Textual Analysis Music Video 3 Rizzle Kicks

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Textual Analysis Music Video (3)

The video I have chosen to analyse for this textual analysis is by another duo that go by the name of Rizzle Kicks. The song, titled Dreamers is a piece by the duo however the video in which I have chosen to analyse is in fact not the original. It is one they created for the game console PSP. The reason I have chosen this video is the fact that it is set in Brighton and London with both members of the band starring in it and clearly showing the journey they are on to get to their destination intended. I believe this to relate to our media groups piece of work as we too are planning to film in Brighton with the idea of our character set out on a chosen journey. With an establishing shot of Brighton pier to begin the video and the word Brighton appearing in the bottom left hand corner, an instant establishment has been made. The target audience viewing the video can then see where one of the men has begun his journey, However the difference is the fact that the other member of the duo is in a different place to his friend, then having to make a different individual trip to their final location eventually with the plan to meet. The beginning shots cross cut between both men, one in Brighton and one in London, and the activities they are participating in at

the start of the day. The sun rising is a clear indication their day is beginning. Close-ups and extreme close-ups are captured of both individuals faces and a clear establishment that there are only two members participating in the journey is seen. Product placement is highly involved in this video due to it being based around the PSP game console product. Therefore as the audience, we are able to witness both immediately playing the console at the start of their day. This can highly influence the audiences opinions and desires for the console as a band such as The Rizzle Kicks are becoming more popular and well known, therefore allowing their fans to perhaps consider the games themselves as an admired band of theirs does so. Low angle shots are used with cross dissolve allowing the audience to see what each of the duo are playing and the close-ups of their faces are seen to be highly entertained by the games in which they have chosen each varying in genre. This then shows a range of choice in the games available. This further highlights the product placement and advertisement in the video. Low angle shots are seen when both members of the duo run to their next destination as we can

witness the speed they are travelling at and their facial expressions and emotions at the time, being the expressions of urgency they possess. One of the members happens to look more panicked and hurried in contrast with the other, when cross-cutting takes place to show the other individual having fun and playing around the Brighton location with many Brighton features visible in the background and surrounding him; especially on the pier. The weather in these shots happens to look bright and sunny creating a positive state of mind for the audience and further enjoyment of the song. The video is sped up at some points to highlight the haste of situations occurring and to hurry along certain scenes, such as a taxi ride that would have taken too long to show the whole ride and would allow the audience to lose interest. Extreme close-ups are used in many scenes and these are used to provide the audience with the knowledge of how each of them is feeling, due to the expressions on their faces, or what they are doing at the time, possibly eating or travelling yet still playing the game. The video as a whole has very short shots in many points and very rushed or hasty scenes, all being used to highlight the urgency of the two men attempting to reach their destination and the journeys they take in order to reach it. Fast running and the use of cross cutting along with close up of both mens faces, have been taken from various angles to further stress the rush and

panic of one of the men, compared to the other who calmly sits and relaxes in settings such as cafes and hairdressers. As the audience we are able to realise it was the individual who was based in London, feeling rushed for the fact he has to reach Brighton, where his band mate is already situated. With the constant use of the PSP console throughout, the PSP and games happen to look like the most important point of the video and is clearly there to advertise yet allow the audience to enjoy the video and possibly relate. At one point of the video, one member walks past another passenger on the train that also happens to be playing the console; this fully allows all attention to be focused on the console and intrigue the audience. Close ups and extreme close ups are used right the way through the video, many of them highlighting the importance of a situation. This can be when the clock is shown to stress the time and the rush one of the members is in along with the two microphones in another, underlining where the duo are meant to be heading to. The tracking speed of the camera varies when the duo have made it to the same place. One is more gradual and calm with the other still rushing and moving faster to show his hastiness. This comes

to a stop when both men finally meet. It creates a sense of relief for them which is clearly shown, along with the audience who can then understand where they have been intending on getting to and the positivity of them finally meeting lifts the mood of the video. The final shot consists of the two members finally arriving on stage which has always been their intention. The shot is a low angle with a blue tinted light highlighting them as finally run on stage to a crowd of people awaiting them. This highlights the verisimilitude of the video as a whole, as the realism of them at their concert takes place for the audience to see. With this being the end scene of the video, it leaves the target audience with an optimistic feeling due to the storyline coming to an end with a positive feeling.

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