themselves. If we’re
changing it to womyn, then why not “humyn,” “workmyn,” or that
little college down the road called “Camosyn?”

On the other hand, all men are rapists so we can see why the femi-
nism clan would want to stay clear of a rapist title. We wouldn’t
want someone assuming we’re rapists because we’re women, so we
get the point.

If the spelling of womyn doesn’t become official, all women will

roam the town as criminalized rapists. We need to take action now.
DJ Binakistan graphic

Every bathroom, book, or Playboy magazine you come across, take

a sharpie and mark it “womyn.” The people of Dubai black out im-
ages in magazines every day, so why can’t we? What’s with Dubai
a reason to rage out against a re-
people, anyways? The place looks like Futurama and welcomes What lies beneath UVic The University of Victoria’s Fake Newspaper
pulsive notion that our freedom
celebrities, yet a little bare skin is still not okay? A trip to Dubai As a survivor of the great rab- may be rented from rodents. Managing Editor
would be nice though. bit revolt of 1994 I’ve been hiding But right now, we really need to Gayson Sures
on campus for 15 years. I’ve been revisit this rascally recipe:
Now we’re confused. What were we talking about again? watching them regroup, working
towards another revolution of ro- The Cottontail Cawl Editor-in-Chief
What really grinds our gears is how womyn today are using names dent rampage. Ingredients: Asset Cockman
such as “Jordan” or “Kris.” They’re trying to change women to They thought I left. They 1 bunny
womyn, yet womyn are still using names that link to myn . . . oops, 1 big, sliced onion Copy Editor
thought I retreated, but I hid,
men. 3 leeks Palin Quiffer
cowardly, among the buildings,
spying on them. 2 medium sliced beets
Production Co-ordinator
But if feminists are trying to be treated as equals, why should the I’ve learned their plans, their 1 medium zucchini
Flaila Green
spelling be any different? Wouldn’t that mean putting womyn in theories, and their horrible 1 small eggplant
another separate category? If they want to be treated as equals, vengeful plan for revenge! Reality 2 tablespoons chopped thyme Web Editor
then we should have co-ed bathrooms everywhere and jock straps is, rays of this are rare in regular 6 small potatoes Gate Ravers
that fit snug with the ladies too. reports, relieving pressure on the Pinch of salt
race to a hare-rising experience. 4 pints (8 cups) H20 Advertising Directors
Feminists are embarrassing to the female race and while they And so I decide to react against If in season cabbage, etc. can all Gayson Sures
might have neat ideas, we think they should focus their energies this. be used. Wimmy Nunchuck
on something more mainstream like global warming, due to all At first I wasn’t sure how. I Directions: Geeana Larry
the bra burning. Or they could go around painting female ducks to knew they were watching me all Chop the fat off the meat as
look prettier than the more colourful male ones. the time, but I had to do some- much as possible, coat with cold Staff Writers
thing. So I began to make them liquid and add salt. Boil the mix Gay Ajomo
We’ve always wanted to play rugby or field hockey, however, so disappear. Relying on stealth, I’d and then seethe slowly for one Clamato Cassanova
maybe we should join the feminists by cutting our hair, becoming find a lonely bunny, nibbling on a hour, then leave it to get cold and Burger King
lesbians, and adding steroids to our cereal so we can fit right in. discarded apple core, or hopping skim off all the fat. Put in all the
But all the feminists we’ve met are very nice and personable too. vegetables except one leek, pota- Graphics Editors
across the SUB parking lot. I’d
Hmm, we’re in a toss-up here, why don’t you just decide how we toes, and half the thyme, envelop Casey Cushman
swoop down, like an owl in the
feel on this topic? and bubble slowly for one hour, DJ Binakistan
night. Silent. Deadly. Peckish.
And that’s when I realized where then add the potatoes cut in half
and continue cooking an addi- Photo Editor
Okay, UVic has a fair share of feminists, so be nice to them. They to rid the bodies. In my belly!
tional 20 minutes. Add what’s Shortknee Darke
have feelings just like the rabbits do, especially the female rabbits. I’ve figured out the best way to
stop the rabbit reckoning day is left of the thyme, taste the sea-
Distribution Managers
But, if you decide to visit the Womyn’s Centre, be cautious of the to make recipes that include re- soning, and finely chop the bonus
DJ Binakistan
free alphabet soup, there have been reports of all the letters miss- connaissance bunnies. I’ve really leek on top. Let it cook five min-
Moore Please
ing except for the letter “y.” reconfigured their resilience by utes and serve. Some families use
wrapping ribs in rye or roasting it as a Belgian pot-au-feu; that is, Contributors
righteous rebels over an open they dole out the plain soup first, Gay Ajomo, DJ Binakistan, Pixie
flame. then the meat and vegetables as a Bunnyfield, Asset Cockman,
So I request my fellow ringlead- second component. Usually Cawl Clamoto Casanova, Casey Cush-
ers to no longer renege on this was eaten in wooden bowls with man, Da Tee Est, Shortknee
riveting rabbit rampage, and to wooden spoons so that there was Darke, JF Kennedy III, Burger
not eat them raw. no fear of sizzling the mouth. King, Mole Litherington, Jenna
While I don’t relish the ren- Feeds 4–6. Talia.
dering dead of reams of rodent, I Tipper Lally
realize there is a rational reason Underneath UVic
for such a response. I’ve resolved The Marmot Publishing Society is a
to reply to this rabbitarian rally Happy? Sad? fake BC society and is not a member
with the requisite retribution. Upset stomach? of Canadian University Press (CUP).
So relay this message to all you Diarrhea? We strive to act as an agent of
can, I’ll be running a refuge for ridiculous social change and we will
those affected by this affront to Tell us: not hesitate to print offensive copy.
our region’s residents. We’ll re- The Marmot has an open
cover with rabbatouille and rum. letters policy and will Marmot (SUB Dungeon)
We retake the rightful spot as endeavor to print every letter P.U. Box 6969
reigning species of this realm. received from the university University of Victoria
Routinely we’re required to re- community, no matter how Victoria, B.C. V1V 1V1
Editorial ideas are decided by the drunk staff at our weekly editorial move our rights in order to rec- ridiculous it is. Letters must be Newsroom: 250.YAY.LAME
submitted by email, include
meeting Mondays at 12:34 am in the Marmot office (SUB dungeon), oncile responsibilities to crea- Editor: 250.MAR.MOTS
your real name, mother’s
down that bright hallway that looks like a hospital wing. Editorials are tures. I say no more; I revoke Business: 250.FUC.KOFF
maiden name, and your credit
written by one or more staff and have a tendency to take every stance those revisions and restate our Advertising: 250.BUN.NIES
card information. Letters
possible and are not necessarily the opinion of all staff members, but raison d’être. Fax: 250.BEE.EEEP
must be 200 words or less.
sometimes are. This is not an R-rated rant; it is
The Marmot | April 1, 009 Opinions 7

UVic rugby players proudly proclaim sexuality

Gay Ajomo and plus I was already really hard
because I just had rugby prac-
With representatives of UVic’s tice.”
Proud Collective at their side, a As a result of their recent an-
group of UVic Frothing Rabbits nouncement, the four men have
rugby players recently announced experienced some discrimination
at a small press conference at at local nightclubs, once consid-
Felicity’s that they enjoy sexual ered safe hangouts for rugby play-
intimacy with the same sex. ers across the city.
The four players took some Meanwhile, Prizm and Shhh-
time away from the rugby field to hhh!, two local gay-friendly es-
spend time with The Marmot and tablishments, have welcomed the
talk about their recent decision to young men into their clubs with
proudly let the world know that open arms.
being gay and the testosterone- But despite their recent setbacks
fueled sport of rugby can finally in the nightclub scene, the young
co-exist. men will continue to be who they
“I love the way it feels to be in are, and will continue to fight for
a close huddle with all my boys,” the Frothing Rabbits as they go
says Bob Bailey, one of the play- for another city championship
ers. against long time neighboring ri-
Bailey said the reason why he vals, the Velox Vikings.
started playing rugby was to rub The referee stopped the last
against the sweat of other men match between these two teams
and to get closer to his father, a after a brawl broke out in the
former rugby player and Frothing second half, which started after
Rabbits legend. Bailey and Smythe were caught
“My dad is my inspiration for prOVided phOtO taking pictures of the opposing
playing rugby. I love rugby, so I A group of Frothing Rabbits getting hot and steamy in a scrum against the Velox Vikings. Though it’s players’ bulges in the scrum with
told the world about my sexual denied by most players, rugby scrums are the number two area of homosexual activity in the city, just their cell phone cameras.
preference,” says Bailey. “Now edging out the bushes in Beacon Hill Park. After a brief investigation by
that I’ve done both, my dad might Saanich Police, the opposing
forget about the time I put my The other proud players also to finally break free of the com- sexuality a secret,” says Jonah players dropped all charges and
hand on his thigh. I was young share similarities in regards to ing-out-of-the-closet shackles. Smythe. “Really hard knowing decided it was “more flattery than
and confused!” their love of rugby and their need “It was really hard keeping my that so many people didn’t know, anything else.”

UVic feminist athletes to watch for

What were your personal goals this What were your personal goals this
year? year?
To capture gold in the national bodybuild- To be a good bottom for my power-top,
ing championships and advocate for my Billie-Jean, and to help to promote the ac-
new extreme feminist movement, Womyn tivist group, Womyn Dominating Womyn.
Dominating Womyn. What are your team goals?
What are your team goals? I’m not sure what you mean. Like the team
Um, dude, it’s bodybuilding. It’s not a of me and Billie-Jean?
team sport. What have been your highlights so far
What have been your highlights so far as at UVic?
a UVic athlete? Well, meeting my wife. Billie-Jean is the
Meeting my wife, Nina, in the gym. She’s best. Sometimes she gets really angry and
great. After work, if I come home and there’s yells at me, but we always have great kink
no dinner ready, or if she’s ironing my span- sessions afterwards. Being part of Womyn
dex with cold water on the medium heat Dominating Womyn has really helped our
setting, she should expect a couple of hours sex lives.
with me down in the dungeon. Not using Tell us more about the feminist move-
the low heat setting when ironing spandex ment, Womyn Dominating Womyn?
deserves a little bit of good, old-fashioned I don’t know much about the history, but I
punishment. do spend a lot of time handing out flyers.
Billie-Jean Jones Tell us more about the feminist move- Nina Corrina Okay, so what’s your role on the team?
Womyn’s bodybuilder ment, Womyn Dominating Womyn? Age: 19 What team?!
Age: 19 Womyn Dominating Womyn was formed Hometown: Victoria, BC
in 1995 by former UVic student Agatha Hel-
Hometown: Nelson, BC High school: Vic High
en and has seen its humble days as a 6 by
High school: l.V. rogers Secondary 6 dungeon in the basement of the Student UVic program: performing Arts
UVic feminist athletes to watch for
UVic program: Engineering Union Building transform into a National is written by Gay Ajomo, a fifth-year
foundation with over 25,000 members. journalism student and honorary lifetime
Okay, so what’s your role on the team? intern with The Marmot.
Dude, I told you, there is no team!

JOBS announcement:
Want to work at the Marmot?
With marmots being so rare, we’ve
just sold our newspaper mascot
We’re hiring for our office Bitch
at a profit to a local wildlife group.
positions. think you have what it takes?
Instead we now have a customized
Check out the job description at:
rabbit. We just chopped off the ears, a little bit
of sewing, and presto!
Go to for more info.

Thank you.
 The Marmot | April 1, 2009 Comics
Chessfart — By DJ Binakistan

JF Kennedy III

Mucous — By Casey Cushman

PunchMouth — By DJ Binakistan

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