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#PassVAWA2012 Facebook & Twitter Photo Campaign

Be a part of a ground-breaking campaign to leverage the full power of social media in fighting for the Reauthorization of VAWA! Join The National Task Force and The Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights in the #PassVAWA2012 Facebook Photo Campaign to tell Congress that its time to reauthorize the Violence Against Women Act! Its easy, just snap photos of you, your friends, your colleagues, & sympathetic strangers holding up signs saying why we need to Pass VAWA NOW! Submit your photos via email to or tweetpic to #PassVAWA2012. Direct tweet congressional leadership during the VAWA Day of Action on Wednesday, November 14! We need to make sure that VAWA is a priority for every legislator during the lame duck session in Congress - after they come back from the election through the end of the year. Tell them they cannot let VAWA die and miss this chance to help victims find shelter, help and justice. There is precious little time left and victims lives and futures are in the balance.

J OI N T H E C A M PA I G N! ! !

#PassVAWA2012 for my mother for my brother for my sister for my neighbor for my best friend for me because people are still being killed due to domestic violence. because VAWA saves lives.

On Facebook: Like the National Task Force to End Sexual and Domestic Violence & The Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights Submit your photos via email to or tweetpic with #PassVAWA2012 Look out for your photos and track the campaigns progress on our #PassVAWA2012 Facebook Photo Album! Sample FB Post: Join the #PassVAWA2012 Facebook Photo Campaign to tell Congress that its time to reauthorize the Violence Against Women Act! Its easy, just snap photos of you, your friends, your colleagues, & sympathetic strangers holding up signs saying why we need to Pass VAWA NOW! Submit your photos via email to or tweetpic with #PassVAWA2012

On Twitter: Use #PassVAWA2012 or #VAWA; Follow @NTFVAWA and @civilrightsorg Include the link to the photo album when possible: Sample Tweets: @NancyPelosi #PassVAWA2012 because 25 - 33% of LGBTQ people face domestic violence. #dv #VAWA @johnboehner #PassVAWA2012 because people are still being killed due to domestic violence. #dv #VAWA @SenatorReid #PassVAWA2012 b/c Native American women face rates of domestic and sexual violence 2x non-Native American women. @johnboehner #PassVAWA2012 because 1 out of 3 Native American women will be raped in 2013. @NancyPelosi #PassVAWA2012 because 4 out of every 10 black women will be raped in 2013. @NancyPelosi He tried 2 carry out a murder-suicide plan after physically & emotionally abusing Andrea, a CA imm. Will u #passVAWA2012? #VAWA @johnboehner Eunice, from OH, was slapped and locked in her closet for failing to satisfy her partner. Will u #passVAWA2012? #VAWA @johnboehner Eunice in OH suffered abuse, but obtained a court order & got permanent residency through #VAWA. Will u #passVAWA2012? @NancyPelosi Jorge pushed Gisela from CA to the floor, pointed a gun at her & shot a window. Immigrants r victims too. Will u #passVAWA2012?

@senatorreid Plz #passVAWA2012. He chained Claire, an immigrant, to the radiator, beat her with a cord & raped her. #VAWA #DV @McConnellPress A @TransEquality survey showed 64% trans people experienced sexual assault: #PassVAWA2012! #VAWA #LGBT @McConnellPress [Sexual Abuse] is not a racial story it affects every nationality, every tribe Donna, AK native. #PassVAWA2012! #VAWA @senatorreid Danielle knew she had to get out of the relationship for her safety & her children. #PassVAWA2012! #VAWA The sexual abuse had gone 2 the very core of my human spirit & had taken away who I was, who I was meant 2 b Donna,AK #PassVAWA2012 #VAWA Rape Assistance Volunteers told me it wasnt my fault. I can now look @ myself in the mirror. Leanna,CO. #VAWA expired, #PassVAWA2012 @senatorreid They beat me & raped me, after that my whole life was different. Gabe,IL. Support #VAWA 4 all survivors, #passVAWA2012! @McConnellPress Her brother used a knife 2 cut Yvettes (NH) throat & genitals while assaulting her @ age 12. We need 2 #passVAWA2012 #VAWA @senatorreid We all deserve to be treated with dignity, respect & love Laura,NY. #PassVAWA2012 for all! #VAWA #DV @johnboehner #LGBT survivors face the same rates of #DV, #SA as all so #VAWA must include them too. #passVAWA2012 4 all men & women @McConnellPress Homicide rates increased 3x in 2011 for #LGBT victims of #DV. #PassVAWA2012 for all people! #VAWA @johnboehner For a big part of my life I carried this huge burdena burden of silence Donna, native American #SV survivor #passVAWA2012 @McConnellPress Ester a native woman from AK was sexually assaulted by her cousin when she was only 14! Will u #passVAWA2012? #VAWA @NancyPelosi My older cousin would sexually abuse me I thought it was my faultI had no power. I had no control. Donna, AK #passVAWA2012 @johnboehner 1 in 3 Native American women will be sexually abused during their lifetime. #passVAWA2012 #VAWA

@NancyPelosi My father found out about the rape and he blamed me for what happened native woman, AK. Will u #passVAWA2012? #VAWA So many girls still are silent, maybe because they dont know where to turn Missy, VA. #VAWA provides somewhere to turn, #passVAWA2012 @johnboehner The night April fled her SC home, her husband had punched and strangled her. #passVAWA2012 #VAWA @McConnellPress Rapists take away your childhood, your innocence, your spirit. Sasha of WI. #passVAWA2012 so survivors have hope #VAWA

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