Project Manager - Letter To Mission President

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Office of the Area Presidency 1480 West Lincoln Buenos Aires, Argentina April 17, 2013 Juan J.

Levrino President Argentina Salta Mission Los Eucaliptus No. 75 Tres Cerritos, Salta 4400 Dear President Levrino, I want you to be successful in your new calling as a mission president. The Lord wants you to represent him every place you go, in everything you do, and with everyone you interact with. Your primary objective is to help the missionaries become converted and fruitfully magnify their sacred calling. I want you to be aware of and take advantage of the following tools: I) Example Spiritual habits of daily personal prayer, scripture study, fasting, and regular temple attendance are certainly expected from the Lord. You cannot rely solely on what you have previously done or learned; experiences from the present are more meaningful than those from the past. a) President Live what you say; contact every person about the gospel. Many missionaries have been inspired by a president who shows up to church with a cashier from the grocery store, or the cable installation man, or a neighbor. b) Sister Levrino Your wifes example and testimony will be an essential second witness. Many missionaries will look to her as a comfort and example. II) Missionaries & Leadership A leader is someone who has an influence on others. a) Elders and Sisters All missionaries should influence members, non-members, and other missionaries to come unto Christ. This leadership can be manifest in teaching, inviting, and providing an example to others. With the Lords guidance, instill in each missionary their potential and a vision of the power of their calling. b) District Leaders Certain missionaries will begin to manifest great power among their fellow missionaries; you must harness and direct these missionaries. The most regular meeting in the mission is district meeting. Here a leader can be placed to motivate and train other missionaries on a weekly basis.

c) Zone Leaders Seasoned leaders may be charged with the responsibility of a larger group and area. These zone leaders should have a strong understanding of your vision and of the mission rules. You will meet with these leaders on a monthly basis in council and training. They will collect and report key indicators on a weekly basis. d) Assistants You must select two missionaries to act and establish a standard for which every companionship should strive. The assistants are to train the zone leaders and be an example to the mission. III) Meetings You must not allow yourself to see meetings as burdens, but rather as opportunities to develop the mission and the individuals who make it. a) Conferences Every other month you will meet with the missionaries in conference. In this meeting you should collect reports, teach true principles of the gospel, train the missionaries in effective tools and tactics from Preach My Gospel, and share a meal. b) Interviews Every other month (alternating with conferences) you will personally and privately meet with every missionary. Give them a chance to ask you questions. Use this time to follow up on commitments and give specific council. IV) Local Units - An important part of your role is to support and direct local units and leaders. a) Stakes All stakes are autonomous and will have their own goals for the missionary work. You will work with the leaders to coordinate your shared objectives. You may be asked to speak in stake conference. b) Districts You will preside over all districts and act as stake president for the members living in the districts of your mission. Here, missionary work is vital to build membership through baptism, retention, and activation. I will inquire regarding your progress and experiences as relating to these fields when I conduct my quarterly interviews with you. I am here to support you and I know that the Lord will bless you as you seek earnestly to magnify this sacred calling. With Love, Elder Mervyn B. Arnold Area President South America South

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