UN Committee Against Torture, My Name Should Be On It.

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UN Committee Against Torture c/o Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights United Nations Office at Geneva

8CH-1211 Geneva 10 Switzerland By MAIL: petitions@ohchr.org By FAX: 41 22 917 9022 CC: Amnesty International CC: Human Rights Watch

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Re: Concluding Observations of the Committee Against Torture, Canada

Dear UN Committee Against Torture:

Preface: Any attempts to threaten UN CAT and to mislead UN CAT from any parties will be of no use. Evidence from both torturers and victims should be weighed so that they cannot find any excuses for their acts of torture and crimes against humanity, particularly, for their torturing innocent people Key words: Conducted Energy Weapons, Non Lethal Weapons; Laser Weapons confirmed by Canadian judge; Acoustic Weapons reported by Canadian media; Evidence from Toronto Police Service Report; Data base shared by Toronto Police Service, the Government of Ontario, and the State party; Data Collection

I write, further to our letter of May 11, 2012, concerning some serious issues listed in the UN CATs concluding observations, Canada. These issues, which matter to me and other victims of torture, include : 1) Conducted Energy Weapons, Non Lethal Weapons 2) To govern the testing and approval for use of all weapons used by law enforcement personnel 3) Data Collection on complaints, investigations, prosecutions and convictions of cases of torture and ill treatment by law enforcement .

For these serious issues, a series of documents are listed in this letter. These formal and official documents are from UN, UNIDIR, NATO, FAS , human rights organizations, and some scientific research organizations, used for To that purpose, the Committee invites the State party to accept, by 1 June 2013, to report under its optional reporting procedure, consisting in the transmittal, by the Committee to the State party, of a list of issues prior to the submission of the periodic report. The State party's response to this list of issues will constitute, under article 19 of the Convention, its next periodic report. With them, each party, torturers, the state party, and victims of torture can be clearer about what they state and claim.

1. Conducted Energy Weapons is part of non lethal weapons (less-thanlethal weapons) by Law Enforcement Executive Forum http://www2.cohpa.ucf.edu/crim.jus/documents/WolfPerformanceBasedAnaly sisofLessLethalWeapons.pdf

2. Newer types of Conducted Energy Weapons by UNIDIR http://www.unidir.org/pdf/articles/pdf-art2217.pdf Page 5 ( I saved this part just in case.) Several companies are developing weapons that can deliver incapacitating shocks without the need for wires. Some of these are essentially combination directed energy/electrical weapons. The underlying principle is to use a laser beam to produce an ionized gas or plasma through which an electrical charge can be conducted to the target person or vehicle. The Close Quarters Shock Rifle(CQSR) is one such prototype weapon. The company claims that it will be able to fire a stream of electricity like water out of a hose at one or many targets in a single sweep.9 The CQSR bought a swift response from human rights organizations, such as Amnesty International, who again highlighted the fact that, in their view, inadequate research has been carried out on the potential biomedical and psychological effects of such a weapon. There is also a danger of innocent bystanders being affected when such an indiscriminate weapon is used. Page 41(Hacked)

3. UN CAT has expressed its serious concern over the use of non lethal weapons since 2009 2

26. The Committee notes that the Corrections Act 2004 provides a more consistent approach to the use of non-lethal weapons and requires that any such weapons can be used if allowed by regulation. The Committee asks which non-lethal weapons are authorized under the Act. The Committee also seeks an explanation of the circumstances where these weapons are used and how the Minister of Corrections monitors their use to ensure that it does not breach articles 2 and 16 of the Convention. http://www.unhcr.org/refworld/pdfid/49f03f9d2.pdf

4. The use of NLWs is intended to cause a desired change of behavior in the targeted group or individual, especially in crowds or with repeated use. by Federation of American Scientists http://www.fas.org/bwc/nas/chapter_2.pdf

5. Objectives and human effects of Non Lethal Weapons( less-thanlethal weapons) by NATO http://ftp.rta.nato.int/public//PubFullText/RTO/TR/RTO-TR-HFM-073///TRHFM-073-02.pdf

6. CANADIAN CIVIL LIBERTIES ASSOCIATION expressed twice its stances on Non Lethal Weapons and the rights for victims of torture http://ccla.org/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2012/10/FINAL-CCLA-UPRSubmission.pdf http://ccla.org/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2011/11/2010-08-25-Letterto-Minister-Bradley-re-LRAD.pdf

7. Laser weapons used against civilians confirmed by Canadian Judge, One officer shone a laser beam at the end of his weapon at Botten and chanted, the judge said.

The contempt demonstrated by this behavior has the eerie overtones of the worst sort of abuse orchestrated by fascist states, Sachs said in her motion ruling, released in October.

http://www.thestar.com/news/gta/crime/article/1314123--torontog20-summit-protester-convicted-despite-rights-violation (Disappeared
or hacked?) I attach one new link: http://www.thestar.com/news/crime/2013/03/28/g20_rioter_from_bc_senten ced_to_10_months_despite_having_her_rights_infringed.html How laser weapons work? high-energy lasers are used to shoot down missiles; It is capable of burning holes in most materials (infrared lasers can do these things);

the PHaSR incorporates two low-power diode lasers, one visible and one infrared. It's about the size of a rifle and can be fired by an individual. The laser light temporarily distracts or "dazzles" the target person without blinding him. From: Howstuffworks; by Craig Freudenrich, Ph.D.

8. Technical specifications of Acoustic Weapons (non lethal weapons) By Universitt Dortmund, Dortmund, Germany. They were also reported by Canadian mainstream media during G20 http://r3zn8d.files.wordpress.com/2012/02/acousticweaponse28094sources-propagation-effects_strong-sound.pdf

9. Statement from former president of United States Psychotronics Association, Lynn Surgalla, regarding Non Lethal Weapons ( Original url hacked. I post her letters link.) http://www.charlesrehn.com/thekingdomofgod/fortheloveoftheworld/2002for theloveoftheworld/2009/lynnsurgalla.htm 4

10.I reported one case of Non Lethal Weapons to Toronto Police after consulting my family doctor several times and after a series of medical checks. In their report shared by the State party (the data base link at the bottom of each page), they confirmed, the 20th line of second page, He also supplied an information sheet on Sound as a Weapon. They also confirmed, the 7th line of second page Subject but he had been to his doctor and had been told to move out. However, they stated, the 14th line of second page, He speculated that the rays might have been nuclear in nature. As to The subject related what seemed to be a totally implausible situation, the 7th line from the bottom of first page, I dont have to explain it. http://picasaweb.google.com/114731102020557937402/EvidenceForMrAttor neyGeneralOfCanada?gsessionid=K4gw_IHQHfKGt8KiQJlKzw#554854523852 3225730

CNN: Sonic Weapons can travel in air, water, and all kind of solid mediums. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JFm3J1cTSv4

11. Will Torturers stop their inhuman acts of torture although UN CAT, Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch and other human right organizations express their serious concern and ask them to stop? http://www.scribd.com/doc/102541258/UN-Committee-Against-Tortureresolution-on-the-following-issues In addition, please see my reactions to their ongoing and atrocious acts of torture

12. Our previous letter to UN Committee Against Torture dated May 11,2012 http://www.scribd.com/doc/105554552/Updated-To-UN-Committee-AgainstTorture-Agenda-48th-Canada

13. Human right organizations and mainstream media disclosed and denounced what is happening in the State party as follows: http://worldwithouttorture.org/2012/08/28/use-of-evidence-obtainedthrough-torture-perpetuates-the-problem/ 14. York Universitys forum examine government action on issues related to torture http://research.news.yorku.ca/2013/01/07/forum-will-examinegovernment-action-on-issues-related-to-torture/ (Hacked?) I post another link for this: http://nathanson.osgoode.yorku.ca/programs/conferences-workshops/20122013/evidence-of-torture-in-canada-the-new-normal-of-official-complicity/ All human rights organizations believe: Only can a public inquiry deal with torture case Torturers should be held accountable for their acts Victims of torture need reparation http://www.unhchr.ch/Huridocda/Huridoca.nsf/0/b95b171916cf4c10c125 6d900044e4c9/$FILE/N0341999.pdf

However, my and our requests for a public inquiry were refused by the state party or by the excuses, We dont know/We have no idea . Please see this link below: http://www.defenceandsecurity.ca/UserFiles/File/2011/2011NATD/NATDNonLethalF lyer3M.pdf ;however, their acts of torture have become more secret and more atrocious after our victims of torture filed complaints against Canadian torturers with CPSO, OCPC, the Government of Ontario, within the State party; however, these torturers hack what they can hack. They ARP attack our computers. They invade and hack our computers by Trojan Horse, 7

especially, port recall Trojan Horse. And, my account, www.scribd.com/ryclerk has been filtered and blocked in the public sectors of Toronto, which contains: 1. UN Committee Against Torture, my name should be on it (This is the title of this letter.)

2. Updated: To UN Committee Against Torture Agenda 48#, Canada

3. UN Committee Against Torture resolutions, my sufferings, CCLAs stance, UNs stance 4. History of Torture From this link below, Hands off my letter to UNCAT, you can see how they block my account. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hiu7qoC9Qdg This is our situations. This is why we stated in our previous letter to UN CAT: These are serious issues and our lives are at imminent risk in Canada. Ask local lawyers for help? One lawyer said after reading my case: You will have nowhere to go if you want to file a complaint against police or doctors in here. If you dont believe it, please try it. A group of lawyers responded to one Canadian victim: You must leave Canada. This is the fact. This is why in the end we have to turn to UN CAT, and international human rights organizations to ask for help after we have tried everything we could in the State party. Please refer to Article 22 of UN Convention Against Torture: Individual submissions to the Committee Against Torture Article 22 of the UN Convention Against Torture recognizes the right of private citizens to submit to the Committee Against Torture individual claims which are given the name of Communications. These permit an individual to denounce to the Committee the violation of a provision of the Convention by a State party; they must therefore be based on precise facts. In my previous messages to the State party, torturers, and some politicians in charge, I expressed many times as follows: I am nothing but a common civilian. I yearn for better life so I value and love world peace 8

No matter how serious my case is, and no matter what serious consequences are due to the acts of torture, we both must face it and solve it. It is totally wrong if you turn around and allow the acts of torture to keep going. Dear UN Committee Against Torture, Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch, and all human rights organizations, from Carole Smiths statement of ten years ago, a British psychoanalyst, member of The College of Psychoanalysts and the Institute for Psychotherapy and Social Studies and member of their Ethics Committee, you can see what we have been through, People who are forced to bear it but who refuse to be broken by it, have no other option than to turn themselves into activists, their lives consumed by the battle against such atrocities, their energies directed to alerting and informing the public of things they dont want to hear or understand about evil forces at work in their society. Dear UN Committee Against Torture, Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch, and all human rights organizations, to stop torturers and to end torture in our world, we really need you. Regarding that Data Collection, I am a victim of torture and I am on that name list. Thank you for considering my/our request. English is my second language. Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact me/us in any of the following ways that are convenient to you. I do hope to hear from you soon.

Best regards,

Robin Yan (Yan,Ziliang)


Contacts: yzlrobin@hotmail.com; speakoutandrr@hotmail.com; www.scribd.com/ryclerk

P.S. I have reason to believe that you may not receive this letter directly from me. If you receive this letter from others over three times, I am terribly sorry for the inconvenience. The reason why I dont leave my telephone numbers in here is all my phones have been hacked and interfered for a long time.( One technician confirmed.) CC: cat@ohchr.org; urgent-action@ohchr.org; sr-torture@ohchr.org


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