Dosificacao de Ingles 9a Classe

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Repblica de Moambique Governo do Distrito de Bilene Escola Secundria John Issa DOSIFICAO DO PROGRAMA DE ENSINO

DISCIPLINA/CLASSE No de ordem semana 23-04 1 To 27-04 30-04 To 04-05 07-05 To 11-05 3 INGLES 9a Classe Unidade Tematica Conteudos Programados Unit1: Present simple and continuous; Entertainment Past simple; and Sports Question Tags. Unit 2: Managing Our Planet Unit 3: Growing the Economy through Agriculture and Fishing Unit 4 Health and Fitness Future simple; Future continuous; Relative pronouns; Connectors.


II Trimestre

objectivos Talk about sport personality in Mozambique and abroad; Discuss the importance of protecting the environment (fires, pollution, erosion);

No de Aulas 3


Degrees of comparisons; Countable and uncountable nouns; Quantifiers: Few/little/less; Prepositions of place and time; Used to. Conditionals 0 and 1st Adverbs of frequency (full) 1st Test Realization Expressions of quantities; Conditionals 2nd and 3rd Present perfect; Present perfect continuous; Talk about the importance of crop, animal and fish farming for economic development.

14-05 To 18-05

3 Talk about the abuse of prescription drugs; Discuss how medicine has made differences on our lives;

21-05 To 25-05 28-05

Unit 5: Modern and Traditional Medicine

O grupo da de Classe decidiu em encluir alguns contedos do primeiro Trimestre uma vez que a classe nao tinha

To 01-06 04-06 To 08-06 11-06 To 15-06 18-06 To 22-06 25-06 to 29-06 02-06 To 06-07 09-07 To 13-07 16-07 To 20-07

Modals (should, shouldnt, ought to

Talk about the latest developments in modern medicine. Talk about the importance of the various cultural manifestation (dances, music, songs and cultural events (crafts).

professor de Lingua Inglesa.

Unit 6: The Society and Culture of Mozambique

Describing activities/events/objects related to cultural events; Expressing likes and dislikes; Comparatives; 2nd Test Realization o Adverbs of manner Present simple; o Past simple ; o Past Continuous (reinforcement). Topic related vocabulary; Common traditions, customs, rituals ; Society (adolescence today and the past - importance of communication) ; Traditional dishes, drinks and clothing; 3rd Test Realization Join/Connect sentences using connectors (e.g. and, because, but, Rearrange sentences and paragraphs; Review of all the topics given

3 Talk about the importance of the various cultural manifestation (dances, music, songs and cultural events (crafts). Plan and give a speech on an item of this topic; Talk about local myths, superstitions, taboos, rites and beliefs;



12 13

3 3

O Delegado___________________________ O DAP____________________________ O Director da Escola_____________________ Macia, aos ______de _____________________________________de 2012

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