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Concept Outline & Details The concept is entitled This is Not The End which embodies and captures

the spirit of the end of year shows at Leeds College of Art. Its about change and development for the both the students and the college, the end of year show signifies the culmination of all the hard work the students and staff do here to achieve some of the best work of its kind nationwide - its about being bold, unconventional and taking a risk to pull it off. The concept is a simple but effective play on the idea of the end of year show stating that rather than it being the end of the students time at the college its the beginning of something new in every sense. The statements featured are: This Is Not The End & This Is Just The Beginning

End Of Year Degree Show Pitch

This is Not the End Luke OBrien & Joe Warburton

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Private View Invite We would like to propose that the private view invite be the spark that ignites interest in the show. Having the statement This is the end might strike up an ominous feeling, but once you look closer and realise that there is a word covered up then things change. We propose that we have the statement This is Not the end printed on the front with the word Not covered under a scratch off latex overprint such as the ones used on lottery tickets. This way we create a level of interaction and engagement with the invite. The fun thing about this concept is, as soon as the user realises that its a scratch off the whole thing opens up and changes. Of course we could always bribe them with a penny!

End Of Year Degree Show Pitch

This is Not the End Luke OBrien & Joe Warburton

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A2 Poster / A5 Flyer For the A2 poster which also is required to work as an A5 flyer we have again played on the phrase end of year show, showing only the word end to begin with then going on to show the full statement, with information on that side. On the reverse there will be an A2 poster with This is just the beginning on the back, as an inspiring message to students, industry and prospective students alike. The poster will be clean and simple - effectively communicating the message and concept. Please see attached poster as our mock up of the idea. Exhibition Map & Potential Application of Concept Please see our exhibition map and signage. We propose the map is bound with a single elastic band used as the strike through to cover up the key words in the statements. The map is a continuation of the concept. Again continuing the concept and applying it to the signage, we would propose the strike through is used to cross out, we have given some examples, even though it may not be needed we have included that most simple of signs to illustrate the idea, the toilets! INTERNAL SIGNAGE PROPOSAL.


End Of Year Degree Show Pitch

This is Not the End Luke OBrien & Joe Warburton

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