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Alicia Govannicci Dr.

Bulgar Lesson Reflection March 14, 2013 My math lesson was taught to a first grade class in the afternoon, one period after lunch. The goal of this lesson was for students to be able to tell which digit was in the tens place and which digit was in the ones place of a two digit number. For example, if given the number was 38 the student would have to be able to tell me that the 3 was in the tens place and the 8 was in the ones place. I know that the students met the goal of this lesson because I had them bring their worksheet packets up to me after they completed the first page and I let them move on to the next page if they got that page correct, and almost all of the students were getting the page correct. Also, after checking the rest of their packets I saw that they understood which number represented the tens place and which number represented the ones place. The lesson succeed when I gave the students chickies to help them. They discovered that the chickies that made up ten represented the tens place and whatever single chickies were left over represented the ones place. That is where the students really succeeded in the lesson. The students did not succeed as well when I asked them how the numbers 64 and 46 were alike and how they were different. They could tell me why they were alike but could not tell me why they were different. I was looking for them to tell me that they are different because in the number 46 the four is in the tens place and in the number 64 the four is in the ones place. Only a few students could come to that conclusion. I felt that the

students were engaged throughout the lesson. I opened up the lesson with an interactive video from envision math that was about the numbers that made up the tens and ones places. I knew that the students were engaged because they were all watching the video and when I would pause the video to ask them a question to see if they were understanding the objective almost all of the students would raise their hands to answer. When I saw that one of the students wasnt engaged, at one point, I specifically asked him a question. He didnt know the answer so I prompted him and then he understood and answered the question correctly. If this were my classroom I think that for my next lesson I would introduce the hundreds place. That is the highest place I would probably introduce to the first graders. If I were to do this lesson again I dont think I would do anything differently because I felt that the students met my objective and were engaged throughout the lesson. I found that most of the students found the objective of this lesson to be easy because they finished their worksheet packets quicker than usual and moved on to the enrichment worksheet. About half the class was able to finish the enrichment worksheet completely, which does not happen often in this class.

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