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did so heale and drie np that in three weekes space she was perfectly cured, her legg being come to its wonted post ore and straigbtnesse. And it was observed, not withoat wonder, that in sach places of her arme and legg where the snrgeons had made their inscitions, the scarres were perfectly after to be seene, bnt those holes that were in her arme and legg at her coming to Holywell, and were cured by the Yirtue of S1 Wenefrides water, left no scarres at ali, the skin only in those places looking somewhat more thinne then elsewhere. The sayd diz. lived after many yeares in perfect health, had many children, and was dwelling in the pariah of Whitford when in the yeare 1624.

Vll. An. 1604. Ancilla paene caeca, saepius monita in somnis, ad fontem S. Wenefredae contendit et visum, a quatuor vel quinque mensibus ademptum, integrum recuperat
*ita ms. In the yeare 1604 one Catherine, the daughter to of * Ralfe and Mary More, of the parish of Parkham in the County of Devon, being a poore catholique servant in the house of Miles Risdon.Esq. of the sayd parish, became soe blind that ordinarily she could not discerne white from black,and if sometimes she saw anything better, it was neverthelesse soe imperfectly that at the distance of three of four yards off she could not know or distinguish one man from another. In this *ms. trouled distressed condition, being extreamely troubled * with sollicitude how to maintaine her self thereafler, and eamestly commending her miserie to allmighty God, she was seren or eight several times wamed in her sleep to goe to S. Wenefrides Well in Wales and she should recover her sight. And where as she had never before heard of the place, she advised with one Bartholomew Peppin, a Welch*ita ms. man thereof, who accordingly informed her of it, and of the underfull * miracles that it pleased God frequently to worke there. Wbereuppon she resolved to goe thither in pilgrimage, and having been blinde in manner afor sayed 4 or 5 monethes, she hired severall guides to leade and assi st her untill she cama to the holy Well: and when she came within a mile or two of the place, she began to be somewhat better; but having gone into the water, washed her eyes, and ended

her other devotions, she presently had her sight perfectly well, and saw erery
thingasdistinctly as ever she haddone before, and soe stili after continued.

Vffl. An. 1606. Sanatio nobilis viri Rogerii Bodenham. Hanc relationem in libeUutn suum transtulit P. Philippus Layton seu

Metcalf [\\nisi quod non ita fideliter expressit notulam de testibus

sanationis in fine adjectam.
About the yeare 1606 S' Roger Bodenham, of Ratheras in the County of Here* ford, Knight of thehonorable order of the Bath, after a long and tedious quartane
(1) Cfr. Act. ff&, tom. cit, p. 741, num. 28.

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