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MK 1000 Personal learning log All students will be asked to complete a personal learning log which details their

preparation and involvement with the module. This will provide evidence to support your personal statement concerning your role in the team Your entries must include ALL study activities (eg reading books, journal articles etc to prepare for class; listening to PR podcasts; watching videos; engaging in online discussions etc) Participation eg questions asked and comments in lectures/contributions in class discussions.


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What I have learned this week and done this week We created a word cloud using wordle, discussed the social media we use and why, learnt about my class mates use of social media, we also discussed what we use digitally for communication. We had briefing on attendance; engagement with the module, individual learning logs were explained and started. We began filling in a self evaluation grid Adapted from Stella Cottrell. We were given the brief for assignment 1, our digital story. And the marking criteria forms.

What reading do I need to do to develop my understanding of the topics discussed? Watch videos on blackboard, read newspapers and online blogs. Watch the video clips for discussion in class. Make a copy of the Individual learning log and begin to fill it in. Malcolm Gladwell: What we can learn from spaghetti sauce and RSA Animate - The Power of Networks can be found on YouTube

Read Chapter 12 for next week. Fill in learning log in detail. View the following tutorials:

We discussed chapter 12 of 101 Quick and Easy Secrets for Using Your Digital Photographs. Chris then answered any

which will help with my assignment. J.foster effective writing skills chapter 10

questions we had regarding the assignment. 4 We looked at a made-up press release Bunbury prison, focused on writing intros and were Introduced to inverted pyramid writing. We were given a press release to look at and made comments on what we thought I made the point that the intro paragraph was 70+ words when it should be 25 max. We discussed user-generated content, what is it and what its used for. Also different social media outlets and their function what is social media? Online. Social media is articles, pictures, video, audio and discussions an opportunity to share content with others. Looked at the conversation graphic. We were introduced to blogging and what our next assignment will involve, also given tips on how to write the blog and what blogs are used for. Chris told us some bloggers find a niche market (target the blog) to get a lot more readers and relevant content. In the second part of the lesson we Read as many intros as possible online and in newspapers and practice writing them. Read as many press releases as possible.

Been reading blogs to get a general understanding regarding layout, read the Danserella chapter 2, Stella Cottrell chapter. Read reasons for creating a blog

discussed our first assignment then went on to talk about the Dan zarella book covering blogs and social media. MK1000- Spoke about what a blog is web log, who owns blogs individual, company, , a blogs content personal interests, text or copy, still images, video, audio, web links. Blog post posting content as an article, link on the blog one piece of specific content. What needs to be included on a blog post text, date/time, headline, what else can we include: audio, video, images, links, graphics ( , charts, comment box. Presentation: Design, font, layout, authors name, biography, image. Use the blog as a hub: central place of information. What can you include on your own blog? MK1000 Pages 187 189: People talk about business on the web Monitor social media to make sure you are listening to what people are saying Subscribe to search results using

Dan Zarrella Social media marketing book 2010 pages 187189 conclusive and all of chapter 11. Look at podcasts and bring a link to one next week, also continue looking at blogs. PR1105: Prepare for mock exam next week, reading of BBC websites, news articles.

RSS Monitor company name, product name, your name, key employers names Monitor general trends; whats been said, how said, how often Chapter 11: Measurement is key to prove the merit of time and resourcesinvested in social media Set goals with clearly defined levels for success On-site metrics measure activity directly on your site whereas off-site is on other sites where you and customers interact. ROI-return on investment. Measures return on investment: purchases or the completion of lead forms. By labelling visitors whove reached these goals, trace them back to referrers, sites that sent those visitors to you & evaluate effectiveness of each source. Investment could be time/money/resources Want to gain hits/visitors/interest,

feedback to improve content. Turn awareness into buisness If youre lead-based calculate what percentage of leads turn into business and average value of customer. Google Analytics engagement metrics indicate how engaged people are when they come to your site. To calculate ROI deduct cost of social media work from income generated. Engagement: longer a visitor stays on your site/more pages read the deeper your relationship with her. Bounce: visitor of a site that visits no other pages. We took a look at the story behind the video gangnam style, when people viewed it, the audience, likes, who views it. Who engages with it: likes, comments? We took a look at Google trends; it shows which countrys viewed the video, how popular and when the video was popular and similar searches made by people We then searched Valentines Day; as predicted this gets searched by far the most in February. We seared recession

and looked at when and why there were spikes in searches at certain times, we decided these were due to elections and bank crisis, in conclusion there is a direct link between interest in topics and the amount of searches it generates.

MK1000 -We discussed what we did last week and what we learnt: google trends- tell us when and where a topic is popular. YouTube- gangam style, how it went viral (where people viewed it and who). Blogging- we read zarrella and learnt more. Virtual hub- central place of information links off onto different sites. Social media- quality over quantity of followers (could be spam) can be measured by who follows links, take action. We discussed what a podcast is: An audio clip, found online, on iTunes. (Search and upload a podcast from a website or subscribe to podcasts using iTunes). Play on demand + broadcast = PODCAST. Podcasts need to be interesting, engaging

Stella Cottrell on blogging. Zarrella. Read more blogs, listen to podcasts. For Immediate Release podcast listen to this and make notes. Refer to guide on blackboard regarding apostrophes. Read writing at university by crme and lea pages 188 193 inclusive.

for the listener. RSS-Rich Site Summary Easy to access information, subscribe and you will be reminded via email. We looked at podcasts and wrote brief summaries.

We got organised into groups and confirmed our groups for assignment 4. We started writing a blog on a topic of our interest. Crme and Lea Pages 188-193 inclusive Zarrella D The Social Media Marketing Book (chapter 4).


MK1000Social networking is the grouping of individuals into specific groups, like small rural communities or a neighborhood subdivision, if you will. Although social

networking is possible in person, especially in the workplace, universities, and high schools, it is most popular online.Websites are commonly used. These websites are known as social sites. Social networking websites function like an online community of internet users. The internet gives individuals from all around the world access to social networking sites. Not only will you make new friends, but you just might learn a thing or two about new cultures or new languages and learning is always a good thing. A social networking service is an online service, platform, or site that focuses on facilitating the building of social networks or social relations among people who, for example, share interests, activities, backgrounds, or real-life connections. A social network service consists of a representation of each user (often a profile), his/her social links, and a variety of additional services. Most social network services are web-based and provide means for users to interact over the Zarrella D The Social Media Marketing Book (chapter 4). RSS Feeds

3D Printers _2012/

Internet, such as e-mail and instant messaging. Online community services are sometimes considered as a social network service, though in a broader sense, social network service usually means an individual-centered service whereas online community services are group-centered. Social networking sites allow users to share ideas, activities, events, and interests within their individual networks. Words linked to social networking: Community Online-service Social Networking Groups Online Platform Customisation

Web Constant Internet Never-sleeps 24/7 Profile Groups Discussion Segmentation Communicate Exchanging Relationships Sharing We then watched a clip of the one show which discussed penaltys for abuse on social networks, and discussed why these are.


A good blog post would be: Interesting, your comments, take us to other good web sources, articles, podcasts, pictures, video, why did I identify certain areas? Why did it stand out to me above everything else? shortens links MK1000- Discussed online presentation. One member of group send lecture slides to Chris Things to do: Check webcam and microphone Book room Test the online room Sign into room as a guest Say when presentation starts and finishes. Be in the room for 9am Group A Action Plan VO5 Campain: Express yourself. Twitter, facebook, youtube. Adopted style of beauty gurus feels personal and non-evasive like a friend not a company Check statistics of who and when videos are viewed Find history of vo5 they had a re-

launch How much social capital? VO5- 5 vital vitamins

12 13


MK 1000 presentations took place using Adobe Connect We did an online monitoring exercise and Chris checked we have been updating our learning logs. We also did and online reflection exercise. We read and discussed this metro story 6 For Tuesday Jan 15 students will begin to prepare information and gather material on the responsible use of social media for an in-class writing assignment.

Read chapter 1 andy green book. advised to watch the Channel 4 TV programme Dont Blame Facebook. This programme is transmitted at 2200 on Tuesday Jan 8 and it can also be viewed online at

15 16


We were given the brief for assignment 4. We are to read the brief and think about what we will do for the assignment. On this week Jan 22 2013 there was no Look at power points and pdfs about planning a Tuesday class becasue of the campaign employability field trip to Manchester Briefing on Assignments 4 (feedback to Chapter 8 seitel the practice of public relations come), 5 (written seminar exercise)

5 Research exercise based around privacy and copyright on the internet and a final discussion on assignment 5 timed assignments. 18 MK1000 This session we completed our second timed assignment internet privacy. I prepared by researching the topic online and investigating what is going on concerning the subject at the time. MK1000- We were told about future assignments and whats coming up in the future. Assignment 6 group presentation on websites (march 12th) Assignment 7 Google ad words exercise (March 19th) Assignment 8 portfolio of digital skills (26th April) We were reminded about blackboard and how to ensure we dont plagiarise. We had to research and write a blog article on the subject: how does a small business/organisation make its website more user-friendly? Starting it this week and handing in on 19th February, can be used in my online portfolio of work. (Show examples of user-friendly websites,


Digital skills from cotrell guide helps with content to put in assignment 8. I looked at sites such as with good website design.



screenshots, easy to navigate?) If you look at a website you see a letter F drawn to the top left. Briefed on assignment in groups on Google analytics and told to get into groups for the assignment. MK1000- We were told we needed to create assessment planning grids for assignments 7 and 8.We were introduced to Google analytics discuss principles, understand value for business. It measures what youre trying to do, give you actionable data, and helps you achieve business objectives. Raise awareness Understand Take action. Micro conversions (actions that may lead to a future conversion) lead to macro conversions. Traffic sources: Visitors and unique visitors, how long they stayed. We created our action plan chart to ensure we were on track and had a good plan of what we were going to do. MK1000- This week we discussed upcoming assignments and continued

Research about analytics and think about what I will do for the assignment. Watch Google analytics webinar and introduction to Google analytics found on blackboard.
Measuring e-business Web Usage, Performance, and Availability Public Relations on the Net (2nd Edition)

Read Seitels plan again and follow it, also look at case studies & press releases for inspiration and past events.


work with our group assignment 6. We were told to use adobe connect to present our assessment; we need to book a room and send our presentation through to Chris before we present. Macro conversion, micro, bounce rate, why is it companies measure using Google analytics? We were told for assignment 8 we need to put together a portfolio of what we have learnt so far using a format of our choice, also for the assessment we will hand in our learning log. We need to write around 10 articles of 200 words each; 2000 words. Privacy online, Google analytics, caption screen shots of blogs Ive created.


Create a portfolio


A portfolio containing my learning log and around 10 articles of around 200 words presented on a platform of my choice.

Academic Reading

Current news websites and papers, books about effective article writing. Read through blackboard on what I have learnt and done so far.


I can link to previous articles I have done, use full Harvard referencing. Discuss recent topics of what I have learnt. What do you need? Where will you get it? How will you get it? How do you plan to write and present your ideas? 1 Word count 2 Sources quoted 3 Harvard referencing 4 Deadline 5 Submission via Blackboard



Whats missing?

List any errors/gaps which may prevent you from achieving the learning outcomes Do you know how and where to access articles, e-books etc?

Resources check


PR1105: This week we presented our assignment in front of the class MK1000: This week we presented in our groups using Adobe Connect.

Write 250 words on news you can use read ragan.




We got feedback this week on assignment 6 and began discussing assignment 8. We began speaking about google plus. Beverly took over this class, she usually delivers lectures online and she taught us about formatting for excel and word MK1000- We were reminded about the

Read as many news intros as possible 23 in blackboard at moment We were told to complete the formatting tasks Beverly taught us during class for next week.

deadline for the portfolio being 26th April and also we were informed about another group assessment on google adwords.

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