Analecta Bollandiana Tomus VI 1887 309

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strength, being perfeclly cured. In raemory of this soe miraculous cure, he was ever afler called Harry Guenvrewi, that is to say, Harry S* Wenefrides (1).

III. An. 1574. Protestans, in S. Wenefredam contumeliosus,

subita contractione membrorum divinitus punitur: a qua postea, sui facinoris pcenitens et sanctae virginis opem assidue implorans, ali quatenus convalescit, et religionem catholicam amplectitur (2).
About the yeare 1574 one William Shone, ab Owen, of the parish of S Brides in Denbighshire, a servant of Mr John Williams Esq. of the same parish, attending on his m aster at Holywell, when his mas ter with others (according to the manner of devout persons) bathed themselves in the Well, he beinff a lusty and stronge fellow of a dissolute disposition, outofscome and contempt did icreligiously lepp booted into the water, saying he would wash his bootes, and while he lepped, held his hand on the hilt of his sword to save it from wetting: when immediately the sayd hand was contracted and withered, and withall his whole body strucken with a lamenesse and benummed, so that he was not able any more to wayte on his mas ter, but being constrained to remaine behind, was carried home on a dragg; where he continued a while, and afterwardes begginghis sustenance from door to doore being carried on a dragg, he dedared unto ali the cause and manner of his lamenesse and disaster. After some time living in this manner, he was advised to repaire againe to Holywell, there to aske pardon of God by the intercession of S. Wenefride for his former irreverent and contemptfull deportment towards the saint and holy place. Which he foorthwith did, causing a little cabane to be erected for him hard by the holy Well, into which he was carried twice a day, praying and intreating ali devout persons that resorted thither, to intercede for him to God and S. Wenefride for pardon and recoverie of his health, untill at length it pleased God by the intercession of S. Wenefride (as we confidently beleeve) to restore him to a good measure of his former health, through he never recovered his whole strength. And uppon his miraculous change, he resolved to become a roman catholique, and so soon after did, living in the profession thereof untill he departed this life, which was some 6 of 7 years altor.

IV. An. 1583. Lapilli nonnulli e sacro fonte ablati et sudario illigati, ipsum mox sudarium quasi sanguine recens effuso intingunt
In the yeare 1583 one Mr John Grimshaw and Mr John Paslow, both gentlemen (1) Sequitur hic, sicut et ad pleraque alia miracula, notula qualis legitur ad cal cem relationum de miraculis que contigerunt annis 1604,1650,1653,1655,1656 et 1657, sed plerumque sedulo per aliam scripturam obductam he notule ita deleta sunt ut jam omnino legi nequeant (S) Illud miraculum narravit et P. Joannes Gerardus in testimonio suo de sanatione P. Eduardi Oldcome. Vid. infra, p. 314,
n. 3.

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