Elizabeth Jiménez, CEO GEMAS Consulting and Advocacy

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Elizabeth Jimnez, CEO GEMAS Consulting and Advocacy

Examine content area instruction and demonstrate how to plan for and address task difculty considering English learners varied levels of English prociency. Learn how organize English language development instruction around meaningful concepts and themes. Discuss the use of team teaching, peer tutoring, educational technology and working with bilingual paraprofessionals to support student learning. Examine the research and strategies for involving families and the community, and for establishing connections between the school and home to promote student achievement.

Terminology to Know
SDAIE/Sheltered Instruction ELD/ESL Comparative Superlative Realia

Making Content Instruction Accessible

Removing barriers to education for English learners means that teachers must present rigorous grade-level content to students whose understanding of English may be a highly varied levels of prociency. How is this possible? ACTIVITY - Predict Pause and jot down three things teachers can do to make content area curriculum more accessible to English learners.

Making Content Area Instruction Accessible

In order to create access to content area curriculum, teachers need to: 1. Know students English prociency levels 2. Determine what English language elements are potential roadblocks, and plan to clarify and teach them 3. Utilize the students primary language 4. Preview the textbook and content standards to plan access strategies 5. Other

ELD/ESL and SDAIE/ Sheltered Instruction How Are They Alike?

Unique to ELD/ESL Shared ELD/ESL and SDAIE/Sheltered Instruction Characteristics Unique to SDAIE/Sheltered Instruction

ANSWER: How Are They Alike?

Unique to ELD/ESL Shared ELD/ESL and SDAIE/Sheltered Instruction Characteristics Unique to SDAIE/Sheltered Instruction

ELD/ESL is a subject, like a foreign language ELD/ESL focuses on the elements of the new language Uses comprehensible input ELD/ESL classes teach the standards

Both share a set of techniques to make instruction comprehensible Both use comprehensible input Both are designed for English learners and varied English proficiency levels

SDAIE/sheltered instruction is a set of techniques SDAIE/sheltered instruction focuses on learning the content concepts and skills Uses comprehensible input SDAIE/sheltered instruction is used to teach content standards to English learners

The Purpose of SDAIE/Sheltered Instruction

The goal is to reduce task difculty for English learners by providing more context clues 1. The focus is on learning the content 2. The benet is understanding the content 3. The side-benet is increasing language development, vocabulary, and skills

Reducing Task Difficulty


Source: J. Cummins 1979

ACTIVITY Read the article Raising the Achievement of English Language Learners through SDAIE.

On a sheet of blank paper, make yourself a checklist of the key elements of planning and delivery of a SDAIE/sheltered instruction lesson. When nished, decide which is the most important and why.

SDAIE/Sheltered Instruction Lesson Planning Checklist

Determine background knowledge that may be needed Plan content and language objectives List the vocabulary and idioms to pre-teach Identify the visuals and realia to include Prepare leveled checking-for-understanding activities
including graphic organizers or leveled questions

Identify primary language support needed Develop interaction, cooperative activities, or peer tutoring

SDAIE/Sheltered Instruction Lesson Delivery Checklist

Incorporate culturally familiar examples Use gestures and body language Speak clearly and repeat key ideas Slow down the rate of speech Write down key information (page numbers, dates, names, etc.) Use eye contact Use visual demonstrations Use cognates when possible

Which is Most Important?

You were asked to evaluate the checklist of elements of SDAIE/sheltered instruction and to decide which you think is most important.

You may have selected just about any one of the elements listed, but research shows that spending extra time building background can payoff in learning.

Instructional Configurations to Support Student Learning

In addition to SDAIE/sheltered instruction, there are a number of other instructional congurations that can be used to support English learners. Team teaching (including bilingual paraprofessionals) Preview-review Peer tutoring Educational technology Other

Team Teaching
Two teachers share responsibility for two classes of students. They may trade off or deploy students into different groupings. They may serve as an English language model and an L-1 language model or they may have expertise in different subjects like math and reading. A paraprofessional may also be part of the team teaching equation.

The new material is briey previewedi.e., for a few minutesin L-1 for English learners The focus is on
what they will learn what is most important for the day explaining any key vocabulary

The SDAIE/sheltered lesson is taught in English. At the end of the period, students get a quick review and time for questions in the primary language.

Peer Tutoring
There are many congurations of peer tutoring with English learners. One way that students can help one another is to seat a more procient bilingual student aside a student whose more nascent English skills might keep him/her silenced if there were not some interpretation. Explanations should be encouraged and appreciated.

Educational Technology
Software and other technology tools that allow for individualized instruction and practice can be especially helpful in the area of English acquisition. The computer is consistent in its delivery, patient in repeating words or instructions, and can provide varied levels of individualized practice at the same time.

Planning a Math Lesson on Measurement

Determine background knowledge that may be needed Plan content and language objectives List the vocabulary and idioms to pre-teach Identify the visuals and realia to include Prepare leveled checking for understanding activities or questions

Lesson Plan Template

Materials Needed:
Content Objective: Language Objective: Vocabulary & Idioms: Tap Prior Knowledge/Build Background: Checking for Understanding:


1. Determine

background knowledge that may be needed Is the measurement metric or U.S. customary units of measure?

Many students who have lived outside the US may be experts with the metric system but far less familiar with feet and inches. Build background or provide a conversion chart, depending on the objective of the lesson. Invite them to be metric coaches for their peers when studying the metric system.

2. Plan content and language objectives The content of this lesson will compare measurements, so the content objective will reect that skill. The language objective needs to review or introduce the language of comparisons.
Positive Long Few Short Comparative Longer Fewer Shorter Superlative Longest Fewest Shortest

Connect to L-1, if possible

In English, we add a morphemic unit er or est to the end of the adjective to indicate comparison: bigger biggest In Spanish, we use the word ms [more] in front of the adjective: ms grande [more big], el ms grande [the more big, biggest]

Lesson on Measurement
3. List the vocabulary/idioms to pre-teach
Word or Idiom
Measure up

To compare in a favorable way, to our expectations A small number; not many but more than 1.

Use in a sentence
I hope that my performance will measure up to what the audience is expecting I would like only a few cookies. Three will be fine. He requested second and third helpings but left his plate half full. His eyes were bigger than his stomach. The two 16 year old tennis players had had the same coach. It was a fair game.

Draw a picture Non-example

The disappointing movie did not measure up to our expectations I have quite a few (many) tropical fish


His eyes were bigger than his stomach

He thought he could eat more than he was able

Fair game

A fair game is one in which each player has an equal chance to win

The kids on the other team were all older than our players. It was not a fair game.

Lesson on Measurement
4. Identify visuals and realia to include: Pinto beans to show many and few Inch and centimeter rulers String for measuring Balance scale

Lesson on Measurement
5. Leveled checking-for-understanding
Beginning Point to the example on page 45 that is longer than an inch. Point to the line segment that is the longest. Draw a line segment that is longer that this one. Early Intermediate Is the piece of chalk longer or shorter than the eraser? Which of these sets has fewer members? How long is a foot? Intermediate The _____ is ____er than the _________. Which line segment is longest? How do you know?

Research Says
Are LAs Children Ready for School? (The Rand Corporation 2004 Study)
When all variables are held equal, the level of parent education can mediate the effects of poverty Parent education has the greatest single impact Raise parent level of education to improve students chances of success

Connecting Home and School

Ask students to bring some objects from home to lend to the lesson Provide a conversion chart for students to share with their family Provide a bilingual dictionary or glossary for students to use at home Invite families to a math night to preview new skills that are going to be taught

Topic Review
In this session we worked with SDAIE/ sheltered instruction and a checklist of strategies to use. We examined different types of models for teaching ELD/ESL, such as team teaching, preview-review, peer tutoring, and educational technology We walked through the planning process for a lesson on measurement We discussed the connection with home and school

Cummins, J. (1979) Cognitive/academic language prociency, linguistic interdependence, the optimum age question and some other matters. Working Papers on Bilingualism, No. 19, 121-129. Jimnez, E. 2002, Raising the Achievement Level of English Language Learners through SDAIE. New York. Pearson www.gemasconsulting.com


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