WCSO MEMO - Sgt. Steve Cooley

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TO: FROM: DATE: Undersheriff James Det. P. Murphy, 3A147 April 30, 2013

SUBJECT: Information received regarding Sgt. Cooley and Kristin Cavender

The purpose of this memorandum is to document information I received from 2 parties, in relation to alleged improprieties between Sgt. Steve Cooley and Kristin Cavender. On or around the April/May timeframe, my daughter, Rachelle Murphy, advised me that she had recently been in contact with her friend Kristin Cavender. We talked about her, her achievements, and her recent enlistment in the US Air Force. Rachelle and Kristin have been, and continue to be, friends and schoolmates since primary school. Ive always been aware of Kristins family situation and have attempted to be a positive adult male role model for her and to look out for her when I can. Rachelle also told me that she was talking on the phone with Kristin recently, which I presumed to be while Kristin was home on leave before her assignment overseas. Rachelle told me that Kristin mentioned to her that she thought Sgt. Cooley was following her home in his car while she was walking. Rachelle told me that it sounded to her that Kristin was freaked out about it, but she did not know the circumstances of the situation at that time. I understood the call to have been taking place during the time the incident was occurring. Rachelle went on to describe how Kristin had been involved with Sgt. Cooley in a romantic relationship of some type, although she was not aware of how long this had been going on, or many specific details. I asked Rachelle if she thought it was more of a dating relationship and she told me that she thought it was. I asked Rachelle if she thought it had been physical, meaning sexual, and she thought it had been based on things Kristin had told her. Rachelle wasnt sure of the details, but was pretty confident that something was wrong in the situation between Sgt. Cooley and Kristin. This conversation disturbed me greatly because what I had heard from Rachelle sounded possibly predatory and I wasnt aware there had been an amorous relationship between the two. Kristin was once an explorer for the WCSO and I recalled that she seemed to favor riding along with Sgt. Cooley. I recalled past conversations with Sgt. Cooley and advising him of Kristins family challenges and that we were very proud of her ability to overcome those obstacles.


TO: FROM: DATE: Undersheriff James Det. P. Murphy, 3A147 April 30, 2013

SUBJECT: Information received regarding Sgt. Cooley and Kristin Cavender

I recalled talking with Sgt. Cooley and advising him of the need to be a positive male role model in her life because Kristins own father is apparently of low moral character and doesnt stay in contact with Kristin, which might make her more susceptible to adult male influence. The information was disturbing to me because I had recently been in contact with Sgt. Cooley off-duty and had been given the impression that he was still in mentoring relationship with her and felt that I had been intentionally misled. Rachelle told me that Kristin was no longer in the area and was now at her permanent duty station assignment, Misawa Air Base, Japan, where Kristin is a member of the USAF Security Forces. I was concerned about what I had heard, but did not have a way to reach Kristin. I asked Rachelle to have Kristin to call me or to get in contact with me if there was anything she felt the need to talk about. Approximately one week later I received an email from Kristin. I advised her that I was aware of what Rachelle had told me and that it sounded to me that she might need to discuss it. Kristin called me several days later and we spoke on the phone for approximately one hour. I knew that Kristin was bothered by her encounters, but that she feared reporting it to anyone. I eventually asked Kristin directly if she would be willing to talk with me about what had occurred between her and Sgt Cooley. Kristin is well aware of what my occupation is and told me that she was reluctant to say anything because of her fear of what might happen. Kristin told me that she was uncomfortable talking to me about it if she thought that she was reporting it to law enforcement. I decided that in order to determine if there was need of any further concern, I would need to hear what she had to say. I told Kristin that I would take off my cop hat and that she could just talk to me as Rachelles dad if it made her more at ease. This was acceptable to Kristin and she wanted to make it clear that she was speaking to me in confidence and began to explain to me in very generic terms that she and Sgt. Cooley had been seeing each other. This surprised me and seemed odd because I was aware of Sgt. Cooleys marital and family status. I learned that Sgt. Cooley has his own apartment, aside from where his estranged wife and kids live, where he would meet with Kristin and they would hang out. Kristin was not


TO: FROM: DATE: Undersheriff James Det. P. Murphy, 3A147 April 30, 2013

SUBJECT: Information received regarding Sgt. Cooley and Kristin Cavender

comfortable talking with me about the physical area of their relationship, or when it began. Kristin did tell me parts of her recent encounter with Sgt Cooley where he apparently invited her to his apartment and provided her with beer. Kristin became very uneasy telling me this and sounded as if she was going to become very emotional and cry. Kristin told me that all she remembers is consuming a small amount of the beer and described losing consciousness. I asked her if she fell asleep and she told me that she didnt know what happened and sounded distressed about it. She told me that all she could recall was that she wound up at home, not knowing how she got there. I asked Kristin if she thought anything happened while she was out and she told me that she didnt know. We werent speaking in clinical terms because of her discomfort with the subject so I told her that Id assume that a woman would know if something happened or not. Kristin remained unsure and expressed to me I think so, but just couldnt be sure. Kristin remained very uncertain, but very concerned, about it. I took this to mean she didnt have any specific indications of it, but thought it possible for some reason. I asked Kristin to tell me about any other things that seemed odd to her. Kristin told me that she had experienced times when Sgt. Cooley would get agitated for unknown reasons and would accuse her of being on drugs. This struck Kristin as very odd. Id note that Ive never known Kristin to have anything to do with anyone, or anything, associated with drugs or that lifestyle. She would not have gained entrance into the USAF if that were the case. Kristin also told me that Sgt. Cooley had made it pretty clear to her on odd occasions that Sheriff Elfo would listen to me and would do what I recommend in reference to any recommendations he would make. Kristin told me that it was well known to Sgt. Cooley that her wish is to come and work for the WCSO someday and that she took his statements to her to mean that it was up to him if she was ever going to have a future at the WCSO. Kristin also told me of a time when Sgt. Cooley arrived at her grandmothers residence, where Kristin lived, in an agitated state over some dispute about when


TO: FROM: DATE: Undersheriff James Det. P. Murphy, 3A147 April 30, 2013

SUBJECT: Information received regarding Sgt. Cooley and Kristin Cavender

she was supposed to meet him. She also described that Sgt. Cooley has apparently made numerous online dating arrangements, but she didnt know the extent or details of that. Kristin was not comfortable going into details with me and I told Kristin that it was important that I be able to know if a crime had been a committed or not. I explained to her told her that if it was just a romantic interest that began after she turned 18, then it would certainly be poor judgment, but not necessarily criminal, aside from the furnishing alcohol to a minor aspect which is clearly criminal. I also explained to her that I was very concerned that there could be a serious felony crime amidst the vague details she wasnt elaborating on. Kristin insisted that she didnt remember what occurred and assured me that she would contact me again after she found someone to speak with about in greater detail. I was convinced that Kristin would seek out a counselor or chaplain there in Japan. Kristin told me that she would seek out someone to talk to and that she would call back if she felt anything needed to be reported immediately. I was confident that she would call back and that she was not in any danger as she is presently stationed in Japan. Over the following week I reflected heavily on what I had learned and discussed with Kristin. I attempted to reason out in my own mind if there was a pressing urgency to disregard my promise to her and to report what I had learned. I decided that I would ultimately need to report what I knew, but as Kristin was not in any danger and stationed in Japan, combined with the fact that I had insufficient information to present. I reasoned that the outcome to all parties would be better served if I could at least obtain a little better information with which to present before raising the spectre of the various possibilities, causing irreparable harm. I decided to get a confidential second opinion from Beth Larson, one of my co-workers. After I explained the brief scenario to Beth, she became very concerned and told me that it sounded just like a former WCSO employee investigation that she had been involved in. I already knew that I would report the information, but Beths view of it made it of higher importance to do so. I elected to wait until I could speak with Kristin again,


TO: FROM: DATE: Undersheriff James Det. P. Murphy, 3A147 April 30, 2013

SUBJECT: Information received regarding Sgt. Cooley and Kristin Cavender

since I knew that she would be calling back that day or the next. I asked Beth not to say anything about our conversation and told her that I would report it as soon as I could speak with Kristin so that I could explain the need to break the confidence that she placed in me and the need to come forward to the WCSO staff to formally report it. Kristin did call again that evening and I spoke with her about the developments and the need to report in greater detail what she had explained to me. Kristin told me that she had spoken to someone at Misawa Air Base and that she was now remembering parts of what occurred. Kristin expressed hesitancy and fear at the thought of officially reporting what she had told me confidentially. Kristin also told me that she was now having difficulties with social situations and trusting people and alluded to it being associated with her experiences with Sgt. Cooley. Although Kristin did not provide any additional specific information, she did tell me that she would speak with an investigator and provide a written statement. Kristin also expressed fear at hearing that Sgt. Cooley would hear or how he would find out about this memo, but agreed to not contact him in any way. Kristin also told me that she had heard from him or attempted to contact him since she was last home on leave. Rachelle later told me that Kristin seemed confused and surprised when she learned that Sgt. Cooleys wife came and picked him up from my shop on a couple of occasions. Kristin alluded to Rachelle, according to Rachelle, that she was led to believe that they were not still in contact with each other. I also recalled a couple of things that could also explain her hesitancy to come forward with information. I am aware that Kristin had an encounter with a situation in the Bellevue area where a married man with an interest in her attempted to commit suicide. I know the man was hospitalized, but I dont know if he survived or not. I thought that I recalled a time when Kristin had attempted to call me and left at least 2 voicemail messages for me at work. She didnt say anything specific in the voicemails, but it was not clear why she was attempting to contact me. I was not able to reach her at the phone number she provided.


TO: FROM: DATE: Undersheriff James Det. P. Murphy, 3A147 April 30, 2013

SUBJECT: Information received regarding Sgt. Cooley and Kristin Cavender

Respectfully Submitted,

Paul R. Murphy, 3A147

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