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Alicia Govannicci Philosophy of Education I believe that the goal of education is to develop a learning environment that is student-centered.

The environment should be filled with student engagement, active learning, and guidance and instruction from the teacher along the way. The student will have a more active role than the teacher, which will allow for the student to learn the subject matter through his or her own discovery and experience. It will improve student motivation, communication, the student-teacher relationship, and will help students to take responsibility for their own learning. The role of the teacher should be to take into consideration each students learning style and base their lessons off of that for each student to benefit most. I feel that students will learn most successfully if they are given different choices of ways they could complete assignments, based on what suits their learning style best. No matter what learning style students have, I feel that heterogeneous grouping would be the best approach for students to learn from each other in any classroom. The students would work with other students that are not of the same academic level as them. This will allow for the students to learn from each other and prepare them for real life interactions when they are out of school. For example, when students enter the work field they will work and interact with people that are on different levels than them, and they will need to know how to work with them so that they can be successful. An effective curriculum would be an informal curriculum that is flexible, but is still based on standards. The informal curriculum should be taught informally

and should be implicit. The goal is to helps students learn attitudes, values, beliefs, and behavior. I feel that technology is a vital part of todays education and should be used in every teachers curriculum. Todays most up-to-date technology is important for both the teacher and the students to be able to use in the classroom. Teachers should use technology as part of their lessons. They can teach material using different types of technology that will help the students to stay engaged in their lesson. Teachers should assign students tasks where they need to use technology so that they can enhance their technology skills and get used to working with technology almost everyday. If teachers dont help advance students technology skills and help them become familiar with different forms of technology then students will not leave with the most valuable education. I plan to be a progressive teacher by starting with the student, developing interests that provide choices, and emphasizing on hands-on engagement with the physical and social environments. The best instructional method to promote effective learning would be coaching and facilitating. Through this method one would see analogies, cooperative learning, student self-assessment and reflection, and specific commentary and feedback being given by the teacher. It would focus on responding to the needs of the individual learner, stimulating individual student interests, and inquiry based problem solving.

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