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English 102 Name:

Romeo and Juliet Test- Act I

Ms. Stewart

Character Matching: 10
1._____ In love with Rosaline 2.____ Capulets only daughter 3. ____ Romeos cousin 4. ____ Quick tempered 5. ____Humorous friend to Romeo 6. ____Mother to Juliet 7.____ A young nobleman who wants to marry Juliet 8.____Father to Romeo 9.____Servant of the Capulet family 10.____Enforces law in Verona A. Sampson B. Montague C. Tybalt D. Lady Capulet E. Prince F. Juliet G. Romeo H. Mercutio I. Benvolio J. Paris

True and False 10: Circle the correct letter

1) The feud between the Capulets and the Montagues is old when the play begins. A. true B. false 2) Gregory, a servant of the Capulets, starts a fight by shouting an insult at a Montague. A. true B. false 3) Benvolio happily joins the fighting. A. true B. false 4) Tybalt tries to stop the fight. A. true B. false

5) Lady Capulet and Lady Montague try to talk their husbands out of joining the fight. A. true B. false 6) Prince Escalus is a Montague. A. true B. false 7) The Prince forbids fighting in Verona streets. A. true B. false

8) Prince says he will impose the death penalty on any Capulet and Montague if there is more fighting. A. true B. false 9) Romeo believes Benvolio can help him forget Rosaline, the girl he loves. A. true B. false 10) Juliet is almost fourteen . A. true B. false Multiple Choice 5: Circle the correct letter 1) Benvolio and Tybalt come upon the servants fighting. How do they react to the fight? a. They both ignore it. b. Benvolio tries to break it up, but Tybalt wants to fight c. Benvolio wants to fight, but Tybalt runs away. d. They both encourage the servants to fight. 2) Describe Juliet's relationship with her family in Act I. a. They have a good relationship. She tries to please her parents. b. She is very defiant. Her parents are angry with her. c. Her parents are too busy to pay attention to her. d. Juliet is afraid of them, because they are cruel to her.

3) Why does Romeo decide to go to the feast even though (being a Montague) he is not invited?

a. Rosaline, the girl he loves, will be there. b. He wants to make peace with the Capulets. c. Benvolio offers to introduce him to Juliet. d. His favorite foods are going to be served. 4) In Act I Scene ii, Paris asks Capulet for Juliet's hand in marriage. What is Capulet's reply? a. Paris needs more money to support her. b. Juliet does not want to marry anyone. c. Juliet's mother does not approve of Paris. d. Paris should wait two years until Juliet is older. 5) What does Romeo mean when he says, "Oh, dear account! My life is my foe's debt"? a. Although the dinner was expensive, he didn't enjoy it. b. He is glad that Tybalt left the banquet without fighting. c. His love for Juliet has brought him out of his depression. Since she is a Capulet, he owes his enemy for his new happiness. d. He went to the party to get a glimpse of Rosaline. When he saw Rosaline dancing with another young man, he felt jealous and angry.

Quotes: Explain who said it and what is happening. 8

1. True I talk of dreams/ Which are the children of an idle brain,

2. What! Drawn, and talk of peace?/ I hate the word, As I hate hell, all Montagues, and thee.

3. A man young lady! Lady such a man/ As all the world why, hes a man of wax. Go ask his name.-if he be married,/My grave is my wedding bed.

4. Go ask his name.-if he be married,/My grave is my wedding bed.

Short Answer: 7
1. What is the rhyme scheme of a Shakespearean Sonnet? ________________________________________________________________________

2. Give 2 an examples of Fate in Act I. __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________

3. Define Allusion. ________________________________________________________________________

4. What is Romeos tragic flaw? _________________________________________________________________________

5. What is the purpose of Mercutios Queen Mab speech? __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________

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