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How Can a Godly Woman Attract a Godly Man to Consider Her for Marriage?

Finding a Godly Mate Copyright 04/30/13; By R Tyler This file, in part or in its entirety, may be copied and posted as long as it is not changed and the author is acknowledged. - Can I share a seekers point of view? I am a senior saint playing my last innings in the game of life. I have to be very careful which pitch I will try to hit. Got to be choosy because I won't have many more opportunities. So I look at this quest and want to see it in the Spirit's perspective. I figure that if a woman is attractive in and to the Spirit of God, and the Spirit of God is in me, working and willing in me, then if I walk in the Spirit, the Spirit in me will draw me to such a sister-in-Christ who is attractive in the Spirit. Now I know that anyone who knows how men naturally respond knows that the beauty that gets them going is skin deep, embarrassingly shallow. But I had three experiences in my past that really taught me how powerful the Spirit in a man can be in changing a man's perception. Without going into the gory details let me share what the Lord did to and for me and how I saw three women who are very important to me and my life. The first is the mother of my children. I was on the rebound, 29 years old and in a 1 Corinthians 7:9 quest for the wife of God's choosing. I went to a church where I knew two very godly ladies would be. I met the one who became my wife between Sunday School and Church standing on the sidewalk between those two wonderful and attractive Christian young ladies. The two attractive ones were 17 years old but the one in the middle was 18 so I decided to see what the possibilities were. She was not as attractive as the other two, but she had that humble, peaceful, quiet and gentle spirit of 1 Peter 3 and that caught my attention. I was praying like crazy as I began to date her and within months she had so won my heart I asked her to marry me. Out of that union God gave us our three wonderful daughters and 12 grandchildren. Sadly after 12 years I backslid, grew cold in the Lord, and became sarcastic and resentful, so much so that after 15 years she left me and married another. Years later, on the rebound again and in the 1 Cor 7:9 quest again I saw this amazingly dynamic and dramatic young mother lead three of her little ones into the store. She was not a stunning beauty, an Asian Mexican mix, but there was something amazingly and powerfully maternal about her and how her children loved her so much that they were exceptionally obedient and respectful. I manipulated events so that I got her address and began to get to know her. A friend of a friend saw us together at Denny's and asked my friend what I saw in "that Filipina." I was aware that her appearance could vary significantly so I prayed and asked Father to enable me to see her the way He sees her. It happened so soon that it amazed me and before I knew it, however she beautified herself, she was so wondrously beautiful to me that she captured my heart and to this day has a significant place in my heart, thoughts and prayers. To this day her children, now grown, love, respect and cherish her fervently. She can always put a smile on my face and in my heart. Years later while driving I saw what appeared to be the most unattractive, sad, tragic and

heart breaking image of an aged woman I could ever remember seeing. There she was stooped, walking very slowly under her umbrella because of the 115* heat and had an expression on her face that you would expect to see on the face of a woman who had recently lost everyone and everything she held dear in this world. I was overwhelmed with compassion for this poor soul, stopped ahead of her, and when she got up to me I asked if I could treat her to lunch whenever she wanted and at any restaurant of her choosing and gave her my phone number. She thanked me and we went our separate ways. I didn't think anything would come of it. Two weeks later she called me and accepted my offer. I learned that recently within one month she tragically lost both her husband and her beloved son, and was so heartbroken she just wanted to die and follow them. I learned she was very active in her church and very serious about her faith and local missionary activities. We became friends. She became my weekend landlady when I was in her county for mission work, renting her son's bedroom to me. She bloomed and blossomed and her powerful, energetic and mischievous personality returned. She became one of the cutest old ladies I have ever known, and a real classy dame when she wanted to be one. We are still very close friends and I realized what an attractive lady she can be when she so chooses. Again, God enabled me to see her as He sees her and value in her what He values. He in me is drawn to Him in her. So as I seek a godly wife I have decided that I'll take my cue from the Lord and His Word. So the wife I now seek has the following attributes, and I'm confident Father will make very attractive to me the one He picks for me: [1] From 1 Tim 2 she will dress herself in modest clothing, with decency, self-control and good sense, not with elaborate hairstyles, gold jewelry, pearls, or expensive apparel, but with good works (Matt 25:31-46); with a peaceful spirit and being submissive to those in authority over her. [2] From 1 Tim 3 she will be be worthy of respect, not a slanderer or a gossiper, selfcontrolled; faithful, reliable and dependable in everything. [3] From 1 Timothy 5 she will be given to prayer, day and night; a devoted lover of children, showing hospitality, washing the saints feet (meeting their physical needs), helping the afflicted, and devoting herself to every good work (Matt 25:31-46) [4] From Titus 2 she will be respectful in behavior, not addicted to much wine, teaching what is good, encouraging the young wives to affectionately love their husbands and to affectionately love their children, being self-controlled, pure, homemakers, kind, and submitting themselves to their husbands (as long as their husbands don't try to influence them to disobey Jesus 1 Thess 5:21; Ephes 5:7-11). [5] From 1 Peter 3 she will have inside her heart the imperishable quality of a gentle, peaceful and quiet spirit, and will beautify herself by submitting herself, in word and deed, to those God has placed in authority over her, doing what is good and overcoming her fears with faith. [6] From Proverbs 5, Esther 2, the Song of Solomon and 1 Corinthians 7:1-5 she will be ready willing and able to use what her husband provides for her to make herself delightfully beautiful, wondrously fragrant and irresistibly desirable when she so chooses to flood his senses and bless him out of his mind. I'm sure Jesus in me will be drawn to any woman who has these attributes, as He has so many times before. Sometimes that wondrous inner beauty is so amazing I just stand in awe

of the beauty of the Lord shining out of her. She walks in the beauty that is patient, kind, contented, humble, well behaved, unselfish, calm, enduring, hopeful, persevering, generous, forgiving, merciful, compassionate, Spirit controlled and Truth loving Permit me to share another thought. A godly woman might ask, Where do I find a godly mate who might be attracted to me? May I suggest that godly women will find godly men, and godly men will find godly women, doing what the Spirit tells us godly men and women will be doing, like the following from Matthew 25:31-46 and James 1:27; Psalm 82:3,4; Isaiah 58:514; Titus 2:1,2,6-8 and 1 Corinthians 13: 1. Feeding the hungry 2. Giving drink to the thirsty, including digging desperately needed wells 3. Finding shelters and/or homes for those who need them 4. Clothing those who need clothing 5. Taking care of the sick, and shut in 6. Visiting and taking care of prisoners 7. Visiting, helping and taking care of widows, abandoned mothers, abandoned or orphaned children 8. Providing justice for the needy, vindicating them 9. Upholding the rights of the oppressed and the destitute 10. Rescuing the poor and needy, saving them from the evil power of the wicked 11. Breaking the chains of wickedness, like those of addictions and sex slavery 12. Setting the oppressed free from oppressive constraints, including addictions and sex slavery 13. Serving and helping their own relatives 14. Seeking the Kingdom of God and His righteousness rather than seeking their own pleasures and interests or talking too much and idly about them 15. Teaching godliness with integrity, dignity, sincerity, seriousness, and irreproachable wholesomeness 16. Being patient, kind, contented, humble, well behaved, unselfish, calm, enduring, hopeful, persevering, generous, forgiving, merciful, compassionate, Spirit controlled and Truth loving

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