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A Touch of Evil Secrets

Brilliant Mind
The Town Elder is a genius! A brilliant scholar with a sharp wit and a humble demeanor. They would make a cunning ally.
(1) TC

Inner Strength
Secret Pure A fire burns in the heart of this Town Elder. With a warrior's spirit and a hero's courage they are a natural leader and a powerful ally.
(1) AToE

Little Secrets
Deserter Once part of a ship's crew in the Continental Navy, the Elder abandoned their post, slipping away in the night to escape their dreaded fate at sea on the eve of a fierce maritime skirmish.
(1) TC

During a Showdown, the Hero gains +1 Combat and +2 Cunning as well as the Town Elder's Special Ability. +1+2 +1 +2 +1+2 +1+2

Secret Pure


During a Showdown, the Hero gains +2 Fight Dice as well as the Town Elder's Special Ability. +2 +2 +2 +2

This is of no consequence to the investigation - NO EFFECT.

Little Secrets
Guilty Conscience Consumed by a guilt-ridden state over prior petty indiscretions, the Elder refuses to make eye contact with another soul, for fear of being judged unworthy of his position.
(1) TC

The Town Elder has gone through life with a boastful roar and an arrogant bravado. In reality, when confronted with the most tirival of threats, they are reduced to a whimpering, quivering lump; just as likely to soil themselves as they are to run screaming into the night.
(1) AToE

Knows Too Much

Always one step ahead when it comes to solving mysteries or finding clues, the Town Elder lacks only the common sense tostay out of trouble. Frankly, it is amazing that they have lasted this long in life.
(1) AToE




This is of no consequence to the investigation - NO EFFECT.

While part of a Hunting Party, roll a D6 at the start of each Showdown Fight Round. On the roll of 1, 2, or 3, the Town Elder runs away and is placed back in Town.

If revealed, you immediately gain D6 Investigation and draw 2 Event cards. Then the Town Elder is automatically killed in the most horrible way (this may NOT be prevented in any way).

Little Secrets
Manic A manic sort, the Elder's mood and demeanor can change dramatically at the drop of a hat. One moment they are a lucid companion full of bravado and cheer; the next they are slumped in a chair downing another swig of the demon gin.
(1) TC

Darkest Secret
The Elder either IS the Villain or is in direct control of the Villain!
(1) AToE

Little Secrets
Secret Evil Witchcraft In the dark of night, when the black candles burn, a hushed whisper-chant is all that can be heard from this Town Elder's chamber door.
(1) AToE


This is of no consequence to the investigation - NO EFFECT.

If revealed the Town Elder immediately flips to become an Evil Elder and joins the Villain. DO NOT discard this Secret. This Villain gains an extra +1 Combat and this Evil Elder may NOT be targeted in a Fight. +1 +1 +1 +1

On The Hunt
(2) AToE



This is of no consequence to the investigation - NO EFFECT.

Little Secrets
Drunkard Locked behind closed doors, this Town Elder drinks into a stupor on a nightly basis, often emerging just in time to soild the front stoop.
(1) AToE


Darkest Secret
The Elder either IS the Villain or is in direct control of the Villain!
(1) AToE

This is of no consequence to the investigation - NO EFFECT.

Secret Evil

If revealed the Town Elder immediately flips to become an Evil Elder and joins the Villain. DO NOT discard this Secret. This Villain gains an extra +2 Wounds and this Evil Elder may NOT be targeted in a Fight. +2 +2 +2 +2

Little Secrets
Full of Lies Without shame or remorse, this Town Elder spins tales of their exploits and sows seeds of deceit amonst their rivals. No deed is too small to steal credit for, no amount of praise is ever enough.
(1) AToE

Place the marker for this Town Elder on the board in any named space (your choice). While in the same space as this Town Elder, any Hero may add the Elder's Spirit, Cunning, and/or Honor to his own for any card effect or test. Any time the Shadow Track crosses into a new stage (by moving forward OR back on the track), immediately move the Elder to a random Location. If this Secret is discarded or the Town Elder is killed, remove their marker from the board.


Reluctant Hero
Closely guarded and quiet, the Elder clearly keeps a reserved manner. Only desperate times can stir this reluctant hero into action!
(1) AToE

This is of no consequence to the investigation - NO EFFECT.

Secret Pure

Little Secrets
A Second Life With a penchant for week-long excursions to the bustling city nearby this Town Elder does not speak of what dark treasures their ill-gotten wealth can provide. Or what dark influences they have brought back with them.
(1) AToE

Hero of the People

(2) AToE


This Town Elder immediately joins you! Place the Town Elder by your Hero Character Sheet. While they are with you, you gain their Special Ability and may use their Spirit, Cunning, or Honor instead of your own for any card effect or test. Any time the Shadow Track crosses into a new stage (by moving forward OR back on the track) or if you are KO'd, immediately return the Elder to Town. If this Elder is not currently joined with a Hero, any Hero may pay 4 Investigation as an Action to have the Elder join them.


This is of no consequence to the investigation - NO EFFECT.

This Town Elder may NOT join a Hunting Party unless the Shadow Track is in the RED. During a Showdown, the Hero gains+3 Fight Dice as well as the Town Elder's Special Ability. +3 +3 +3 +3

Little Secrets
Voyeur Sneaking around town at night this Town Elder peers through the windows of this neighbors, watching them from afar. Who knows what other devilish acts and depraved deeds they have committed while gallivanting through the wicked night?
(1) AToE

Secret Madness
(1) TC



This is of no consequence to the investigation - NO EFFECT.

Little Secrets
War Criminal What this Town Elder did during the War of Independence is shameful to say the least.
(1) AToE


This is of no consequence to the investigation - NO EFFECT.

Place the marker for this Town Elder on the board at a random Location. At the start of each Mystery Phase, immediately move the Elder to a new random Location. If there is a Hero there, draw a Mystery card. If there is a Minion there, the Elder is killed. Otherwise, place 2 Investigation in the space. If this Secret is discarded or the Town Elder killed, remove their marker from the board.


A Touch of Evil Secrets

Selfless Martyr
With a strong purpose and sense of duty, the Town Elder would go to any length to save their family, friends or even a stranger. If this means dying for the cause so be it.
(1) AToE

Secret Pure

You may announce this Secret (and reveal it) at any time to prevent all Wounds you would take from a single source. When used, all other Secrets on this Town Elder are discarded and the Elder is automatically killed.

Servant to Darkness
Working in the shadows, the Town Elder has been seduced by the dark promise of power and riches. They are now an evil shell of their former self, little more than a henchman of Darkness.
(3) AToE

Secret Evil

If revealed the Town Elder immediately flips to become an Evil Elder and joins the Villain. If this Elder was part of your Hunting Party they immediately make a 2 Fight Dice free attack against you (or against every Hero present in the Cooperative Game).

Shadow's Puppet
The Elder's mind has been taken by the dark evil of the villain; twisted and controlled to do terrible things.
(2) TC

Secret Evil

If revealed, the Town Elder immediately flips to become an Evil Elder and joins the Villain. While this Evil Elder is alive, move the Shadow Track 1 step closer to Darkness at the start of EACH Showdown Fight Round.

Werewolf Scratch
(1) TC


At the start of each Mystery Phase, place a Transformation token on the Elder. When there are tokens here equal to or more than the Elder's Honor, remove the tokens and they become a Werewolf Elder. Once the Elder has become a Werewolf Elder, there is no need to place Transformation tokens here. At the start of each Mystery Phase, the First Player must pass a Spirit or Cunning 5+ test or take a 5 Fight Dice attack from the Werewolf Elder. If KO'd, gain the Curse of the Werewolf. This Secret remains even if the Elder is Evil but may be discarded by anything that cancels a Curse.


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