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Unit 3 Writing Teaching Theory



Process Oriented Approach

Process - Oriented Approach ~ ~ ? n N o ~ n i ~ l ! l r ~ n l h n ~ : u~:~flu2nn Y2~ni~


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~~~uini.ruioin~ndr~ ~u ~n LI iJ .r ~~ I 'a T~ L!uu~'~~~I 18 ~ ud6u2iuui~innqwij

Tagmemics ~ L ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ : L ~ ~ ~ < U ~ I J L ~ ~ U L ~ ~ uJ s~ t~ I~ .a ~d ~i~ u iL~L dR un :i ~ .r I ~ L ! O U

~~au~ar~~uni~~riun.rnnuni~~~a~dm rinniwsnum$3 ui.rnn~~~ riiu uI~~u~o~


Young, Bscker, and Pike (1970)

~ ~ ' 0 ~ 1 a n f r u 2 u n iY~ 641 ~ ~l~u%d auu~

~l~uni.rdaudai~'untlaj Tagmemics ufl~:nouRiuhbuudiq uarn.reu?uni.r




~wntnim ynaui~njaiu a : d ~ a ~ % ~ ~ ~ a u m u i ~ n ~ ~ a ~ u ' a n ~ i u ~ < o ~ i i


auiraut-Yu.rrKuua~~aiu ~ ~ u i i 7 ~ ~ i l u 0 u n ~ d ~ o u I un ~i'o a~ ~~ i ru o~ uA a u j ~ u # u

6au n~o~flu~nnnn'ildii~' ~ ~ ~ s d s ~ o o r ~ i a u ~ ~ i u r ! a u ~ 6.rznii~ ii~=:~~uu~1~~m

LLYY formal writing or informal writhe

ci?aha~du ~o~~ulin~nwiii&isuu~!a~~~nz

An~Bauai ~ a i u u n ~ l i n f i n w i i ~ : ~ B u ~ ~~iooiao:~fiudou~Airaui~u<u ~~wiluu ~j~u~iut!aurbId oioo:~Uuuuu informal writing f l l I u n i ~ ~ ~ ~ n ninlinlnw iGiu

6 aw~ ~ ~JIUL!~U~L~U?~I~IT ~ i u d < a ~ ~~ n i .~ r n ~ i ~ A a ~ i ~ a RI~IH~J ~i~I~muiIm

~ ~ ~ a u ~ z n ' o ~ d i u ~ d i l a u ~ d ~ ~ ~ ~ (format n i 1 ~) u Claniia~ " ~ u ~i ~ i' 'ia unti ~ i ~~ni~ni z ~avnzrn~~~n:c.r~rnu?61~~~uiad .r2und~*lai:aun'u.rt~~ni~tr'~nu~o~ ~$i~iwq~~~ $diuAi a

2. #~~n%uuwioudot~~uu~4uanqa~iuu

s~ir~'r~$unau&o u'ndnl~rior6~d~ni~u~a~uni3~ijanri'au'ad~1z~~~u ~mjuu fl~naiydasiw 9 C ( ~ i ( ~ a u ' a ~ ~ ~ 8 a 3 a u~niiun'uribap 3auli ~n:.nunr~'luaddiiY~ 9 d or~$d~maur~afii~i~~waiom'0~~i~a0di~~~a'I$~~uu'a~s~a3u~~uciu

3. nrui~Kuma~uGmuar~ua~aiu

n~~~Buulu$unau~oni3d 3'Iiw#wm ~ai~ awd ~ i i2 ~ uiriuu~%uulHiIlu z 3:~d~~ud i u i ~ m d i ~ u ~ r ~ n i ~ 6 i i o : : ~ ! u ~ d ~ ' I m r i a ~~~ ~~ Un ~: r ~< ~ ~~ ~ ~ A O U

~rdi~~i~6~~uut~ud3::'1un~~n6a~miu ~neaomn$adcunaiudmr<n ~<n~auin36 r?alli iiriaulndna3~aiu~duq7a;n r?o&6i1ld

R ? I U ~ R


$wmaw7a6iuf~~uni~n3aoaau~nc15"~ ~ d a l v i k w ' l a i - ~ ~ ~ nuarn1.r sii~

AiGu~uanaiurinaiur~~i::au~~n:~n6a~n3un'au n~munauluuidnfdaiaiinifi

l ~ d l RL II J U L ~ U Q ~ L BI J ~ L I ~ L L I J I J G O ~ R ~ 74?0&Iu'I~~Ldl6dld ~ ~Iaui~iiaioini~Ok
~ ~ J ~ S I ~ ' ~ L & ~ H ' I ~ M ~ H U ~ ~ ~ ~

ni~~~~wt!uwsi?o?"9i~~iuu~iu~ d" ~Iu I~ ?m %fa a u t ! u u d r ~ a i i ~ i ~ : : Iuiwnnnnarrw iloluuanni~aout!ud~riun~euauni~riou~iu~ni~~!uwdfii~~~~~u z Ya n-nuQuuuin Imaawidu~eKupnudnwn ~ w n ~ w 3 i : ~ ~ ~ u w ~ ' i i d l ~ i a u d o n i 3 ~ u u

u i n n i i n i ~ a o u ~ ! u w ~ ~ ~ '(Wa~~uu ~ ~ i u ~model ~ u u paragraph luund 1) n i f i i r i m l r i ~ ~ ~ u w t ! u u ~ ~ a n i a ~ m ~ u u ~ u a r ~ ~ ~ r 1 n : a u.rau&~ni.r6uu~?u~ ~u~:6uua~~diu naiudado:t!uuadid~~wmau~dw&~dau~~~6uu~iuifn~onaiu~uiusa~u~~n~vuu
~ r i ~ ~ n ' ~ d i u ~ b d i d ~ n n ' o ~ a u ~ ~~8d ~~ ~: u~~r iua i :~: a du o e l ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ u ~ ! u w w ~ m d
' d d



~ ~ a u n a ~ u u ~ h l v i ~ ~ u ~ ~ ! u ~ d n a i u ~ u ' i I a ' I ~ n ~ r ' ~ ~ a Q?JLLRI?JIW ~ni~~iiuu~~uriowii

~iiu~nadi~orioa6dr:nou~~~uau'o.s~u 3 d~rni3 do * I. ai7: d o lama ( occasion ) l ~ n ' n i ~*~ t nnn~naiu~~ui::~uii~iw~!u~~u

fw~nuw~walfluai3:: ~dudiukniyn~tfinu ~iuhsaon?iucio~ni.r61wii~9 $46
Y d

~ t l o ~ ~ ~ u u o : ~ ~ i ~ o n I ~ s ~ : : ~ ~ ~ ~ u I a I u ucuciiu n i ~ d a ~ 1 aLtfl~lb~~nR'o~n'u:~ iurui

~dru ul

jm?druw ( purpose)

1 6 1u~a~d~m);1dHuiu'1un~3L~uud 3 d x n i d o LAO


(to inform) L ~ ~ $ ~ " I I ~ ~ M I ~ ~ C U J I ? ~ ~ ? M ' ~ H L " I I O

(to persuade) a n :

~daIvinaiun~nruiw ua:na7u~wtm~wPu (to entertain)



~ $ o u n i u ~ n ~ i u i . r n u a n ~ ~ ~d i .~ r~ : n~ a~ u~ l~ n inr i~i a fu i t~uuni~~o'~nqw~~n'u

~ninouIneliuii~ilum.r:dn~uin ~wn:~~nInofiuumw0"~nq14~0un1~1dwa~
&$unirn?iuunwa~i~ unrudan q anwlnfiul4'~~ua m.rdarlnyL
w w d


riiunonn~iuln~uaonui~~u(~i~u#u~0~k!~~diu1~d1u~u'11a~u'~51~1n~A'~ nink ~'o~w'ln~iu~~uu1bonu7~0un19~o'~n n'o:~~uintflun%p ~ ~ d ~ n $ i a ~ ~ n ua-nin

{~auar~fin~au ~~on:~nu"ohfiawa7mdwu %~fluidd$~od~n?.rdi~fluotiid6~ h~ m.rusi~uo~n;~?n@au~~n'? 8 a u o : c i o ~ ~ f l ~ # a ~ n ~ ~ i c 1 ~ wR u~ ~~n U~ R1 ~3 JD ~I Q unnl6iii5~ou ouuuu~na:~A~~ ~i ucitr%nnmmi~~ a ~ni.rG~~ufn"iio {aowilwlil
W d "


R ~ ~ ~ ? ~ R ~ ~ L ~ ~ ~ L L U ~ ~ L M ' U ~ ~ ~ L ~ W?~ I~ ~ ~ L ~~U ~ ~ ~ U ~ ~

i l ~ ~ i ? u d ? o ~ $ n i . r ~ i 3 u ~ $ u ~ ~ 4 ' w (Rhetorical n ~ u modes 7 n n ~ u



dIGnii?I?ruuna.rn u a n a i n d r i n n i . r ~ n w ~ ~ n f j i ? ~ t ~ ' ~ w u i ~ u ~ n a ~ n ~ ~
L R ~ ~ R ~ I ~ ~ L I L ~ ~ ~ I ~ L L ~ Y

~ o u ~ ~ c i u n ~ rni~~s?'i~oui(t~udi~jiuu"umauni.r~"sou~o u ~ u n i ~n"lss'w~4~dun'u
~nul$hudfisufio~n?iu~nuin'au ~~DIIIBJL~U#URJBOLB~IU L

JIWL$~U n i n f i a i . r ~ i l ~ n n ~ ~ ~ rinn7.rdnwdiunuindoni.rnou~luw ~A'~~~wui~ daaaanld6n nJuLwolviR:n?nun:diudoni.rJillldfi~oid murrkd16~liruio #unauaonuri? ? % ~ a u ud~riwnsru?uni.ri~~iu~iru ~ii 7 vu~ou 4to:Iiioimo

t 'i'd

?an1 ~0uni.r1u~~nrum oulnJ wiaufiurm~&a 8id~~un~n141~8ru'i~a~~~:~~u~flu



Step 1 Preparing to Write
Preparing to write

d ud'

~a~u~deu~in'au~o ~Jd UuD u~

~ I ~ Q : L ~ ? ~ ~ I M ~ J ~ ~ ~

ndi~l3l,unau~u~~n'? huC(~&~~~u cia~~m?ouni~'oy n"~a a1~60~do:n~f o~duun'3tl

~~urin~nular~$uut;r~n~nd~n~n~~u1a~~nratlinI~~un1 n~.r~m?uu 14rli~Ao~a~'0yn

~ ~ n n a c i o t I ~ ~ i nq i ui c Aia it ldriuni~nluarl~~n'u'a~affauinn.r 1uni.rln i~uin~ ~ n ~ u u d i n i !ub~~uauu:~Xi~snd.r:~nndiniu u~u I A f l u ~ u ? n ~rlu ~d

1. ~ ~ ~ d ~ r i ^ ~ c i 3 ~ &(Basi? 1 d 0 Backaro"nd tn'~ Information) 16~n'


- Ba - R



ni.r#nwi ?aRt~uiu ~Sani.r~i~uwu~~nluaui~n

2. n~iulnttar~31u~ula (opinions and interests) l u d a ~ d iq t~ d u

- nisl$~3aiiid
d @8


- n3iuGn~dununauniu Etnu ua:d.r=~nclaift .r?uii~n3iu6nifiuda

~aqni.r~iuidat~ui[a~Y'u ~dakirliniu~~ci? iidi~ituni.raan~d~un~w&~n~~aviiuu"u ~~Lj71ii$a~~nik~i

k~~uat'l~~ <c JL lL ~ utL ~ J~ lt ~~~IJ

OUTLINE Main Idea : Who? Where? When? Bodys Baslc background lnformatlon

Personal lnformatlon\(lnterests& Oplnlons)

Wrlter's reactlon


Step 2 Planning and Organking

Planning and Organizing i j e v u n o u ~ i r u w w ~ i i o u u ~ r < m ~ d ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ u n i ~ ~ i i u u w i ~ i



~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i ~ n n tu#a d l '$add l l r malh,idea i ~ u , developing for the main idea, and the $umouu ~ n f l n l u i ~ ~ n ' o ~ ~ 1 1 ~ o ~ ~ d ! & 0 7 ~ 1$ uiaklSbilu~u2n~aJ ~~10~d L o diiioni12 q i i ?Iap~mo~~?Iiln'uHiu"0'1a&&a h r
Main idea

u r

Who? Where? When? Body

Maria Espinosa

ESL writina clam in ihe United States

Sprinrr 2004

Basic background information

Place of birth- Cuba Movin~ to USA to live Family

- iivina alone but havina relatives in Cuba

Interests and Opinions Hobbies and ~ a s t i m Oninions about this $.chool /citv/country O~inions about ,writ events Self-confident (wq,pnatitv) Writer's reaction : she friendly; outgoing person like smiling and laughing Conclusion: enjoyed it and had a lot of fun hope to be goad friends In the future


Step 3 Writlng the Flrst Draft

Writing the first draft

6~ni.r~~uu~innn~1~~~1~~.iia;~ 91 d~6~in~mtaiia h;nuideu~ild.r:lun fi~u~~ualC~~idiulCuind~m~n'ida::fiil6 nl.r~iuuilad oioat~alri~~un~iu~n~oa6iul~~in.m[ uciwuiuiu~n'u~;~dia~diiui~iuul~l6

(draft) *Maria Espinoza is in my ESL writing class with me in spring, 2004. I hope we will become good friends. She came from Cuba nine years ago. Maria enjoys living in the United States because she @the political system and other things about this country. I n her free time, Maria likes to visit the Hawthorne Plaza c iJ not like about this country is the with friends. However she d attitude o f the teenagers. She says that teenagers do not respect their parents enough. Maybe some day she will return To Cuba t o visit her relatives but she wants t o make this country her new home. I really enjoyed interviewing Maria'she is a very friendly and outgoing person. She smiles and laughs a lot.lHer friendliness put me a t ease right a way. We had a lot of fun together.

Step 4 Revising
Revlrlnp i ! o ~ u m o u a a ~ n i m u n ? u n ? i u ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ hm&ninlfiu?llu :~~fl~~~a)r(i

yCUaoutdo::~<r:a~nd~ato n?ntiini.rfinA a a ~ u ULL~~II' i LIK~LOU


~ ~ u r i r n m i n ~ ~ u l u a u ' o n ~ ~ ~ a i n ~ ~ ~ d )r(So~$uu~dic~au.rouu'on~i;uda:: aldl~n~w)r(~a

~~flal%doh$ )r(~ofinn~aa)r(uiu u A ~~)r(fio~on?iudcioani.rL~~u'o~ (4~ ~ i ] u 6 ~ hodiadonau) uonolnnun?udoa~;adi~ 7 u n?.rw.r?a~n?iuri?ud~ilu ~ main
idea &s$iL~ud.r:~umd.uyd o'udxnouci?u Topic Lta:d?u comment . r ? u ; a

n3iuWclIu main idea ~ ? L I ~ I R U L D J W D I ~ L ~ O ~ ? I ~ ~ ~ L B ~ ~ L ~L~RRam?i ~ ~ W H ~ O u?l ~R ~

a'~~~~~~d~:~lrj6i~~dd1~~?7~6 the 6 1body dr" nr~ ~ f~i f ~ih0 ~ ~? ~~ lu ~~i?~~

support h a q~i~a~m[iOafiu ~ ~ o n n u n junity i d nTolri

r A d

LAL)JIRn i m u n ~ ~ i R a ~ m l ~ i ~

~ ~ ~ ~ I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ U ~ ~ : I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I ) ~u~ounun?uWr~a~ilu ~~IJLHUI:W~LLR~W

My Classmate Maria Espinoza

Add details

I free time, haria likes to visit the ~awtkomcPlaza with friends.^) I

Add details

outgoing person. She smiles and laughs a lot. H r friendliness put me at

I ease right away. We hud a lot o f fun together.)


rldsnu~n~fii~:rl.lduliu'~1~dw0~0::~0~ ~opic sentence 12 ~muirn~d~uurrda3~1 b a ~ (tafiuduhauU3hf~~rt7 fisdio'rmiu) ~~$~~~ '

2. 1 hope we will be good friends. n ? 3 ~ 1 u ~ d ~ ~ L f i u d 3 r ~ u Lwnc$on?lu~ n~~n'lu


m i u s u i u d n i ~ ~ i ; ~ o1 u~ ~~ nr~n ? ~ ~ f i u d 3 r ~ u ~ ~ a n ' i u ~ ~ u ~ ~ u u a t ~ s u i ~ ~ u u i ~ n ~ o ~ s u(^)I iu riiu ago n ~ ~ ~ r r i u ~ a ; n ~ d a ~ ~ u n ~ o u n ~ ~ v o ~ ~ a a ~ ~ d3rlun~ilu ... ago to join his only son and her two grandchildren.


4 .like {u did

~ f i u n ~ u l d & d ~ ~ ~ l i ~ ~ luC(~n?-i~fitflw o ~ ~ ~ a d ~ 'likes' ~ d 3 ~ ~ 1 ~

2 s u i u n ~ i u i i n ~ ~ ~ 6 u ~ ; 1 Z Pd l ia ~~ w r~ iu on ~~ u d x I u n

Cu does not like ~wnrd7e~unijn?1usmud~fiun?lua?d~u~o~~'u

5. ri?unu~n-iatrruiu


other things about this country" t u ~ a r 1 3 ~ n f i lud6nm~&ud3:1un d

Also, she has more freedom to go anywhere here than in her country such as to the beach, the Mall, or to the movies..

( ) 3 n?.r~du fiy a8n~dur-Y~ ~wnr~diuuidnuair~rinslvii Hawthorne Plaza

~fiu ~ n i d Maria d aould~wneorl3 &ticjJfl?3Lrciu~a;aldH "because she can

do some window shopping, try on clothes, eat fires at Burger King, and laugh and talk with her friepds. z 6. hn?luadLLd Maybe some day ... ldauoud3r~ufln?~o':huld6a~?1ud3':~un 'She

came from Cuba nine yean ago.' 1~3I:Lhu'o\Ia8aLi~?n'~ !a uloln Cuba

~~a:luouin~aiootnfild Cuba i n , a ' " ~$ol6mun?un?iuta n . i ? o ~ u a ~ i unity fi Lra: coherence i i ! n ? i u ~ s u i r ~ a uaegnn'n~nth fil$~~uu1srl~nnb~iud~~ijn13nun~uaeii~i~~$~ da~~au~a'i~lu vwow&lh
3-4 z

~nn1~inlt1u1~ri1uiGa~auo~~utIPli~~~~~Buuin13~~un~un"ud3ru n u d o s ~ ~ n $ u l P l i f l i ~ o n t 3 ~ ~ d u " o n 1 1Peer Q a s Response ~~5a Peer Response ~ f i u ~ a n n u d ~ u 1 ~ n ~ u ~ ~ 6 n r n ~ u 0 r ~ ~ a n n " u d i ~ d i u ~ ~ u u v a d ~


L~0Lfi~nl3LLIflLd~~~ M~ ~? Ol ~ ~P ~f ~ l ~~ ~~ '~ ~ ~ ~ L G U ~ O ~ ~ ~ U ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I M

~wouq ~ o n s ~ u n ~ n ~ d $ o u n ' u 6 1 u w ~ ~ i u t C ~u aiu id ~d ds ~r6l u a r i a d i ~ ~Lwnr ~

~ ~ ~ u u ~ n o r u o ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ u g ~ d a u s ~ a ~ u n w ~ o d d ~ d~ ~~ ~dur d ho ~r ud~u~ s u v o d n u ~ Z d a v ?ndouvo~nu$ul6~nii & u u ~ u o u ~ d ~ u C h ~ u ~ ~ o u ~ u ~ d ~ o ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ a ~


~nfimui~nJi~d~K L ZL ? IR L ~ ? u ~ ~ J ~ ~ ~ u L ~~ oW ~ L ! ~ ~ D ? WI ~~ H ~ ~ ~

d d ~ w ~ u ~ ~ u u v a ~ n $ u n " ~ r & o i o ~ ~ i l u ~ d i u n d ~ f l i n ~ i u t a ~%6Cu ~u~~un~~uai~~o~ mui~nuan~~~wa~~urdn?3~~n"lv~~ar o d~ ?~ 'u lm d~ r~ ii ~~ 6~ nn '? lu ti~dPli~i~~~=:~in"u

~iu~!eru~o~~dou~liun'~u l ~ l n n o u ~ ~ d ~ : : ~ ~ s Q ~ ~ u ~ i ~ l~ uvv iil ar 6 ~a n ~~ ~ u ~ e i ~ s ~

qddiu~i uuvoc~douii
Lriiiuji Gi
L H U I : E I U

a d n ~ a ~ ~ a r n ~ u ~~uouu:~awiduhu~~9u~uo~fod t~u~dfo~


Carnu vdfa d"lu~rh?n?u Ia.j~u'iln n ~ ~ d n = ~ d I S ~ u YeJa ~rd~~~~ovi z "d mY L~11u~a~jdl~~?T0=:~6~n~i?Un'~il~~~Ln"lvdluLiuuu"u~

H~O~IJ ~ i a n : ~ ~ f i v a d i~ ~~ hi ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ u ~ f l ~ ~ ~ ~ n " l ? ~ ~ u ~ o ~ n l f ' I f l ? u ~ n . r d


1~6~1?illunir=vaa&vn~~iur$uu ~docrann'udiurr~i~udo~di

qLifl~tl:n'oddlLcuTllf"EtId! Q $ ~ 9 QUsl l od 5 B d d i L F i
Step 5 Proofreading and Editing
Proofreading and Editing

fi~~~ouvoiirn.rFi~u'8'nwf ttaruflvu'o~~wai~Cf
. rda

rfiu?n'U~?uin.rd nindiu~~0~(Lu~?0~?2 d~ LL ~~ ~ i iJ ~ a~ like i i did ~ n& ~~9 ~l Lr?fbJ

wu,y7'z~~au likes aa:

Step 6

does 4 ~ n ~ ~ u a ~ i ~ ~ n t ~ ~ ~ i~~ ~~ 1 u1 P ~u m ~ou n~ i

~-miiG~.-nmijmd ~dsni.rttn*v~a~a~uu~~lu I~~i~ ii~lii$umoud 6 IGo

Writing the Final oraft
Writing the Final Draft

~0#~~0u~~d~u~~d6nmr"a'I~ir"ruuiau ~l%uCf~r
~ ~ L L~ ~ L~ LR v( IL J~ R $~ ~ ~R o( u I && ?

J I ~ R ~ ~ Ru O~ ~ o d . r e ~ t u w ~ n l ~ ~ i i ~ uu ~du ~ 'L I~ ~r ~

ui~di.166 ~ u ~ ~ u d ~ m ~ & u 1 ~ ~ o d ~ u H nd P ~n ~ L wL ~~ rY j& ~~ ~~~~1j~~

My Classmate Maria Espinoza

I met and interviewed Maria Es~inoza in my ESL writina class in

Sprinq, 2004. She came from Cuba nine years ago t o join his only son and her two, qrandchildren. Maybe some dav she will return t o Cuba to visit her relatives, but she wants to make theunit& States her new home. Maria enjoys living in this country because she likes the political system and other things about this country. Also. she has more freedom to uo anywhere here than in her country such as t o the beach. the malls, o r to the movies. I n her free time, Maria likes to visit the Hawthorne Plaza with friends CIC clothes T, on , eat fri'es at Burqer because she can do some window S ~ ~ W ~trv Kina, and lauqh and talk with her f r i e d . Hawever, one thing she does not like about this country is the attitude of the teenagers. She says that teenagers do not respect their parents enough. I really enjoyed interviewing Maria: she is a very friendly and outgoing person. She smiles and laughs a lot. Her friendliness put me at ease at right away. We had a lot of fun together. I hope we will become good friends.

reeulsuo ula #q OJ JUBM querea q ~ oee m sr6iir.t ereq ewe:, punor0yaaq qseg : fipog

-'sdelsL e q Bulsn ~ fiq pepl~ord eulllno eql UWJ qdsr6~rad e BUIIIJM e:,lperd


r a " " w

nruunEp~~up:niiowro,np rqfi)noun?Rn;rHyn~rsnnct=rp
sse~6o~ 6u!$enle~g d PUB dn B u ~ M o ~ ~ ~ Lo de$s

: m nnynLrlsnnLru)rLuronnoun$oy ssar6o~dBugnlsn3 pua dn molloj

hate war and have bad memory of it going back to his country Writer's reaction

not mJoy life ,look very serious

understand his sadness about his country hope he accomplishes his future career and


hls country

ainlinuaG~diud I V ~ M ' ~ ~ ~ U I I . ~ ' ~7 " ~0uau~ni~luni~lflsu~7mnmd MB~O~~"J borl.1


The Main Idea The flrst sentence of a paragraph urpttalty states the matn Idea. For this asslgnment provlded above, a clear main Mee should be

The Body For this assignment provldcld, the body of a paragraph contains the two types of support: basic background infomatton and personal information such as
r i

interests and opinions. Therefore, the hody should be

Also, the writer's personal rea-n

and the conclusion should be

The answer : The possible paragraph of the assignment above should be as follows:

The maln Idea

Wang Lee is my new friend in my ESL writing class this semester.

The Body

He arrived here from Vietnam with his parents almost two years ago. He is very interested in engineering, and he dreams of being a successful engineer in the future H e likes engineering because he enjoys fixing things. A t homes he fixes whatever his family needs Wang Lee spends his free time playing basketball or soccer with his friends. Also, he likes the beach because it reminds him o f his former courltry, which he misses very much. When I asked about his childhood, a serious look appeared on his face. He said that because of the war in Indochina, fighting games with friends were popular. He did not say much more about his memories of the war, but I f e l t that he had many kinds of experiences relpted t o the war that have affected his life. He wants t o go back t o his country, but Vietnam is divided into two groups: one that supports the communist government and the other wants democracy.
The wrlter's reactlon and the conclusion

Very often, Wang lee does not enjoy his life, and I never see him smile. I could really understand Wang Lee's sadness about his country because my country Korea is in a similar situation. We talked about t h e future of our countries, and hopes f o r them: the belief that one day our countries will be united in democracy. When that time comes, we both want t o help t o restore peace and harmony in our lands. Somehow, knowing Wang Lee and talking t o him gave me hope f o r the future o f our two countries.

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