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Intel Teach Program Essentials Course

Unit Plan (Acadians)

Unit Author First and Last Name School District School Name School City, State Unit Overview Unit Title The Acadian Odyssey Unit Summary The students will explore the history one of the most unique cultures in Louisiana. The students will research the journey the Acadians took starting with their exile in Nova Scotia and ending with their settlement of Louisiana swamps. Next the students will further explore the cultural of the Cajuns (Acadians) by researching the Genealogy of certain Cajun families. Hopefully, some the students will research their own families. Subject Area 8th Grade Louisiana History Grade Level Construct a map based on given narrative information (G-1A-M2) Explain why humans settled and formed societies in specific regions or why immigrant groups (e.g., Acadians) settled in specific areas of Louisiana (G-1C-M3) Compare and contrast events and ideas from Louisianas past and present, explaining political, social, or economic contexts (H-1A-M2) Analyze the causes, effects, or impact of a given historical event in Louisiana (H-1A-M3) Describe the causes and effects of various migrations into Louisiana (H-1D-M1) Explain cultural elements that have shaped Louisianas heritage (e.g., festivals, music, dance, food, languages) (H-1D-M6) Elizabeth Brunett, Kyle Fontenette East Baton Rouge Parish Schools Westdale Middle School Baton Rouge, Louisiana

Approximate Time Needed 7 90 minute classes. 3 classes for lesson 1 and 4 classes for lesson 2 Unit Foundation Targeted Content Standards and Benchmarks Explain why humans settled and formed societies in specific regions or why immigrant groups (e.g., Acadians) settled in specific areas of Louisiana (G-1C-M3) Describe the causes and effects of various migrations into Louisiana (H-1D-M1) Explain cultural elements that have shaped Louisianas heritage (e.g., festivals, music, dance, food, languages) (H-1D-M6) Students will be able to track the migration of the Acadians and explain their cultural effect on

Student Objectives/Learning Outcomes

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Intel Teach Program Essentials Course

Louisiana Students will be able to conduct historical research and comprehend the cultural elements that shaped Louisianas Cajun region. Essential Question Can students explain ways in which cultures have affected perceptions and uses of places or regions in Louisiana? Can students describe the causes and effects of various migrations into Louisiana? Can students describe the contributions of ethnic groups (e.g., the Acadians) significant in Louisiana history? Can students construct a map of the Acadian odyssey based on given narrative information? Can students analyze the causes, effects, or impact of the Acadian migration to Louisiana? Can students explain cultural elements that have shaped Louisianas heritage

Curriculum-Framing Questions

Unit Questions

Content Questions Assessment Plan Assessment Timeline

Before project work begins

Students work on projects and complete tasks

After project work is completed

Student s will be asked to explain their family trees to the class so the teacher can gauge their knowledge of their ancestry.

Studen ts will be assessed by making a prezi presentation.

Studen ts will be Student assessed by making a map s will present of the Acadian their family Exile trees on or family tree maker software

Student s will be assessed by creation of their family tree by creating a poster.

Student Students s will write will also have a reflection on standard test on the the Acadian assignments Odyssey. and family tree

Assessment Summary Prezi on Acadian Odyssey Map of Acadian Exile Family Tree Presentation/Poster

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Reflection Paper Test

Unit Details Prerequisite Skills The students will need knowledge of their family trees The students will need to be able to have good writing and grammar skills.

Instructional Procedures Lesson 1 - The teacher will be a facilitator helping students through their directed browsing activity and ensure students are completed their prezis. Lesson 2 - The teacher will demonstrate how to use family tree maker software and facilitate student family tree research process. Accommodations for Differentiated Instruction
Special Needs Students

Students with special needs will be given preferential seating, reassertion of directions, simplified instructions, and extended time

Nonnative Speakers

Students who are nonnative speakers will be given English to their language dictionaries.

Gifted/Talented Students

The unit is meant for gifted/talented students.

Materials and Resources Required For Unit Technology Hardware (Click boxes of all equipment needed) Camera Computer(s) Digital Camera DVD Player Internet Connection Database/Spreadsheet Desktop Publishing E-mail Software Encyclopedia on CD-ROM Printed Materials Louisiana History textbook Laser Disk Printer Projection System Scanner Television Image Processing Internet Web Browser Multimedia Web Page Development Word Processing Other VCR Video Camera Video Conferencing Equip. Other

Technology Software (Click boxes of all software needed.)

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Intel Teach Program Essentials Course

Supplies Internet Resources Other Resources

Computers with internet access Word Processing software Access to Poster board Printer Projector Markers Speakers

Copyright 2008 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. Intel, the Intel logo, Intel Education Initiative, and Intel Teach Program are trademarks of Intel Corporation in the U.S. and other countries. *Other names and brands may be claimed as the property of others.

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