H.R Police of C.L. GUPTA Final Report - Doc2

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Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the award of degree



SUBMITTED BY:Name: Dharmendra Class: MBA A College Roll No. 11021049


Human resource policies are systems of codified decisions, established by an organization, to support administrative personnel functions, performance management, employee relations and resource planning. Each company has a different set of circumstances, and so develops an individual set of human resource policies. Purposes HR policies allow an organisation to be clear with employees on:

The nature of the organisation What they should expect from the organisation What the organisation expects of them How policies and procedures work What is acceptable and unacceptable behaviour The consequences of unacceptable behaviour

The establishment of policies can help an organization demonstrate, both internally and externally, that it meets requirements for diversity, ethics and training as well as its commitments in relation to regulation and corporate governance. For example, in order to dismiss an employee in accordance with employment law requirements, amongst other considerations, it will normally be necessary to meet provisions within employment contracts and collective bargaining agreements. The establishment of an HR Policy which sets out obligations, standards of behaviour and document displinary procedures, is now the standard approach to meeting these obligations.

Developing the HR Policies HR policies provide an organisation with a mechanism to manage risk by staying up to date with current trends in employment standards and legislation. The policies must be framed in a manner that the companies vision & the human resource helping the company to achive it or work towards it are at all levels benefited and at the same time not deviated from their main objective. CODE OF CONDUCT FOR BOARD MEMBERS AND SENIOR MANAGEMENT PERSONNEL 1. INTRODUCTION : 1.1 This code of Conduct (this Code) shall be called "The Code of Conduct for Board Members and Senior Management Personnel of C.L. Gupta Export Firm. 1.2 The subject code has been framed specifically in compliance with the provisions of Clause 49 of the listing agreement with stock exchanges. 1.3 The purpose of this code is to enhance further an ethical and transparent process in managing the affairs of the Company and to deter wrongdoing and promote ethical conduct. Further, these are essential so that we can conduct our business in accordance with our stated values. 1.4 This Code helps ensure compliance with legal requirements and our standards of business conduct. We are committed to continuously reviewing and updating our policies and procedures. Therefore, this Code is subject to modification. This Code of Conduct supersedes all other such Code, policies, procedures, instructions, practices,

rules or written or verbal representation to the extent they are inconsistent. The Company may update the Code from time to time. 1.5 It shall come into force with effect from 1st day of January, 2006. 2. DEFINITIONS & INTERPRETATIONS:

2.1 The term "Board Members" shall mean Directors on the Board of Directors of the Company. 2.2 The term Whole-Time Director shall be the Directors on the Board of Directors of the Company who are in whole-Time employment of the Company. 2.3 The term Ordinary Director shall mean Directors on the Board of Directors of the Company who are not in whole-time employment of the Company. 2.4 The term Relative shall have the same meaning as defined in Section 6 of the Companies Act, 1956. (Refer Appendix-I) 2.5 In this code words importing the masculine shall include feminine and words importing singular shall include the plural or vice versa. 3. APPLICABILITY:

3.1 This code shall be applicable to the following persons: a) b) All Whole-Time Directors including the Chairman of the Company. All Ordinary Directors and Managers of Net 4 India Limited (hereinafter referred to Senior Management Personnel).

3.2 The Whole-Time Directors and Senior Management Personnel should continue to comply with other applicable/ to be applicable policies, rules and procedures of the Company.


CODE OF CONDUCT ADHERENCE : The Board Members and Senior Management Personnel must act within the authority conferred upon them and in the best interests of the company and observe the following code of conduct:


To act in accordance with the highest standard of honesty, integrity, fairness and ethical conduct while working for the Company as well representing the Company without allowing their independent judgment to be subordinated and fulfill the fiduciary obligations. We expect all Board Members and Senior Management Personnel to act in accordance with the highest standards of personal and professional integrity, honesty and ethical conduct, while working on the Companys premises, at offsite locations where the Companys business is being conducted, at Company sponsored business and social events, or at any other place where they are representing the Company. We consider honest conduct to be conduct that is free from fraud or deception. We consider ethical conduct to be conduct conforming to

the accepted professionals standards of conduct. Ethical conduct includes the ethical handling of actual or apparent conflicts of interest between personal and professional relationships. 4.2 Not to involve themselves in making any decision on a subject matter in which a conflict of interest arises or could arise, between the personal interest and the interest of the Company. In the event of apprehending of such conflict of interest, the relevant facts shall be disclosed in writing explaining the circumstances that create or could create the conflicts of interest to: (a) Board of Directors in case of Directors (whole-time & ordinary-time) and (b) Chairman in case of Senior Management Personnel for further directions in the matter. 4.3 To avoid conducting business with a relative or with private Company in which the relative is a member or a public limited company in which a relative holds 2% or more shares or voting right or with a firm in which a relative is a partner. 4.4 To avoid having any personal financial interest in works or contract awarded by the Company. 4.5 To avoid any relationship with a dealer or supplier that could compromise the ability to transact business on a professional, impartial and competitive basis or influence decision to be made by the Company. 4.6 Not to hold any positions or jobs or engage in outside businesses or other interests that adversely affect the performance of duties assigned by the Company. Whole-

Time Directors and Senior Management Personnel are expected to devote their full attention to the business interest of the Company. 4.7 Not to exploit for their own personal gain, opportunities that are discovered through companys business, information or position, unless the opportunity is disclosed fully in writing to the Companys Board of Directors and Chairman as the case may be. 4.8 Not to seek or accept or offer directly or indirectly any gifts, donations, remuneration, hospitability, illegal payments, favour in whatsoever form howsoever described by the customers, vendors, consultants, etc., that is perceived as intended, directly or indirectly, to influence any business decision, any act or failure to act, any commitment of fraud, opportunity for committing any fraud. 4.9 To comply with all applicable laws, rules and regulations and any violation thereon may make them personally liable. Directors and Senior Management Personnel may be subjected to disciplinary action by the Company for violation of provisions of law. 4.10 Not to serve as a Director of any other Company or as a partner of a firm that competes with the Company. Whole Time Directors and Senior Management Personnel shall obtain approval of the Chairman prior to accepting Directorship of any other Company or partnership of a firm.

4.11Not to derive benefits or assist others to derive benefits by giving investment advice from the access to and possession of information about the Company, not in public domain and therefore constitute insider information. The Board Members and Senior Management Personnel shall make timely disclosures of (i) trading in the shares of the Company, (ii) transactions having personal interest and (iii) related party transactions that are required to be made under laws, rules & regulations and Code for prevention of Insider Trading in the Securities of C.L. Gupta Export Firm.


Any information concerning the Companys business, its customers, suppliers, etc., which is not in the public domain and to which the Board Members and Senior Management Personnel has access or possesses such information, should be considered confidential and held in confidence, unless authorized to do so and when disclosure is required as a matter of law.


Not to provide any information either formally or informally, to the press or any other publicity media, unless specifically authorized.


To protect the Companys assets and companys information and shall not use these for personal use, unless authorized to do so. Protecting the Companys assets is a key responsibility of every employee, agent and contractor. Care should be taken to ensure that assets are not misappropriated, loaned to others, or sold or donated, without appropriate authorization. Board Members and Senior Management

Personnel are responsible for the proper use of Company assets, and must safeguard

such assets against loss, damage, misuse or theft. Company equipment and assets are to be used for Company business purposes only. Unless specifically authorized, Board Members and Senior Management Personnel may not use Company assets for personal use, nor may they allow any other person to use Company assets for personal use. 4.15 To maintain and manage appropriate records and information pertaining to affairs of the Company under their purview, including records and information in electronic form like e-mails, computer files etc. The Company is required by local, state, federal, foreign and other applicable laws, rules and regulations to retain certain records and to follow specific guidelines in managing its records. 4.16 To use telephone, computers and peripherals and internet responsibly and primarily for legitimate business purposes and personal uses should be reasonable and kept to a minimum. 4.17 Not to engage in communications that might be considered offensive, derogatory, defamatory, harassing, obscene or otherwise vulgar. Not to use Company communications systems to improperly disseminate copyrighted or licensed materials, or proprietary information. Not to use Company communications systems to transmit chain letters, advertisements or solicitations (unless authorized). 4.18 4.19 Always protect information used to access computers, networks or systems. Unless disclosed in advance, avoid conducting Company business with a relative, or with a business in which a relative is associated in any significant role. Relatives means person as mentioned in Appendix1. The Company discourages the

employment of relatives of Board Member and Senior Management Personnel in

positions or assignments within the same department.

Further, the Company

prohibits the employment of such individuals in positions that have a financial dependence or influence (e.g., an auditing or control relationship, or a supervisor / subordinate relationship). 4.20 Other situations. Because other conflicts of interest may arise, it would be impractical to attempt to list all possible situations. If a proposed transaction or situation raises any questions or doubts, Board Member and Senior Management Personnel must consult the Companys audit committee. 4.21 To record all the transaction fully and accurately in the Companys books and records in compliance with all applicable laws. All required information shall be accessible to the companys auditors and other authorized persons and government agencies. False or misleading entries, unrecorded funds or assets, or payments without appropriate supporting documentation and approval are strictly prohibited and violate Company policy and the law. There shall be no willful omissions of any company transactions from the books and records, no advance income recognition and no hidden bank accounts and funds. Any willful material misrepresentation of and/or misinformation of the financial accounts and reports shall be regarded as a violation of the Code apart from inviting appropriate civil or criminal action under the relevant laws. 5. ENFORCEMENT OF CODE OF CONDUCT :

5.1 Company Secretary shall be the Compliance Officer for the purpose of this code. 10

5.2 Each Board Member and Senior Management Personnel is required to give his interest in other companies/firm members of Committees alongwith list of relatives to the Compliance Officer and shall also intimate any change(s) immediately within 15 days of the change. 5.3 Each Board Member and Senior Management Personnel shall be accountable for fully complying with this code. 5.4 Compliance Officer shall report breach of this code, if any, which comes to his notice to the: (a) Board in case of all Board Members and (b) Chairman in case of Senior Management Personnel. 5.5 All Board Members and Senior Management Personnel shall be subject to any internal or external investigation if seems to found doing violations of this code. 5.6 The Company shall ensure confidentiality and protection to any person who has, in good faith, reported a violation or a suspected violation of law, of this code or other Company policies, or against any person who is assisting in any investigation or process with respect to such a violation. 5.7 Legal Compliance: The Companys policy on legal compliance requires every employee to adhere to the legal and regulatory requirements, in all material respects, that affect his or her job. The Directors and Senior Management persons must adhere to this policy on legal compliance and associated reporting. It is essential that information provided to the regulators is accurate and not misleading. Board Members and Senior Management Personnel must comply with all applicable governmental laws, rules


and regulations. They must acquire appropriate knowledge of the legal requirements relating to their duties sufficient to enable them to recognize potential dangers, and to know when to seek advice from the concerned department. Violations of applicable governmental laws, rules and regulations may subject Board Members and Senior Management Personnels to individual criminal or civil liability, as well as to disciplinary action by the Company. Such individual violations may also subject the Company to civil or criminal liability or the loss of business. 5.8 Safety: Company assigns highest priority to the safety of its employees. No job is important enough to justify unsafe operations. Senior Managerial persons are responsible for monitoring the use of all reasonable safeguards in the workplace including Company procedures, safe work practices, and personal protective equipment. However, ultimately all employees are responsible for their own safety. Every employee must, for his or her own and fellow workers' health and welfare, abide by the Company procedures and safe work practices, and use all appropriate personal protective equipment. 5.9 Confidential and Proprietary Information: Company information, including self generated computer software applications, may be confidential or proprietary. Senior Managerial persons have to be careful about disclosure of such information to people outside the Company or to employees who need not know or possess the same. When there is legitimate businesses need to share confidential or proprietary information with outsiders, it may be disclosed after prior approval in writing of appropriate authority and under an appropriate confidentiality agreement protecting


such information. Confidential and proprietary information must not be treated casually or left unprotected. 5.10 Penalty for breach of this code by Senior Management Personnel shall be determined by the Chairman. In case of breach of this code by the Whole-Time Directors and/or Ordinary Directors, the same shall be examined by the Board. The Company will take appropriate action on any of the above whose actions found to violate the Code or any other policy of the Company. 5.11 Penalty may include serious disciplinary action, immediate termination of

employment as well as other remedies, including recommendations for any of the above penalty, to the extent permitted by law and as considered appropriate under the circumstances and at the Companys sole discretion. Where the Company has suffered a loss, it may pursue its remedies against the individuals or entities responsible. Where laws have been violated, the Company will cooperate fully with the appropriate authorities. 6. DISLOSURE: Our policy is to provide full, fair, accurate, timely, and understandable disclosure in reports and documents that we file with, or submit to, various Govt. & other authorities and in our other public communications. Accordingly, Board Members and Senior Management Personnel must ensure that they and others in the Company comply with our disclosure controls and procedures, and our internal controls for reporting.




7.1 No waiver of any of the provisions of this code shall be valid unless, the Board of Directors of the Company approves such waiver in case of Board Members and by Chairman in case of Senior Management Personnel. 7.2 The provisions of this code can be amended by the Board of Directors of the Company from time to time. 8. INFORMATION OF THE CODE ON WEBSITE : As required by Clause 49 of the listing agreement with Stock Exchange, code and any amendments thereto shall be promptly disclosed/posted on the website of the Company 9. AFFIRMATION OF COMPLIANCE OF THE CODE : In terms of Clause 49 of the listing agreement, all Board Members and Senior Management Personnel shall within 30 days of close of every financial year affirm compliance with the Code. The Annual Compliance Report shall be forwarded to the Compliance Officer of the Company. A Performa of Annual Compliance Report is annexed to this Code as Appendix-II

Human Resource Development (HRD): Human Resource Development (HRD) is the framework for helping employees develop their personal and organizational skills, knowledge, and abilities. Human Resource Development includes such opportunities as employee training, employee career


development, performance management and development, coaching, succession planning, key employee identification, tuition assistance, and organization development. The focus of all aspects of Human Resource Development is on developing the most superior workforce so that the organization and individual employees can accomplish their work goals in service to customers. Human Resource Development can be formal such as in classroom training, a college course, or an organizational planned change effort. Or, Human Resource Development can be informal as in employee coaching by a manager. Healthy organizations believe in Human Resource Development and cover all of these bases. Human resources is a term used to refer to how people are managed by organizations. The field has moved from a traditionally administrative function to a strategic one that recognizes the link between talented and engaged people and organizational success. The field draws upon concepts developed in Industrial/Organizational Psychology and System Theory. Human resources has at least two related interpretations depending on context. The original usage derives from political economy and economics, where it was traditionally called labor, one of four factors of production although this perspective is changing as a function of new and ongoing research into more strategic approaches at national levels. This first usage is used more in terms of 'human resources development', and can go beyond just organizations to the level of nations. The more traditional usage within corporations and businesses refers to the individuals within a firm or agency, and to the portion of the organization that deals with hiring, firing, training, and other personnel issues, typically referred to as 'human resources management'. This article addresses both definitions.


Development The objective of human resources development is to foster human resourcefulness through enlightened and cohesive policies in education, training, health and employment at all levels, from corporate to national. basically human resource deals with the human qualities as a resources and using them in the organization to overcome the problem with the effective solution at the right time by the right person at the right place. Management Human resource management's objective, on the other hand, is to maximize the return on investment from the organization's human capital and minimize financial risk. It is the responsibility of human resource managers in a corporate context to conduct these activities in an effective, legal, fair, and consistent manner. Key functions Human Resource Management serves these key functions: 1. Recruitment & Selection 2. Training and Development (People or Organization) 3. Performance Evaluation and Management 4. Promotions/Transfer 5. Redundancy 6. Industrial and Employee Relations 7. Record keeping of all personal data. 8. Total Rewards: Employee Benefits & Compensation 9. Confidential advice to internal 'customers' in relation to problems at work


10. Career development 11. Competency Mapping (Competency mapping is a process an individual uses to identify and describe competencies that are the most critical to success in a work situation or work role.) 12. Time motion study is related to HR Function 13. Performance Appraisal Modern analysis Modern analysis emphasizes that human beings are not "commodities" or "resources", but are creative and social beings in a productive enterprise. The 2000 revision of ISO 9001 in contrast requires to identify the processes, their sequence and interaction, and to define and communicate responsibilities and authorities. In general, heavily unionized nations such as France and Germany have adopted and encouraged such job descriptions especially within trade unions. The International Labour Organization also in 2001 decided to revisit, and revise its 1975 Recommendation 150 on Human Resources Development. One view of these trends is that a strong social consensus on political economy and a good social welfare system facilitates labor mobility and tends to make the entire economy more productive, as labor can develop skills and experience in various ways, and move from one enterprise to another with little controversy or difficulty in adapting. Another view is that governments should become more aware of their national role in facilitating human resources development across all sectors. Labour mobility An important controversy regarding labor mobility illustrates the broader philosophical issue with usage of the phrase "human resources": governments of developing nations often


regard developed nations that encourage immigration or "guest workers" as appropriating human capital that is rightfully part of the developing nation and required to further its growth as a civilization. They argue that this appropriation is similar to colonial commodity fiat wherein a colonizing European power would define an arbitrary price for natural resources, extracting which diminished national natural capital. Perceptions Terms like "human resources" and "human capital" may be perceived as insulting to people. They create the impression that people are merely commodities, like office machines or vehicles, despite assurances to the contrary. Corporate management In the very narrow context of corporate "human resources" management, there is a contrasting pull to reflect and require workplace diversity that echoes the diversity of a global customer base. Foreign language and culture skills, ingenuity, humor, and careful listening, are examples of traits that such programs typically require. It would appear that these evidence a general shift through the human capital point of view to an acknowledgment that human beings do contribute much more to a productive enterprise than "work": they bring their character, their ethics, their creativity, their social connections, and in some cases even their pets and children, and alter the character of a workplace. The term corporate culture is used to characterize such processes at the organizational level. The traditional but extremely narrow context of hiring, firing, and job description is considered a 20th century anachronism. Most corporate organizations that compete in the modern global economy have adopted a view of human capital that mirrors the modern consensus as above. Some of these, in turn, deprecate the term "human resources" as useless.


Yet the term survives, and if related to `resourcefulness', has continued and emerging relevance to public policy. In general the abstractions of macro-economics treat it this way - as it characterizes no mechanisms to represent choice or ingenuity. So one interpretation is that "firm-specific human capital" as defined in macro-economics is the modern and correct definition of "human resources" - and that this is inadequate to represent the contributions of "human resources" in any modern theory of political economy. Literature Review Literature Review is defined as the study of various principles and concept which have already being published. It is the review of previous work done on the concern subject by the experts. Since the study based on Human Resource Development Process in CL Gupta Exports Pvt Ltd... Coaching in the workplace

Considers the use of coaching in a variety of business contexts Examines how

employers are developing internal coaching capability and seeking to create a strong coaching culture Features detailed case studies of coaching initiatives at five organizations Coaching has been gaining in credibility in the business community in recent years and there is now widespread recognition of its potential as a development tool. Although coaching for senior executives is nothing new, the current trend for organizations to grow their own coaches and build the coaching competency of line managers is helping to widen accessibility.


While definitions of coaching vary, most cluster around the idea that it is about optimizing personal and professional performance and getting employees to fulfill their potential. There is general agreement that coaching is most effective when it: encourages self-inquiry and reflection, holding a mirror up to the individual elicits solutions from the coachee, rather than imposing them is non-directive, with an emphasis on questioning and active listening, rather than telling is optimistic and positive in approach, encouraging the individual to focus on what is possible rather than what is not. The truly effective coach is likely to be able to tailor their intervention to individual circumstances, using a range of approaches and drawing from a kitbag of techniques according to the coachees specific need. A successful coaching experience can have a powerful impact on individuals, not only delivering an immediate skills gain but potentially altering thought and behaviour patterns for the better in the long-term. This publication includes detailed case studies of coaching initiatives at: Portman Building Society, LogicaCMG, John Lewis Partnership, Wheelabrator Group and Jaguar and Land Rover. It also includes summary case studies on how Euronext. liffe is using coaching as a retention tool for women about to go on maternity leave, and considers a new approach to improving the quality and consistency of internal coaching at the South East Strategic Health Authority Competency frameworks Competencies are typically used to define the behaviours that an employer values and believes will help it achieve its long-term goals. A well-designed competency framework can form the backbone for a wide range of HR activities. However, great care and attention


needs to be taken during the design stage and the framework should be reviewed regularly to ensure it remains relevant. Blended learning Many organizations are now adopting a blended approach to learning and development. This is based on the recognition that e-learning is just one of many forms of training delivery, all of which have a role to play in providing employees with essential knowledge and understanding. The greatest strength of e-learning lies in its potential to provide a consistent level of training when and wherever it is needed. Leadership development Looks at the design and delivery of structured leadership development programmes. Examines issues such as defining leadership and identifying future leaders. Includes detailed case studies of the leadership programmes in place at five named organizations. Leadership is vital in any organization to provide direction, set strategy and to get the best out of employees. Different goals require different types of leaders and an increasing number of employers now use teams of leaders rather than individual figureheads to benefit from a broad range of skills and abilities at the top of an organization. As the demands on leaders continue to grow, so the need for leadership development programmes becomes more important. Mentoring Looks at the principles of good mentoring.


Covers issues in managing a formal mentoring scheme, such as the matching process, setting ground rules and evaluating the scheme's effectiveness.

Five detailed company case studies of mentoring in a variety of contexts. Includes a short 'mentoring resources' section.

Mentoring can be an effective development tool with applications in a wide variety of organizational contexts for different groups of employees, from graduate recruits to senior executives. Employers that run formal mentoring schemes point to the benefits not only for mentees, but for programme mentors and the business as a whole. This IDS HR Study examines the objectives of such schemes, the process whereby participants are selected and matched, the content of mentoring meetings and the way organizations attempt to evaluate their schemes. A formal mentoring scheme is really an attempt to bring structure, guidelines and clear aims to a practice that is often a fairly normal part of organizational activity. Mentoring has always gone on - usually where a senior employee strikes up a rapport with a more junior colleague and nurtures their development by passing on knowledge and offering guidance. By setting up a formal mentoring programme, more opportunities are created for such relationships to flourish and the benefits inherent in mentoring can be extended more evenhandedly to a greater number of staff. The Study includes detailed case studies of five organizations that have successfully introduced mentoring schemes for a variety of employees, from graduate recruits and department store managers to fast-trackers and senior executives. It also includes a section summarizing the activities of some of the key players in the mentoring field who can offer


advice on best practice, training courses for mentors or help with setting up a mentoring scheme. Performance management Examines the performance planning process, including agreeing individual targets linked with overall business goals, establishing SMART measures and taking account of how, as well as what, objectives are to be met. Looks at how employers track and support progress during the year by means of formal interim reviews and regular feedback. Discusses the final review process, including preparation and collection of evidence (possibly in the form of 360-degree feedback), conducting the appraisal, applying ratings and ensuring consistency. Considers potential outcomes, such as the link to pay and career development opportunities, and how employers seek to manage poor performers. Includes five detailed company case studies.

Performance management is a continuous process based on flexible objectives closely aligned with business goals ad supported by regular feedback. Employees are increasingly being given greater ownership of the process and responsibility for their own career development. But line managers still have a vital role to play in monitoring progress, providing constructive feedback and coaching employees to improve. Supporting business strategy The ultimate aim of any performance management framework is to improve the effectiveness of the business as a whole. Each individuals targets should therefore be aligned with the organizations strategic goals if there is to be a real impact on the bottom 23

line. In their push for a higher performance culture that will drive longer-term business success, organizations are also placing greater emphasis on behavioral goals. These are typically set in relation to a competency framework to define the manner in which objectives ought to be met. There is also a growing focus on personal development planning as a means of helping employees achieve their targets and of encouraging continuous improvement. Line managers have key role While organizations are increasingly advocating a higher degree of employee ownership of the performance management process, line managers continue to play a key role as facilitators, advocates and coaches. The success of a new performance management system rests largely on the ability of line managers to manage and engage their staff. Consulting with them during the initial design phase, then, is likely to build enthusiasm and can help to secure buy-in and long-term commitment to the process. Psychometric tests Covers both ability tests and personality assessments. Highlights the importance of selecting an appropriate test. Discusses good practice in test administration and feedback. Features six detailed company case studies examining how tests are used for selection and development purposes in a variety of contexts. By offering a way for employers to gain a relatively objective source of information on candidates, psychometric testing can be an important tool in reaching recruitment decisions. It can also play a valuable role in assessing an employee's suitability for promotion and in identifying development needs. Tests can measure ability in a range of different areas and provide an insight into employees' personalities and work styles. However, tests should 24

never be used without suitable training and they should not be employed independently of other assessment measures. This Study Plus looks at how psychometric tests are scored, interpreted and reported. It also outlines the training required to become a qualified test user, considers how to reduce the potential for discrimination in testing and discusses the pros and cons of online testing. Succession planning Examines how succession planning processes are managed. Considers ways of identifying talent and of developing individuals with high potential. Outlines the types of qualities organizations look for in future leaders and how these are assessed. Offers pointers to how succession plans can be implemented effectively. Includes detailed case studies of the succession planning activities in six organizations. Succession planning can help organizations ensure that they have sufficient people of the right calibre and skills in place to take over the roles of senior colleagues as they retire or leave the business. The objective is to secure an effective and orderly transition. However, succession plans are not just about eliminating gaps when people move on; they are also about ensuring that the talent pool is developed and deployed to the roles where it is needed as organizations grow and evolve. This Study considers how succession processes are managed, how employee potential is assessed and how individuals can be given opportunities to develop. It also examines some of the practical issues that need to be faced if these activities are to make a significant 25

contribution to a successful talent management strategy. Six case studies illustrate different approaches to managing and delivering succession planning. They underline that there will always be a need for a pool of talented leaders who can inspire others, deal with emerging challenges and find the best way forward. Featured case studies: The Carphone Warehouse, Barnardo's, Siemens Communications, Merck Pharmaceuticals, Huntsman Petrochemicals, Hereford and Worcester Fire and Rescue Authority.

Human resources management trends and influences In organizations, it is important to determine both current and future organizational requirements for both core employees and the contingent workforce in terms of their skills/technical abilities, competencies, flexibility etc. The analysis requires consideration of the internal and external factors that can have an effect on the resourcing, development, motivation and retention of employees and other workers. The external factors are those largely out-with the control of the organization and include issues such as the economic climate, current and future trends of the labor market e.g. skills, education level, government investment into industries etc. On the other hand internal influences are broadly within the control of the organization to predict determine and monitor, for example the organizational culture underpinned by management behaviours (or style), environmental climate and the approach to ethical and corporate social responsibilities. Major trends In order to know the business environment in which any organization operates, three major trends should be considered:


Demographics the characteristics of a population/workforce, for example, age, gender or social class. This type of trend may have an effect in relation to pension offerings, insurance packages etc. Diversity the variation within the population/workplace. Changes in society now mean that a larger proportion of organizations are made up of "baby-boomers" or older employees in comparison to thirty years ago. stankein advocates of "workplace diversity" simply advocate an employee base that is a mirror reflection of the makeup of society insofar as race, gender, sexual orientation, etc. Skills and qualifications as industries move from manual to a more managerial professions so does the need for more highly skilled graduates. If the market is "tight" (i.e. not enough staff for the jobs), employers will have to compete for employees by offering financial rewards, community investment, etc. Individual responses In regard to how individuals respond to the changes in a labour market the following should be understood: Geographical spread How far is the job from the individual? The distance to travel to work should be in line with the pay offered by the organization and the transportation and infrastructure of the area will also be an influencing factor in deciding who will apply for a post.


Occupational structure The norms and values of the different careers within an organization. Mahoney 1989 developed 3 different types of occupational structure namely craft (loyalty to the profession), organization career (promotion through the firm) and unstructured (lower/unskilled workers who work when needed). Generational difference Different age categories of employees have certain characteristics, for example their behavior and their expectations of the organization. Framework Human Resources Development is a framework for the expansion of human capital within an organization or (in new approaches) a municipality, region, or nation. Human Resources Development is a combination of training and education, in a broad context of adequate health and employment policies, that ensures the continual improvement and growth of both the individual, the organization, and the national human resourcefulness. Adam Smith states, The capacities of individuals depended on their access to education. Human Resources Development is the medium that drives the process between training and learning in a broadly fostering environment. Human Resources Development is not a defined object, but a series of organised processes, with a specific learning objective (Nadler,1984) Within a national context, it becomes a strategic approach to intersectoral linkages between health, education and employment. Structure Human Resources Development is the structure that allows for individual development, potentially satisfying the organizations, or the nation's goals. The development of the


individual will benefit the individual, the organization, or the nation and its citizens. In the corporate vision, the Human Resources Development framework views employees, as an asset to the enterprise whose value will be enhanced by development, Its primary focus is on growth and employee developmentit emphasizes developing individual potential and skills (Elwood, olton and Trott 1996) Human Resources Development in this treatment can be in-room group training, tertiary or vocational courses or mentoring and coaching by senior employees with the aim for a desired outcome that will develop the individuals performance. At the level of a national strategy, it can be a broad intersectoral approach to fostering creative contributions to national productivity Training At the organizational level, a successful Human Resources Development program will prepare the individual to undertake a higher level of work, organized learning over a given period of time, to provide the possibility of performance change (Nadler 1984). In these settings, Human Resources Development is the framework that focuses on the organizations competencies at the first stage, training, and then developing the employee, through education, to satisfy the organizations long-term needs and the individuals career goals and employee value to their present and future employers. Human Resources Development can be defined simply as developing the most important section of any business its human resource by, attaining or upgrading the skills and attitudes of employees at all levels in order to maximize the effectiveness of the enterprise (Kelly 2001). The people within an organization are its human resource. Human Resources Development from a business perspective is not entirely focused on the individuals growth and development, development occurs to enhance the organization's value, not solely for individual


improvement. Individual education and development is a tool and a means to an end, not the end goal itself. (Elwood F. Holton II, James W. Trott Jr). The broader concept of national and more strategic attention to the development of human resources is beginning to emerge as newly independent countries face strong competition for their skilled professionals and the accompanying brain-drain they experience. Recruitment Employee recruitment forms a major part of an organization's overall resourcing strategies which seek to identify and secure the people needed for the organization to survive and succeed in the short to medium-term. Recruitment activities need to be responsive to the ever-increasingly competitive market to secure suitably qualified and capable recruits at all levels. To be effective these initiatives need to include how and when to source the best recruits internally or externally. Common to the success of either are; well-defined organizational structures with sound job design, robust task and person specification and versatile selection processes, reward, employment relations and human resource policies, underpinned by a commitment for strong employer branding and employee engagement strategies. Internal recruitment can provide the most cost-effective source for recruits if the potential of the existing pool of employees has been enhanced through training, development and other performance-enhancing activities such as performance appraisal, succession planning and development centers to review performance and assess employee development needs and promotional potential. Increasingly, securing the best quality candidates for almost all organizations will rely, at least occasionally if not substantially, on external recruitment methods. Rapid changing


business models demand skills of experiences which cannot be sourced or rapidly enough developed from the existing employee base. It would be unusual for an organization today to undertake all aspects of the recruitment process without support from third-party dedicated recruitment firms. This may involve a range of support services, such as; provision of CVs or resumes, identifying recruitment media, advertisement design and media placement for job vacancies, candidate response handling, short listing, conducting aptitude testing, preliminary interviews or reference and qualification verification. Typically, small organizations may not have in-house resources or, in common with larger organizations, may not possess the particular skill-set required to undertake a specific recruitment assignment. Where requirements arise these will be referred on an adhoc basis to government job centers or commercially run employment agencies. Except in sectors where high-volume recruitment is the norm, an organization faced with an unexpected requirement for an unusually large number of new recruits at short notice will often hand over the task to a specialist external recruiter to manage the end-to-end resourcing programme. Sourcing executive-level and senior management as well as the acquisition of scarce or high-potential recruits has been a long-established market serviced by a wide range of search and selection or headhunting consultancies which typically form long-standing relationships with their client organizations. Finally, certain organizations with sophisticated HR practices have identified there is a strategic advantage in outsourcing complete responsibility for all workforce procurement to one or more thirdparty recruitment agencies or consultancies. In the most sophisticated of these arrangements the external recruitment services provider may not only physically locate, or embed, their resourcing team(s) within the client organization's offices but will work in tandem with the


senior human resource management team in developing the longer-term HR resourcing strategy and plan. Modern concept of human resources Though human resources have been part of business and organizations since the first days of agriculture, the modern concept of human resources began in reaction to the efficiency focus of Taylorism in the early 1900s. By 1920, psychologists and employment experts in the United States started the human relations movement, which viewed workers in terms of their psychology and fit with companies, rather than as interchangeable parts. This movement grew throughout the middle of the 20th century, placing emphasis on how leadership, cohesion, and loyalty played important roles in organizational success. Although this view was increasingly challenged by more quantitatively rigorous and less "soft" management techniques in the 1960s and beyond, human resources development had gained a permanent role within organizations, agencies and nations, increasingly as not only an academic discipline, but as a central theme in development policy.



To define department, procedure and standard. To explain why the development and enforcement of policies and procedures are important to all employees.

To examine the relationship between the Export Firm policies and procedures and local, state and federal laws.

To provide an overview of the Human Resources Policies and Procedures. To increase awareness of campus resources for department interpretation. Support and promote individual development for the betterment of the C.L. Gupta Export Firms.

Recognize individual contribution at all levels and appreciate innovative effort and accomplishments.


C.L. GUPTA We are 118-year-old company, in Moradabad, a city 150 kms. from Delhi. Thus have a great experience in this field. We have our own infra-structure of 1,200,000 sq.ft area with large number of veteran, professionals, technical staff & more than 2000 skilled labors, the company combined with design, matrxing, machinery process & as semblance in one continuous line. Our company follows the principle of honoring the contract, keeping the best credit & first quality. C.L.GUPTA is known as a reputed Export House in India, specializing in various areas of product development. The company offering for various products all sorts of Handicrafts items. Our items are with the latest trends of International Market and well appreciated. C.L.GUPTA is fully prepared to cover the continuing from Brass, E.P.N.S, Wrought Iron, Copper, Aluminum, S.Steel, Wooden & Bone Handicrafts, specialize in Home & Office Decoration, Christmas Decoration, Garden Accessories, Bathroom Accessories, Kitchen Wares, Hotel Wares, Nauticals, Costume Jewellery, Home Furnishings & Other Household product Proud Members of :1) Indo German Chamber of Commerce. 2) Messe Frankfurt Venue GmbH & Co. Kg 3) Export Promotion Council for Handicrafts. 4) Chamber Of Indian Industries. 5) Export Promotion Bureau.


6) India Exposition Mart. 7) Moradabad West Industries Chamber.

COMPANY DETAILS 18 Km. Stone, Delhi road, Vill. Jivai, Jyotibaphule Nagar 244221 Phone: +91-591-305 1234 till 34, Fax: +91-591-305 1111, e-mail: info@clgupta.com We are 118-year-old company, in Moradabad, a city 150 kms. from Delhi. Infrastructure Factory Land Area: 50 acres, Covered Area: 1,200,000 sq.ft In-house Electricity Generation: 6.0 MW Residential Complex within factory premises for Craftsmen A task force of 2000+ direct & indirect Some of our major clients are : Pottery Barn, Ikea, Target Stores, Crate & Barrel, Restoration Hardware, Cost Plus World Market, Marks & Spencer, Becara Historical Collections, Schubert Varia, Pete Van Roon etc. Some of our major clients are, Pottery Barn, Ikea, Target Stores, Crate & Barrel, Restoration Hardware, Cost Plus World Market, Marks & Spencer, Becara Historical Collections, Schubert Varia, Pete Van Roon etc.


OUR POLICIES Quality Department: Our Foremost Commitment is to satisfy our customers by providing quality products and on time services that meet their requirements. It shall be our endeavor to achieve quality and excellence in all our activities. Quality Objective: 1- To provide products that meet customer requirements consistently. 2- To constantly improve quality through preventive action. 3- To Develop employees through continuous training in knowledge and skills. 4- To Establish and implement ISO 9001: 2000 quality management system. Quality Department & Objectives- Definition: The quality department and objectives of the company have been defined by the management in conformity with the corporate objective and changing customer need & expectation. The company personnel shall be made aware of the implication of quality department through training to ensure that is understood & implemented: SAFETY DEPARTMENT OF THE COMPANY 1. 2. Co. has locked gates with 24 hours security guard on site. Implement procedure to screen the coming & going of any individual who are not the employee of the company e.g. registration at the gate 7 use of the visitors identification. 3. 4. 5. 6. Visitors gate pass is given to visitors. Entry of visitors details in register at main gate. Signed gate pass is received by visitors after visit at gate. CCTV`s are used at main gate & many location.


7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15.

Guard is appointed at main gate. Employees are checked by metal detector at main gate. A protective wall is around premises. Only experienced security guard have appointed. Security guards are remaining on duty during working hours. Tracking of incoming & outgoing goods. Vehicle parking area is situated outside the company. Punch cards are used for in out time for employee. We are using mercury lights in factory compound. 2.) Factory worker documentation& identification 1. All employees have identity card 2. All labor has identity cards. 3. Employees documents are checked 3.) Container loading process

1. workers 2. to loading. 3.

Container are loaded inside the factory ground using their own

All containers must first be searched for any concealed material prior

When all the containers are fully loaded, make sure the container seal is legitimate and applied.


Correcting by your own personnel and that this seal is not broken all the way to the container yard.



An ISO 9001:2000 company. A 100% export unit. Team headed by professional. Excellent industrial relation in company. Impeccable track record of statutory payment and repayment to banks and financial institutions.

No income tax, sales tax, excise and custom claims and proceedings are pending against the company.

Companys affairs are guided by a professional board of directors comprising to individuals who are expert in their respective fields.

All major commercial/manufacturing activities co-ordinate and controlled through a fully computerized network.

Neither union activities nor union exist. Superb and imported technology. National Award for Best Performance in the year 1999 & 2000. Manufacture and export of Brass gift items & planters, Silver plated gift items, Iron, Glass, Copper and Wooden gift items.


HUMAN RESOURCE GUIDELINES DEPARTMENT It is the department of C.L. Gupta to provide Supervisors with the flexibility to schedule work hours that will be efficient and productive while meeting the needs of the business and accommodating the personal needs of Employees.


Manager HR

Safety Officer

Astt. Manager [Admin]

Welfare Officer

Security Officer Security

Assistant Medical Assistant ( Supported Officer Supporting staff Supervisor By yield Att) Other Supporting Staff Staff

Supporting Staff



compliance, cour cases, renewals & returns of various. Safety Officer :- Prepare & implementing the safety instructions / plan & provide training, control on hazardous / non hazardous chemical storages & also ensuring the use of PPEs / fire fighting system and equipment, evacuation plan / exit doors etc. Astt. Mangaer ( Admn ) :- To Prepare & implementing the safety instructions / plan & provide training, control on hazardous / non hazardous chemical storages & also ensuring the use of PPEs / fire fighting system and equipment, evacuation plan / exit doors etc. To ensure salary / wages / OT / full & final settlements & other, benefits, house keeping, first aid / dispensary, conveyance ( to / fro factory ) for employees. Security Officer: To ensure all security checking from main gate to factory internal, gate security policies, goods checking & monitoring all the procedures as per ( TPA ) rules & security polices. Welfare officers: Implementation of all welfare policies, canteen, labour laws, working, checking of fair wages, benefits paid, provident fund, Bonus and return of all the related depts. As per schedules.


Policies of C.L. Gupta Export Firm The first critical strategy element is Vision, Mission and Competitive Advantage, which describe the business a company is in, it's current and long term market objectives and the manner in which it differentiates itself from the competition.

Focused Purpose
o o o o

Clearly defining short-term purpose Ensuring mission is realistic Serving the best interests of all stakeholders Defining a point of differentiation

Future Perspective
o o o

Clearly defining long-term outlook Appealing to the long-term interests of the company's stakeholders Providing a foundation for decision-making

Strategic Advantage
o o o

Competitive advantage is a key driver to forming an organizational strategy Competitive advantage is clearly understood by all stakeholders Employees clearly understand how their role supports the company's organizational strategy

Organizational Strategy - External Assessment


A second key strategy element is External Assessment, which reflects an organization's approach to gathering and analyzing essential market data. Included in this data are developing competitive profiles, studying macro and micro economic information, identifying industry opportunities and threats, and understanding what it takes to be successful in a given market.

Customer Profile
o o o o o

Clearly defining reasons why customers buy products or services Clearly defining benefits that customers seek Clearly defining reasons why customers would not buy products or services Assessing customer bargaining power Knowing customer preferred choice of distribution channel

Industry and Competitive Analysis Is Essential Component of Organizational Strategy

o o o o

Identifying primary competitors Identifying potential and indirect competitors Clearly defining strengths, weaknesses and strategies of competitors Assessing the threat of substitute products or services or new entrants into the marketplace

o o o

Understanding what it takes to be successful in a given market Comparing customer growth rate with industry standards Ongoing market evaluation process

Environmental Assessment

Defining and clarifying regulatory requirements 42

o o

Assessing vulnerability to adverse business cycles Summarizing opportunities and threats due to:

Economic conditions New technology Demographic structure Legal or political events The natural environment Socio-cultural norms

Key Success Factors Are Identified With a Critical Thinking Process

o o o o o

Implementing a critical thinking process Clearly measuring competitive intensity Clearly defining product or service demand within your market Clearly defining drivers to success within your industry Consistently monitoring key influences within your industry

Organizational Strategy - Internal Assessment Internal Assessment is the key strategy element that reflects the company's ability to objectively evaluate its own strengths and weaknesses. This would include evaluating the company's management processes and how effectively it utilizes a "value chain" analysis approach. (Value Chain components are Research & Development, Production, Marketing, Sales and Customer Service)

o o

Adequate funding of key initiatives Utilizing a comprehensive pricing model


o o o o o o

Consistently performing within a range of financial goals Having a targeted long-range financial plan Employing a "Cost / Benefit" approach to resource allocation Financial plan allowing for economic or environmental disruption Financial plan allows for flexibility Employing the "If / Then" model when forming organizational strategy

Research and Development

o o o

Fully integrating all appropriate departments with R&D Maintaining a creative and innovative process Ensuring R&D has all required resources to successfully fulfill its function

o o o o

Fully integrating all departments to support production Strategic partners consistently fulfill production commitments Production process is cost-effective Production process is flexible, fast and responsive

o o o o

Coordinating all departments to support marketing Having a clearly defined marketing plan Branding plays a critical role Utilizing a marketing system or database to track customer and market information

o o

Employing an effective product / service management process "Competitive advantage" is a key driver for all marketing decisions 44

o o o

Employees take pride in the ability to promote products and services Monitoring the ROI of all marketing campaigns

Sales / Distribution
o o o

Consistently achieving sales goals Ensuring that sales teams / channels possess required skills to achieve plan Ensuring that sales teams / channels are provided with the necessary information to achieve their goals

o o o

Employing a well-defined sales management process Coordinating all departments to support our sales process Tracking sales activity from lead generation through close

Does Your Organizational Strategy Emphasize Customer Service?

o o o o

Clearly defining customer service standards Meeting or exceeding customer expectations Measuring customer satisfaction Managers and employees share a high commitment to achieving customer loyalty

Maintaining a customer relationship management system that provides critical service information to make the best decision

Maintaining a high rate of repeat business, customer loyalty and referrals

Organizational Strategy - Objectives, Initiatives and Goals Objectives, Initiatives and Goals are the final element of organizational strategy and illustrate a company's ability to articulate what it wants to accomplish, how it will do it, and


when it will be achieved. Included in this process are defining direction, aligning financial and human resources, instilling accountability and determining critical measurements.

Organization Strategy Needs Vital Direction

o o o o

Identifying key strategic objectives Prioritizing action items by their importance to strategic intent Ensuring objectives are quantifiable and measurable Those responsible for implementation participate in the strategic planning process

Plans must specify how each area will contribute to achieving strategic plan

Resource Alignment
o o o

Allocating sufficient resources to achieve strategic intent Clearly defining resources necessary for each objective Evaluatiing individual or group capacity prior to assigning workload

Organization Accountabilities

Ensuring that employees understand how their roles and responsibilities relate to strategic objectives

o o o o o

Holding individuals accountable for their work Employee goals reflect accountabilities and timeliness Employing an internal system to routinely review the status of key objectives Measuring key financial indicators Utilizing a uniform format to measure and report performance



RECRUITMENT & ATTENDANCE POLICY 01 REQUISITION / SANCTION OF POSTS : (i) RECRUITMENT AND CARD ISSUING SYSTEM: For Group A Employees : ( General Manager ) To be finalized by directors. For Group B Employees : ( Astt. Manager / Manger / Sr. Manager & AGM ) To be interviewed by Committee including HOD & owners and approval by owners ( Directors ). For Grop C Employees ( Jr. Sup / Sup. ) To be interviewed by HOD and

approval by owners. For Group D Employees / workers: All unit supp. / incharge / Astt. are required to fill the requisition form duly singed by HODs & send it to higher authority for approval or may take approval from higher authority directly. After that it is to be sent to personnel deptt before recruitment. (ii) ENTRY FOR TRIAL: T he person for trial to concerned department along - with appraisal, application form photo, age, & residential proof etc. ( to be completed same or next day maximum ).


(iii) TRIAL & ID CARD ISSUANCE : - The unit supp / in charge will take trial by 4.00 pm & will send the person back to recruitment officer with his specific observationsc ( Pass / Fail ). (iv) PHOTO ATTENDANCE CARD: - The card with provision of photographs of individual is a kind of permanent card & will be issued to employees within 3 days after due acknowledgement. Meantime the person will come on visitor - card and get his In Out timings noted at reception gate. 02 CARD PUNCHING: (i) ATTENDANCE CARD PUNCHING: Every workman ( including field man / Driver ) while entering the establishment shall punch his / her attendance card personally. (ii) PROXY PUNCHING: Time keeper / Security guard should strictly watch punching of cards to avoid proxies. If any employee is found to be involved in proxy punching then it will be taken as act of in discipline under Standing Orders. (iii) MISS PUNCHING: If any employee is not able to provide the card for punching for any reason then he / she will report immediately to Personnel Department though an application duly singed by HOD. If the same is repeated more then 3 times in a month, after that he / she will be treated absentee for that day. (iv) OUTDOOR DUTY: Each employee who will be going for outdoor duties has to fill the OD slip & submit it to the security / personnel / time office. If employee has to leave for outdoor duties directly from home then he / she must submit the OD slip in advance duly signed by HOD to personnel deptt & personnel deptt is also authorized to check the gate pass of that individual on the gate.


03 ATTENDANCE VERIFICATION: PHYSICAL VERIFICATION: Personnel deptt is responsible for making note of the physical presence of each employee in the factory premises. Any workman who after punching his card found to be absent from his proper place of duty during working hours without permission or does not perform duties hall be treated as absent. 04 ATTENDANCE, CALCULATION SYSTEM: (i) PANALTIES FOR LATE COMING: Attendance on duty regularly & punctuality form part of employees duty. All workmen shall commence work at their respective work place in the establishment at the time specified & notified. For late attendance the workman are liable to following penalties. (a) Habitual late attendance is an act of misconduct & the workman is likely to be punished for the same. (b) Wages are liable to be deducted for late attendance as per the following company rule. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Ist late coming in the month (allow 0.30 hrs) Ist early going in the month (allow 2.00 hrs) 2nd late coming in the month (allow 0.30hrs 2nd early going in the month (allow 2.00 hrs) 3rd late coming in the month (not allowed) 3rd early going in the month (allowed 1.00hrs) 4th late coming in the month (1.00 hrs) 4th early going in the month (not allowed) 5th late coming in the month (Not Allowed) 5th early going in the month (Not allowed) 6th & onwards late coming 6th & onwards early going 49 No Deduction No Deduction Cut Half day No Deduction. Cut Half day Cut Half day Cut Half day Cut Half day Cut Half day Every late coming / early going

Table-1 The above mentioned timings will be relaxable subject to Staff Bus late arrival

(ii) M/s C.L. Gupta Exports Ltd. Shall apply the universal law of wages / salary
calculation ( rate / total month days x total working days ( w / d + leave + weekly off ) with effect wef - 01/04/08---------------CONDITION APPLY

Note: - personnel department will act centrally by ensuring the smooth functioning
of all units. The CENTRAL PERSONNEL etc.) & units have the prime responsibility of individually send the requirements of recuritments, photo cards regularly with photgraphs, age / address proof, of new employees. each unit is held responsible for filling the requirement of new joining employees on daily basis till 4.00 pm & personnel department will follow all the above mentioned compliance. DEPTT. PROVIDE THE SERVICE TO UNIT CORORDINATOR, ALL THE SEPARATE UNIT LIKE WOOD, IRON / BRASS / CORROGATION,GASS / THERMACOL,

GENERAL ( Maint, admin, merchandising, finance / commercial)


It is very essential to impart safety awareness among workers in order to reduce / minimize of the number of accidents. (a) We propose to arrange regular lectures by the experienced persons of the safety and fire department at least once in every six months. Such lectures are very useful for our safety staff and for the workers. (b) The government and other organizations are conducting many seminars and workshops on safety. We propose to depute our staff to attend such


workshops so that they may be in a position to pass on their trained knowledge to the workers as well as to handle the situation property at the time of any incident. (c) PRACTICAL EXERCISES : We propose to train our workers and staff by distributing small pamphlets along with sketches of fire protection which will be very helpful to the workers. (d) DISTRIBUTIONS & PRACTICE OF SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS: We propose to train our workers and staff by distributing small pamphlets along with sketches of fire protection which will be very helpful to the workers. (e) SAFETY QUIZ CONTEST / COMPETITIONS FOR THE INDIVIDUALS AND ALSO FOR GROUPS : It will be very encouraging for the workers especially the essential workers, if they are involved in quiz contests / competitions by declaring certain prizes. This will not only create interests among the workers but also their knowledge in the safety measures will increase. We propose to adopt such contests. (f) DISPLAY OF SAFETY POSTERS: We display safety posters at all the vital

points in our factory for the workers. Such posters are readily available with the National Safety and other organizations dealing with safety measures. (g) SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS THROUGH BOOKLETS: Under this scheme we published booklets on safety, which are distributed among the workers. It is seen that at the time of any accident small precautions can save big accident provided they are sincerely adopted. The booklet is published in local language i.e. Hindi to enable the workers to read & understand I t easily.



SAFETY SLOGANS DISPLAY : Various safety slogans are painted on walls at common places, which are very time, read by workers & keep them reminded about their meaning in their interest of safety.


GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS :Certain common instructions which a workers should know are imparted to them so that the workers may understand the proper use of the same. Such instructions are as under:1. Workers are clearly informed to know about the physical hazard from different sections. They are made to know various measures to be taken to ensure safety and control of physical and life hazard. Apart from various measures to be taken by them to ensure safe handling, storage and transportation of various raw materials and chemicals etc. Workers are also trained to know meaning of various labels and markings used on the containers of hazardous Substances. 2. The workers are taught to know the use of personal protective equipments. The workers are also trained to inform the right person in the case of any accident. We work on the principle Prevention is better than cure . We have following control tools.:


Work Permit Whenever any erection is conducted by contractor, a work permit is issued so that the safety department is aware of the job and keeps itself ready to meet any exigency. The format is as per Annexure P.


Analysis of accident register The accident register is analyzed for causes of accidents and preventive actions are taken to avoid such incidents in future.


Establishing Emergency Control Centre.


For the job work contractors like Civil, Mechanical or Electrical Maintenance. We have provisions of issuing work permits and such persons are allowed to work only when they follow safety norms such format is as per Annexure P. We do regular analysis of accident register by which causes and places of Accident Prone Areas are known. More control is done at that place to avoid recurrence of such accidents. Emergency Control and centralized fire alarm system adds feather to the cap of our Safety Control Systems. Our security control room supervised by the security officer shall be utilized as emergency control center at the time of emergency. This room has been provided with the following. 1. 2 Security guards under the control of security supervisor. 2. P & T telephone & internal extension phone numbers supervisor. 3. First Aid box has been provided. 4. It is at a safe distance from the plants and store. 5. Telephone numbers and addresses of the important persons to be contacted at the time of major hazard for help have been displayed. BREAKDOWN PROCESS AND PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE SHCEDULE Details of inspection procedures for various equipments and systems in the factory. (a) On stream inspection

Infrared thermograph temperatures, pressure monitoring visible observation ultrasonic thickness surveys with hot probes etc. (b) Shutdown inspection


Physical checking, dry penetration test, Magnetic particle test, dimensional check, visible inspection etc. (c) Electrical continuity test For critical area half yearly, and for other areas by means of mongering the earth resistance and reactivity earthing pit. (d) Testing of pressure vessels All the test as mentioned in A & B and record are kept as per factory act. (e) Testing of vaccum plants On streams inspection regularly. (f) Technique & procedure of testing of safety alarm tripping and interlocking devices and other safety instruments All the interlocks and tripping devices are being checked during start up & before taken in line after breakdown. Details of safety organizations and its activities The organization chart which includes safety has been given The organization system has strong vertical hierarchy starting from General Manager to operators. SAFETY COMMITTEE AND ITS PLAN OF ACTION At C L G E L J. P NAGAR a safety committee is formed with the aim tomaximize safety awareness among the plant personal and safety compliance. INSPECTION PROCEDURE FOR EQUIPMENT AND SYSTEMS IN THE FACTORY C L G E L, J. P NAGAR is carrying out and maintaining register for periodical testing of all alarms, instruments, trips and interlocks. The cable tested for electrical continuity tests. identification of vital records or factors and method of safeguard in 54

the event of emergency All the important document / drawings are kept in almirah on which titles of important document is written. In the event of fire these documents shall be moved to safely first. All execution are made aware so that any one who is available can take out this important documents from almirah. SAFETY SYSTEM Safety system to be adopted at C L G E L J. P. NAGAR is as follow: Safety precautions to be adopted : The plant is located over a flat terrain. The plant layout is well thought out plan and keep in view of safety standards of spacing of storage , plant machinery etc. The spacing between various sections have been kept strictly as specified in standard Access to plant area is by main roads generally laid in straight lines. The work areas are clearly worked out and separated from movement areas. The maintenance philosophy at C L G E L J. P. NAGAR focus on the following : (i) (ii) (iii) Predictive Maintenance Preventive Maintenance Minimum Breakdown Maintenance.

The maintenance engineers and their skills at C L G E L J. P. NAGAR are of very high level. House keeping in the existing plant is very good. The basic principal is Everything must have a place and everything be in its place followed for good house keeping at C L G E L J. P. NAGAR. Mostly the material handling in the plant is mechanized.


MAIN FEATURES OF SAFETY SYSTEM COLOUR CODE SYSTEM A uniform colour coding system is followed for all pipelines.

SAFE WORK PERMIT AND CONFINED SPACE ENTRY In order to safeguard men, material and machinery, no maintenance is carried out without work permit. Their work permit system has been designed to provide a close contact and tight degree of co operation between the maintenance and operational staff. The permit produce is a means of assuring that the operational staff has determined that it is safer to perform the assigned work , that the scope of the job is defined and that the priority and time limits are set for performance of the job. Certification of any vessels / equipments as safe from toxic and of explosion hazards for the performance of maintenance work etc. may be under taken by a competent person , periodically authorized for this purpose.

EMERGENCY AND DISASTER CONTROL MEASURES AND MANAGEMENT PLAN For onsite and offsite disaster management plan, every industry requires specific plan protection organization to meet its need . In most of the cases, organization planning is based on the number of workers and work environment as well as type of disaster control facilities and available equipment. The type of disaster control facilities related to fire the Insurance of plant.


DEFINITION OF EMERGENCY A major emergency, which has the potential to cause serious injury or loss of life in a plant, is one and may cause extensive damage to a property and serious disruption in a plant. Sometimes it may require assistance of outside agencies to handle it effectively. The emergency may be caused by a number of factors such as plant failure, human error, earthquake, vehicle crash or sabotage, it will normally manifest itself in three basic forms viz. Fire, explosion or toxic release. The aim of C L G E L J. P. Nagar is to minimize effect of such emergency with complete coordination with outside agencies. The major functions of disaster management are as below : a. Controlling the spread of accidental with minimum damage to men, material an


b. c. d. e. f.

To rescue victims and treat them suitably. To safe guard others evacuating them to safe placed. To identify the person affected / dead. To inform relatives of casualties. To provide authoritative information to news media and others.

g. To rehabilitate the affected areas and also delegate the specific assignment to
available manpower outside icon in such emergencies and avoid overlapping of within various


DEFENITION OF DISASTER If entails any one or more of the following factors, the situation will be called a disaster; i. ii. Risk of loss to human lifes ten or more in one single situation. Loss of property as a consequence of incident is over Rs. 1corer and / or bears

a potential to the above. iii. plant. iv. A situation apparently may not have much loss but its long term severity can A situation, which goes beyond the control of the available resource of the

affect loss of life, production and property.



Disaster due to emergencies are of the account of : Fire Explosion Leakage / Dispersion


Disaster due to external factors on account of : Flood. Earthquake / cyclone. Storm / typhoon. Cloud burst / lightning.


iii. Disaster due to external factors on account of: Food poisoning / water poisoning. Sabotage. War.

LEVEL OF ACCIDENT If there is any disaster in any part of plant due to any reason the area that may be affected can be classified in the following four cases : i. ii. iii. iv. Level I - operator level Level II local / cockney Level III regional level evel IV - international level Only levels I, II are applicable to C L G E L J. P. Nagar. SITE EMERGENCY CONTROL ROOM (SECR) AND FACILITIES

An emergency has to be controlled from one particular place, which always be away form likely points of accident and be easily accessible to public and peon where the operations to handle the emergency are directed and coordinated. It is suggested that security room near main gate be used as site emergency control room. The information and facilities to be displayed / provided in SECR will be as given below: 1. Plot plan and its surroundings. 2. Factory layout plan with inventories and location of hazardous substances. 59

3. Details of population around the factory with in a distance of 2 km. 4. Telephone directory of offices and residences of senior and responsible officers of C L G E L J. P. Nagar. 5. Telephone directory of civic authorities. 6. Hotline connection to district magistrate, police control room, fire brigade, hospitals, etc. 7. Public address system. 8. Torch lights. 9. Tape recorder. 10. Copy of the material safety data sheet. 11. Addresses and telephone numbers of surround hospitals.



RESEARCH in general refers to a search for knowledge. It can also be defined as A scientific and systematic search for pertinent information on a specific topic. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY may be understood as a science of studying of how research is done scientifically. In it they study the various steps that are generally adopted by a research problem along with the logic behind them. Researchers not only need to know how to develop certain indices but also need to know which technique or method is relevant and which is not. RESEARCH DESIGN Research design is simply the framework or plan for a study, used as a guide in collecting and analyzing data. There are three types of Research Design:1. Exploratory Research Design:- The major emphasis in exploratory Research design is on discovery of ideas and insights. 2. Descriptive Research Design:- The Descriptive Research Design Study is typically concerned with determining the frequency with which something occurs or the relationship between two variables. 3. Casual Research Design:A Casual Research Design is concerned with

determining cause and effect relationship.


SAMPLING DESIGN Sampling Method:There are two methods of sampling:1. Probability Sampling: It is based on the concept of random selection of a controlled procedure that assures that each Population element is gives a non-zero chance of selection. Probability Sampling is of following types: 1. Simple Random 2. Systematic 3. Cluster 4. Stratified 5. Double 2. Non-Probability Sampling: Non probability sampling is non-random and subjective. That is each member does not have a known non zero chance of being included. Types of NonProbability Sampling 1. Convenience 2. Judgement 3. Quota Researcher selects the sample as per their convenience. For this research work I have choosen Non- Probability Convenience Sampling because time limit for the completion of the work is limited and also managers and employees are not available all the time.


Definition of problem: changes in the definition of human resource management during the last 50years. DATA COLLECTION METHOD Data for the present study is collected from Secondary Data. DATA SOURCES a. Primary:- The first hand information is collected with the responses of questionnaire. For this purpose a questionnaire is given to the managerial staff of the CAP. They were asked to choose the best alternative among the given alternatives, as per their knowledge, experience and observation. b. Secondary: - Secondary data will be collected from published sources like Journals, Magazines, various newspapers and published books. Research design: Date Type: - secondary data Data Sources: - internal database of the company, books, magazines, journal and websites.



RECRUITMENT & ATTENDANCE POLICY 01 REQUISITION / SANCTION OF POSTS: (i) RECRUITMENT AND CARD ISSUING SYSTEM: For Group A Employees: ( General Manager ) To be finalized by directors. For Group B Employees : ( Astt. Manager / Manger / Sr. Manager & AGM ) To be interviewed by Committee including HOD & owners and approval by owners ( Directors ). For Grop C Employees ( Jr. Sup / Sup. ) To be interviewed by HOD and approval by owners. For Group D Employees / workers: All unit supp. / incharge / Astt. are required to fill the requisition form duly singed by HODs & send it to higher authority for approval or may take approval from higher authority directly. After that it is to be sent to personnel deptt before recruitment. (ii) ENTRY FOR TRIAL: T he person for trial to concerned department along - with appraisal, application form photo, age, & residential proof etc. ( to be completed same or next day maximum ).


(iii) TRIAL & ID CARD ISSUANCE : - The unit supp / in charge will take trial by 4.00 pm & will send the person back to recruitment officer with his specific observationsc ( Pass / Fail ). (iv) PHOTO ATTENDANCE CARD: - The card with provision of photographs of individual is a kind of permanent card & will be issued to employees within 3 days after due acknowledgement. Meantime the person will come on visitor - card and get his In Out timings noted at reception gate. 02 CARD PUNCHING: (i) ATTENDANCE CARD PUNCHING: Every workman ( including field man / Driver ) while entering the establishment shall punch his / her attendance card personally. (ii) PROXY PUNCHING: Time keeper / Security guard should strictly watch punching of cards to avoid proxies. If any employee is found to be involved in proxy punching then it will be taken as act of in discipline under Standing Orders. (iii) MISS PUNCHING: If any employee is not able to provide the card for punching for any reason then he / she will report immediately to Personnel Department though an application duly singed by HOD. If the same is repeated more then 3 times in a month, after that he / she will be treated absentee for that day. (iv) OUTDOOR DUTY: Each employee who will be going for outdoor duties has to fill the OD slip & submit it to the security / personnel / time office. If employee has to leave for outdoor duties directly from home then he / she must submit the OD slip in advance duly signed by HOD to personnel deptt & personnel deptt is also authorized to check the gate pass of that individual on the gate.



In simple words, training and development refers to the imparting of specific skills, abilities, knowledge to an employee. A formal definition of training and development is determined as follows: It is any attempt to improve current or future employee performance by increasing an employees ability to perform through learning, usually by changing the employees attitude or increasing his or her skills and knowledge. The need for training and development is determined by the employees performance deficiency, computed as follows:

The undertaken research report make a distinction among training, education and development. Such distinctions enables us to acquire a better perspective about the meaning if the term training. Which refers to the process of imparting specific skills, Education, on the other hand is confined theoretically learning in classroom To distinct more, the training is offered in case of operatives whereas development programs are conducted for employees at higher levels. Education however is common to all the employees.


Inputs in Training and Development Any training and development programme must contain inputs which enable the participants to gain skills, learn theoretical concepts and help acquire vision to look into the distant future. The inputs of training and development are as follows: 1) Skills 2) Education 3) Development 4) Ethics 5) Attitudinal Changes 6) Decision making and problem solving skills

1) Skills Training is imparting skills to the employees. A worker needs skills to operate machines, and use other equipments with least damage and scrap. This is basic skills without which the operator will not function. There is also a need of motor skills or psychomotor skills as they are refer to performance of specific physical activities .These skills involve learning to move various parts of their body in response to certain external and internal stimuli. Employees particularly like supervisors and executives, need interpersonal skills mostly know as people skills. These skills helps a person understand oneself and others better and act accordingly. Examples of


interpersonal skills include listening. Persuading and showing an understanding of others feelings

2) Education The purpose of education is to teach theoretical concepts and develop a sense of reasoning and judgment. That any training and development programme must contain an element of education is well understood by the HR specialist. In fact, sometimes, organizations depute or encourage employees to do courses on a part time basis. Chief executive officers (CEOs) are known to attend refresher course conducted in many Business schools. The late Manu Chabria, CMD, Shaw Wallace, attended such a two month programme at the Harvard business school. Education is more important for managers and executives than for lower-cadre workers. 3) Development Another component of a training and development programme is development which is less skill oriented but stress on knowledge. Knowledge about business environment, management principles and techniques, human relations, specific industry analysis and the like is useful for better management of a company. Development programme should help an employee to be a self-starter, build sense of commitment, motivation, which should again helps him being self generating. It should make their performance result oriented and help them in being more efficient and effective. It should also help in making the employee sensitive towards the environment that is his work place and outside. This programme should keep the employee aware of him i.e. his potentials and his limitations. Help him see himself as others see him and accept his self


image as a prelude to change. It helps teach an individual to communicate without filters, to see and feel points of view different from their own. Also helps them understand the powers in their hands and thereby develop leadership styles which inspire and motivate others. And finally helps install a zest for excellence, a divine discontent, a nagging dissatisfaction with the status quo. 4) Ethics There is a need for imparting greater ethical orientation to a training and development programme. There is no denial of the fact that ethics are largely ignored in businesses. They are less seen and talked about in the personnel function this does not mean that the HR manager is absolved if the responsibility. If the production, finance or marketing personnel indulge in unethical practices the fault rest on the HR manager. It is his/her duty to enlighten all the employees in the organization about the need for ethical behavior. 5) Attitudinal Changes Attitudinal represents feelings and beliefs an individual towards others. Attitudes affect motivation, satisfaction and job commitment. Negative attitudes needs to be converted into positive attitudes. Changing negative attitudes is difficult because of (1) Employees refuse to change (2) They have prior commitments and (3) Information needed to change attitudes may not be sufficient. Attitude must be changed so that the employee feels committed to the organization and give better performance. 6) Decision making and problem solving skills


Decision making and problem solving skill focus on methods and techniques for making organizational decision and solve work related problems. Learning related to decision making and problem solving skills seeks to improve trainees abilities to define and structure problems, collect and analysis information, generate alternatives. Training of this type is typically provided to potential managers, supervisors and professionals Importance of Training and development for the organization There are many benefits of Training and Development to the organization as well as employee. We have categorized as under 1) Benefits for the organization 2) Benefits for the individual 3) Benefits for personnel and human relation, intra group and internal group relation and policy implementation 1) Benefits for the organization a) Improves communication between group and individuals. b) Aid in orientation of new employee and those taking new job through transfer or promotion. c) Provides information on equal opportunities and affirmative action. d) Provides information on other government laws and administration policies. e) Improve interpersonal skills. f) Makes organizational policies, rules and regulations viable. g) Builds cohesiveness in group. h) Provides a good climate for learning, growth and co ordination. i) Makes the organization a better place to work and live.


2) Benefits for the individual a) Helps and individual in making better decision and effective problem solving. b) Through training and development, motivational variables of recognition achievement, growth, responsibility and advancement are internalized and operationalised. c) Aid in encouraging and achieving selfdevelopment and self confidence. d) Helps a person handle stress, tension, frustration and conflict. e) Provides information for improving leadership, knowledge, communication skills and attitudes. f) Increases job satisfaction and recognition. g) Moves a person towards personal goals while improving interactive skills. h) Satisfies personal needs of a trainee. i) Provides the trainee an avenue for growth in his or her future. j) Develops a sense of learning. k) Helps eliminate fear in attempting new task. l) Helps a person improve his listening skill, speaking skills also with his writing skills.

3) Benefits for personnel and human relation, intra group and internal group relation and policy implementation a) Improves communication between group and individuals. b) Aid in orientation of new employee and those taking new job through transfer or promotion. c) Provides information on equal opportunities and affirmative action. d) Provides information on other government laws and administration policies.


e) Improve interpersonal skills. f) Makes organizational policies, rules and regulations viable. g) Builds cohesiveness in group. h) Provides a good climate for learning, growth and co ordination. i) Makes the organization a better place to work and live. Training Process The steps of Training Process are as under: a) Organizational objectives and strategies The first step in the training process is an organization in the assessment of its objectives and strategies. What business are we in? At what level of quality do we wish to provide this product or service? Where do we what to be in the future? Its only after answering these and other related questions that the organization must assess the strength and weakness of its human resources.

b) Need assessment Need assessment diagnoses present problems and future challenge to be met through training and development. Needs assessment occurs at two levels i.e. group level and individual level, an individual obviously needs training when his or her performance falls short or standards that is when there is performance deficiency. Inadequate in performance may be due to lack of skills or knowledge or any other problem. The following diagram explains performance deficiency Performance Deficiency


Lack of skills other causes Or knowledge Training Non training measures

c) Training and development objectives once training needs are assessed, training and development goals must be established. Without clearly-set goals, it is not possible to design a training and development programme and after it has been implemented, there will be no way of measuring its effectiveness. Goals must be tangible, verifying and measurable. This is easy where skilled training is involved

d) Designing training and development program Who are the trainees? Who are the trainers? What methods and techniques? What is the what are the where to conduct level of training principles of learning the program

e) Conducting training activities Where is the training going to be conducted and how? At the job itself. On site but not the job for example in a training room in the company. Off site such as a university, college classroom hotel, etc. f) Implementation of the training programme Program implementation involves actions on the following lines: Deciding the location and organizing training and other facilities.


Scheduling the training programme. Conducting the programme. Monitoring the progress of the trainees.

g) Evaluation of the results The last stage in the training and development process is the evaluation of the results. Since huge sums of money are spent on training and development, how far the programme has been useful must be judge/determined. Evaluation helps determine the results of the training and development programme. In the practice, however organizations either overlook or lack facilities for evaluation.

Methods of training A multitude of techniques are used to train employees. Training techniques represent the medium of imparting skills and knowledge to employees. Training techniques are means employed in the training methods. They are basically of two types.

1) Lectures It is the verbal presentation of information by an instructor to a large audience. The lecturer is presumed to possess knowledge about the subject. A virtue in this method is that it can be used for large groups and hence the cost of training per employee is very low. However, this method violates the principle of learning by practice. Also this type of communication is a one-way communication and there is no feedback from the audience because in case of very


large groups it is difficult to have interactive sessions. Long lectures can also cause Boredom.

2) Audio Visuals This is an extension of the lecture method. This method includes slides, OHPs, video tapes and films. They can be used to provide a range of realistic examples of job conditions and situations in the condensed period of time. It also improves the quality of presentation to a great extent.

3) On- the Job- Training It is used primarily to teach workers how to do their present jobs. Majority of the industrial training is on the job training. It is conducted at the work site and in the context of the job. Often, it is informal, as when experienced worker shows a trainee how to perform tasks. In this method, the focus of trainers focus is on making a good product and not on good training technique. It has several steps; the trainee first receives an overview of the job, its purpose and the desired outcomes. The trainer then demonstrates how the job is to be performed and to give trainee a model to copy. And since a model is given to the trainee, the transferability to the job is very high. Then the employee is allowed to mimic the trainers example. The trainee repeats these jobs until the job is mastered.

4) Programmed Instruction (PI) In this method, training is offered without the intervention of the trainer. Information is provided to the employee in blocks, in form of books or through teaching machine. After


going through each block of material, the trainee goes through a test/ answers a question. Feedback in the form of correct answers is provided after each response. Thus PI involves: Presenting questions, facts, and problems to the learner. Allowing the person to respond Providing feedback on the accuracy of the answers If the answers are correct, he proceeds to the next block or else, repeats the same. However it is an impersonal method and the scope of learning is less as compared to other methods of training. Also the cost of preparing books, manuals and machinery is very high.

5) Computer Assisted Instruction (CAI) This is an extension of the PI method. In this method, the learners response determines the frequency and difficulty level of the next frame. This is possible thanks to the speed, memory and the data manipulation capabilities of the computer.

6) Simulation It is any equipment or technique that duplicates as nearly as the possible the actual conditions encountered at the job. It is an attempt to create a realistic for decision-making. This method is most widely used in Aeronautical Industry.

7) Vestibule Training This method utilizes equipment which closely resembles the actual ones used in the job.It is performed in a special area set aside for the purpose and not at the workplace. The emphasis is placed on learning skills than on production. It is however difficult to duplicate pressures


and realities of actual situations. Even though the kind of tension or pressure may be the same but the employee knows it is just a technique and not a real situation. Also the employees behave differently in real situations than in simulations. Also additional investment is required for the equipment.

8) Case study It is a written description of an actual situation in the business, which provokes the reader to think and make decisions/ suggestions. The trainees read the case, analyze it and develop alternative solutions, select the best one and implement it. It is an ideal method to promote decision making skills. They also provide transference to an extent. They allow participation through discussion. This is the most effective method of developing problem solving skills The method /approach to analysis may not be given importance. Many a times only the result at the end of the case may be considered and not the line of thinking to approach it. This is a major disadvantage since case studies must primarily be used to influence or mend the attitude or thinking of an individual.

9) Role Playing and Behavior Modeling This method mainly focuses on emotional (human relation) issues than other ones. The essences are on creating a real life situation and have trainees assumed parts of specific personalities (mostly interchanged roles of boss and subordinate to create empathy for one another). The consequence is better understanding of issues from the others point of view. Concept of Behavior Modeling:


Fundamental psychological process by which new patterns of behavior can be acquired and existing ones can be altered. Vicarious process learning takes place not by own experience but by observation or imagination of others action. It is referred to as copying, observational learning or imitation implying that it a behavior is learned or modified through observation of others experiences. This change may be videotaped and showed to the trainee and he can review and critique it. It also helps him see the negative consequences that result from not using the behavior as recommended.

10) Sensitivity Training It uses small number of trainees usually less than 12 in a group. They meet with a passive trainer and get an insight into their own behavior and that of others. These meetings have no agenda and take place away from the workplace. The discussions focus on why participants behave the way they do and how others perceive them. The objective is to provide the participants with increased awareness of their own behavior, the perception of others about them and increased understanding of group process. Examples: Laboratory training, encounter groups. Laboratory training is a form of group training primarily used to enhance interpersonal skills. It can be used to develop desired behaviors for future job responsibilities. A trained professional serves as a facilitator. However once the training is over employees get back to being the way they are. 11) Apprenticeships and Coaching


It is involved learning from more experienced employee/s. This method may be supplemented with other off-the-job methods for effectiveness. It is applied in cases of most craft workers, carpenters, plumbers and mechanics. This approach uses high levels of participation and facilitates transferability. Coaching is similar to apprenticeships. But it is always handled by a supervisor and not by the HR department. The person being trained is called understudy. It is very similar to on the job training method. But in that case, more stress is laid on productivity, whereas here, the focus is on learning. In this method skilled workforce is maintained since the participation, feedback and job transference is very high. Immediate returns can be expected from training almost as soon as the training is over the desired outcomes can be seen in the trainee.


Staff Recantation Schemes Organizations have different structural devices to motivate their employees. Various Staff motivation schemes have been established in the civil service and they are briefly summarized below for your reference. You may like to make use of these schemes, in addition to your own initiatives, to achieve your goal of enhancing staff motivation. I. Staff Motivation Scheme The objectives of the Staff Motivation Scheme are to promote staff awareness of departments' performance pledges, enhance commitment to them and to motivate staff towards continuous improvement of service in pursuance of the spirit of serving the


community. The award is in kind and its maximum value is Rs. 1,000 for an individual and, for a team , Rs. 1,000 per team member. II. Staff Suggestions Scheme It aims to encourage staff to make suggestions for improving the efficiency of the civil service. Award ranges from a certificate of commendation to a cash award of up to Rs15,000. III. Customer Service Award Scheme The objectives of the scheme are to award staff who provide good customer service; to motivate staff to enhance their efforts in providing good customer service; and to further promote a customer focused service culture in the civil service. Awards for the winners include trophies, souvenir pins and gift coupons. IV. Staff Recognition/Performance Incentive Schemes in Trading Fund Departments Trading Fund departments have developed performance incentive schemes. The winners receive an award in kind in recognition of improvement in performance as measured by a set of balanced, objective and pre-determined indicators reflecting efficiency, effectiveness and standard of service. V. Long Service Travel Award Scheme


The scheme aims to reward long-serving officers with consistent good performance. It operates on the basis of granting travel allowance to non-directorate local officers, and their spouses, selected on the basis of length of service and performance. VI. Long and Meritorious Service Award Scheme Civilian staffs with long and meritorious service are granted an award on their 20th, 30th and 40th year of service, as follows

a 20 Years' Meritorious Service Certificate; or a 30 Years' Meritorious Service Certificate plus a commemorative gold pin; or a 40 Years' Meritorious Service Certificate photo-engraved on a metal plate with a wooden stand.

VII. Commendation Letters Commendation letters may be issued to officers who have made a substantial contribution towards enhancing the efficiency or the image of their bureau/department; or performed an exceptionally meritorious act warranting special recognition. Performance Management System Motivation is in many ways the key to the success of Human Resource Management. Managers should aim to increase performance through self-motivation, rather than having to use external motivation (i.e. the imposition of rules and continual improvements to conditions of service) to bring about higher standards of performance.


Motivation should be built into the performance management system where supervisors will have the opportunity to communicate and motivate staff on their performances. Supervisors may adopt the following ways to motivate their staff:

Discuss with staff from time to time especially at the beginning of the appraisal period and during performance review meetings, what their work goals and targets are and how they should be accomplished.

Provide feedback on what staff have done well and where improvement could be made.

Encourage staff to express their views on their performance. Assess the staff's performance throughout the appraisal period rather than focusing on periods where their performance was particularly good or bad.

Discuss ways to empower staff. Consider training and/or development needs of staff and work out for them corresponding training and development plans to raise the capability of staff for performance improvement. Employee Motivation: Non-Cash Incentives


Employees need motivation to stay, to work and to be efficient. Without that extra scoop, organisations may find themselves in an unenviable position where they are placed so well in the market but have lost their vital resources to drive them forward or to retain their market share. While employee motivation is a wide subject, lets focus on Incentives as a way of keeping folks happy. Incentives may be cash or non-cash. Cash incentives are those given to employees, which involve monetary compensation or rewards for the exemplary work done to the companys cause. Non-cash incentives are other non-monetary forms of recognition of the staffs contributions towards organisational improvements and making them perform better towards enhancing the bottom-line. Employee Recognition Schemes form a vital part of the non-cash incentive programme. There is a subtle difference between Non-cash incentives and Employee Recognition Schemes. Non-cash incentives are proactive and forward-looking, in that they set a target


and desired level of performance standard and measure actual performance to judge if an employee is eligible for the incentives. In essence, the performance level and standards are spelt out for the employee to aim for and work towards. Employee Recognition Schemes, on the other hand, go by past performances to decide on eligibility for the incentive. This scheme may not specifically mention the target level of performance or the incentive that would be awarded for performance. This is more informal and selection may be subjective. For instance, schemes like Employee of the Month or Rising Star of the year may be announced at the beginning of the year, but the awards may be decided based on actual performance of the staff in question. Non-cash incentives could involve awarding of points based on performance, special merchandise given away, travel allowances and reimbursements, retail vouchers that could be exchanged for merchandise or activities, trips and events. The rationale behind non-cash incentives is that, employees may not always see cash incentives as the best motivation. While monetary compensation may be good enough to retain employees in the organisation, it is the non-cash incentives that make the employee put in that extra effort and strive towards achieving and surpassing the goals set by the management. Whatever the relative effectiveness of cash and non-cash incentives, it is clear that organisations can not do away with non-cash incentives that may satisfy some of the innate needs of employees, as in terms of social activities or recognitions by peers.


How to Motivate Employees during a Recession Instead of ignoring the pink elephant in the room, its vital to take initiative and implement strategy to keep your employees motivated towards a common goal.

How to Motivate Employees During a Recession Without communicating effectively, obtaining creative contribution, empowering your staff and sourcing leadership to the right individuals, you could be headed towards a downward spiral. The first and most necessary step is communication. During a recession rumors may swirl causing a level of panic and unease. Uncertainty sits in which propels employees to fear for their jobs, to fear for demotion or in a worst case scenario, that the company will crumble. Informing employees of the situation at hand and explaining the steps the company is taking to combat market conditions will provide stability in the workplace. An example points to a


recent commercial that was created by GM. The commercial addressed the situation GM is facing and explained that there was a time that their prior business model, which carried several brands, made sense. Now the focus is on fewer brands that highlight efficiency and economies of scale. They admitted that their pricing structure could no longer compete. They admitted that restructuring was the only way they could survive. They basically admitted that they FAILED and are now having to implement a change in fundamental business strategy to compete once again. This was a very straight forward approach that not only addressed the condition of the auto industry but also gave a glimpse into GMs direction and integrity. During harsh economic times, employees will often feel that the company failed them or failed business objectives. When the company needs to shift its focus and change business strategy during a recession it can be a difficult transition and employees may feel they are in the dark. Its imperative that employees are made a central cog in the process of refocusing resources and objectives. Not only does this provide for additional perspective from an array of minds but it also empowers employees to feel that their opinion and ideas are worthy of consideration and perhaps integration. Empowerment is an excellent source of motivation and motivation is ultimately a central force in driving change in the workplace. When company layoffs have employees chewing off their fingernails in anticipation of the big axe, its crucial to inform the remaining employees that they remain for a reason.


Only the strongest survive and hearing that the company feels that they are a core element in rebuilding the companies foundation towards success will also empower the employees; this is called recognition. Recognizing employees contributions and their place in the workforce reinforces their position and motivates them to continue forward despite the doom and gloom references. Lastly, it is essential to identify your cream of the crop. This group can act as your mouth piece, prophesizing the company position and agenda. A disconnect can exist between management and staff so identifying the leaders among the staff and empowering them through additional duties and responsibilities can have a trickle down effect that changes the culture from dismal to positive. Although recessions often result in a focus on numbers and expense reduction, its imperative to implement strategy to keep your employees motivated and excited for the brighter days ahead. After all, who wouldnt want to be accredited for helping turn the company around?



Ideally in the present day scenario, human resource development system should be done, taking the views of all the concerned parties who have some bearing on the employee. But, since a change in the system is required, it cannot be a drastic one. It ought to be gradual and a change in the mindset of both the employees and the head is required.

It should be noted that the development system for each job position should be different as each job has different knowledge and skill requirements. There should not be a common appraisal form for every job position in the organization. The job and role expected from the employees should be decided well in advance and that too with the consensus with them. The time period for conducting the development system be revised, so that the exercise becomes a continuous phenomenon. Transparency into the system should be ensured through the discussion about the employees performance with the employee concerned and trying to find out the grey areas so that training can be implemented to improve on that.



Employees were reluctant to respond. Communication Gap.

Matters were not provided on the ground of confidentiality. Timing problem was there because employees were busy with their

No delegation of authority in H R department created problem.

The employees to complete all the work manually. There is no computerized at all there for it takes much time to do a work.
Secondary data was not so reliable because it collected by any other person for different purpose. To follow the organizational strategy is the expensive process.


BOOKS1) Awasthapa. K (2001) Human Resource Management Tata MC Graw Hill 5th edition 2) Bernadi (2000) Human Resource Management Tata Graw Hill 4th edition 3) Desslar Gary (2003), Human Resource Management Prentice, Hall of India Put edition 4) Kothari CR (2000) Research Methodology method & technology, New Delhi Wishwa Prakashan 5) Memoria C.B Grankar S.V (2002) Personnel Management Himalaya Publishing House, 22 editions HAND BOOK 1-Fomulo, J.J. (Et.) Handbook of Industial and Organizational Psychology ,Rand McNally ,Chicago.1976 2-U.S. Department of Lobour , Handbook of Job AnalysisWasington,1973 NEWS PAPERS 1. Economic time -27 Thw march 2007 2. Hindustan times -10;Th July 9th


WEBSITES : www.clgupta.com www.humanresources.about.com/od/.../f/hr_development.htm www.haryana.gov.in/ip2005WEBSITE/HTML/hrd.htm www.export.by/en/?act=event&mode=search&mode2


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