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Contact: Jake Wagner, Chairman 100 St. Anselm Drive, #2143 Manchester, NH 03102 (716) 536-8190 jpwNH118@gmail.

com April 30, 2013 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE

New Hampshire College Republicans favor Sununu, same-sex marriage rights in convention Straw Poll
MANCHESTER On Saturday, April 27th, the New Hampshire Federation of College Republicans (NHCR) gathered to host their 10th Annual Convention in Manchester City Hall. In addition to electing new officers and hearing from various speakers, New Hampshire College Republicans also cast their ballots in the federations first-ever Straw Poll, conducted to gauge conservative youth opinion on many important issues and upcoming elections. The results, published on Sunday, show that convention keynote speaker Chris Sununu left a lasting impression with his remarks, as he swept nearly all three major categories for 2014. Easily winning candidate preference for Governor and U.S. Senate, the District 3 Executive Councilor narrowly trailed former Rep. Frank Guinta as the preferred candidate choice for New Hampshires 1st congressional district. Results also showed that former State Senator Gary Lambert has emerged as the favored candidate for New Hampshires 2nd congressional district over former New Hampshire House Speaker Bill OBrien. Both potential candidates also addressed the gathering before straw poll votes were cast. Looking beyond the upcoming midterm elections, the NHCR Straw Poll also asked College Republicans for their current 2016 preferences as well. In a surprising result, three candidates tied for first, with Gov. Chris Christie (R-NJ), former presidential candidate Jon Huntsman, and Senator Rand Paul (R-KY) each taking 21%. Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL) followed with 17%. More than anything, these straw poll results show us that no matter who decides to run in 2014 and beyond, New Hampshires young conservatives are looking for candidates that can breathe a new and exciting breath into the Republican Party, State Chairman Jake Wagner said in reaction. College Republicans and young voters across the country are eager for our party to foster the growth of big ideas within a more inclusive big tent, he continued.

Straw poll results on policy questions seem to support the notion of a big tent party, with a whopping 83% of College Republican voters supporting full civil marriage rights for same-sex couples. The number largely reflects a growing pattern of many recent polls that have shown a similar result among younger voters nationwide. The frequently debated issue of legalized casino gambling was also given a resounding voice of support from 71% of straw poll participants. The legislature deciding the issue however was given much less of a warm reception, as only 12% participants voiced feelings of approval. The 10th Annual Convention brought College Republicans from five college chapters together for the first time since the 2012 election cycle, including the recently approved chapters at Plymouth State University and New England College. The New Hampshire Federation of College Republicans, a branch of the College Republican National Committee founded in 1892, serves as the voice of the Granite States young conservatives from the campuses of New Hampshires major colleges and universities. Full results of the 1st NHCR Straw Poll are listed below.
Q1: How do you define yourself politically? Moderate 33% Conservative 29% Libertarian 29% Very Conservative 8% Q2: What is your overall opinion of the job performance of President Barack Obama? Strongly Disapprove 83% Somewhat Disapprove 17% Somewhat Approve 4% Q3: What is your overall opinion of the job performance of the 113th US Congress? Somewhat Disapprove 42% Strongly Disapprove 42% Somewhat Approve 12% Unsure 4% Q4: What is your overall opinion of the job performance of New Hampshire Governor Maggie Hassan? Strongly Disapprove 50% Somewhat Disapprove 42% Unsure 8% Q5: What is your overall opinion of the job performance of the New Hampshire State Legislature? Somewhat Disapprove 50% Strongly Disapprove 13% Somewhat Approve 13% Unsure 25%

Q6: What issue is most important to you? Jobs & the economy 42% Size of government 25% Taxes & spending 13% Social issues 8% Education 4% Foreign policy issues 4% Immigration reform 4% Q7: Do you support legalized casino gambling within the State of New Hampshire? Yes 71% No 17% Unsure 13% Q8: What is your stance on marijuana? Full legalization & decriminalization Legalization for medical use only Enforce current laws regarding drug policy Decriminalization only

54% 21% 17% 8%

Q9: Do you support full civil marriage rights for same-sex couples? Yes 83% No 8% Unsure 8% Q10: What is your stance on abortion? Pro-life with exceptions Pro-choice Pro-life Unsure

54% 33% 8% 4%

Q11: Who do you currently favor to be the Republican nominee for Governor of NH in 2014? Chris Sununu 42% Kevin Smith 25% Ted Gatsas 17% Frank Guinta 4% Andy Sanborn 4% Other 8% Q12: Who do you currently favor to be the Republican nominee for US Senate in NH in 2014? Chris Sununu 29% Charlie Bass 21% Frank Guinta 21% Jeb Bradley 13% Andy Sanborn 4% Other 13%

Q13: Who do you currently favor to be the Republican nominee for US Representative, (NH-1)? Frank Guinta 29% Chris Sununu 25% Sharon Carson 21% Kevin Smith 17% Andy Sanborn 4% Other 4% Q14: Who do you currently favor to be the Republican nominee for US Representative, (NH-2)? Gary Lambert 54% Bill OBrien 38% Other 8% Q15: Who do you currently favor to be the Republican nominee for President in 2016? Chris Christie 21% Jon Huntsman 21% Rand Paul 21% Marco Rubio 17% Kelly Ayotte 4% Jeb Bush 4% Rob Portman 4% Paul Ryan 4% Condoleezza Rice 4%


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