Horlicks 1. Most Trusted Brand 2. Biggest Market 3. Targeting Different Customer of Different Age Group 4. Product Mix 5. Variety of Flavor

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HORLICKS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Most trusted brand Biggest market Targeting different customer of different age group Product mix Variety of flavor

Coming to India, Horlicks bottles were imported and sold.This wasduring 1930 s . In India, over 2 billion cups of Horlicks are drunk every year! Biggest market is India Most trusted health drink brand (Economic Times 04) More than 50% market share in health drink market Horlicks conducted clinical trials and campaigned Taller StrongerSharper. Horlicks segmented the market to increase its market share.Horlicks focused on children to encash their increasing population. Then itl a u n c h e d H o r l i c k s L i t e w h i c h i s s p e c i a l l y f o r m u l a t e d k e e p i n g i n m i n d nutritional needs of adults and also for use by people with diabetes

The idea is to address all age groups The brand today talks to every member of the family rather than theentire family The brand strengthens its market position with the power o f advertisement and distribution network. Horlicks is involved inpromoting events, organizing shows (Wizkids), Clinical T r i a l s , Advertisements and involvement in social activities. Horlicks excels in its distribution network. It reaches the r u r a l market in depth. Horlicks is flourished in more than 25% of the rural market. It is a 135 year old brand constantly reinventing itself. Horlicks has longbeen the favourite health drink of India. The brand commands above 50% market share in Indian Health Drink industry which is valued at around Rs 1300 crore Horlicks vs. Bournvita Children always go for the tastiest option, and CadburyBournvita offers two options one being Cadbury Bournvita 5 starmagic and the other being Cadbury Bournvita ++.

Bournvita 5 star magic offers a mix of rich chocolate andcaramel flavor of the famous Cadbury five star. New Bournvita ++ offers taste and essential nutrients for allround growth. Horlicks beats Bournvita Five Star Magic by providing newflavors in chocolate vanilla honey etc Horlicks edges over new Bournvita ++ with their slogan Examska booth bhagao.

Brand Equity Brand loyalty is a reputation of the brand which the customer has towardsit. Horlicks is a brand the consumer is satisfied using it but with minute change in price the consumer has chances to switch the brand.D e s p i t e s t r i c t c o m p e t i t i o n i n t h e m a r k e t , H o r l i c k s h o l d s a f o r m i d a b l e position through effective marketing. Attracting new customers: Via campaigning they constantly explain its features like Junior Horlicks ,M o t h e r s H o r l i c k s a n d H o r l i c k s L i t e p r o v i d i n g t h e n u t r i t i o u s b e n e f i t s itc r e a t e s a s t r o n g a w a r e n e s s t h e r e b y p u l l i n g i n n e w c u s t o m e r s v i a segmentation startegy. The reassurance of the brand is achieved by the existing customers, sinceit holds a better market share and strong awareness. Time to respond to competitive threats: GSK Horlicks is one of the brand which comes up with innovative productline they were able to withstand threats at each stage of their growth

Horlicks conducted clinical trials at the National Institute of Nutrition Hyderabad, involving 869 school going students (age 6 to16) and then after completion of the successful trial, theyrepositioned Horlicks giving it the tag line taller, stronger, shaper. This was done to respond to Complans campaign that claimed tomake kids taller. After the successful campaign of Bournvita via the Bournvita QuizContest, but this campaign slowly declined and eventually vanished. Thus ceasing this opportunity Horlicks in 2004 launched one of thelargest National School Talent contests named Horlicks Wizkids. The best strategy of Horlicks was its idea to capture the ruralmarket before its competitors. They achieved this through HUTactivities (advertisement campaigns in rural markets), promotionalshows (magic shows) and above all expanding its distributionnetwork. Horlicks expanded its Sub distribution network to Satellitenetworks who fed the adjacent rural markets, which ensured that30% to 35% of all Horlicks sold was at the rural markets.

Why Horlicks is so successful

Excels at delivering the benefits customers truly desired. Staying relevant. Pricing strategy based on value for money. Proper positioning. Consistency. Creating entry barriers

Implementation of Brand
Through product quality Price By winning trust of consumer Recommendation Brand activation Brand extension

Some important steps taken by Horlicks

Something for everyone. Packaging Nourishing the brand Adding Rural Reach A fresh new image. Integrated Media campaign

Horlicks is not creating any

needs just fulfilling the needs of the consumers.

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