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The houses which are seen related to diseases and sufferings are 6th , 8th and 12th house.

First we will study which planet is linked to which disease . Now we will see which planet is linked to which disesaes. Sun - Fever, Burning, Heart diseases, Mirgi, Eye disease. Moon - Walking in sleep, uncomfortable sleep, Extra sleep, laziness, fever due to cold. Mars - Always thirsty, kod, Appendicitez, skin irritation, fracture. Mercury - Mind dumbness, can't do any logical thinking, tension without reason, speaking bad words, eye diseases, throat infection, living by extra physical efforts. Jupiter - Appendicitez, stomach infection, asthama Venus - Less blood, eyes problem, urine problem, problem in private problems, unsuccessful in intercource,problems due to excessive sex, dryness in body. Saturn - Problem in leg, tiredness due to excessive physical work, minor accident, body hurt due to stone or tree. Rahu- Heart diseases, Heart burn, kod,Foot problem. Ketu- Physical or mental tension, If ketu is in sixth house then problem in body, death of some one elder in the house. lets study various houses and relationship of planets with them in relation to diseases.

Problem in eyes - Second house is considered as house of left eye and twelth house is considered as house of right eye. If sun and moon are in second houes and they are seen by mars and saturn with vision then there will be problem in the left eye of the ascendant or there will be complete damage of the left eyes. If sun and moon are sitting in the twelth house and they are seen by saturn or mars then the right eye will efected or completely damaged. If sun and moon are not in the second or twelth house, but second house or twelth house are seen by mars and saturn, chances of eye damage are still there. It all depends upon the intensity of second or twelth house being effected by bad planets Problem in ears- Third house resembles left ear and eleventh house right ear. if the third house is seen by bad planets such as saturn and mars then chances of ear being effected or damage is possible. Similarly if the saturn and Mars see eleventh house, chances of right ear being effected or damages becomes possible. In this universe planets represents special items. Sun & Mars represents Fire, Moon & Venus represents Water, Mercury represents Earth ,Saturn represents Air Jupiter represents - aasmaan/aakash Problem in Stomach- if sun , mars, saturn, rahu or ketu is sitting in fifth house, they give problem in stomach. Because fifth house is linked with stomach Problem in sexual intercource - if Venus is in eight house and is being seen by planets like mars, saturn, rahu or ketu. Chances of problem in sexual intercourse increases. Problem of TB - if Jupiter is in eight house or sixth house
Exalted and Debliated signs for planets

There are some zodiac signs where some planets are exalted (top position) and debliated (poor form). It is very important to understand this, because future prediction is very much based on this. If a planet is exalted or debliated, result changes drastically.

Planet Sun Moon Jupiter Mercury Venus Saturn Mars

Sign of Exaltation Aries (1)

Degree of extreme Exaltation 10 deg 3 deg 5 deg 15 deg 27 deg 20 deg

Sign of Deblitation Libra (7) Scorpio (8) Pisces (12) Virgo (6) Aries (1) Cancer (4)

Degree of Extreme Deblitation 10 deg 3 deg 15 deg 27 deg 20 deg 28 deg

Taurus (2) Cancer (4) Virgo Libra (6) (7) Pisces (12)

Capricorn (10) 5 deg

Capricorn (10) 28 deg

Besides the signs of exaltation and deblitation, there is one more important thing which needs to considered, it gives a great impact on the horoscope. If any planet is exalted and is any specific degree, that comes in mool trikon rashi

Planet Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn

Mool Tricon Sign Leo (0 to 20 deg) Cancer (3 to 30 deg) Aries (0 to 12 deg) Mercury (15 to 25 deg) Sagittarius (0 to 12 deg) Libra(0 to 20 deg) Aquarius (0 to 20 deg) Mobile, Fixed & Dual character Signs

MOBILE SIGNS (Cher Rasi) Aries ( 1 ) Cancer ( 4 ) Libra ( 7) Capricorn ( 10 )

FIXED SIGNS (Sthir Rasi) Taurus ( 2 ) Leo ( 5 ) Scorpio ( 8 ) Aquarius ( 11 )

DUAL CHARACTER SIGNS (Daveesavbhav Rasi) Gemini ( 3 ) Virgo ( 6 ) Sagittarius ( 9 ) Pisces ( 12 )

Simply knowing these natural characters of various signs does not serve any purpose. We need to know the objective related to these natural characters and use them in predictive astrology. For example if we execute some work in a mobile / moveable or "cher" lagna or ascendant it will not be stable. If we undertake a journey in mobile sign we will come back soon. In the same way, while analyzing a horoscope, if it is found that the ascendant is a mobile sign and its lord is also positioned in a mobile/moveable/cher sign, then the person will be fond of traveling and will remain quite mobile in his life. Similarly if the ascendant is a fixed sign and its lord is also positioned in a fixed sign then the person will not be very mobile. He will be practically stationed at one place. So it can be concluded now that a person born in a dual character sign with its lord also positioned in dual character sign will some times do extensive traveling and some times would not like to travel at all. These characteristics are also used for "Mahurat" purposes. For example one would like to move into his own house in a fixed lagna or sign so that he can live there for a longer time and so on.
These characteristics are also used in "Horary" or "Prashna Lagna" to reply whether the work will be done fast (in a moveable sign) or the result will be received late (as in a fixed sign) or it is unpredictable i.e., it may be done fast or may take longer time (as in a dual character sign); of course other factors are to be considered also for drawing this conclusion.

Houses - Astrology chart is divided into 12 houses. Each house is having its own significance. Now I would be telling good and bad effects of houses, corresponding to

the stars therein. 1. FIRST HOUSE- It is also called lagan. if lagan is having good planets or is seen by good planets and lord of that is sitting in his own house or his top planet (uch grah) then person having such horoscope will have lot of wealth, rising graph in monetary term, long age and will be good leader. 2. SECOND HOUSE- It is also called dhan bhav. if the good stars are in second house or is seen by them then person would be ultra rich, will gain good education, big family and would be good in art of conversation. 3. THIRD HOUSE- then person would be very brave, having good relations with brothers and sisters, who will also praise the person. 4. FOURTH HOUSE- then person would be having nice big house, good friends, good wife, clothes and a happy man. This thing also give good cars and attachment with mother. 5. FIFTH HOSUE- then person would be having good children, financially well, famous, intelligent & good speaker. 6. SIXTH HOUSE- Usually 6,8 and 12th houses are considered as bad houses and if bad planets are sitting in these houses, it is considered as bad planets destroying bad effects given by these houses. if the sixth house lord is sitting in sixth house only it is called astra yog. This also diminishes the effect given by sixth house. Consider the horoscope of Jawaharlal Nehru Person having this yog they can over power their enemies. They come winners in competition and court cases . In the horoscope of Pt. J.L.Nehru, in the sixth Jupiter is sitting in his own house. This yog gave him edge upon his competitors, and he always emerged as winner. 7. SEVENTH HOUSE- If lord of seventh house is effected by favorable planets, that person gets good wife, good marriage life. This Yog differ from person to person. If person is born in conservative country and second marriage is illegal, then he may end up in having good wife and good family. If the person is born in western culture, then person would be filandrer

8. EIGHT HOUSE- If lord of eight house is in favorable house or is in favorable position it is called asur yog. Such a person is selfish, stubborn, conspirator. And in the process hurts himself. 9. NINTH HOUSE- If ninth house is effected by good planets, then it is very good yog. Ninth house is considered as very ausipious house. Person having such yog is highly respectable, lucky, always rich, and is respected by intelligent people. This yog gives special power to total horoscope. 10. TENTH HOUSE- If tenth house is effected by good planets or its lord is sitting in its own house or its top house, it is called good for his work. He would rise high in its field 11. ELEVENTH HOUSE- If eleventh is in good condition, then this yog is called suparijit Yog. Person in this yog gets birth in good family, takes part in good workings, and would earn good through his working. This house is called gain house. 12. TWELTH HOUSE- IF twelth house is effected by good planets then person born in this chart does heavy expenses. Such person finds difficulty in saving money. Such person is afraid of his enemies. He sleeps a lot, always lazy is good in making sexual pleasure, travels abroad.

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