Euler and Lagrange Descriptions

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Euler and Lagrange descriptions

Euler approach The uid properties p, , v are written as functions of space and times. The ow is determined by the analyzing the behavior of the functions. Lagrange approach Pieces of the uid are tagged. The uid ow properties are determined by tracking the motion and properties of the particles as they move in time.

Euler vs Lagrange

Consider smoke going up a chimney

Euler approach Attach thermometer to the top of chimney, point 0 . Record T as a function of time. As dierent smoke particles pass through O , the temperature changes. Gives T (x0 , y0 , z0 , t) . More thermometers to get T (x, y, z, t) . Lagrange approach Thermometers are attached to a particle, A . End up with TA = TA (a) . Can have many particles and track T for all of them. If we also know, position of each particle of function of time, can translate Lagrange information into Euler information.

Euler vs Lagrange
It is generally more common to use Eulerian approach to uid ows. Measuring water temperature, or pressure at a point in a pipe. Lagrangian methods sometimes used in experiments. Throwing tracers into moving water bodies to determine currents (see movie Twister). X-ray opaque tracers in human blood. Bird migration example. Ornithologists with binoculars count migrating birds moving past a (Euler) or scientists place radio transmitters on the birds (Lagrange).

Streamlines, streaklines, pathlines

Streamlines, streaklines and pathlines are used in the visualization of uid ow. Streamlines mainly used in analytic work, streaklines and pathlines used in experimental work.

y v u v x

streamlines are tangent to the velocity eld. For steady ow, the streamlines are xed in space. Unsteady ow, streamlines may change with time. The slope of the streamline is equal to tangent of velocity eld. dy v = dx u The streamlines can be determined from velocity eld by integrating the lines dene the tangents.

streak-lines Consist of all the particles in a ow that have passed through a common point. Mainly a laboratory tool. A streak-line can be made by injecting dye into a moving uid at a specic point. For a steady ow, each particle follows the previous ones precisely, and the streak-line is the same as the streamline. For unsteady ows, particles injected at the same point at dierent times need not follow the same path. An instantaneous photograph of the marked uid would show the streak. The streak-line would not be the same as the streamline. Pathline This is the trajectory followed by one particle when it moves from one point to the next. One injects dye at a point for an instant of time, then does a time exposure photograph. For steady ow streamline = streakline = pathline


Streaklines of dye moving past obstruction. They are also the streamlines for the ow.

Streaklines of smoke moving past obstruction.


The material derivative

In the Eulerian method, the fundamental property is the velocity eld. The velocity eld does not track the behaviour of individual partials, it describes the velocity of whatever happens to be at a given location. To do dynamics, need to apply F = ma . Getting the acceleration is not trivial

For particle A , xA (t), yA (t), zA (t) describe the motion of the particle. So vA = vA (xA (t), yA (t), zA (t), t)


The material derivative

d vA dt vA vA dxA vA dyA vA dzA + + + t x dt y dt z dt vA vA vA vA + u A (t ) + vA (t) + wA ( t ) t x y z

aA = = =

Since A is any particle, the acceleration eld is a = v v v v +u +v +w t x y z

The a is a vector with components ax = ay = az = u u u u +u +v +w t x y z v v v v +u +v +w t x y z w w w w +u +v +w t x y z


The material derivative

The material derivative is often written a = with D() Dt = () () () () +u +v +w t x y z Dv Dt

One can dene the material derivative for other properties for a uid, e.g. temperature or pressure. DT Dt = T T T T +u +v +w t x y z

The material derivative allows for two types of contribution. Unsteady eects when = 0 and t =0. convective when xyz


Unsteady eects
Consider water from a header tank owing down a uniform cross section pipe.

V 0 ( t) x V0(t)

The water velocity at all points will be the same. However the water velocity will gradually decrease as the header tank empties. v v v v +u +v +w t x y z v +0+0+0 t

a = a =

The only term to survive is the local acceleration, v . The part of the material derivative namely t t is called the local derivative.


Convective derivative

Consider water going through a water heater under steady state ow conditions.

Water heater

Tout > Tin


T =0 ___ t

DT 0 ___ x Dt


The water temperature at any xed location is xed, i.e. T t = 0 . However, the water temperature for a given piece of water will increase as it progresses through the heater. The rate of change is Rate at which How quickly dT = T changes water changes dt with position position = T us s


Convective derivative
The convective part of the material derivative D() Dt () () () = u +v +w x y z

represents changes in the ow properties associated with the movement of a particle from one point in space to another. So movement to another location can also aect the net time rate of change of small pieces of the uid.

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