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Hughes, Adrianna Elizabeth Caruso English 1102 26 March 2013 Memo For this project I thought an interesting way

to present my conversation about cosmetic plastic surgery amongst teenagers would be through an interview like the ones on a show like Oprah or The Drs. The source from which I base my conversation is this Weebly ("Body Image and Plastic Surgery." Body Image and Plastic Surgery. Weebly, n.d. Web. 10 Apr. 2013.) I found online under the URL My audience I should think is mostly mothers of teenage girls who are probably middle to upper class. Ill be making the argument that while not necessary, cosmetic plastic surgery could be okay in certain situations. Script: Interview with Adrianna Hughes Host Introduction: Hello everyone! Today I thought we could devote some time to a new controversial issue in the health and beauty world; cosmetic plastic surgery. That doesnt seem so crazy anymore; plenty of people have work done. But what about your teenage daughter? I have with me here researcher Adrianna Hughes who has looked into the issue in depth and believes that its acceptable for kids as young as 16 to go under the knife! Adrianna Welcome on stage! Me: Wow thank you its so incredible being here thank you for the invitation. Host: Absolutely Im sure there are plenty of moms in the audience curious about the research youve been doing and what youve got to say about teenagers going under the knife. Is there

ever a reason for a young girl- Im assuming were talking mostly about teenage girls- to feel like she needs cosmetic surgery? Me: Well people tend to notice cosmetic surgeries on girls the most because society spends more time focused on their external beauty then a mans, but many young men who lack self confidence due to some permanent body attribute get cosmetic plastic surgery as well. Host: You mentioned lacking self confidence, is that the only reasoning behind getting cosmetic plastic surgery acceptable? Me: Oh no, what teenager doesnt lack confidence in their looks at some point? Cosmetic Surgery is something that will change your body forever and has some risks such as blood clots, infection at the incision spot, fluid buildup under the skin, mild bleeding, or severe scarring, all of which could require additional surgery ( Its not like a tattoo that you may regret, but that only cost little and is almost harm free to get. A lot of thought needs to go into any cosmetic surgery, talks with doctors and psychologists, and certainly parents. Figure out why the child wants a surgery. Is it because right now all the pretty girls have little up curved noses, and she wants to look like that? Or because she really feels terrible about her larger crooked septum? The only difference between a teenager getting cosmetic surgery and an adult doing so is that they are still growing and a perceived to have more body image issues. Host: You said perceived there, you dont think teenagers are less confident than adults in their bodies? Me: Well, in all honestly it depends. You see grown women who have spent their lives with body image issues, take women on shows like What not to wear? It seems all their wacky choices stem from some issue with how they look beneath the clothes, hair and make-up. Theyve lived with these problems so long they think its something else. So they dress and act

in unusual ways. I think as teenagers were still willing to accept that we can change our bodies, not just slump and say this is what I was given, woe is me. Teenagers are more intelligent than society gives them credit for I think. Host: And you believe that teenagers, who know they have the capability to change what they dont like in their bodies, should get cosmetic plastic surgery? Me: Not in every situation. The top 5 surgeries in amongst teenagers are: 1) Breast Augmentation 2) Liposuction 3) Cosmetic Eyelid Surgery 4) Rhinoplasty 5) Tummy Tucks ( In my opinion, Breast augmentation, eyelid surgery, and rhinoplasty make sense; Things that you cannot work to fix on your own. Liposuction and tummy tucks, a young person needs to learn the discipline to work out. I understand though that some things are out of your control, and not being able to improve it through hard work can be detrimental to how one feels about themselves, which is why I think after a lot of responsible contemplation, Cosmetic plastic surgery is okay in those situations. Host: Well that makes more sense, yes. Previously you also mentioned that they are still growing, that has to have a big impact on whether the decision to get surgery seems okay or not? Me: Certainly. Its the number one thing that should deter a young person from surgery in my opinion. Weight gain and loss are almost inevitable between ages 18 and 22, but that wont affect some of the surgeries that I find acceptable, with the exception of breast augmentation, because

as weight is gained or lost, breast size does alter a little bit. Breast size is also one of the things women are most self conscious about. And a surgery I find fair. There are so many women out there who say it is having breasts that makes them feel feminine and womanly. I understand that feeling, and dont think any woman should be denied it. Being a teenager is when you find yourself and develop your identity, if you dont have this vital asset and really feel like its something that would make you who you are, I dont think there is anything wrong with having it done. Again, provided you take all the risks into account and maintain a healthy lifestyle because your weight directly affects your bust size. And a breast reduction is usually requested as more of a need than a want. Having breasts too big can hurt girls backs or be a nuisance, especially if she is an athlete or leads a very active lifestyle. Host: This all makes perfect since. Lets switch gears a little bit. Do you think celebrities endorsing surgeries by getting them is affecting how teenagers think they should control their bodies? Me: There are a plethora of stars that go out and have work done, but kids can clearly see what went well and what went poorly. Hilary Duffs Veneers and Heidi Montages facials reconstruction are two very different things and teenagers know that. Stars like Vienna from The Bachelor set a good example, saying things like I went through life questioning myself in the mirror,
but my reflection smiles nowIf it makes you feel better about yourself, then I say do it,(Body Image; Web). Stars also endorse workout plans, healthy eating habits, and alcohol. Its a personal decisi on for a teenager, all we can do is hope weve parented well enough so they know what the proper decisions for them are. Host: Do you think with the addictive nature of Surgeries like weve seen in stars like Michael Jackson or Heidi Montage that kids will start and be incapable of saying no more?

Me: That comes back to the parenting well and being able to say no if you need to, and having that long talk before that first surgery to ensure its being gotten for the right reason. Again, a cosmetic surgery is nt a tattoo or a piercing, its pretty serious stuff. Host: Right you are. Well Moms, Dads, its really up to you. Thank you Adrianna, weve all really enjoyed having you here on the show. Me: My pleasure. It was excellent being here.

Works Cited "Be Aware of the Risks of Cosmetic Surgery." Mayo Clinic. Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research, 2013. Web. 10 Apr. 2013. <>. "Body Image and Plastic Surgery." Body Image and Plastic Surgery. Weebly, n.d. Web. 10 Apr. 2013. <>. Zuckerman, Diana, Ph.D, and Anisha Abraham, M.D. "Teenagers and Plastic Surgery: Focus on Breast Augmentation and Liposuction." Journal or Adolescent Health 43.4 (2008): 31824. Jah Online. Elsvier Inc, 31 July 2008. Web. 05 Apr. 2013. <>.

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