Matlab Osilator

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Matlab Sinusoidal Oscillator Implementations This section provides Matlab/Octave program listings for the sinusoidal resonato r/oscillator

algorithms discussed above: Planar 2D Rotation (2DR) (``complex multiply'') Modified Coupled Form (MCF) (``Magic Circle'') Digital Waveguide Resonator (DWR) The test program computes an impulse response of each resonator, and plots them overlaid for comparison. Next, it optionally plays each one as a sound and plots them individually. % Filter test program in matlab %N = 300; N = 3000; f = 100; fs = 8192; %R = .99; R = 1; % b1 = 1; b2 = 0; % Number of samples to generate % Number of samples to generate % Desired oscillation frequency (Hz) % Audio sampling rate (Hz) % Decay factor (1=never, 0=instant) Decay factor (1=never, 0=instant) % Input gain to state variable x(n) % Input gain to state variable y(n)

%nd = 16; % Number of significant digits to use nd = 4; % Number of significant digits to use base = 2; % Mantissa base (two significant figures) % (see 'help chop' in Matlab) u = [1,zeros(1,N-1)]; % driving input test signal theta = 2*pi*f/fs; % resonance frequency, rad/sample % ================================================ % 2D PLANAR ROTATION (COMPLEX MULTIPLY) x1 = zeros(1,N); % Predeclare saved-state arrays y1 = zeros(1,N); x1(1) = 0; y1(1) = 0; % Initial condition % Initial condition

c = chop(R*cos(theta),nd,base); % coefficient 1 s = chop(R*sin(theta),nd,base); % coefficient 2 for n=1:N-1, x1(n+1) = chop( y1(n+1) = chop( end c*x1(n) - s*y1(n) + b1*u(n), nd,base); s*x1(n) + c*y1(n) + b2*u(n), nd,base);

% ================================================ % MODIFIED COUPLED FORM ("MAGIC CIRCLE") % (ref: ) x2 = zeros(1,N); % Predeclare saved-state arrays y2 = zeros(1,N); x2(1) = 0.0; y2(1) = 0.0; % Initial condition % Initial condition

e = chop(2*sin(theta/2),nd,base); % tuning coefficient

for n=1:N-1, x2(n+1) = chop(R*(x2(n)-e*y2(n))+b1*u(n),nd,base); y2(n+1) = chop(R*(e*x2(n+1)+y2(n))+b2*u(n),nd,base); end % ================================================ % DIGITAL WAVEGUIDE RESONATOR (DWR) x3 = zeros(1,N); % Predeclare saved-state arrays y3 = zeros(1,N); x3(1) = 0; y3(1) = 0; % Initial condition % Initial condition

g = R*R; % decay coefficient t = tan(theta); % toward tuning coefficient cp = sqrt(g/(g + t^2*(1+g)^2/4 + (1-g)^2/4)); % exact %cp = 1 - (t^2*(1+g)^2 + (1-g)^2)/(8*g); % good approx b1n = b1*sqrt((1-cp)/(1+cp)); % input scaling % Quantize coefficients: cp = chop(cp,nd,base); g = chop(g,nd,base); b1n = chop(b1n,nd,base); for n=1:N-1, gx3 = chop(g*x3(n), nd,base); % mpy 1 y3n = y3(n); temp = chop(cp*(gx3 + y3n), nd,base); % mpy 2 x3(n+1) = temp - y3n + b1n*u(n); y3(n+1) = gx3 + temp + b2*u(n); end % ================================================ % playandplot.m figure(4); title('Impulse Response Overlay'); ylabel('Amplitude'); xlabel('Time (samples)'); alt=1;%alt = (-1).^(0:N-1); % for visibility plot([y1',y2',(alt.*y3)']); grid('on'); legend('2DR','MCF','WGR'); title('Impulse Response Overlay'); ylabel('Amplitude'); xlabel('Time (samples)'); saveplot(sprintf('eps/',nd)); if 1 playandplot(y1,u,fs,'2D rotation',1); playandplot(y2,u,fs,'Magic circle',2); playandplot(y3,u,fs,'WGR',3); end function playandplot(y,u,fs,ttl,fnum); % sound(y,fs,16); figure(fnum);

unwind_protect # protect graph state subplot(211); axis("labely"); axis("autoy"); xlabel(""); title(ttl); ylabel('Amplitude'); xlabel('Time (ms)'); t = 1000*(0:length(u)-1)/fs; timeplot(t,u,'-'); legend('input'); subplot(212); ylabel('Amplitude'); xlabel('Time (ms)'); timeplot(t,y,'-'); legend('output'); unwind_protect_cleanup # restore graph state grid("off"); axis("auto","label"); oneplot(); end_unwind_protect endfunction

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