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Pope 1


Seth Pope Instructor: Malcolm Campbell English 1102 March 14, 2013

Pope 2 Pearlman, Robert Z. NASAs Space Shuttle Program Officially Ends After Final Celebration. N.p., 1 Sept. 2013. Web. 14 Mar. 2013. This source is about the ending of the NASA Space Shuttle Program. This article explains the impacts the Shuttle Program had on peoples lives and how it affected them. It mostly talks about the retirement of the 3 existing Space Shuttles, and how they will be displayed to the public in the future. This author did a good job because it touches on how it impacted peoples lives. It also gives you information on what NASAs plans are for the future. This source is a website published by an association. The intended audience is for anyone interested in the Space Shuttle Program. I think this was a very useful article because I learned many people lost their jobs after the program ended. This article also states NASA retired the space shuttle to devote its resources to sending astronauts beyond low-Earth orbit, to an asteroid, back to the moon and eventually Mars. This source changed my mind because I didnt think about people loosing their jobs because of this and now they have no income. This Source will appear in my project for the fact that it impacted so many peoples lives in different ways.

Pope 3 Chow, Denise. End of Shuttle Era Could Usher in New Space Age: NASA Chief. N.p., 18 Apr. 2012. Web. 14 Mar. 2013. This source explains a little about the challenges NASA will have to face about budgets. One of the challenges they have to face is learning how to operate in an increasingly tight fiscal environment. In his fiscal year 2013 budget request, President Barack Obama set out $17.7 billion for NASA, with significant cuts to the agencies Planetary Science Department. This author who wrote this source didnt talk about NASAs plans for the future. She did mention some little things about the budgets. This information is reliable because she writes for a large news company and also has quotes in her article directly from NASA and its employees in charge. This source is published by MSNBC. This article is directed towards anyone interested in NASA and the plans about where the shuttles will be displayed after retirement. This source was somewhat helpful because I learned about the budget the program was given for 2013. This article helps me understand more because they only get so much money from the government a year. This article didnt change the way I think about my topic. This article will appear in my project because it talks a little about the budget.

Pope 4 NASA- National Aeronautics and Space Administration. NASA. N.p., 25 Jan. 2013. Web. 14 Mar. 2013. This source is mostly about the future for NASA. There is no argument in this source. This article talks about NASAs plans to send a man back to the moon and Mars. This article talks about the new improvements and innovations being applied to spacecraft so you can last longer in space and go on greater missions. This article is great because it explains what NASAs plans are now that the Space Shuttle Program is over. This source is informal because it explained what some of their plans are for the future. This information is intended for anyone interested in space travel and what the future for space travel holds. This is a very informal source compared to my other sources because it answered what I was looking for and the other sources didnt answer my questions as clear. This fits into my research because it informs me of what NASA is doing to prepare for future space travel. It was helpful because I learned they arent only making technology better for space travel, but for air travel in general. It changed the way I think by topic because I learned they work with all types of air travel and ways to improve it and make it safer. It will appear in my project because it talks about the future of space travel in great detail.

Pope 5 Why NASA Stopped Moon Visits. Why NASA Stopped Moon Visits. N.p., Web. 15 Mar. 2013. The main reason NASA sent astronauts to the moon in the first place was mostly political. Their goal was to compete with the Soviet Union, and be the first to the moon. There was unlimited funding at the time or the program because it seemed like there was a mission to be accomplished. They claimed after 6 previous landings, there was no reason to return to the moon. NASA cant accomplish everything they would like to now due to lack of fundings. This source was informal to me in some ways. The main points in this article are the reasons why we first went to the moon and the reason why we no longer go to the moon. This information is factual because all the main parts in this article appear to be true after looking them up on the web. This website was published by an association. This information in this source is directed towards any audience. This was on of my better sources because it stated why we went to the moon and why we no longer go to the moon. This fit into my research because it explained why NASA first went to the moon and why they dont travel to the moon anymore. The source was helpful in some ways because it explained who provided NASA with their money and why they quit moon explorations. This article helps me understand the topic more because it explains why we quit moon explorations. This source hasnt changed the way I view my topic. The only thing I learned was the only way they can get money from congress to do missions is if they can come up with

Pope 6 a compelling case for why it was necessary. This source will appear in my project because it answers some of my questions I needed.

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