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Lovely Professional University,Punjab

Format For Instruction Plan [for Courses with Lectures and Labs

Course No CIV202


Course Planner 14604 :: Niranjan Lal

Lectures Tutorial Practical Credits 4 0 0 4

Text Book:

1 R C Hibbler, Structural Analysis, Pearson Education

Other Specific Book:

2 Pandit and Gupta, Structural analysis, Tata McGraw Hill education Pvt Ltd 3 C S Reddy, Basic Structural Analysis, Tata McGraw Hill education Pvt Ltd, 2009

Other Reading Sr No Jouranls atricles as compulsary readings (specific articles, Complete reference) 4 C. K. Wang, Indeterminate structural analysis, McGraw Hill, 2002 5 Theory of Structures Volumes 1 and 2, S P Gupta and G S Pandit, Tata McGraw Hill. Relevant Websites Sr. No. (Web adress) (only if relevant to the courses) 6 Kharagpur/Structural Analysis 7 Salient Features Notes on Structural Analysis - Topic Wise Video Lectures

Detailed Plan For Lectures

Week Number Lecture Number Lecture Topic Chapters/Sections of Pedagogical tool Textbook/other Demonstration/case reference study/images/anmatio n ctc. planned

Approved for Spring Session 2011-12

Part 1
Week 1 Lecture 1 Lecture 2 Lecture 3 Lecture 4 Week 2 Lecture 5 Lecture 6 Lecture 7 Lecture 8 Week 3 Lecture 9 Lecture 10 Lecture 11 Lecture 12 Week 4 Lecture 13 Introduction of Structure Analysis, Classification of Structures Classification of Structures, Loads Idealization of structure, Principle of superposition Equation of Equilibrium, Determinacy and Stability ->Reference :1,1.1 ->Reference :1,1.2 1.3 Class Based Teaching Class Based Teaching

->Reference :1,2.1-2.2 Class Based Teaching ->Reference :1,2.3-2.4 Class Based Teaching Class Based Teaching Class Based Teaching

Application of the Equation of Equilibrium, Review of ->Reference :4,2.2 Shear force and Bending Moment Diagram. Review of Shear force and Bending Moment Diagram. Definition to Cables and Arch Structures, components, Nature of forces in them Cables Subjected to concentrated loads Cables Subjected to Uniform Distributed Loads Cables Subjected to Uniform Distributed Loads ->Reference :4,2.2

->Reference :1,5.1-5.2 Class Based Teaching ->Reference :1,5.2-5.3 Class Based Teaching ->Reference :1,5.3 ->Reference :1,5.3 Class Based Teaching Class Based Teaching Class Based Teaching Class Based Teaching

Arches - Two hinged and Three hinged, determinacy ->Reference :1,5.4 and indeterminacy definitions, Types of Arches Problem Solving on Cables and Arches Common Types of trusses, classification of coplanner trusses, Method of joints ->Reference :1,5.5

->Reference :1,3.1-3.2- Class Based Teaching 3.3

Part 2
Week 4 Lecture 14 Lecture 15 CLASS TEST 1 Method of sections, identification of zero force members, Geometric stability and determinacy of trusses. Deflection - Geometric method - definition and all methods. Moment area method Problem on Moment Area method Problem on Moment Area method Conjugate Beam method of finding deflection Conjugate Beam method of finding deflection Conjugate Beam method of finding deflection Class Based Teaching ->Reference :1,3.4-3.5- Class Based Teaching 3.8 ->Reference :1,8.1-8.4 Class Based Teaching ->Reference :1,8.1-8.4 Class Based Teaching ->Reference :1,8.1-8.4 Class Based Teaching ->Reference :1,8.5 ->Reference :1,8.5 ->Reference :1,8.5 Class Based Teaching Class Based Teaching Class Based Teaching Approved for Spring Session 2011-12

Lecture 16 Week 5 Lecture 17 Lecture 18 Lecture 19 Lecture 20 Week 6 2 Lecture 21

Week 6

Lecture 22 Lecture 23 Lecture 24

Energy Methods - Total strain Energy, total work and strain energy Principle of Work and Energy, Principle of Virtual Work, Method of Virtual work for trusses. CLASS TEST 2

->Reference :1,9.1

Class Based Teaching

->Reference :1,9.2-9.3 Class Based Teaching Class Based Teaching Class Based Teaching Class Based Teaching Class Based Teaching Class Based Teaching

Week 7

Lecture 25 Lecture 26 Lecture 27 Lecture 28

Virual strain energy caused by axial load, shear and ->Reference :1,9.4 torsion, Application of Virtual Work for Trusses Method of Virtual Work - Beams Application of Virtual Work method for analysis of Beams Castigliano's Theorem for Trusses, Beams and Frames ->Reference :1,9.5 ->Reference :1,9.7 ->Reference :1,9.8

Week 8 Lecture 29 Lecture 30 Lecture 31 Application of Castigliano's Method for analysis of Trusses, Beams ->Reference :1,9.8 Class Based Teaching Application of Castigliano's Theorems for analysis of ->Reference :1,9.8-9.9 Class Based Teaching Frames. Statically indeterminate structures and Three Moment Equation, Application of Three Moment Equation. Problem Solving on three moment method , application to continuous beams, due to loads Problem Solving on three moment method , application to continuous beams, due to support settlement Slope Deflection Equation formulation General Procedure and application of slope deflection equations Analysis of beams using slope deflection equation Analysis of Frames using slope deflection equation without side sway Analysis of frames with side sway using slope deflection equation Problem solving on Slope deflection equation ->Reference :1,6.1-6.3 Class Based Teaching

Lecture 32 Week 9 Lecture 33

->Reference :1,6.4

Class Based Teaching

->Reference :1,6.4-6.5 Class Based Teaching

Lecture 34 Lecture 35 Lecture 36 Week 10 Lecture 37 Lecture 38 Lecture 39

->Reference :1,11.1 ->Reference :1,11.111.2 ->Reference :1,11.3 ->Reference :1,11.4 ->Reference :1,11.5 ->Reference :1,11.111.5

Class Based Teaching Class Based Teaching Class Based Teaching Class Based Teaching Class Based Teaching Class Based Teaching

Approved for Spring Session 2011-12

Part 4
Week 10 Week 11 Lecture 40 Lecture 41 Lecture 42 Lecture 43 Lecture 44 Week 12 Lecture 45 Lecture 46 Lecture 47 Lecture 48 Week 13 Lecture 49 Lecture 50 Lecture 51 Lecture 52 Week 14 Lecture 53 Lecture 54 Problem solving on Slope deflection equation Moment Distribution Method -absolute and relative stiffness of members, Examples for finding absolute and relative stiffness of members, Moment distribution method for beams ->Reference :1,Class Based Teaching >Reference 111.1-11.5 ->Reference :1,12.112.2 ->Reference :1,12.212.3 ->Reference :1,12.212.3 Class Based Teaching Class Based Teaching Class Based Teaching Class Based Teaching Class Based Teaching Class Based Teaching Class Based Teaching Class Based Teaching Class Based Teaching Class Based Teaching Class Based Teaching

Moment distribution method for Frames without side ->Reference :1,12.4 sway Moment Distribution Method for frames with side sway. Approximate Method of Structure Analysis Approximate method of structural analysis for trusses. Approximate methos of analysis of frames with vertical loads Analysis of Portal Frame and Trusses Problem solving Portal method - Lateral load on building frames ->Reference :1,12.5 ->Reference :1,7.1 ->Reference :1,7.2 ->Reference :1,7.3 ->Reference :1,7.4 ->Reference :1,7.5

Lateral load on framed buildings - Cantilever Method ->Reference :1,7.6

Numerical Solving on Approximate Analysis Method ->Reference :1,7.1-7.6 Class Based Teaching Portal Method, Cantilever Method Numerical Solving on Approximate Method - Portal Method, Cantilever Method Moment distribution factors, application to beams and simple frames and problem solving ->Reference :1,7.1-7.6 Class Based Teaching ->Reference :1,12.112.5 Class Based Teaching

Details of homework and case studies

Approved for Spring Session 2011-12

Homework No.


Topic of the Homework

Nature of homework (group/individuals/field work Individual

Evaluation Mode

Allottment / submission Week 3/4

Class Test 1

Basics of Structure Problem solving on basics of stability of trusses, Free Body Analysis and Free Diagrams, Cable. body Diagram and Equations of Equilibrium Problem Solving on Geometric Methods to evaluate the basic understanding of analysis methods Displacement-geometric methods: moment area method, conjugate beam method, graphical method Introduction, slope-deflection equations, analysis of statically indeterminate beams and rigid frames (sway and non-sway type) due to applied loads and uneven support settlements.

Class Test

Class Test 2


Class Test


Homework 1


evaluation of assignments

10 / 12

Scheme for CA:out of 100*

Component Homework,Test Frequency 2 Total :Out Of 3 Each Marks Total Marks 10 10 20 20

* In ENG courses wherever the total exceeds 100, consider x best out of y components of CA, as explained in teacher's guide available on the UMS

Plan for Tutorial: (Please do not use these time slots for syllabus coverage)
Tutorial No. Lecture Topic Type of pedagogical tool(s) planned (case analysis,problem solving test,role play,business game etc)

Tutorial 1 Tutorial 2 Tutorial 3 Tutorial 4

Equations of equilibrium, free body diagrams. Shear force and Bending Meoment review problems , Simple cable - problem solving Arch structures.

Problem solving Problem solving Problem solving

Plane trusses: geometric stability and determinacy of Problem solving trusses,Displacement-geometric methods: moment area method.

Approved for Spring Session 2011-12

Tutorial 5 Tutorial 6 Tutorial 7

conjugate beam method, graphical method Displacements-energy methods: elastic strain energy, strain energy in members, virtual work, castigliano's theorem

Problem solving Problem solving Problem solving

After Mid-Term
Tutorial 8 Tutorial 9 Tutorial 10 Tutorial 11 Tutorial 12 Tutorial 13 Theorem of three moments Method of least work Slope- Deflection Method MOMENT DISTRIBUTION METHOD Portal method Cantilever method Problem solving Problem solving Problem solving Problem solving Problem solving Problem solving

Approved for Spring Session 2011-12

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