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Members in attendance: Ann Marie McArthur, Chair Ann Moore, Vice Chairman Ira Hutchinson John McNelis Heidi Ross Larrestine Trimm Members Absent: George Pace Guest: Eliza Mercado Staff: Nancy Jackson Loretta G. Colson 1. CALL TO ORDER Chair, Ann Marie McArthur, called the meeting to order at 12:05 p.m. 2. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Heidi Ross noted that on Item 6 Members Comments/Announcements, City Council members name should be corrected to read as Jeff Weninger. Correction was noted. John McNelis had a question on Item 5 Briefing Items, line item c) Review of members terms. He questioned if members term for the committee is indeed no term limits. Nancy Jackson stated that information was obtained from the City Clerks office, a member has a three year term which is automatically renewed unless member resigns. The position of Chair and Vice Chair do have term limits. Ann Moore MOVED to approve the amended minutes of April 17, 2012 SECONDED by Ira Hutchinson. Motion approved unanimously by all board members.

3. SCHEDULED/UNSCHEDULED PUBLIC APPEARANCES/CALL TO PUBLIC Nancy introduced staff member, Eliza Mercado, as guest for the meeting and indicated that Eliza had recently been promoted to Recreation Coordinator I and would be assisting with the Senior Expo. 4. ACTION AGENDA a. Election of Officers Ann Marie indicated next item is election of officers. John McNelis MOVED to keep the same officers as previous year. Larrestine Trimm SECONDED the motion. The motion was then unanimously approved by all board members. b. Election of 2013 Senior Expo Chairman Nancy reviewed the responsibilities and duties of Senior Expo Chairman. Ira Hutchinson volunteered to take on the duties of the Senior Expo Chairman. The motion was unanimously approved by all board members. c. 2013 mission statement Nancy handed out mission statement that was formulated last year and read it to the committee. John McNelis MOVED to accept last years mission statement for this year. Ann Moore SECONDED the motion. Heidi Ross inquired if the statement was accurate and inquired if frequent communication between the Senior Center and City Council on senior issues, such as affordable senior housing and other issues, was happening. Ann Marie stated that she has had discussions with the City Council and Mayors office regarding senior services and access to information. Heidi stated in comparison to other cities there is no formal senior services program in Chandler. Nancy informed that she is currently working with her supervisor on a business plan for the Senior Center to find out what resources are wanted and needed. Heidi stated that social services still need to be addressed out of the Senior Center and a social worker to possibly implement such program. Nancy stated that in regards to the mission statement, the Expo provides vendors and sponsors with services, resources and information to seniors to improve the quality of life; however, there is no formal line of communication to the Mayor and City Council on this event. Ann Marie stated that she would speak to the Mayors office and present information on the quality of life issues being addressed by the Aging Committee. Ann Moore proposed to have a suggestion box at the Expo for the seniors to submit feedback on issues and ideas that concern them. Ann Marie inquired about having a box at the library or other public facilities to gather information from the general public. Nancy suggested having boxes out the entire month of March. John McNelis

inquired if these goals were in addition to the mission statement. Nancy stated the mission statement will stay as is; these are individual goals of the committee. Ann Moore suggested that advertisement in church bulletins would be a good source of communication for the Senior Expo. Everyone agree. Ann Marie inquired of there is a motion to accept the two goals the first being to establish a formal line of communication with the Mayor and City Council and the second goal, to increase communication with the general public about the focus of the committee. Ira Hutchinson MOVED to accept the two goals, SECONDED by Heidi Ross. All members approved with except for John McNelis who opposed. Motion passed. d. Non-profit vendor fee of $15 Ann Marie inquired how many non-profits were at last years Expo. Nancy stated about 10 vendors were non-profit. Ira Hutchinson MOVED to charge non-profits a $15 vendor fee for the Senior Expo, SECONDED by John McNelis. Unanimously approved by all members. . 5. BRIEFING ITEMS a. Treasurers Report Nancy handed out copies of last years budget summary. The balance carried forward from 2010/11 was $82.60, revenue for 2011/12 was $4,320.00, expenditures were $2,406.65, resulting with a balance for this year of $1,995.95. Nancy stated check $1,000 received, resulting with current balance of $2,995.95. Questions were asked on advertising costs and sources used for advertising. Nancy said that she would get more information of the advertising for the next meeting. b. 2012 Expo Event Evaluation review Nancy stated that last years evaluation indicated the following: -desire to get new vendors and acquire more sponsors -charge non-profits $15 -improve PA system and use white board for raffle -improve vendor arrival and eliminate parking in circle -get blood pressure and glucose checks moved to different site -not have as many volunteers to help I was noted that supplies were fine. It was also suggested to start soliciting sponsors early and make sure vendors bring a raffle prizes upon arrival. c. Review To-Do list Nancy reviewed sponsorship packet and stated if anyone wants to review or assist in getting new sponsors, she can supply with them with packets. Ann Marie commented that a very receptive organization is Chandler Business Alliance which is comprised of small business owners whose mission is to network with other business and give back to the community. Ann Marie stated she will attend a meeting with them later this week and present them with a sponsorship packet. Nancy stated that review of the ToDo list will be tabled until the next meeting.

6. MEMBERS COMMENTS/ANNOUNCEMENTS 7. INFORMATION ITEMS None. 8. CALENDAR Next meeting will be on December 18, 2012 9. ADJOURNMENT John McNelis MOVED meeting to be adjourned and SECONDED by Ira Hutchinson. Meeting adjourned at 1:05 p.m.

_____________________________ Ann Marie McArthur Chairman

________________________ Loretta G. Colson

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