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Version April 19, 2012

Corrections to and Comments on Introductory Electromagnetics, by Z. Popovi c and B. Popovi c, 2000, rst printing

Outer Front Cover: On the lower right, just above the second authors name, the equation should read: 2 E + 2 E = 0 [see eqn. (21.7)]. Page 9: After the sentence that ends . . . current of a uid. in the rst line at the top of the page, insert the sentence: Electric current is measured in coulombs per second (C/s), and is usually denoted by the symbol I . Page 11: At the end of the rst sentence in the third paragraph (line 17 from the top of the page), insert the parenthetical remark before the period: (the unit for current, C/s, has been named the ampere in his honor) Page 11: In the sentence after Eqn. (1.4), replace km by km = 107 N/A2 . Page 26: In problem P2.4, replace equivalent series capacitance with equivalent shunt capacitance. Page 33: This comment applies throughout the book, the rst appearance being in eqn. (3.8). Students often confuse r (the distance of the observation point from the origin) with the distance between a source point in a charge (or later current) distribution and the observation point. I think its better to denote a typical source point by the position vector r , and use, e. g., |r r | in place of r in formulas like (3.8). Likewise, the unit vector ur in that equation would be replaced by u|rr | for clarity. The symbol R is often used to denote |r r |, but that is admittedly used for resistance as well, so a distinct replacement notation should probably be used instead. Page 38: In problem P3.6, you must assume that the charge on both bodies has the same sign (i. e., both are positive or both are negative). Otherwise, the (attractive) force could be made as large as you want. Page 39: In Problem P3.11, delete the word conducting. Page 40: In problem P3.16, assume the rod lies in the plane z = 0, and nd the eld in that plane as well (i. e., at (0, a/4, 0) and (3a/4, 0, 0). 1

Page 42: On this page, the symbol A used for work conicts with the notation A used for one of the points along the path of line integration shown in Fig. 4.1. The symbol W should probably be used instead to denote work. Page 42: The paragraph which begins at the bottom of the page does not really constitute a proof of the invariance of the work done on moving a charge from A to B with respect to the path taken. The proof given in fact uses a conservation of energy argument which assumes that only the kinetic energy of the charged particle being moved need be taken into account. When energy stored in the eld is studied later on, it is far from clear that this will be the case. What should be done is to prove that the work done in moving a test charge from A to B and back to A around the closed path of Fig. 4.1 in the eld produced by a point charge is zero; i. e., that Q ur dl = 0 40 r2


for any closed path ABA. This proves the desired result for a point charge eld; by superposition, you can get the result for the eld of an arbitrary static charge distribution. Page 53: In Problem P4.4, add the following: You may assume that the eld and potential of the soap bubble, when observed from outside the bubble, are the same as if all the charge on the bubble were concentrated at the point at the center of the bubble. We will see when using Gauss law why this is so. Page 63: In Problem P5.7, at the end of the rst sentence, add: . . . where d is the thickness of the plate. Page 64: In Problem P5.19, replace Earnshow by Earnshaw. Page 72: The arguments in the rst paragraph of Example 6.4 are not convincing to me (nor to many students as well). There is a rather mathematical proof that is essentially a uniqueness theorem, based on energy arguments, but this is probably beyond the intended level of the book. Perhaps change this paragraph to read as follows: Consider an uncharged metal shell, as in Fig. 6.6. Let some charges be situated outside the shell so as to produce an electrostatic eld there. We know from eq. (6.1) that the electric eld inside the conductor material is zero. What can we say about the electric eld in the cavity region inside the shell, if no charges are present within this cavity? If a nonzero electric eld did exist in the cavity, its eld lines must either form closed loops or begin and end perpendicularly at the conductor wall. In the rst case, carrying out the line integral E dl around a closed eld line would give a nonzero value unless the eld were identically zero, in contradiction to 2

eqn. (4.7). In the second case, the line integral A E dl along a eld line between two points A and B on the conductor wall would give a nonzero value unless the eld were identically zero, in contradiction to the fact that the conductor is an equipotential surface. Hence we conclude that the electrostatic eld in the cavity is identically zero. Page 80: In the second sentence of Problem P6.5, change potential to potential with respect to innity. Page 80: For Problem P6.7, in the second sentence, replace . . . is a spherical shell . . . with . . . is a conducting spherical shell . . . . Page 80: For problem P6.8, replace the eld strength on its surface with the eld strength on its outer surface. Page 81: For problem P6.9, replace How large an electric charge . . . by How large a total electric charge . . . in the rst sentence. Page 86: In Figure 7.4, should be dened as the angle between the dipole direction (d) and the direction ur of the position vector. After equation (7.5), insert the phrase where is the angle dened in Fig. 7.4. Page 93: After eqn. (7.24), add the phrase directed in the positive x-direction if x > xn , and in the negative x-direction if x < 0. Page 94: In the paragraph at the top of the page, wherever the word right appears, change it to left. Wherever the word left appears, change it to right. Page 100: In Problem P7.2, replace dipole by rigid dipole. Add this sentence to the end: A rigid dipole is one whose dipole moment is not aected by the presence of an external eld. Page 101: Reword Problem P7.3 as follows: An atom acquires a dipole moment proportional to the electric eld strength E of the external eld, p = E, where is a constant. Determine the force on the dipole if it is introduced into the eld of a point charge Q0 at a distance r from the charge. Page 114: In Figure 8.11, replace the label Qjk by Qj , and the label Qkj = Qjk by Qk . Remove the label Sjk and the dashed line near it. Page 115: Add to the end of the paragraph containing eqn. (8.17): Equation (8.17) has an interpretation through an equivalent circuit. If conductor i is regarded as node i in a circuit, then Cij represents a capacitance connected between nodes i and j , while Cii represents a capacitance between node i and the reference node (where VR = 0). For n = 2, the situation is as shown in Figure 8.11A: 3




Figure 8.11A: Equivalent circuit for electrostatic coupling for n = 2. Page 115: The solution given for Example 8.10 is not correct. Replace the second paragraph of this example with the following: The potential of a line charge in free space is given by Eq. (6.9). When the line charge is located at a height d above a ground plane, we must add to this the potential of an image charge as described in Section 6.5. If the reference distance rR = d is chosen, so that the potential will be zero on the ground plane, we have V = Q ri ln 20 r

where ri is the distance to the center of the image wire. By superposition, the potential of the three wires above a ground plane will be V = Q 1 ln 20 r1i r1 + Q 2 ln 20 r2i r2 + Q 3 ln 20 r3i r3

where for this example the charge on the middle wire is Q 2 = Q and the charge on the leftmost wire is Q3 = +Q . The distances r1 , r2 , . . . , r3i are shown in Fig. 8.12A:

3 r3

2 r2 r1

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx




Figure 8.12A: Image geometry for Fig. 8.12. If d a, then on the surface of wire 1 we have r1 = a, r1i 2d, r2 d, r2i d 5, r3 2d and r3i d 8. Setting V = V1 = 0 on the grounded wire, we get Q 2d Q 2 1 0= ln ln + 20 a 20 5 from which we can easily solve for Q 1. Page 117: For Problem P8.3, the breakdown eld (or dielectric strength) of air is given on page 98, as well as in Appendix 4 on page 535. Page 119: In Problem P8.18, change the third sentence to read: The radius of the inner conductor is a, the radius of the outer conductor is b and the value of the relative permittivity right next to the inner conductor is r (a). Page 124: In equation (9.6), the symbol v is used for volume, but on the previous page it has just been used for the running value of the voltage during capacitor charging. One or the other usage should be changed.
Page 125: In the last line at the bottom of the page, replace We = Q /2C with 2 We = Q /2C .

Page 145: The rst sentence in the second paragraph following eqn. (10.15) is not true. For example, if J = ux (10x), then the current density is independent of time. However, J = 10 = /t, which means that = 10t + a function of (x, y, z ) only which is indeed time-dependent. Equation (10.16) is valid when is independent of t, but not necessarily when J is independent of t. 5

Page 153: In the last sentence of the rst paragraph, change the word semispherical to hemispherical. Page 154: Modify Figure P10.6 as follows:

^ J J=u z

^ J J=-u z


Figure P10.6: Calculating current intensity. Page 154: Modify Figure P10.7 as follows:


Figure P10.7: A coaxial cable. Page 156: The gure for Problem P10.9 does not make clear that the cross section of the resistor is a circle of radius a. Page 182: Problem P11.16 is not solvable using elementary techniques of symmetry. Its general solution is given, e. g., in H. Flanders, J. Math. Anal. Appl., vol. 40, pp. 30-35 (1972), A. H. Zemanian, IEEE Circuits and Systems Magazine, vol. 6, no. 1, pp. 7-9 (1984), or A. H. Zemanian, Innite Electrical Networks, Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 1991, pp. 227-228. Pages 188 .: The quantity here denoted as moment of forces is more often called torque these days. In dierent textbooks it is variously denoted by N, or T. The notation M used in this text is to be denigrated because it 6

is the same letter used to denote the magnetization vector in chapter 13. It is also somewhat confusing because the quantity m is called magnetic (dipole) moment. If we use the notation T for torque, then a single force F acting at the position r has a torque T=rF If a dierential force dF is distributed throughout a region of space, the corresponding dierential torque will be dT = r dF, and the total torque will be T = r dF For the force due to a magnetic eld as in Example 12.3, we have T=I r dl B

which leads to the formula for torque given in the example. Page 189: In Fig. 12.5, change the label dl on the right side of the gure to be dl . Also, the angle should be labeled in this gure. Page 197: In Example 12.8, replace the sentence: Also, the magnitude . . . from the axis. in lines 4-5 with Also, the value of the angular component B may not depend on the angular coordinate . After this, wherever the expression B (r) appears, replace it with B (r, z ). Page 202: For Problem P12.3, we must understand the eld to be calculated in a very special way. Imagine that we remove a tiny portion of the current density in the strip for a small distance on either side of the observation point x. Calculate the eld at the observation point, and then let 0. If we dont understand the problem in this way, there is ambiguity: do we want the eld just on the top side of the current sheet, or just on the bottom side? That is, the eld B(x, y, z ) will be dierent if we let y 0 from above than if y 0 from below, and both are dierent from the eld we obtain according to the understanding given above. Page 204: In Figure P12.10, the angle 1 as drawn in the gure is to be interpreted as a negative value. In other words, the range of angles is from 1 to 2 , not 1 to 2 . Page 204: In Figure P12.11, the point C is at the center of the square loop, the point B is a distance a/4 above the point C , and the point A is a distance a/4 to the left of the point B .

Page 207: In Problem P12.35, insert the following sentence at the end: The lengths and widths of the electrodes can be assumed large enough that edge eects can be neglected. Page 219: At the end of the third paragraph, insert the sentence: The permeability of a ferromagnetic material is usually very large compared to 0 . Page 231: In Problem P13.3, replace the rst sentence with: A thin toroid whose axis coincides with the z -direction is symmetrically M (r, z ). magnetized in the angular direction such that M = u Page 232: For Problem P13.10, in line 4 replace . . . at a distance r = 2 cm . . . by . . . at a distance z = 2 cm . . . . Page 233: In Problem P13.17, change the rst sentence to read: A current loop is in air above a ferromagnetic half-space, with the loop axis perpendicular to the surface of the half-space. Page 235: In Problem P13.25, replace the last sentence with: Find the magnetic ux through the core for I = 0.2 A and I = 1 A. What are the limiting expressions for this ux as I 0 and I ? Pages 239 .: The relativity-type argument for the induced electric eld given in section 14.2 has to be made carefully, or students can come away with some misconceptions. The forces observed in dierent coordinate systems (frames of reference) will only be equivalent if the two frames of reference are inertialthat is, one is moving at a constant uniform velocity with respect to the other. In particular, we cannot accept two frames in which one is rotating at a constant angular velocity with respect to the other, because (a) the velocity is increasing with increasing radial distance from the axis of rotation, and (b) the direction of the velocity is not the same at all points of space. Physically, such noninertial frames will add forces (e. g., centrifugal force) to one system not present in the other, and thus it cannot be asserted that two observers will see the same forces in the dierent frames. Thus, we must modify the discussion of section 14.2 so that only inertial frames of reference (moving at a uniform velocity with respect to each other) are used. Page 240: Starting on the second line from the top of the page, the last two sentences of this paragraph should be replaced by the single sentence: Thus, Jills conclusion is that in her coordinate system a time-varying electric eld exists, but no magnetic eld. The only way that either Jack or Jill can notice (i. e., measure) a eld is by measuring (eventually) the force caused by that eld on a charged 8

particle. If the force is proportional to the velocity of the particle and at directed at a right angle to that velocity, it must be interpreted as due to a magnetic eld. If it is independent of velocity, it must be interpreted as due to an electric eld. This point is emphasized in the following paragraph. Page 241: Eqn. (14.3) is only an approximation. It holds exactly only when the current density, and hence the magnetic eld, vary linearly with time. It is not necessarily the case that this expression will be valid for elds that vary suciently slowly with time. No derivation of this formula is given or indicated. Its subsequent use in the text is only to make symmetry arguments for which direction the electric eld vector is pointing in. I have found that it sometimes confuses students who want to use it when Faradays law is called for. It could probably be omitted, or perhaps used as a problem at the end of the chapter, if a suitable alternative method for making symmetry arguments could be found. Eqn. (14.3) can be derived by noting the fact that the structure of FaraB days law is completely analogous to that of Amp` eres law, with t B playing the role of the time-independent current density J. If t is constant (that is, if B varies linearly in time), we can obtain an analog of the Biot-Savart law (12.6) for expressing the total E eld in terms of B: E= 1 4 t B ur dv r2

We must assume that the integral converges, which may be a delicate point since the integral must now be taken over all points in space where B does not vanish. Some manipulation of this result using vector identities can be used to derive (14.3). This result can then be used together with symmetry to argue in which direction E is directed, and on which coordinates it depends. In such cases, even if B is approximated by a linear function of time, we can still get correct conclusions about E if the approximate B is given the correct symmetry. This equation must now of course appear after Faradays law has been derived. Page 243: Some students nd the derivation of Faradays law on this page confusing. It can be re-expressed as follows (this replaces the entire text on the page, and also Figure 14.4): Consider a closed conductive contour C moving arbitrarily through a time-constant (but possibly spatially varying) magnetic eld (Fig. 14.4).



C dS = drdl = -dldr SC dl dr C(t+dt)

dS = dldr dr dl SA



Figure 14.4: A wire loop moving in a magnetic eld that is constant in time. During the short time interval dt, each segment dl of the contour moves by a short distance dr = vdt, where v is the velocity of the segment under consideration. At the time t, the area surrounded by the loop C (t) is S (t) = SA + SB , while at the later time t + dt, the loop C (t + dt) surrounds the area S (t + dt) = SB + SC , as shown in Fig. 14.4. Consider the magnetic ux through the loop as a function of time: (t) =
S (t)

B dS

The change in this ux during the time interval from t to t + dt is d = (t + dt) (t) =
S B +S C

B dS

S A +S B

B dS =


B dS


B dS


because the contributions to each ux from the common area SB cancel out. In the section SA , the surface element can be written dS = dl dr, while in SC , the opposite is true: dS = dl dr. Using the vector identity (A1.10) in Appendix 1, we have that B (dl dr) = dl (dr B) = (dr B) dl and thus d = (dr B) dl = dt (

dr B) dl = dt dt

(v B) dl

But v B is the induced electric eld Eind , so the integral on the right side of this expression is equal to the emf e induced in the entire contour, so we have d Eind dl = e(t) = dt C Page 244: In line 15, replace the word tagging by moving. Page 247: Example 14.5 and all subsequent occurrences: replace Lentz by Lenz. Page 256: In Problem P14.5, replace the phrase . . . shielded from the magnetic eld normal to the loop . . . with . . . shielded from a uniform magnetic eld normal to the loop . . . . Page 258: In Problem P14.11, in the last line of the page, replace . . . two ends of the pipe. with . . . two sides of the pipe, as shown. Page 260: In Problem P14.16, in the rst sentence, change the phrase . . . about the axis lying in the plane . . . to . . . about an axis lying in the plane . . . . Change the last sentence to read: At t = 0, the position of the loop is such that dS normal to the plane surface enclosed by the loop is in the same direction as B. Page 261: In Problem P14.20, change the beginning of the rst sentence from: The conductor whose cross-section is shown shaded in . . . to read: The conductor whose cross-section is shown shaded blue in . . . Page 261: In the gure for Problem P14.20, the coil windings in the upper half of the gure should be shown as wound in the opposite sense (otherwise the total ux would be zero). Also, the wires of the coil at the right end of the gure should be shown as continuously connected, rather than open circuited. Page 266: In equation (15.2), change L12 to L21 .


Page 269: Following eqn. (15.9), insert the phrase: where 11 and 22 are the uxes passing through loop C1 due to I1 , and through loop C2 due to I2 , respectively. Page 269: Following eqn. (15.10), insert the phrase: where L11 and L22 are the self-inductances L11 = 11 ; I1 L22 = 22 I2

associated with the contours C1 and C2 respectively. Page 275: The gure for Problem P15.13 is incorrect. Refer to the correct gure in the Introductory Electromagnetics: Practice, Problems and Labs workbook. Page 322: In Table 18.1, the entries in the third line of the table should be G
S m d C d C d C m

and the leftmost entry in the fth line should read R

Page 322: In the caption to Table 18.1, change the phrase in parentheses to read: (see Examples 20.4-20.6 for proof) Page 326: Replace the passage beginning with the sentence which starts Both voltage . . . in line 8, through the sentence which ends . . . multiplication with j . in line 13, with the passage: Both voltage and current have an assumed complex exponential time variation, v (t) = Re 2V ejt , i(t) = Re jt 2Ie (18.10)

where j = 1 is the imaginary unit. The capital letters V and I represent complex quantities, the so-called phasors familiar from circuit theory. The factors of 2 present in (18.10) mean that our phasors are rms (root mean square) quantities, dened so that time-average power associated with a voltage and current can be written Pav = Re(V I ). In the circuit equations or telegraphers equations, derivatives with respect to time become simply multiplication by j , and the factors 2ejt and the taking of real parts cancel out of our equations. Page 331: Insert the following after eqn. (18.23): The reader is warned that equation (18.23) is only valid when the load appears directly in shunt across the end of the line where the incident and reected waves are present. If a series impedance were present between the two lines, for example, = 1 + in general. 12

Page 334: In the rst displayed equation of Example 18.5, replace tan1 by cot. Page 335: In the rst displayed equation near the top of the page, replace tan1 by cot in two places. Page 342: An alternative method for evaluating transient reections that some students prefer is to deal directly with the reected wave in the Laplace transform domain. We can illustrate this method on Example 18.11 as follows: We have that the Laplace transform of the incident wave is v+ (s) = 1 s

as in the text. The load impedance Z = sL gives an s-domain reection coecient of sL Z0 Z Z0 = (s) = Z + Z0 sL + Z0 Thus, the transform of the reected voltage is v (s) = (s)v+ (s) = 1 sL Z0 1 2 = + s sL + Z0 s s + Z0 /L

where a partial fraction expansion has been used in the last step. Inverting the Laplace transform gives the same result as (18.42) in the text, and computing the total voltage as v (t) = v+ (t)+ v (t) gives the result (18.40). Page 355: In Problem P18.14, replace the last sentence with: What lossless element(s) would you connect between the line and the load to have no reected voltage on the line in this case? Page 356: In Problem P18.24, replace the second sentence with: The dielectric in the line has a relative permittivity of r = 2.56 and a relative permeability of r = 1. Page 371: The second term on the right side of eqn. (19.42) should read: d dt 1 2 1 E + H 2 2 2 dv

Page 380: Replace the statement of Problem P19.5 with the following: A lossless coaxial cable of conductor radii a and b, as shown in crosssection in Fig. 12.10, carries a steady current of intensity I on the inner conductor in the +z -direction, and an equal but opposite return current on the outer conductor. Equal and opposite charges exist on the two conductors, resulting in a potential V of the inner conductor relative to the outer conductor. Obtain an expression for the Poynting vector in terms of V and I as a function of the distance r from the cable axis, and 13

sketch the dependence of its magnitude on r for a < r < b. Prove that the ux of the Poynting vector through a cross section of the cable is equal to V I . Page 387: In the equation in the third line from the top, change R to Rs . Page 391: In Problem P20.6, replace the last sentence by: Assume that Jz is an even function of y , and plot the resulting current distribution, using a skin depth of = d/2. Page 418: In Figure 22.5, the directions of the vectors Er and Hr are inconsistent with the indicated direction of the reected Poynting vector Er Hr . Draw the vector Hr in the opposite direction from that indicated. Also, the signicance of Es and Hs in this gure is not clear, since these quantities are never referred to in the text. Page 420: In Figure 22.6, the signicance of Es and Hs is not clear, since these quantities are never referred to in the text. Page 427: In eqn. (22.48), the quantity n12 is not dened nearby. Its denition is in fact given at the top of page 423, where we are given n12 = 2 n2 = 1 n1

Page 430: In problem P22.11, line 1, replace . . . a dielectric . . . by . . . a lossless dielectric . . . . In line 2, replace . . . unknown permittivity . by . . . unknown permittivity > 0 . Page 430: In Problem P22.14, line 2, replace . . . is less than 45 degrees . . . by . . . is less than or equal to 45 degrees . . . Page 471: In example 24.7, eqn. (24.19) should read: P2
matched load, optimal reception

= P1rad

D1 D2 2 (4r)2

In the next (unnumbered) equation below, replace ... = by ... = D 4r D r


= ...

= ...

The rest of this equation is correct.


Page 516: Equation (A1.24) should read: F = Fx Fy Fz + + x y z

Page 535: In the line that starts Air, the breakdown eld strength should be 3 MV/m.


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