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SUBMISSION DATE: 22nd Feb 2013 Group Members

Role Equipment Manager Method Manager Results Manager Reserve

Student Name Pimboon Pin Joy

PRACTICAL REPORT: Solar Oven Pizza box AIM: To find out if adding reflector panels will affect the amount of heat collected in the solar oven.

HYPOTHESIS: If the amount of reflector panels increase, then the amount of heat collected is increased. This is because ass you add extra reflector panels on the side it increases the concentrations of sunlight into the box, thus increasing your temperature. VARIABLES Independent Dependent Controlled Variables

Number of reflective panels The temperature (Degree Celsius) Black paper, number of layer of foils, mirror, size of box, place where placed the box, the amount of time measured, angle of reflective panels. Angle of the sun Time of day Amount of radiation Shadows Cloud position

Uncontrolled Variables

LIST OF EQUIPMENT: 1x Pizza box 1x Aluminium foil roll 1x A3 Black construction paper 3x Glue 3x Cardboards 1x Tape 1x Plastic wrap 1x Scissors 1x Pen 1x Ruler

1x Stopwatch 1x Thermometer 100ml Water 1x Beaker

METHOD: 1. Make the Pizza box oven based on these instructions. (13Fe) 2. Think of an independent variable that you think is effective, and write it down. 3. Make a table that includes a column with time, another with the first testing and another with the second testing, the independent variable. 4. Fill the small beaker with water at room temperature 5. After that, set the solar oven in place that could expose to direct sunlight. Make sure that you dont add the extra reflective panels. (independent variables) 6. Then wait for 1 minute and record the temperature of the water. 7. Repeat number 6 again for 20 times to obtain data. 8. Add another 3 reflective panels onto the pizza box. (independent variables) 9. Make sure that when you add the reflective panels, they are tilting at the same angle so that it is a fair test. (independent variable) 10. Repeat step 6 again for 20 times and record the data.

RESULTS: Time (min) 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Temperature (oC) 1 Flap Trial 1 Trial 2 Trial 3 31 31 31 34 33.5 32 36 34.5 32.5 35.5 35.8 33 37 36.5 34.5 37.2 37 34 38.5 37 36 39 38 36.5 40 39.5 37 40.6 40.5 38 41 40.8 39.5 Average 31 33.2 34.3 34.8 36 36.1 37.2 37.8 38.8 39.7 40.4 Trial 1 31 36 37 38 40 41 40 41 42 42 42 4 Flap Trial 2 Trial 3 31 31 31.5 32 32 34 33 35 35 35.5 35.5 36 36 37 38 36 38.3 38.5 40 40 42.2 41.5 Average 31 33.2 34.3 35.3 36.8 37.5 37.7 41.7 39.6 40.7 41.9

Draw a graph of your results using excel. Title: HEAT

45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Time (minutes) 1 flap 4 flaps

DISCUSSION: The graph above shows that the temperature of the water with more reflective panels rose more rapidly in the graph. The relationship between the two graphs was that the ranges of the temperature were almost the same in both graphs. As the time increased, most of the time, the temperature would gradually increase. The pizza oven box with 4 reflective panels temperature also increased slightly more because of the heat that reflected from all the four sides into the box. When you add extra reflector panels on the side it increases the concentrations of sunlight into the box, thus increasing your temperature. The black base paper then absorbs the heat and slowly emits it out to the box which is sealed by a clear plastic wrap. The plastic wrap prevents heat loss and convection from happening. This happens because as the sun shines down, the heat from the sun radiates to the box and the shiny surface of the reflector panels reflects the radiated heat from the sun into the box.

Temperature (celcius)

The outcome was as expected because there should have been more heat that got collected into the pizza box when we added 3 more reflector panels. The hypothesis was that as we added more reflector panels, the temperature collected would increase. The difficulty in this experiment is the weather. Some days it was sunny and some days it was cloudy so there were errors and the temperature often dropped so there were quite a few problems. So basically, the temperature didnt consistently increase. I think we should go to a place where there were no shadows and do the whole experiment on one day so that the temperature is similar.

The results were quite reliable. This is because we had three trials which made the results more reliable. However, the results can be more reliable. It is quite unreliable due to the lack of heat emitted from the sun, cloudy days and shadows. This made our results a little unreliable because the temperature outside wasnt always the same so sometimes the temperature would cool down resulting in an unfair test. So this experiment could have been more reliable. We also had to repeat a few trials which made us quite slow because of the temperature change.

The results are pretty valid because in the experiment there were three trials which made the data a bit more reliable. It could have been more valid if we measured it at the same time of the day so the sun is shining is at the same rate. The controlled variables in the experiment is the black paper, number of layer of foils, mirror, size of box, place where placed the box, the amount of time measured, angle of reflective panels.

The equations I used in this experiment is the equation to calculate my averages. I simply added the numbers in the trials up and then divide it by the number of trials I had (three trials).

For example, In 1 reflective panel 4 minutes, the numbers I had were: 37 36.5 34.5 Then I added 37, 36.5 and 34.5 together and then divide it by three which equalled 36. This was how I found out the average for my graph.

If I want to go further with experiments with the reflector panels then I might have an experiment about the angles of the reflector panels and how it affects the heat collected. I would also like to do an experiment about colours of the base and the effect it has on the heat.

In conclusion, the experimental results support my stated hypothesis. The experiment showed that adding extra reflector panels will increase the concentration of sunlight into the box; this is because as the concentration of sunlight increase into the box, the temperature increases. This relates to my hypothesis because the results show that as adding more reflector panels the temperature collected increases.

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