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Joles Ancestry

All information was captured from Generation 1 1. Thomas Jolls (Joles) - was born on Nov 9th 1703 in Bridgewater, Massachusetts, he died on 16 Oct 1760 in Bristol, hode !sland, at the age o" #7, $e %arried Mehitable Or%sbee. &he was born on 'ul 7th 1710 in Bristol, hode !sland. &he died on Mar 1st 1797 in Bristol, hode !sland, at the age o" (7. )hildren o" *ho%as 'oles and Mehitable Or%sbee +'oles, were.bene/er 'oles, born 'an 0(th 1717 in Bristol, hode !sland, and died on Mar 10th 1(09 in Bethan2, New 3or4, at the age o" (0. Generation 2 0. Ebenezer Jolls (Joles) - 0 +*ho%as-1, was born on 'an 0(th 1717 in Bristol, hode !sland. $e died on Mar 10th 1(09 in Bethan2, New 3or4, at the age o" (0, he %arried Mar2 5heaton. &he was born in 1717 in 5arren, hode !sland6 she died on Ma2 (th 1773, at the age o" 06. )hildren o" .bene/er 'oles and Mar2 5heaton were&2lvester 'oles, born 'ul 9th 1771 in Bristol, hode !sland. Generation 3 3. Sylvester Joles -3 +.bene/er-0, *ho%as-1, was born on 'ul 9th 1771 in Bristol, hode !sland, he died in 1(#0 in 7irard, 8enns2lvania at the age o" 79, he %arried &2lvia Bennett in 179# in New 3or4, she was born in 1773 in 7irard, 8enns2lvania, 9nited &tates. &he died in 1(#0 in .rie, 8enns2lvania, at the age o" 77. )hildren o" &2lvester 'oles and &2lvia Bennett were 'ere%iah 'oles, born- 1790 in )att, New 3or4, died 1(7# in 7owanda, )attaraugus, New 3or4, at the age o" (#. .bene/er Bennett 'oles, born 1790 in New 3or4, , died 03 'un 1(30 in Mar2land, 9nited &tates, at the age o" 10, %arried :a%aris ;aughn, 'an 1(16 in )onneaut, 8enns2lvania.

Martha 'oles, B- 179(. 'a%es 'oles, born 17 'ul 1(00 in <lban2, New 3or4, died 1((0 in Barton )it2, Michigan, at the age o" 7(. obert 'oles, born 30 <ug 1(01 in 7irard, 8enns2lvania, died 09 Nov 1(61 in .l4 )ree4, 8enns2lvania, at the age o" 60. Marilla 'oles, born 1(07 in New 3or4, died 1((0, at the age o" 73. 7eorge 5 'oles, born 09 <=r 1(09 in .rie, 8enns2lvania, died in Bethel, Michigan. &all2 'oles, born 0( <ug 1(11 in 7enesee, New 3or4, died 0( 'un 1(90, at the age o" (1.
&2lvester >night 'oles, born 1(13 in New 3or4, died 09 'ul 1(60 in $illsdale, Michigan, at the age o" 17.

1 Prepared by Baron Joles

Joles Ancestry
All information was captured from

$arve2 ;alle 'oles, born 17 <ug 1(1# in New 3or4, died 1900 in 7eneseo, !llinois, at the age o" 10#6 he %arried ?2dia ) :ol=h, 01 @eb 1(39 in &u%%er"ield, 8enns2lvania. Nelson 'oles, born 00 'un 1(17 in 8enns2lvania, died &u%%erhill, 8enns2lvania, %arried <nna @ish, 1# Nov 1(3( in .rie, 8enns2lvania.

Nanc2 'oles, B- 1(19. )larissa 'oles, born 19 <ug 1(00 in 7irard, 8enns2lvania, died 01 'un 1((# in Mora, Minnesota, at the age o" 6#. Generation 4


Robert Joles -1 +&2lvester-3, .bene/er-0, *ho%as-1, was born on 30 <ug 1(01 in 7irard, 8enns2lvania, he died on 09 Nov 1(61 in .l4 )ree4, 8enns2lvania, at the age o" 60,he %arried ?2dia >au""%an. &he was born in 1(10. &he died in 1((#, at the age o" 73. )hild o" obert 'oles and ?2dia >au""%an is-

7eorge 5. 'oles, born 1(36 in 7irard, 8enns2lvania, died 1(96, at the age o" 60.


George W Joles -1 +&2lvester-3, .bene/er-0, *ho%as-1, was born on 09 <=r 1(09 in .rie, 8enns2lvania, he died in Bethel, Michigan, he %arried .li/a 8ond. &he was born on 13 Oct 1(06 in New 3or4. &he died on 07 @eb 1(#1, at the age o" 1#. )hildren o" 7eorge 5 'oles and .li/a 8ond are$arriet . 'oles, born 'ul 1(31 in New 3or4, died 0( 'an 1913 in Branch, Michigan, at the age o" (0. Minerva O 'oles, born 1(31 in Ohio, died- Branch, Michigan. uth O 'oles, born 10 'un 1(36 in Ohio, died 0( 'ul 1(71, at age o" 3#. 7eorge 5 'oles, born 1# Ma2 1(3( in Ohio. Mar2 ? 'oles, born 03 Ma2 1(10 in @rederic4stown, Ohio, died 13 Mar 1909 in )la2ton, Michigan, at the age o" 67. Munson 8 'oles, born 11 <=r 1(16 in Ohio.


Sylvester night Joles -1 +&2lvester-3, .bene/er-0, *ho%as-1, was born in 1(13 in New 3or4, . $e died on 09 'ul 1(60 in $illsdale, Michigan, at the age o" 17. $e %arried <%2 )andee. &he was born on 11 Ma2 1(03 in New 3or4, &he died on 06 &e= 1((# in a%son, Michigan, at the age o" 60. )hildren o" &2lvester >night 'oles and <%2 )andee areMar2 'oles, born 1(19 in anso%, Michigan, died in $illsdale, Michigan, 9&<.

osanna 'oles, born- 1(19 in a%son, Michigan. <r2 'oles, born 1(#1 in anso%, Michigan. 'ob 'oles, born 1(#( in anso%, Michigan, died- 191# in a%son, $illsdale, Michigan, at the age o" #7.

2 Prepared by Baron Joles

Joles Ancestry
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!arvey "alle Joles -1 +&2lvester-3, .bene/er-0, *ho%as-1, was born on 17 <ug 1(1# in New 3or4, he died in 1900 in 7eneseo, !llinois, at the age o" 10#. $e %arried ?2dia ) :ol=h on 01 @eb 1(39 in &u%%er"ield, 8enns2lvania, she was born on 0# <=r 1(00 in 5at4ins 7len, New 3or4, she died on 07 Mar 1(90 in &andwich, !llinois, at the age o" 70. )hildren o" $arve2 ;alle 'oles and ?2dia ) :ol=h are*ho%as Benton 'oles, born 1(1#, died 1(70, at the age o" 07. <lice 'oles, born 1(## in !llinois, died 1900 in &andwich, !llinois, at the age o" 1#. &2lvester 'oles, born- :ec 1(## in !llinois. <%2 <nn 'oles, born 1(#( in !llinois. &2lvia 'oles, born 1(60 in !llinois. ?ebbie 'oles died 191# in &andwich, !llinois. Mar2 'oles died 191(.


#elson Joles -1 +&2lvester-3, .bene/er-0, *ho%as-1, was born on 00 'un 1(17 in 8enns2lvania, he died in &u%%erhill, 8enns2lvania, $e %arried <nna @ish on 1# Nov 1(3( in .rie, 8enns2lvania, she was born in &e= 1(17 in &o%erset, 8enns2lvania. )hildren o" Nelson 'oles and <nna @ish are$enr2 $arrison 'oles, born @eb 1(10 in 8enns2lvania, died 19 Nov 1911 in !llinois, at the age o" 69. 'ose=h 'oles, born 1(13. !saac 8aden 'oles, born 01 <=r 1(11 in $arrisburg, 8enns2lvania, died- 1# 'an 1900 in <storia, Oregon, at the age o" 7(. 'a%es 'oles, born 1(17. Generation $


George W% Joles -# + obert-1, &2lvester-3, .bene/er-0, *ho%as-1, was born in 1(36 in 7irard, 8enns2lvania, he died in 1(96 at the age o" 60, he %arried &arah ' 'oles. &he was born in 1(31. $e also %arried a second ti%e to )hloe < ?ewis. )hild o" 7eorge 5. 'oles and &arah ' 'oles is$attie 'oles, born 1(6#.

)hildren o" 7eorge 5. 'oles and )hloe < ?ewis are&cott 'oles, born Nov 1(70 in 8enns2lvania, (TW&#)%
$arve2 AMottB 'oles, born Nov 1(70 in 8enns2lvania, died 19#0, at the age o" (0 (TW&#)% a2%ond )la2ton 'oles, born 0# Ma2 1((7 in Miles 7rove, 8enns2lvania, died # 'un 19#0 in 8ainesville, Ohio, at the age o" 6#.

3 Prepared by Baron Joles

Joles Ancestry
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Generation ' 10. !arvey ()ott* Joles -6 +7eorge 5.-#, obert-1, &2lvester-3, .bene/er-0, *ho%as-1, was born in Nov 1(70 in 8enns2lvania. he died in 19#0, at the age o" (0, he %arried Neltie )lendening (TW&#), daughter o" 'a%es )lendening and ?ucetta <nn .aton. &he was born on 10 Mar 1(71 in 8ier=ont, <shtabula, Ohio. &he died on 0( &e= 1911 in 5. Millcree4, .rie, 8enns2lvania, at the age o" 67. )hildren o" Mott 'oles and Neltie )lendening are7eorge 5 'oles, born 13 'ul 1(96 in .rie, 8enns2lvania, died 01 <=r 1966 in .rie, 8enns2lvania, at the age o" 70. obert ) 'oles, born <bt. 1911 in 53, died- 1# &e= 1971 in ?a4e, O$, at the age o" 63.

$attie 'oles.

11. Raymon+ ,layton Joles -6 +7eorge 5.-#, obert-1, &2lvester-3, .bene/er-0, *ho%as-1,
was born on 0# Ma2 1((7 in Miles 7rove, 8enns2lvania, he died on 0# 'un 19#0 in 8ainesville, Ohio, at the age o" 6#, he %arried <gnes ' Babli, she was born about 1((( in 9nited &tates. &he died on 03 &e= 1960 in ?a4e, Ohio, at the age o" 70 )hildren o" a2%ond )la2ton 'oles and <gnes ' Babli are'a%es & 'oles, born about 190( in Ohio, died 10 'ul 1971 in 8ainesville, Ohio, at the age o" 63. a2%ond 'oles, born about 1910 )larence 'oles, born about 1910 )arl 'oles, born about 191( Generation 10. George W Joles -7 +Mott-6, 7eorge 5.-#, obert-1, &2lvester-3, .bene/er-0, *ho%as-1, was born on 13 'ul 1(96 in .rie, 8enns2lvania. $e died on 01 <=r 1966 in .rie, 8enns2lvania, at the age o" 70. $e %arried his "irst wi"e )lara 5agner. &he was born about 1(97 in )itoute, 8enns2lvania. &he died on 07 Mar 1909 in .rie, 8enns2lvania, at an age o" 30. $e %arried his second wi"e, Margeret Bur4e, daughter o" @ran4 Bur4e and ?ena Bur4e. &he was born about 1(99 in 8enns2lvania. )hild o" 7eorge 5 'oles and Margeret Bur4e is<lice ). 'oles, born 1901. 13. Robert , Joles -7 +Mott-6, 7eorge 5.-#, obert-1, &2lvester-3, .bene/er-0, *ho%as-1, was born about 1911 in 53. $e died on 1# &e= 1971 in ?a4e, O$. $e %arried *hel%a Bur4e, daughter o" @ran4 Bur4e and ?ena Bur4e. &he was born about 1913 in 8enns2lvania. &he died in 19#0, at the age o" 39

)hildren o" obert ) 'oles and *hel%a Bur4e are'acCuel2ne 'oles, born 00 @eb 1939. 8hilli= 'oles, born 13 @eb 1913, died 1# Ma2 1997, at the age o" #1. (TW&#)

4 Prepared by Baron Joles

Joles Ancestry
All information was captured from

8h2llis 'oles, born 13 @eb 1913. (TW&#)

Generation . 11. Ja/01elyne Joles -( + obert )-7, Mott-6, 7eorge 5.-#, obert-1, &2lvester-3, .bene/er-0, *ho%as-1, was born on 00 @eb 1939. :awn Michelle 7ilbson. 1#. 2hilli3 Joles-( + obert )-7, Mott-6, 7eorge 5.-#, obert-1, &2lvester-3, .bene/er-0, *ho%as-1, was born on 13 @eb 1913. $e died on 1# Ma2 1997. $e %arried 8atricia obinson, daughter o" *heodore 5allace obinson and )harlotte <da%. )hildren o" 8hilli= 'oles and 8atricia obinson are-

Baron Matthew 'oles, born 00 Mar 1961 in .rie, 8enns2lvania. Melissa Marie 'oles, born 11 <=r 196(. in .rie, 8enns2lvania. 16. 2hyllis Joles -( + obert )-7, Mott-6, 7eorge 5.-#, obert-1, &2lvester-3, .bene/er-0, *ho%as1, was born on 13 @eb 1913. &he %arried obert &hannon. )hildren o" 8h2llis 'oles and Brett &hannon.
?aura &hannon. >risten &hannon. *a%i &hannon, B- 01 'an 1976.

obert &hannon are-

Generation 4 17. 5a1ra Shannon -9 +8h2llis-(, obert )-7, Mott-6, 7eorge 5.-#, obert-1, &2lvester-3, .bene/er-0, *ho%as-1,. Na4ita ossow. 'ordan 1(. ossow.

risten Shannon -9 +8h2llis-(, obert )-7, Mott-6, 7eorge 5.-#, obert-1, &2lvester-3, .bene/er-0, *ho%as-1,. <%2 :oughert2.

19. Tami Shannon -9 +8h2llis-(, obert )-7, Mott-6, 7eorge 5.-#, obert-1, &2lvester-3, .bene/er-0, *ho%as-1, was born on 01 'an 1976. *2ler <llen. )hris Boo4er.

Emily Shannon.

Prepared by Baron Joles

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