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Unit l o

The Essay
lntroduction to the Essay
What is the essay?
"Essay" is a piece of writing on one particular subject that is written by a student or by the writer for publication."

oin~iQ15mn~iuui~muuii'b<n~uii 'essay' ~ d J a "naiu6u;lnii;asiui!uuodi~

M ~ J L ~ ua~unisi~uueio~~dvi ~ L W (paragraph)

. w

~ ~ i j ~ r i n ~ u n i s i i ~ u C ( n ~nh?ao iun8~5u

n ' o ~ d ~ m n u u i ? u d s : ' b u n ~ i n a ii~ i~ ~ :~dash: ~ ~~ un~1~urt~udiinua:~~u~~~~i:~oi:o~

ira:luiau~eii~n'u~o nis~"ijunaiu~u~$um~~~Suinnii~~~d0~~bi8u!d ~&~oinCa-iia uianiu'n (subject) inaiu~ulunii~lnn~~unii~o~i.iluu'b~o~!6niu'bu~d~da~~i

n a i u Q i ~ i l u i ( o ~ C o ~ ~ i i ~ n a i u Z m ~7~u~~i!lunaiudadoe n?'i~uin 7 ~ ~ qn?iuZm i u ua:
~iusiam?iu~mdou$uui~iuu~~'~u~~d k a: id u a'essay' ~ ~ d v irriomlunnuanan~u~ii
a composition ~ ~ A ~ S J I U ~ ! ~ U ~ ( ~ ~ : ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ U~ ~ d~ ~~t H da ~ r I r~ ~~i O d iM~ ~ f i~o
w w


Part I: lntroduction

luriau~sli?uinnuo~~iui~uu l mu n i ? l d ~ i ~ a o : i ! u u ~ i u ~ ~ d ~ d (o u~ i~ t iIi/ i u
oioiiuuiau&in~~de 2 aGilG) i(6a~ds:nnu~ju~j~o (topic) ~~aznaiuf m i i ~ ~ i ( i naiunaiuniir qdo:Ca~iiunooni~un?~u:~iou
Part II: The Body or the Developmental Paragraphs

luh'?uuo:ds:nousi?u~aiuda~Gi i i w ? u d o r r h ~ u i a u ~ ~ d n ~ ~ i i ~ u a u msui? o : u i n ~ ~ a ~ a s 8 u o ( n " u n ? i u ~ ~ h ~ ~ ~ u ~ a ~ a ' b ~ ~ ~ iigu o~~ d~ ~~u nu aan!~ds:

~ i i u u n i c ~ m u k a2-4 ~ ~~JHGI ~o~i L ~ ~ R : B ~ M ~ ~ I ~ I J ~ ~ ~ I H G I ~ ~ I M ' U H ~ ~ a a m n h ~ i~i! h u u i a u o n a l ~ f i ~ ~ ~ u n ~ u o i 0 ~ ~ u u ~miui(l6dnwiuii~r3a 6~~iu~n~~lb: idui!uuluKnwtu:
causes, effects, reasons, examples, analysis, classifications, comparisons and contrasts, narration, or description

d '

Part Ill: The Conclusion

Conclusion ~adorrriiqcriiuua~n2iuisut LfiudarruinyLuuu~o~L!uu~!d
u dvsi

n?iu~niinil( 7n~rrualV?'$~iiui?nn.r~~~ ilirfh?und-ruui~ h closing word lud?uu

A Model Essay




The followlng model should help you understand clearly the form of an easy. The writer of the paragraph on movlegolng later decided to develop her subject more fully. Here is the essay that resulted.

The Hazards of Moviegoing

I am a movie fanatic. When friends want to know what picture won
the Oscar in 1989 or who played the police chief in Jaws, they ask me. My friends, though, have stopped asking me if I want to go out to the movies. The problems in getting to the theater, the theater itself, and the behavior

of some patrons are all reasons why I often wait for a movie to show up on TV. For one thing, just getting to the theater presents difficulties. Leaving a home equipped with a TV and a video recorder isn't an attractive idea on a humid Gold, or rainy night. Even if the weather cooperated, there is still a thirty- minute drive to the theater down a congested highway, followed by the hassle of looking for a parking space. And then there are the lines. After hooking yourself to the end of a human chain, you worry about whether

there will be enough tickets, whether you will get seats together, and whether many people will sneak into the line ahead of you. Once you have made it to the box office and gotten your tickets, you are confronted with the problems of the theater itself. If you are in one of the rundown older theaters, you must adjust to the musty smell of seldom-cleaned carpet$. Escaped springs lurk in the faded plush or cracked leather seats, and half the seats you sit in seem loose or tilted so tkat you sit at a strange angle. The newer twin and quad theaters offer their own

problems. Sitting in an area only one-quarter the size of a regular theater, moviegoers often have to put up with the sound of the movie next door. This is especially jarring when the other movie involves racing cars or a karate war and you are trying to enjoy a quiet love story. And whether the theater is old or new, it will have floors that seem to be coated with rubber cement. By the end of the movie, shoes almost have to be pried off the floor because they have become sealed to a deadly compound of spilled soda, hardening bubble gum, and crushed Ju-Jubes. Even more of a problem than the theater itself are some of the other patrons. Little kids race up and down the aisles, usually in giggling packs. Teenagers try to impress their friends by talking back to the screen, a whistling, and making what they consider to be hilarious noises. Adults act as if they were at home in their own living rooms and comment loudly on the ages of the stars or why movies aren't as good anymore. And people of all ages crinkle candy wrappers, stick gum on their seats, and drop popcorn tubs or cups of crushed ice and soda on the floor. They also cough and burp, squirm endlessly in their seats, file out for repeated trips to the rest rooms or concession stand, and elbow you out of the armrest on either side of your seat. After arriving home from the movies one night, I decided that I was not going to be a moviegoer anymore. I was tired of the problems involved in getting to the movies and dealing with the theater itself and other patrons.

V service installed in my home. I The next day I arranged to have cable l

may now see movies a bit later than other people, but I'll be more relaxed watching box office hits in the comfort of my own living room.

The Thesis Statement

ni.n~uun~iu~"ru~fi~cd~~Bu~n'~ni~~8uud0~u'id~1 (a ::s central i0~dn~iutmiiG~

point or a controlling idea) Ih::Iunna~n~n~iuflmrh@lu8o~h (paragraph) ~ ~ 1 6 u n i i

A Topic sentence r i ? u d ~ r ~ u n d u n m ~ n ~ i u t m h G q ~ u n ~ 1 1 ~ ~ The " r u Thesis ~~~~"runii


a~d~:nouci?un~iutmiiGqdnii~nii~u Topic

sentence k~aror6'a~~nn

~ ~ i u l i c i ? a i ~ r i i u o z ~ ~ u u ~ ~ ' u ~ ~ u n ~ i lu ~~ u~ m n~ 7 in u 't a nrZ iin u i~ y~u~~~~

A few points to remember about writing the thesis statement
I. The thesls statement should be expressed In a complete sentence. Since the
thesis statement is the main statement for the entire essay, it should express a complete thought; therefore, it should not be writkn as a question. Not a thesis statement: My fear of dark. Thesis statement:

My fear of dark has made my life miserable.

2. A thesls statement expresses an opinion, attltude, or idea; i t does not simply announce the topic the essay wlll develop.
Not a thesis statement: I am going to discuss the effects of radiatlon. Thesis statement:

The effects of radiation are often unpredictable.

3. A thesis statement should express an oplnlon; I t should not express a fact.

Since the thesis statement expresses an attitude, opinion, or idea about a topic, the thesis statement is really a statement that someone could disagree with. Therefore, the thesis statement is a statement that needs to be explained or proved. Not a thesis statement: Cows produce milk Thesis statement:'

The milk cows produce is not always flt for human consumption.

Not a thesis statement: There are many advantages and disadvantages to

going to college. (This is not an argue point.)

Thesis statement: The advantages to going to college far outweigh the disadvantages.


A thesis statement should express only one idea about topic; if a thesis

statement contains two or more ideas, the essay runs the risk of lacking unity and coherence. Not a thesis statement: Golng to college In the Mldwest can be fun, and I have found that llving in a suburb of a large city is the best way to live while at college. Thesis statement: Golng to college in the Midwest can be fun.

Practice Exercises Exercise 1 Study the following statements carefully. If the statement is a thesis

statement, write yes in the blank; if it is not a thesis statement, write no


The advantages of majoring in engineering. I would like to discuss my views on the Olympic Games. Students should be allowed to manage the bookstore. When I first came to the United States, I wasn't used to eating in fastfood places, and I was amazed at the shopping centers.



Why do I want to be a lawyer? The differences between Mandarin and Hunan dialects. Knowing a foreign language can be beneficial to anyone. This advertisement attempts to appeal to the reader's sense of patriotism.

7. 8.

9. 10.

I am going to describe my home.

There are many similarities and differences between New York and Hong Kong.

Exercise 2

Study the following statements, which are not thesis statements. Rewrite

each of the sentences to make it a thesis statement. The first one is done for you.

1. I am going to explain why I decided to go to college. Chooslng to go to college was a difficult declslon. 2. The hazards of storing chemical wastes

3. There are many similarities and differences between life in the country and life in the city.

4. New York City is the largest city in the United States.


Universities in the United States should require more humanities courses; they should also have more social activities

General Structure of an Essay

The essay just presented-"The Hazards of Moviegoing1'-is a good

example of the standar'd short essay you will write in college English. It is a composition of slightly over five hundred words that consists of a one-paragraph introduction, a three-paragraph body, and a one-paragraph conclusion. The roles of these paragraphs are described and illustrated below.

Introductory Paragraph of an Essay

oin model paragraph

LTaJ "The Hazard of Moviegoing" Cnflnsioz~Auii

1u8aa~ium~fluhu~~uz~i~iu ~~ ~u ~~ u~ u'n n" r~ nd ~~ u~ ri?hw&~ia~~~~u'I~rii~u

dv~Ao~~uni~~unia~~airb3~u k~uitu~~~loioIri~i~~udo:~'o~~Quu~usi Iiloin~~iu

i~udrrhn Thesis statement L 8 r b 3 0 1 d~
~IRU I i l f i L ~L~ T ~ ~ D J C U W ~ ( ~ ~ " L I $ ~ ~ ' O ~ D J ~L ~L~~~$~ J~ ?O ~L J$ L IB $U ~T UL ~~ ~ Thesis R ~U

~ ~ ~ ~ I R I ; U I ~ ~ I ~ U ~ L L ~ ~ S % ~ Y P T O L

J V ~statement J i Jtatement ~ L L M J Thesis


'6~uk21d~uardor~~uu1flu Introdudion i a ~ ~ a ~ r~wzn"~nid~~nduriwou"ondu~uii

s,JapeaJ aql peJUe o i pasn aJe samaluas q 3 ! q ~ u'6u!06a!~oyy 40 spJezeH aq1, ul .L

qde ~ 6 e ~ e d uo!l3npoJlul ~ ~ ~ ~ L ~ Y ~ U ~ ~ Z L ~ ~ E ~ L ~ ~L ~ ~~ L U L ~ ~ O R ~L U L IL I ~ O ~ ~ L L L~ U U

,LLPLLLLUO:?~OULY nng:rsrgnmLp;L
I r



rs u o L u n l Juawalels s!saql e r uy u ~ n p p F p ~ n ~ p P ~np oy nrg ny b n ~~ y 1 n L u L y n p e p nyinFLp o l n s ~ p ~ n ~ ~ u e f i n ~ y n ~ e b n o n ~ p r n n n r g ~ l o : L r p i unLLurovnnbsu_n qde~6e~ed uo!pnpoJlu! r e nL n y n e u i ~ luawalels


s!sarll r ~ r z P c u r ~ u n s p ln rp ~ e j c l r 2 n ~ ~ n g i r e y z o ~ t ~ ireg1 n~y:~ii

n n y py n ~ e u ~ n e y l n ~ p 5 u O ~ : e alnr~pylnap~n~pn~ibn~9~yn pi e~psu,~
rLurmnw n ~ e ! n ~ r u ~ nL
- 2 -

L U ~ ~ ~ ~ I A : ' ~ ~q~ de A~ U 6 e~ ~e C uo!pnpoJ)ul d~ P O ~ ~ uy ~ .p


l s k l s t n UO!J~~POJIU! n L p n l wawalels s!saql nnbiylLpzniioa L y r n n E l n y

k ~ n u ~ u ~ n ~ u ~~ i r~ny~" i?~~~ ~ ~ r e ~ r a ~ luaulalels , ~ ~ i s!saql e u ~ e U u ~ ~ p ~ ~

~pn~znr~e~n 2 u ~ u n r r un ~~ ~n np nrl ~ ~ rpl ~ n~ i ig n ~ i n n ~ i u ~ r e n n a g ~ n ~ i
zarrrL n luaualas s!saql nnpr~unl~lrgpu~un~ieyr~erg;enu_nnsn,bn y zNll !@UULL~Iuawalels S!SaUl ?t@jzLpnL$fiEl qde~6e~ed h0lDnpoJlul UV '
saldwexa JO suoseaJ '33aP 3 asnm 'uo!~du3sap 'uo!leJJeu r e n n n i i n p n ~ r g ~ l z n n f l nR i nreri
-'"X P

mrrn~~unl~pn~ruyln~p~uen~ey qz de n~ ~6p ei ~e ~h d pon ln ~p io ~ l u l u v



r ~ z ~ e ~ n n ~ i j r mrb ~o un ~ ~~~un ~ u inr e ~ r~i n ~~ i n n ~ p z n ~ r n ~ i n ~ ~ ~


~ p ~ p u ~ : a ~ n ~ n ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ n ~ p ~ n , ~ y ~ ~z ey ~ Ln! ie~~~~rnue~uu n~gnoun~preyznn~~ olnsLpylna~iuyu~royznLnuyu~~uriinLg jzu~i nEizNii

m ; i w L u n ~ r @ ~ L p z n i i ~ L ~ H L ~q ~ d~ eL ~6 pe P ~ie ~ h do i l m p o ~ l u lu v ' L

A ' LLU ~ u a u a ~ es!saql ls

nr~neynaiuriin~prennou:~py~e:mn~~~nn nzuly ~i~~ n , ~, L nL ~ P~ LL ~~ ~ ~y ~ e n L p n e r L y L r p ~ o L n ~ n UO!I~~POJJU! ey r e n n L g n l u lP u m Rereuzn *

2. The thesis in "The Hazards of Moviegoing" is presented in the

a. third sentence b. fourth sentence

3. Does the thesis contain a plan of development? a. YES b. NO

4. Write down the words in the thesis that announce the three major supporting points

in the essay:


Prewriting: Planning

\dadoin introduction paragraph ~fluri7ua~n~$diu60dd7~nau tts:6ad&'nluloii

r:diwdo~~w~a~i~un"i)~~siau~~~nd~riun'u linhwiui~nu~n~i~ilu~au~~iuusinuin
L w s ~ ~ ~ D ~ L ~ [ I ~ ~ $ ~ ~ LM~ ( D~ ~ OJ ~ L L~ R R L J LL ~ ?~W R ~A R ~ ~


1 w ~ i e w 7 n ~ d a ln mi n u~ l ~ I ~ ~ A ~ F inth -rull

d u,

w'jiu6~dauin % I diuda%.J
nd d

aanuu Introduction paragraph m ~ i s o ~ ~ u u ~ d iw r ia Ci( f~i u a l 6 siu k ! 4 i t

1. The "Turnabout" L O U ~ I V ~ U ~ ~ L U ~ ~ L O I ~ ~ : L R U ~ ~ W I J ~ ~ ~ ~ ' I ~ ~


When we were very young, we believed that parents could do no wrong. Indeed, they seemed to us to be perfect human beings who knew all the answers to our problems and who could solve any problems that we had. However, as we grow older, we find that parents can make mistakes, too.
a d d


The "Dramatlc Entrance" i~uamuuun~auun:uuriuhuni~~iidor nq~

(written by Pamela Moran) dvd a

wssnrui ~ i f o l $ ~ a a e i i ~ A ~ 6 u a ~ a 4 K u d ~ ~ ~ r e ~ " i j u ~ ~ ~ a o e i i ~

Last year, my cousin, Julio, went to a bank to apply for a job. As you know, when you apply for a job, you must be ready to answer a lot of ambiguous questions. Some of the questions that an interviewer may ask you include: educational background, previous jobs, and salaries you earned. The problem with Julio was that he wasn't prepared for the questions. The interviewer asked

Julio a lot of things that he couldn't answer. Because Julio wasn't prepared for the interview, he didn't get the job. If you do not want to be in that situation, you may want to follow these steps. (written by Mauricio Rodriguez)

3. The "Relevant Quotation"


~ ~ u n su<u$uiu~i i 3 l ~ sni3un~iw"d LWu ~ r n i k v i 5 o

ll~rlonhgyq 1~iu~n~nnuaeu~mnic~1uoq~~~~i]~~~~a Rj&ndid ~'i]~~u611~dilr~iu

"We are moving to the city!" These are the words of many villagers today. When they are asked to give reasons for their movement, they simply reply that life in the city is more developed than that in the village. In the city, there are communication, transportation, education and medical services. Also there are more chances for jobs. I positively agree with these people, but have these people thought about their lives and health? Have they thought about the danger that might happen to their children? It might not be during the first six months of living, but in the future when the city becomes more inhabited by different people of different nationalities and when the streets get crowded with cars. Although the village is lacking some of the services mentioned above, it still the best of environment for me to live in.
4. The "Funnel" ~ ~ w a a L u ~ u l n t r o d u c t i o n n ~ 3 3 u m aarnuroasn&ndiai? i~inn~
ad A



~wnr~iluni~~ioudhin~i.awnii~~ nd r i~ ~e ~~ d~ ar u na ds ~~~l o uu ~ a n c ~ u d m o u u w uo~~~otnii~d~maria qi ~ l r~~ n i iu] ~ ~ d ~ r ~ i ] o i l ~ n ~ i u ~ ~ ~ 3 ni3 mIuiau~ai~~m ~iiiauIu~nnanrrtilr~i]~kuoin~'i]naiudinaiu~uiuni? q~d~~~~~Fiaondia~~aiu)rluiu d' ~ ~ n qu~a % ~ iu'onaiad~oir~win ov uu naiu~mii~d6a~ni~ilr~iuuldd31nfi
dclsn thesis statement adoirdud3r~on~mn'iu'Iu introductory paragraph k<aadir
Traveling to a foreign country is always interesting especially if it is a country that is completely different from your own. You can delight in tasting new foods, seeing new sights, and learning about different customs, some of which may seem very curious. If you were to visit my country; for instance, you would probably think that my people have some very strange customs, as these three examples will illustrate.

ainihodiilJu un~nuiozwuii$~8uu~u$u~~uzo0i$diu~~u?~uho~ "ni, ~GuniilJludiilJr~au~ ~ilud.rzlunu.rn U


2 "

~ U Y ~ ~ ~ U L B ~ U L L ~ ~ L ~ ~ J U - I L ~ U ~ ~ ~ ~ J ~ ~ ~ ~ J ~ . ~ T . L

Jrz~n~uailJ~~8uuroilJ & ~ ~ o 0 i m i uh%"n la "strange" ~ h ~ d ~ ~ u c u $ ? $ o l 6 o d i i l ~ az\Kndi?daldluhuuoilJ The body d o z ~ o a d 3 d o v ~ %LLRRJ h dn~~inz~d~ninh

b ~ r u r ~ i ~ u n i s ~ ~ o u d ~ u ~ ~L 3~ nU uo J n?mui i~l O ~n~i uiul~~?dirh&~ndo u {

nnunh w ~ o u n i l ~ u o n c J d i u h ~ z a ~ a ~ ~ % ~ ~ u ~ ~ u n ? i u ~ a k i ~ q ~ ~ u n i ~ n m

~ u d ~ d o m ~ . m n ~ u i d ~ i n ~ ~ n nthesis ~ ~ ~statement u~~ud ~~ in ~~ ' Ir u i~ ni u i s n ~ ~ u r i i ~Gul6 n ? ~ ~ . 6 " 3 % ~ 1 d i d d n ' ~ i u ~ uM i uP ~~ ) r~( ~ Ao Iu ~ dnnglnmilJ~uilJluddu? thesis statement
The Developmental Paragraphs (the body)

t :

L L N ~ J ~ ~ I U G~inG?oljiilJ ~ ~ ~ L M Q Q ~ ~ U

v u t ui~~udi~~zn'nun?iu)r(uiuu~ilJ traveling .LLR~AI count~6dincuui

luhuuo4 developmental paragraphs

d a

t : M j a the body M u L ~ ~ ( i ? ~ ~ i l l M ~ i l d

~rciumiu~nhniyl~(iiu~"~~on 6~~o!uiu o u i n ~ ~ l<6hadiil~ a ~iodi~~n~iulnA~~6

n?iu~iawCndncii?\ilw thesis statement 1 4 0 I ~ ~ d i u ~ rr5ndn~iurAumjosmiu fiIo ~~4uuIKu1ndty

~iu?uuoil~d~~~i~u~~uibrozd~vii~~u" aud ~n dn du nh ~ ~~ d~ ~ u a u m i u ~ ~
~~u~u 7n 1~ i7 $ioL t G U ~L JL 2-3 ~
L~OHGIUQJ supporting

points L ~ ~ z n i 3 ~ 8 u u i ~ ~ ~ l n a


1. l u a d n z d o ~ l i i o z r i o i l ~ d n ~ i u l asilJ~~~n?'lu?i~~~~iiuu h6~~f 2. n?iu'lahniynddnnalud3zIun Topic sentence o z ~ o i l J ~ o ~ ~ i l J % n ? i f i

Menlu thesis statement L d UI U thesis statement ncji?il 'Cigarette smoking

is a destructive habit." n

3. d3znl3y~"iu udclzdo~Giazkatd unity 8 ~ h e r e n c e uclzhGuuoilJqn7do

d t 2

n~i6ozn'oilJdn~iusi0~da~n~nr~uilJ~in1an?iundni7~uin1d1r(i ~oucrliolurna
w u w


n t h k u~zudnzdo~iincn0~l.a'~~n~nnrfi~u~n"~~uni~~8oud~~u'i~~ ncii3uiL L ~ ~ U O ~ D U $ U

Exercise 4. Look at the model paragraph again, and answer the following questions.
1. What is the topic sentence for the first body paragraph?

2. The first topic sentence is then supported by details about (fill in the missing words):

3. What is the topic sentence for the second supporting paragraph?

4. The second topic sentence is then supported by details about (fill in the missing

a. Problems of the old theaters (mustiness and b. Problems of new theaters ( c. Problem of old and new theaters (

and sound of adjoininn movie1

5. What is the topic sentence for the third body paragraph>

6. The third topic sentence is then supported by details about (fill in the missing words) a. Patrons ( kids, ,and

b. Distractions caused bv people of all aqes

Exercise 5 Study the following thesis statements. On a separate sheet of paper,

brainstorm on two of them. Then write out at least three possible topic sentences for the two thesis statements.

1. Learning English isn't easy. 2. My country has some of the most beautiful sights you will ever see.
3. Being unemployed can cause people to lose their self-respect.
4. You can see some unusual people on the bus.

5. Students whose native language is not English may face many problems that

English speakers do not encounter

6. People go to shopping centers for many reasons.

The Conclusion
The conclusion f

l o d 0 ~ l j i ~ v i i ~ l 6 d i ~ S i ~ ~ d ~ & ~ i f fqi d ~~ ~ n6 Sn i di?1~n do~~i~~dorsiot~n?iu~ahii~'I~~ndo~u'~uin~i?~~d~nn~~'Ia~~ u J U d n?lun~a'u ?R?UL L ~ ~ ~ J L ~ U ~ O H U ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ L ~ U ~ ~ I T ~ ~ L R W D R ? ~ ~ ~ ~ dad d n-ua o d i ~ ~ ~ ~ a i u u ? a ~ a u ~ d ~ ~ u '@ i~ ~J ~Md c f n ? ~ d ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ n d ~ ~
Some points about concluslons should follow logically:-

1. A conclusion can restate the main points (subtopics) discussed. This restatement
should be brief; after you have already discussed them at length.
2. A conclusion can restate the thesis. Generally, to avoid sounding repetitious, it is a

good idea to restate the thesis in different words. The restatement of the thesis is really a reassertion of its importance or validity.
3. A conclusion should not, however, bring up a new topic.

Exercise 6 From a model essay, answer the questions.

1. Which two sentences in the concluding paragraph restate the thesis and supporting

points of the essay? a. First and second b. Second and third c. Third and fourth

2. Which sentence contains the concluding thought of the essay?

a. First c. Third

b. Second
d. Fourth

Exercise 7

The following are thesis statements, their supporting topic sentences, and

conclusions. Study each conclusion to determine if it is logical. If the conclusion is not appropriate, write not good in the blank and also write the reason it is not good. If the conclusion is appropriate, simply write loglcal in the blank.
1. Thesis Statement: Watchlng television i s not a waste of time.

a. It is a valuable educational tool. b. It provides entertainment to cheer us up. c. It provides something our family can have in common t discuss.

Critics of television will continue to put down the "boob tube." But, because of its educational value, its entertainment value, and its supply of things we can discuss together, our family is going to continue watching television for a long time, and so should others. Indeed, watching television is a good way to spend one's time.


Thesls Statement:

Communicating in a foreign language can create some

embarrassing misunderstandings.
a. Mispronouncing words can lead to real embarrassment.

b. Misunderstanding what someone says to you can create amusing problems. c. Misusing vocabulary words can really ,make you blush.

Eveiyone who speaks a foreign language is bound to have misunderstandings from time to time. What you need to do is go to the laboratory as often as

you can to improve your language skills. The people there are very nice, and they will help you with your grammar and pronunciation.

3. Thesis Statement:

In order to make a good impression at a job interview,

you should prepare well for the interview. a. The first thing you should do is plan your answers to the posslble questions the interviewers might ask. b. Then you should carefully plan and prepare what you are going to wear. c. Finally you should make sure that you arrive on time.

As you can see, it is necessary to be well prepared for the job interview. Having the answers ready, being properly dressed, and being on time can all help to make a good impression on the interviewer. If you follow these steps, you will find yourself sitting behind the desk at that coveted job in no time at all.

Diagram of an Essay Th following diagram shows you at a glance the different parts
of a standard college essay.


Opening remarks Thesis Statement Plan of development

Topic sentence (supporting point 1)


Service evidence

(supporting paragraphs) Topic sentence (supporting point 2)


Service evidence

(supporting paragraphs)

Topic sentence (supporting point 3)


Service evidence

(supporting paragraphs)


General Closing remarks.

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