CHP 1 Hebrews

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Hebrews Chp 1 Hebrews Chapter 1

Hebrews Chapter 1: <-- GOD -->

Verse by Verse Study of Hebrews Chapter 1 "Time Past" is contrasted with "Last Days" GOD Spake is contrasted with GOD Spoke spake by prophets <--GOD--> spoke by Son Yet "These Last Days" isn't "The Last Day" Related GodShew Web Pages: Hebrews: is Pauline written as a mini bible itself Hebrews: written as good-->better-->best chat Grace Conclusion of Hebrews: is Pauline Token Intro Comments | Title | Author | Chp 1 | Chp 2 | Chp 3 | Chp 4 | Chp 5 | Chp 6 | Chp 7 | | Chp 8 | Chp 9 | Chp 10 | Chp 11 | Chp 12 | Chp 13 | Summation |

Hebrews Chapter 1: Time Past <-- GOD --> Last Days

Grace unto you, and peace, from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ

General Theme of Paul to the Hebrews Chp 1

Topic is "GOD", spake in "time past" (<--BC) and spoke "these last days" (0-2000 AD-->). What's established is a comparative teaching about twain things good/better, as if before/after compared to shew that of this/that is for us of them/us: allegory speaking, since Paul The Apostle is not only called an Hebrew of Hebrews, but also a faithful steward of the mysteris of God. Paul sets the stage in Hebrews Chp 1 for his "THEREFORE" of Hebrews 2, quoting from Scriptures (Psalms) which Hebrews would know well: Thou art my SonPsalms 2:7. I will be to him a Father Psalms 89:26. Thy throne, O God Psalms 45:6. Thou hast loved righteousnessPsalms 45:7. Thou, Lord in the beginningPsalms 102:25-27. Sit on my right handPsalms 110:1.

Hebrews 1:1 "GOD, who at sundry times and in divers manners spake in time past unto the fathers by the prophets, " The theme first established in Hebrews 1:1 is "GOD", and the conclusion of the matter in Hebrews 13:25 is "Grace" with you all. Amen. Yet in the beginning of such a mini bible as Hebrews we find, and in connection with GOD: sundry times, diverse manners, fathers, and prophets; all pluralized regarding the first of two ages: "time

past" of time past/last days. Allegory: law of law/grace, this of this/that Gods, old of old/new testaments, spake of spake/spoke. Prophets are also called servants, which differ nothing from children; Not to mention there are two kinds of servants and two kinds of children biblically compared. So what GOD spake in time past is by servants, as mentioned in the parable of "the kingdom of heaven" of Matthew 18; But "the kingdom of heaven is like unto leaven": Matthew 13:33. So a certain "king" thereof Matthew 18 & 22 having servants(prophets) is Law, allegory speaking; And according to Solomon the wise guy it's "all vanity and vexation of spirit" x7 in Ecclesiates. Hebrews 1:2 Hath in these last days spoken unto us by [his] Son, whom he hath appointed heir of all things, by whom also he made the worlds; These last days are contrasted with time past of Hebrews 1:1, as if Hebrew of Hebrews Paul is now going fwd of bwd/fwd, establishing the after of before/after, the God hath spoken of God spake/God spoke; And the after part is by Son of prophets/Son, and to us of them/us. So we have a comparative teaching about this/that worlds made by Son, wherein God both "spake/spoke", in "time past/last days", unto "fathers (them)/us" by prophets/Son, of God. But notably it is the latter of such twain, the singular (united) rather than plural (divided), the generation of Jesus Christ (Mt 1:1) rather than the generations of Adam (Gen 5:1), us rather than them, made rather than created, last rather than first, whom God hath appointed the "heir of all things"; Since the former was not all things, rather it was a tree short of a forest, a frie short of a happy meal, a law short of pure grace, a lie short of all truth, an oxymoronic mixture of grace + law(added) Solomon said was "all vanity and vexation of Spirit [Grace]. It is imperative to get it: understanding, that we acknowledge here such things are an allegory, and written "aforetime" for "our learning": Romans 15:4. Author Paul clarifies in Galatians 4: Abraham two sons by two mothers, which are the two covenants, and such things are an "allegory": Galatians 4:24. In Hebrews, a mini bible itself, we compare twain throughout old/new testaments. However the end of Hebrews: "Grace with you all. Amen." isn't the same as the end of the Holy Bible containing Old and New Testaments. It's "almost" the same, but not the same. For Old Testament Noahic "grace"(having partiality) is not the same as New Testament Jesus Christ "grace"(without partiality). So we find not only <--Law/Grace--> being contrasted, but also Grace: Time Past <-- Grace --> Last Days; Allegory speaking. Hebrews 1:3 Who being the brightness of [his] glory, and the express image of his person, and upholding all things by the word of his power, when he had by himself purged our sins, sat down on the right hand of the Majesty on high; It is that prophet whom weve been foretold to listen to of Moses / JC (Deut 18), which speaks of grace of law / grace (Jn 1:17), which speaks of that light which is come unto us, that Jesus Christ is come(1Jn 4). He came with grace and truth (not law and lie: Jn 1:17) as the greater light (of great/greater lights) which rules the day (of night / day). Its Son "of God", also called the Sun "of righteousness", who's the brightness (light having no darkness atr all) of God's glory (which is "grace glory": Prov 4, having no law at all of twain glorys: 2Cor 3). Hes the express image of a Godly person (the likeness part in Gen 1:26, which comes after of such before / after options given for let "us" make (not create) "man" (not child), similar to how man kind of child/man in 1Cor 13:11 comes after the child part is put away). Hes a God person with man sized understanding: understands any person, house, or kingdom divided against itself shall fall to ruin. Hes the type who

upholds all things (not some only) by the word (grace) of his power (gospel: Rom 1:16). After he purged our sins purged is clarified in Hebrews 10:2, as that compared to this in 10:1, as having no more conscience of sins once sin purged; also mentioned in 2Peter 1 which denotes those whove forgotten theyve been purged of old sins (escaped the corruption of law), are blind and lacking after he purged our sins (by abolishing law), he sat down on the right hand of the Majesty on high (allegory: grace of such law / grace as being whats "right" of left / right with God). Purged is like the better blessed of twain in Romans 4:7,8 (from Ps 32:1,2), the sort of man kind to whom the Lord will not impute sin (nor a mixture of twain); also as the second and better of two one man scenarios compared as before/after in Romans 5:1321, for the after sort brings life instead of death, grace instead of law, truth instead of lie, unity instead of division, peace instead of war. Such a man kind is void of sin imputation: to wit that God was in Christ not imputing transgression (2Cor 5:19). God knows if sin imputed (by law: Rom 4:15 and 5:13), it makes all sinners, none righteous, no, not one (God is one) a good reason to abolish all law, everything written in stone and ink (2Cor 3). Only law defines any thing as sin, any one as sinner; and law the strength of sin (1Cor 15:56), strong man to bind to spoil the house of sin (Mk 3:27). Notably the "Majesty" (God) noted herein is only "on high", of high / higher (than the heavens); For it speaks of left / right sides (hands) of such Majesty, whereas above such a sides war, in heaven, where there are no sides to even take, is "the God of all grace" on a "throne of grace", where only mercy (of sacrifice/mercy), only help (of hindrance/help) is obtainable (Heb 4:16), and such is notably "in time" (not times), which speaks of the age of grace (of law / grace). No matter how it's allegorized, it's always a law / grace shewdown, one being the only Potentate. Hebrews 1:4 Being made so much better than the angels, as he hath by inheritance obtained a more excellent name than they. The Son: being "made" (of created / made) so much "better" (of good / better) than the angels (messengers, stars in Rev 1), hath by inheritance by inheritance speaks to me of Acts 7:5, where it notes the inheritance, to the seed (not seeds) of Abraham, was by promise (not by works of law). Yet the promise was hed get the inheritance when he was without child. Such speaks to me of put away the child part of child/man to become man kind in 1Cor 13, and of be no more children in Eph 4. For Heb 10:9 further clarifies he taketh the first, that he may establish the second. It reasons we cannot establish man kind without taking away the child, lest we have a Childish-man kind; who impute sin for the hell of it The Son (of God) being made so much better like grace is exceedingly much more glory us than law was glory them (2Cor 3). I liken such a comparison to night light of the moon and stars vs sun light. The full moon and stars night light was glorious, but fades to nothing in comparison to day light of the sun. In the same fashion law was great, but when compared to grace, grace is exceedingly much more. Law also good, but grace is so much better law is as nothing in comparison. Law was holy, but when deciding on which of two holys is better, since both is an oxymoron, grace is then the holy of holies. The Son, hath by inheritance obtained a more excellent name than they. Grace is more excellent than grace + law. Truth is more excellent than truth + lie. Blessed is more excellent than blessed + cursed. Life is more excellent than life + death. For

whenever it comes to hallowed be thy name, its not only the name of our Father, and the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, and the name of brethren, but also thy name (the name by which ye are called). Its the name above every name named (including Jesus). The only name which fits all such descriptions is grace. We hallow such a name by keeping it pure, all grace and no law at all. Such grace glory is the glory of God all came short of when law added to grace is sufficient. For as Solomon says in Proverb 4: with all thy getting, get understanding; and when understanding embraced, it results in thy head being crowned with grace glory (Christ: the end of the law, is the head of every man, and his head is God: Grace). Grace is the glory of God, also a name above every name, the hallowed (family) name of God & Son Unlimited. Hebrews 1:5 For unto which of the angels said he at any time, Thou art my Son, this day have I begotten thee? And again, I will be to him a Father, and he shall be to me a Son? No angels (messengers, ministers, stars, prophets) got told "Thou art my Son" except Jesus: Acts 13:33, which is notably from the second Psalm (Psalm 2:7), as noted again in Heb 5:5 Hebrews 1:6 And again, when he bringeth in the firstbegotten into the world, he saith, And let all the angels of God worship him. Let all the angels of God worship him. When? When he bringeth the first begotten into the world. Hebrews 1:7 And of the angels he saith, Who maketh his angels spirits, and his ministers a flame of fire. And of the angels he saith: Who(?) maketh his angels spirits (notably plural: true + false; of God + not of God = oxymoron)? And who(?) maketh his ministers a flame of fire (burning with accusations and condemnations)? The obvious answer to such questions is Mosaic law of grace(is) + law(added). Law was a ministration of condemnation (2Cor 3), accuser of the brethren, as the Son, on the other hand (the right hand), said: dont even think I will accuse you, but Moses will (Jn 5:45). The Son was not sent to condemn (law) the world (Jn 3:17). Hebrews 1:8 But unto the Son [he saith], Thy throne, O God, [is] for ever and ever: a sceptre of righteousness [is] the sceptre of thy kingdom. The Son is addressed as God, or Godlike in person, which is simply saying grace us, merciful. The kingdom of God is also the kingdom of the Son, for they are one, both grace us, merciful. For when it comes to righteousness, all who tried to attain it via the law failed: Romans 9:31. Hence law is said to the schoolmaster (which failed every student) to bring us unto Christ: "the end of the law for righteousness (Gal 3:24,25), since the law is not of faith (Gal 3:11). Hebrews 1:9 Thou hast loved righteousness, and hated iniquity; therefore God, [even] thy God, hath anointed thee with the oil of gladness above thy fellows. The Son loved righteousness (grace), and hated iniquity (law), which concurs with God will have mercy (grace) and not sacrifice (law). Grace is a ministration of righteousness (2Cor 3), and law imputes sin (iniquity: unrighteousness), which by the curse of the law makes all sinners.

Note here the mention and clarification of "thy God" (grace), which denotes another God (law) whilst there is still righteousness and unrighteousness. In the end there is but one God (grace). Hebrews 1:10 And, Thou, Lord, in the beginning hast laid the foundation of the earth; and the heavens are the works of thine hands: Note here that heavens and works and hands are all plural, but such is only the beginning of begin / end, just as fear is only the beginning of knowlege and wisdom, and sorrows . Hebrews 1:11 They shall perish; but thou remainest; and they all shall wax old as doth a garment; Heavens and (grace + law) works thereof shall notably perish, by law waxing so old it shall vanish. In the same manner Paul also speaks of (grace + law) prophecies shall fail in 1Cor 13. Hebrews 1:12 And as a vesture shalt thou fold them up, and they shall be changed: but thou art the same, and thy years shall not fail. Plural heavens are associated with "them" (Gen 2:1) and "them" is first Adam (Gen 5:2) in whom all die, so it mentions folding "them" up as a "vesture" (covering, veil) in such an allegory, and of being "the same", which speaks of Jesus Christ: "the same" yesterday, to day, for ever. Hebrews 1:13 But to which of the angels said he at any time, Sit on my right hand, until I make thine enemies thy footstool? Again Paul asks, quoting from Psalms the Hebrews are quite familiar with, which of the angels at any time got told to sit on the right hand of such law God who would make all such a footstool, which is a stomping place, for the Lord (first Adam: as in Adam all die). Hebrews 1:14 Are they not all ministering spirits, sent forth to minister for them who shall be heirs of salvation? The angels (plural) are ministering spirits (plural), sent forth to minister for "them" who shall be heirs (plural) of salvation. Note the mention of "for" them, not to them. Perhaps such stars, ministers, messengers, are the sort mentioned in 1Cor 11:15; and such heirs are the sort mentioned in Mt 21:39; Mk 12:7; who would kill the Son to seize the inheritance. What is the end of such ministers? Their end shall be according to their (plural) works, which allegorically speaks of grace + law = life + death = dead end, just like law priests had in Heb 7:23. Chapter 2: "Therefore" we ought to give more earnest heed to what's been said.... else how(?) shall we escape the destruction of all by law... we're all brethren (all in the same boat)... Conclusion of To The Hebrews: "Grace with you all. Amen". <= Intro/Title/Author/Index of Hebrews ... Chp 2 (verse by verse) of Hebrews =>

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